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Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2

Just me personally, I did not invest in any of Arie’s couplings. My dislike of #Liars is from each of their individual actions and then strengthened by how they have acted as a couple. IMO.

I hope they stay together, it protects other people from dating them. IMO.
by stuckinsc
on Fri Mar 23, 2018 11:11 am
Search in: Bachelor 22 - Arie - Lauren General Discussion
Topic: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2
Replies: 952
Views: 64094

Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2

stuckinsc wrote:I love Eddie from Ohio, but this song reminds me of #Liars and their behavior.

laugh out loud laugh out loud laugh out loud

Totally. Nailed it.

I can’t get over “look at how these Spanish people work out!!!” Like, wtf? So condescending. I guess better than being a fat/lazy American. My gawd. 

by sosleepy
on Wed Mar 21, 2018 9:14 pm
Search in: Bachelor 22 - Arie - Lauren General Discussion
Topic: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2
Replies: 952
Views: 64094

Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2

ReneeM wrote:There are people who really struggle with going to gym for fear of being mocked. That video isn't cute or funny at all. IMO Lauren and Arie just don't seem to be very nice people. All Jmo.

#Liars continue to show how mean spirited they are. And while Lauren has a rockin body, Arie is just a few big meals from a dad bod. Perhaps Arie should try going in the gym instead of mocking those who are in the gym? IMO.
by stuckinsc
on Wed Mar 21, 2018 9:04 pm
Search in: Bachelor 22 - Arie - Lauren General Discussion
Topic: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2
Replies: 952
Views: 64094

Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2

I love Eddie from Ohio, but this song reminds me of #Liars and their behavior.
by stuckinsc
on Wed Mar 21, 2018 8:54 pm
Search in: Bachelor 22 - Arie - Lauren General Discussion
Topic: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2
Replies: 952
Views: 64094

Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2

{@=590}sosleepy{/@} Because it's just, like, so funny that this stranger is wearing short shorts to the gym! Lauren, like, literally can't! Gotta expose and mock this poor guy to ~500k followers because {#}Liars{/#} have nothing else to do or talk about!

by Guest
on Wed Mar 21, 2018 8:38 pm
Search in: Bachelor 22 - Arie - Lauren General Discussion
Topic: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2
Replies: 952
Views: 64094

Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2

I am not out to destroy them. I think they are #Liars, but I think that could either make them perfect or eventually turn on each other.

The women have been very respectful to Lauren even when she has not been to Becca, IMO. No one has blamed her for anything. It is hard to be friends with a person who is closing them self off. She even ranted about her friend Jacqueline. Perhaps Lauren was not friendly? Either is an equal possibility. IMO.

IMO, Arie was shady and lied to Becca about house hunting and other stuff. IMO, It is okay to call Arie out on his lies. That is in no way disrespectful to Lauren, IMO, I also don’t find calling out someone’s bad behavior disrespectful anyway.

IMO, Arie and Lauren have chosen to play up how happy they are and how this was great for them without showing much concern for Becca. Honestly IMO, for all the lies and inconsistencies in their stories I think they have gotten off pretty easy. They are lucky that Becca chose to be gracious and not a woman scorned like DeAnna did in her bachelorette lead up, again IMO.
by stuckinsc
on Tue Mar 20, 2018 12:54 am
Search in: Bachelor 22 - Arie - Lauren General Discussion
Topic: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2
Replies: 952
Views: 64094

Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2

SarahD wrote:The sweet couple obviously playing up for the cameras. IMO I think Arie seems to have looked towards paps before canoodling for the cameras. Of course, someone had to tip off the paps where they will be. *IMO* I wonder who did that? Rolling Eyes They look so naturally in love.

sosleepy wrote:#liars is the perfect couple name for these two! Let’s make it happen, peeps! laugh out loud


#Liarie perfect hashtag

Topics tagged under liars on - Page 3 1646190589

I believe Arie and Lauren notified the paps...that whole filmed WTF-ever was totally staged before they even walked out of the hotel.

Topics tagged under liars on - Page 3 1646190589
on Sun Mar 18, 2018 6:22 pm
Search in: Bachelor 22 - Arie - Lauren General Discussion
Topic: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2
Replies: 952
Views: 64094

Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2

SarahD wrote:The sweet couple obviously playing up for the cameras. IMO I think Arie seems to have looked towards paps before canoodling for the cameras. Of course, someone had to tip off the paps where they will be. *IMO* I wonder who did that? Rolling Eyes They look so naturally in love.

sosleepy wrote:#liars is the perfect couple name for these two! Let’s make it happen, peeps! laugh out loud


#Liarie perfect hashtag

That video...seriously.  Topics tagged under liars on - Page 3 1838857674  They see someone filming them, while they wait for someone else to come and film them. To me it all just looks like they are trying way too hard to convince everyone...including themselves. I wonder how long they will be able to keep it up before we hear rumors of fights and Lauren's jealousy towards Courtney?
by Sprite
on Sun Mar 18, 2018 4:43 pm
Search in: Bachelor 22 - Arie - Lauren General Discussion
Topic: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2
Replies: 952
Views: 64094

Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2

The sweet couple obviously playing up for the cameras. IMO I think Arie seems to have looked towards paps before canoodling for the cameras. Of course, someone had to tip off the paps where they will be. *IMO* I wonder who did that? Rolling Eyes They look so naturally in love.

sosleepy wrote:#liars is the perfect couple name for these two! Let’s make it happen, peeps! laugh out loud


#Liarie perfect hashtag
by SarahD
on Sun Mar 18, 2018 3:23 pm
Search in: Bachelor 22 - Arie - Lauren General Discussion
Topic: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2
Replies: 952
Views: 64094

Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2

#liars is the perfect couple name for these two! Let’s make it happen, peeps! laugh out loud

by sosleepy
on Sun Mar 18, 2018 1:48 pm
Search in: Bachelor 22 - Arie - Lauren General Discussion
Topic: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2
Replies: 952
Views: 64094

Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2

I think all of us can agree, we are glad that Arie and Becca are done. No reason to stay in an unfulfilling relationship.

I dislike that Arie kept pretending he was happy with Becca when he wasn’t. Yes talking about her moving to Arizona is pretending to be happy, IMO. He admits to checking Lauren’s IG ten times a day, if you are doing that you should respect the person you are with enough to break up with them then, IMO.

Finally, since #Liars can’t get their story straight, IMO, I believe there was a lot of contact before mid January. I am not monkey jumping a man who I wasn’t sure if he was still in a committed relationship or not. Unfortunately for these two, IMO, they should have pretended a little better they hadn’t been creeping around behind Becca’s back, if they want me to like them. IMO, #Liars are both selfish and self-centered enough that they only care about themselves. Good for them, but I will not support them or find them cute. When I look at them I see deceit and find them gross. All JMO.

I am glad Becca is free of Arie. I personally believe in karma, she will take care of #Liars in her own time frame and I don’t need to worry about it. Again IMO.
by stuckinsc
on Sun Mar 18, 2018 1:31 pm
Search in: Bachelor 22 - Arie - Lauren General Discussion
Topic: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2
Replies: 952
Views: 64094

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