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Bachelor New Zealand - Matilda

This was just tweeted and responded to by Matilda on her Twitter account.

Carpe Diem
20m20 minutes ago
Carpe Diem ‏@UFBchick
So is the rumours right @MatildaRice is the Winner & they have already split..... #TheBachelorNZ

@UFBchick don't believe everything you hear!
by Katiebelle
on Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:41 am
Search in: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Season 1 - Contestants
Topic: Bachelor New Zealand - Matilda
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Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

ElonM wrote:"I think he knows who he loves" - Poppy. #TheBachelorNZ

Who is it? Hugesmile

That is pretty huge for Poppy to say!! I think the girls knew on some level. Poppy HAD to have known. She was on the date with Matilda... Alysha and Dani were always separated from Matilda on group dates that weren't all-girls group dates.

She was classy with her exit.

I keep going back to what Danielle said in her interview that Matilda has this in the bag. I think as time went on the girls realized that Matilda and Art hadn't kissed yet so they were probably confused from the first episode of how they saw Art with Matilda and then it took so long for him to have his second date and first date with Matilda that he was able to establish connections with the other girls in that time. But then Matilda and him kissed and it was back to trying to compete with Matilda.

Poppy said in Ep 5, Matilda is ahead of the game.
In Ep 1, she said, When Matilda gets a rose from Arthur, the Arthur radar goes on a little stronger.

How these girls even bothered staying other than just to compete in the hopes of changing Art's mind is beyond me. If I was one of those girls and saw how Art looked at Matilda I would have packed my bags and wished them such happiness. I wouldn't want to be second choice. That Dani and Alysha don't know how Art is with Matilda makes sense because they haven't been around him with her enough like Poppy has. And Dani is such a friendly person she doesn't see it as competing.

Brigette said in her interview: Matilda or Dani because they were the only one's with genuine feelings for Art. I agreed then and still do. Alysha doesn't look Art in the eye at all. She says things without looking him eye to eye. And Art doesn't look in her eyes either. Even when they were facing each other they were looking past each other in the hug. It was strange, imo. Like they are not being honest with themselves. And Art is someone who definitely likes to look people in their eyes.
by AllAboutLove
on Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:47 am
Search in: Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Art Green - Archived
Topic: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*
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Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*


The Bachelor NZ ‏@TheBachelorNZ 2h2 hours ago
Goodbye Poppy we will miss you! #TheBachelorNZ

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by ElonM
on Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:35 am
Search in: Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Art Green - Archived
Topic: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*
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Views: 30893

Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

ElonM wrote:Interesting.  Smoke screened? He's from the Edge Show

Dominic Harvey ‏@DomHarvey  1m1 minute ago
After tonight's episode I'm starting to think Alysha could win this thing! #TheBachelorNZ

He was the one that got told off by Matilda on Twitter
by Katiebelle
on Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:19 am
Search in: Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Art Green - Archived
Topic: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*
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Views: 30893

Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Interesting. Smoke screened? He's from the Edge Show

Dominic Harvey ‏@DomHarvey  1m1 minute ago
After tonight's episode I'm starting to think Alysha could win this thing! #TheBachelorNZ
by ElonM
on Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:16 am
Search in: Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Art Green - Archived
Topic: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*
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Views: 30893

Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

She is campaigning for Ken giggling

Nicola Reid ‏@NicolaReid6 6m6 minutes ago
Hey I dont remember Big Ken getting a bracelet ! @MatildaRice #ThebachelorNZ

@NicolaReid6 totally missed the boat on that one. He could do with a lovely new pendant too.
by ElonM
on Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:58 am
Search in: Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Art Green - Archived
Topic: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*
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Views: 30893

Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

@poppy_fcs Bikini-time! My friend's are a bunch of babes. 'All girls are beautiful inside and out' @therealdanigram @matootles @alyshajadebrown #thebachelornz #fitandthick 8minTopics tagged under thebachelornz on - Page 23 11142722_812431778843438_1220832873_n

Poppy just posted this! This is exactly how Bach Aussie S2 did their Woman's Day covers last year when they got to F4. It was all about Sam and then they had their top 4 girls on their cover and Sam was next to Blake. The show is ending soon. No wonder they had Art and Matilda on their Woman's Day cover for April 27 week. The show ends May 6. They have to go with the end of the show to correspond with the timeline.

This cover definitely makes me think that Matilda is F1. She and Poppy are in the middle. I would give Poppy F2 spot based on her intro video pre-first date and based on Art only asking two girls if they can see him in their life: Matilda and Poppy.

Matilda looks amazing! She looks so happy and look at Dani! She is holding on to Matilda such great friends!

by AllAboutLove
on Sun Apr 26, 2015 1:16 am
Search in: Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Art Green - Archived
Topic: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*
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Views: 36395

Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

mercieme wrote:
Katiebelle wrote:Mike Puru, the host, said on his Twitter account " yes! Coming after the final I believe" when asked if there was going to be a WTA and then he tweeted that there rumors there might be an ATFR

Thanks Katiebelle. I saw that as well, it was a tweet in response to protea_rose (who is the Matilda fan girl who is also followed by Art & Dani on Twitter) and some other person. So WTA for sure. They are going to leave the AFTR as a suspense IMO.... get the buzz up so they reel in the advertisers.

Just gone through some of those tweets and Art's tweets/favs/follows as well as TBNZ twitter (they barely use it compared to their FB account and Art has only tweeted that tweet to Dani about blowing up his phone and now favs something bachelor related this week!).

Why would Art follow a Matilda fan account but not TBNZ and not Matilda yet follows her on IG (she is following him on Twitter in her following list) scratch  So he is following a pro-Matilda fan account that is tweeting pro-Matilda posts which means his twitter feed will have those posts show up but not TBNZ posts? I think I posted when the "don't blow up my phone" tweet was made that he was only following 39 people. His tweet about blowing up his phone was also him saying he doesn't know how to use twitter... I am not sure I believe him entirely. He seems like he knows a lot about SM. Then again maybe he doesn't... Hmmmm...

The thing that is strange is that he has not followed TBNZ Twitter account and TBNZ don't follow him either! They are following the girls but not their lead??  What is that about? question HIs IG account he has a pic of himself as the bachelor but his twitter seems more personal and it actually kind of reminds me of Tim from BachCan who has his own personal one that he would use to favorite only April posts! and I remember posting about that and saying I think it was a message that he chose April. He obviously doesn't use twitter much but since his date and first kiss with Matilda he has now fav'd 2 Matilda related tweets?

I had posted in the SM thread he fav'd that tweet about the power rankings by The Spinoff with him and Matilda meme in the boat and now see he also fav'd another post by someone who works for a radio station in NZ and is also followed by The Spinoff... The Spinoff were the first ones to reveal who the bachelor was before the show even aired ... it is interesting that he now follows them and this radio person made a tweet and tweeted it to Art and is also followed by The Spinoff who have essentially revealed that they know who the final girl is and they knew who the bachelor was long before the show aired....

Tweet that Art fav'd

nature bean @teddywong  ·  22h 22 hours ago
.@Artgreen_ #TheBachelorNZ
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This tweet had to have been made intentionally because it is an image of the duck and Art (Matilda is cut out of it) and the words "SOON" on them...   It could be just a joke but if not...

Is this some sort of message? Because in that Power Rankings tweet that Art liked The Spinoff article said that Matilda's Spirit Animal is the duckfrom that photo and this radio station person that is followed by The Spinoff and other media people and this radio person tweeted that photo TO Art...  with the words "SOON".

So Art with a Duck (which is Matilda's spirit animal) and the words "SOON" sent as a meme to him? Does this mean something regarding the end of the show is soon or is it just a joke that soon that duck is going to be coming for him ... maybe Matilda coming for him if they are broken up?

I know I am reading into all this but what makes me do so is that The Spinoff were the FIRST media people to say who the bachelor was and they have indicated that they know who the winner is. Trying to put some pieces together since I've been more closely following Art's IG activity since that is what he uses and only this week he is now fav-ing something about the show?

So far what Art has done this week:
- Art had his first kiss with Matilda
- He fav'd 2 tweets that have images of his date with Matilda on them
- He did an interview this week too IIRC with Si&Gary show (mercieme posted the link) about how he could see himself marrying the girl he chose?
- Katiebelle posted that TV Guide this week Art said he was still with his chosen girl and they had secret meetings where he cooked for her? The only info I had received was that it was rumored that before Ep 5 he was with the Matilda the final girl that weekend last they heard and this was before the first kiss, and then Art's spilled the beans IG video and Matilda liking it and then him telling Dani to stop blowing up his phone....
Also, although not done by Art, Woman's Day had "How Matilda won Art's heart" headline... and then Matilda was liking it but they said it is not a spoiler since it is about her wrist arm... Also Matilda liking posts about her kiss with Art.

Either these are clues that he chose her and they are together still or there is something amiss. I still cannot get over why Art would do a radio interview and say he thinks he could marry the final girl he chose if he isn't with her? There's no need to say that at all... ESPECIALLY if he is not with her, imo, since that would make him lying about a lot of things. affraid So either these are clues and are genuine or they are very misleading and of the rumors are true and he has been saying otherwise in interviews it will make him seem anything but genuine, imo.
by AllAboutLove
on Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:34 am
Search in: Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Art Green - Archived
Topic: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*
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Views: 30893

Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Katiebelle wrote:The lastest TV guide came out this morning and it has an article about Art. Most it is pretty general stuff we have heard before but does have so new info.

1. He's still with the girl he choose!

"We have to try to meet up at secret locations which is kind of exciting but also a bit annoying."
"It does make it a little more difficult but, yeah, it is exciting. We've been meeting at a few different locations. We can't go anywhere in public so I've been doing a lot of cooking which is great because I like cooking."

So there go all the rumors that he is back with his ex as there is no way he would be saying that if he was.

What I also find interesting is that in the beginning of the article it says that rumors are rife that the woman he has chosen is a blonde. Therefore, they must have interviewed him when there was maybe one or two brunettes still in the running.  Now thinking about the time frame and how someone sleuthed (maybe AAL) that Alysha was not in Auckland and Dani was in Fiji? (Not sure if I have that timeframe right) then the only two girls to meet up with in secret are Matilda and Poppy.

May not have this sleuth right as I think my heart is over ruling my head as I don't want Alysha to win and would love Art and Matilda to get together.
We both want this same thing Katiebelle... want Art to not only choose Matilda but still be with her post-final episode. Waiting to hear if there will be ATFR (After The Final Rose). Not sure if they will do that in NZ? I know that Bach Aussie S1 had one and S2 did not because they broke up.

As for the timeline of possible meetups. The information that I had been given and posted in this board was that Art and Matilda had met up the weekend before Ep 5 aired.

I am personally 100% sold he chose Matilda. I rewatched one of his first interviews and he says that his ideal woman is "just fun to be around". He has constantly reiterated this to Matilda telling her she is so much fun to be around. Additionally, in his other radio interview he was told that people were already calling him and Matilda "Marthur" and he laughed and said that is excellent! Then quickly tried to change the subject.

His recent interviews and the Woman's Day article headline was that Art is smitten with Matilda. This was planned to come out when they had their second date and the kiss. Woman's Day even liked a pic of IG that ElonM posted in Matilda's thread that is captioned "I could kiss you all day" to Matilda. And Matilda also liked this. Not only that but Matilda tweeted a reply after the kiss aired:

Aonghas Anderson ‏@theAonghas  17h17 hours ago
THERE IT IS! Been a long time coming for @MatildaRice but the wait was totes worth it! #TheBachelorNZ #TeamMatilda

Matilda Rice
@theAonghas @protea_rose WOOHOO! Well worth the wait

That is a VERY F1 thing to do in addition she is retweeting pics of her and Art kissing. That is VERY intimate stuff. Whitney did the same thing as F1 and a girl will only do this if she is F1 and STILL with the guy this late in the show.

The morning of Matilda and Arts second date/first kiss episode he also told Si&Gary that he can see himself marrying the girl he chose and how crazy is that. He used the same words when talking to Matilda during the CP and saying to her how crazy it is that he can have a girlfriend in a few weeks and be in love.

Matilda and Art are the only two on the show that have said the words "Falling in love". They both did so in Ep 12.

IMO, Art's social Media is a ruse and I for one fell for it. Art knows what he is doing. He already said he did. And Matilda is in on it, I believe. She is liking and retweeting pics with her and Art. Even more so now that rumors are flying.

Art even posted that video pranking that he was sick of the rumors and spilling the beans and Matilda was one of the first people to like it. She is also SM friends with his friends and her friends are friends with Art.

She also follows Art's siblings on SM. Poppy's mother is following and has liked pics on IG about Matilda. It is all there... all the clues.

We have Art in ITM saying "I feel quite PROTECTIVE of Matilda". Everything he has done so far when there is major kissing or rumors has been to come out to the media or post on his SM things that reinforce that he is still with the girl he chose... the girl that is "just so much fun to be around".
by AllAboutLove
on Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:29 pm
Search in: Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Art Green - Archived
Topic: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*
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Views: 36395

Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Kapiti wrote:Mercieme, HTDs are spread out over two episodes:
Episode 13 synopsis:
New Episode. With only four bachelorettes remaining, Arthur faces the ultimate test when he is introduced to two of the families. S1 Ep13 #TheBachelorNZ
Episode 14 synopsis:
New Episode. With only four bachelorettes remaining, Art faces the ultimate test when he meets the last two families on their own home turf. S1 Ep14 #TheBachelorNZ

Thanks Kapiti it seems we will be shown a fair amount of interactions with the family, should be interesting to see which family Art is most himself around. I am still hoping for a WTA at some point since I like to get the opinion of the girls that were on the show about the F2 giggling
by mercieme
on Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:53 pm
Search in: Bachelor New Zealand - Season 1 - Art Green - Archived
Topic: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*
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Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

Mercieme, HTDs are spread out over two episodes:
Episode 13 synopsis:
New Episode. With only four bachelorettes remaining, Arthur faces the ultimate test when he is introduced to two of the families. S1 Ep13 #TheBachelorNZ
Episode 14 synopsis:
New Episode. With only four bachelorettes remaining, Art faces the ultimate test when he meets the last two families on their own home turf. S1 Ep14 #TheBachelorNZ
by Kapiti
on Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:43 pm
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Topic: Bachelor New Zealand - Art Green - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*
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