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Post by Kelad9 Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:18 pm

ironcat wrote:
Kelad9 wrote:
anders wrote:under what circumstances would Lucas be F1?? Just wondering what your thought process is - do you think he leaves and comes back or do you think he's not eliminated next week?

I'm not sure.. I think RS is right on that he leaves but that it's just possible that by Fiji, Ashley decides she misses one of the guys she sent home more than the guys left. This could tie into the VO that we have of her saying she's regretted sending someone home( but we don't know who that person is but a lot of us have assumed it to be Ryan, but perhaps it's about someone else) Who knows. All I know is some of the things Ashley has said seems to tie into Lucas.

1. He makes me feel like a woman- she said that in a PI about their date on HK but I don't know if that's been spliced and edited from talking about someone else.
2. Slow Burn Comment she said in an interview/blog--- Lucas was the one that mentioned the slow burn being better in either Phuket or Chiang Mai.
3. In her travel blog for Hong Kong, she had 2 paragraphs for Lucas and described him as a good old born and bred Texas boy, made sure we knew about the fortune teller and said the date with Lucas was romantic, whereas for JP she had 1 paragraph and didn't go into detail much.

HK was the beginning according to CH, & Ashley. Now I'm not saying it can't be JP since he also agreed that HK was the beginning but if it was that obvious why would she still be concerned about telling the guys on the RC and why would CH be saying she got cocky and that it would affect the rest of her life if it was meant to be about JP? JP was fine with it so obviously she wasn't cocky or afraid with him finding out.

She may not have been concerned about telling the rest of the guys, but once she told JP, there was no way the producers were not going to force her to tell them all. Otherwise it would be painfully obvious who she chose. It affected the rest of her life, because it showed her, by each guy's reaction, which ones were there for her and which ones weren't. And CH's comment referred to her telling ALL the guys (JP included), not just the ones at the cocktail party.

I know you are stuck on Lucas being in contention somehow, but I just don't see how it is even a faint possibility. Sorry! :missspeak:

laugh out loud i know I don't see how either but never hurts to keep an open mind. Personally like I said I want it to be JP as I think he's a better fit for her than most of the guys left Smiley Thou most of the guys have been nothing but gentlemen towards Ashley except for the select few- IE: william and etc.


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Post by JBF Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:36 pm

Kelad9 wrote:
anders wrote:under what circumstances would Lucas be F1?? Just wondering what your thought process is - do you think he leaves and comes back or do you think he's not eliminated next week?

I'm not sure.. I think RS is right on that he leaves but that it's just possible that by Fiji, Ashley decides she misses one of the guys she sent home more than the guys left. This could tie into the VO that we have of her saying she's regretted sending someone home( but we don't know who that person is but a lot of us have assumed it to be Ryan, but perhaps it's about someone else) Who knows. All I know is some of the things Ashley has said seems to tie into Lucas.

1. He makes me feel like a woman- she said that in a PI about their date on HK but I don't know if that's been spliced and edited from talking about someone else.
2. Slow Burn Comment she said in an interview/blog--- Lucas was the one that mentioned the slow burn being better in either Phuket or Chiang Mai.
3. In her travel blog for Hong Kong, she had 2 paragraphs for Lucas and described him as a good old born and bred Texas boy, made sure we knew about the fortune teller and said the date with Lucas was romantic, whereas for JP she had 1 paragraph and didn't go into detail much.

HK was the beginning according to CH, & Ashley. Now I'm not saying it can't be JP since he also agreed that HK was the beginning but if it was that obvious why would she still be concerned about telling the guys on the RC and why would CH be saying she got cocky and that it would affect the rest of her life if it was meant to be about JP? JP was fine with it so obviously she wasn't cocky or afraid with him finding out.

Well Lucas did say she had a glow about her on his date. What was most amusing was how they cleverly edited that line in the previews over a shot of her with JP. I took that as a "hint" that things went even better OFF camera than ON camera with THAT particular date (Jordan's that is, not Lucas). (*cough * cough*) Yes, Chris Harrison was right. She did reach a happy place and was a little arrogant and cocky after that date. Gotta love Chris and his Freudian symbolisms...

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Post by Kelad9 Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:39 pm

JBF wrote:
Kelad9 wrote:
anders wrote:under what circumstances would Lucas be F1?? Just wondering what your thought process is - do you think he leaves and comes back or do you think he's not eliminated next week?

I'm not sure.. I think RS is right on that he leaves but that it's just possible that by Fiji, Ashley decides she misses one of the guys she sent home more than the guys left. This could tie into the VO that we have of her saying she's regretted sending someone home( but we don't know who that person is but a lot of us have assumed it to be Ryan, but perhaps it's about someone else) Who knows. All I know is some of the things Ashley has said seems to tie into Lucas.

1. He makes me feel like a woman- she said that in a PI about their date on HK but I don't know if that's been spliced and edited from talking about someone else.
2. Slow Burn Comment she said in an interview/blog--- Lucas was the one that mentioned the slow burn being better in either Phuket or Chiang Mai.
3. In her travel blog for Hong Kong, she had 2 paragraphs for Lucas and described him as a good old born and bred Texas boy, made sure we knew about the fortune teller and said the date with Lucas was romantic, whereas for JP she had 1 paragraph and didn't go into detail much.

HK was the beginning according to CH, & Ashley. Now I'm not saying it can't be JP since he also agreed that HK was the beginning but if it was that obvious why would she still be concerned about telling the guys on the RC and why would CH be saying she got cocky and that it would affect the rest of her life if it was meant to be about JP? JP was fine with it so obviously she wasn't cocky or afraid with him finding out.

Well Lucas did say she had a glow about her on his date. What was most amusing was how they cleverly edited that line in the previews over a shot of her with JP. I took that as a "hint" that things went a lot better OFF camera than ON camera with THAT particular date (Jordan's that is, not Lucas). (*cough * cough*) Yes, Chris Harrison was right. She did reach a happy place and was a little arrogant and cocky after that date. Gotta love Chris and his Freudian symbolisms...

Makes one wonder why it is that Lucas always notices the little things about Ashley too. but I also have to wonder in what order did they film the dates? did she have the date with JP before Lucas and hence why she was glowing? I don't think she'd have been glowing after telling Bentley to go F himself would she?


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Post by JBF Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:42 pm

Kelad9 wrote:
laugh out loud i know I don't see how either but never hurts to keep an open mind. Personally like I said I want it to be JP as I think he's a better fit for her than most of the guys left Smiley Thou most of the guys have been nothing but gentlemen towards Ashley except for the select few- IE: william and etc.

Uh... no... I can't and will not go there. Must refrain myself.

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Post by Rosepetal Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:44 pm

JBF wrote:
Kelad9 wrote:
laugh out loud i know I don't see how either but never hurts to keep an open mind. Personally like I said I want it to be JP as I think he's a better fit for her than most of the guys left Smiley Thou most of the guys have been nothing but gentlemen towards Ashley except for the select few- IE: william and etc.

Uh... no... I can't and will not go there. Must refrain myself.

rotfl rotfl rotfl

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chris - Chris Harrison's Blog - Discussion - Page 9 Empty Re: Chris Harrison's Blog - Discussion

Post by JBF Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:51 pm

Kelad9 wrote:
Makes one wonder why it is that Lucas always notices the little things about Ashley too. but I also have to wonder in what order did they film the dates? did she have the date with JP before Lucas and hence why she was glowing? I don't think she'd have been glowing after telling Bentley to go F himself would she?

Lucas had the first date. She told him he had to be "nice" in order to get the rose. He asked permission to kiss her. Her outfit basically spoke "hands off". No see-through with black bra here. Let's just hope she remembered Matt's mom Gayle and her instructions back in episode #1 and stopped for additional "necessities" for her next date while shopping at the market with Lucas.

Now, her comment for Bentley could have happened after she scaled the heights of Hong Kong. She would certainly be over him by then if not already in episode #3. She didn't fall asleep on his chest this time.

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Post by Kelad9 Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:52 pm

JBF wrote:
Kelad9 wrote:
Makes one wonder why it is that Lucas always notices the little things about Ashley too. but I also have to wonder in what order did they film the dates? did she have the date with JP before Lucas and hence why she was glowing? I don't think she'd have been glowing after telling Bentley to go F himself would she?

Lucas had the first date. She told him he had to be "nice" in order to get the rose. He asked permission to kiss her. Her outfit basically spoke "hands off". No see-through with black bra here. Let's just hope she remembered Matt's mom Gayle and her instructions back in episode #1 and stopped for additional "necessities" for her next date while shopping at the market with Lucas.

Now, her comment for Bentley could have happened after she scaled the heights of Hong Kong. She would certainly be over him by then if not already in episode #3. She didn't fall asleep on his chest this time.

Maybe bentley came after her date with JP? Didn't he stay about a week there or so we were told? Could explain that by then she had a stronger connection with JP and could see through him for what he was.


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Post by Guest Mon Jul 04, 2011 5:42 pm

JBF Now, her comment for Bentley could have happened after she scaled the heights of Hong Kong. She would certainly be over him by then if not already in episode #3. She didn't fall asleep on his chest this time.
JBF, you are cracking me up with the double entendre comments. :giggle: I'd like your theory on how Ashley feel asleep on JP's chest? If they are both sitting upright or even leaning partially upright against pillows, I think she would have seriously cricked her neck and been too uncomforatble to fall asleep. Wouldn't her body have to be turned towards his to logistically get her head on his chest, as they said chest, not on his shoulder??? Things that me me go hmmm on that jammie date and JP saying it was perfect. :Nod:


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chris - Chris Harrison's Blog - Discussion - Page 9 Empty Re: Chris Harrison's Blog - Discussion

Post by JBF Mon Jul 04, 2011 6:19 pm

Kelad9 wrote:Maybe bentley came after her date with JP? Didn't he stay about a week there or so we were told? Could explain that by then she had a stronger connection with JP and could see through him for what he was.

Based at least partly on Harrison's comments, I think the order matched what we saw...

1-The visit with Bentley. His attempts at getting his hand on her leg not getting any laughs. Oh she was sooooo over him back in episode #3, but she needed an excuse to “keep the show going”. ("Bentley's on my mind" = nookie time must wait until Fleiss allows it)
2-Shopping with Lucas for stuff she needed for JP's date, while keeping him well fed on spicy chewy things.
3-The group date that kept the other guys occupied on either the race or Ryan (getting his rose in front of five guys: "I'll be right baaaaak"). Also Ames giving her the idea of visiting the skyline at night… but making sure the elevator kept opening on cue. Also finding out what an erhu is from Ames.
4-Revisiting the HK skyline with JP and getting him to cry a second time. Too bad we could not see him say “I’m completely blown away by how I’m feeling.”
5-Telling everybody about Bentley so it will be easier to speed up the elimination process. Mickey leaves because he thought they no longer had the same "morals", whatever that was. Only Ryan's blood pressure didn't move a beat... so he may require more work next week. It will be hard to keep the rocketship from coming back.

Gina wrote:JBF, you are cracking me up with the double entendre comments. :giggle: I'd like your theory on how Ashley feel asleep on JP's chest? If they are both sitting upright or even leaning partially upright against pillows, I think she would have seriously cricked her neck and been too uncomforatble to fall asleep. Wouldn't her body have to be turned towards his to logistically get her head on his chest, as they said chest, not on his shoulder??? Things that me me go hmmm on that jammie date and JP saying it was perfect. :Nod:

Yes, they kept their jammies on. Jordan was so good to get his blue shirt back on before he said "I had an unbelievable time and I’m flying! It was an absolutely unbelievable night!" Rolling Eyes

As you can see, I'm not watching this show with the same eyes as everybody else.

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Post by Kashathediva Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:23 pm

The last time I saw people flyin in their jammies it as with Peter Pan.

No good deed goes unpunished.  
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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chris - Chris Harrison's Blog - Discussion - Page 9 Empty Re: Chris Harrison's Blog - Discussion

Post by noobsleuth Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:41 pm

JBF, the more you keeping putting this idea into my head the more I believe it! lol. I thought the possibility was there when you first mentioned it before the episode even aired. You thought maybe Bentley was being a distraction to something that might have happened. After watching the date with the tram scene and the intense music and the "I don't want the night to end and I don't think she wants it to either" VO makes me wonder. JP looked pretty tired in some of those PI's

I know Ben's overnight we be made a big deal of next week on the show but I wouldn't be surprised if both of JP's night time dates lasted until 4am. I think Ashley's first date with Brad (night time) did as well.

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chris - Chris Harrison's Blog - Discussion - Page 9 Empty Re: Chris Harrison's Blog - Discussion

Post by Samantharose Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:05 pm

JBF wrote:
Kelad9 wrote:
anders wrote:under what circumstances would Lucas be F1?? Just wondering what your thought process is - do you think he leaves and comes back or do you think he's not eliminated next week?

I'm not sure.. I think RS is right on that he leaves but that it's just possible that by Fiji, Ashley decides she misses one of the guys she sent home more than the guys left. This could tie into the VO that we have of her saying she's regretted sending someone home( but we don't know who that person is but a lot of us have assumed it to be Ryan, but perhaps it's about someone else) Who knows. All I know is some of the things Ashley has said seems to tie into Lucas.

1. He makes me feel like a woman- she said that in a PI about their date on HK but I don't know if that's been spliced and edited from talking about someone else.
2. Slow Burn Comment she said in an interview/blog--- Lucas was the one that mentioned the slow burn being better in either Phuket or Chiang Mai.
3. In her travel blog for Hong Kong, she had 2 paragraphs for Lucas and described him as a good old born and bred Texas boy, made sure we knew about the fortune teller and said the date with Lucas was romantic, whereas for JP she had 1 paragraph and didn't go into detail much.

HK was the beginning according to CH, & Ashley. Now I'm not saying it can't be JP since he also agreed that HK was the beginning but if it was that obvious why would she still be concerned about telling the guys on the RC and why would CH be saying she got cocky and that it would affect the rest of her life if it was meant to be about JP? JP was fine with it so obviously she wasn't cocky or afraid with him finding out.

Well Lucas did say she had a glow about her on his date. What was most amusing was how they cleverly edited that line in the previews over a shot of her with JP. I took that as a "hint" that things went even better OFF camera than ON camera with THAT particular date (Jordan's that is, not Lucas). (*cough * cough*) Yes, Chris Harrison was right. She did reach a happy place and was a little arrogant and cocky after that date. Gotta love Chris and his Freudian symbolisms...

JP was almost gooey acting in his PI over how close he feels to her now. :Nod: Either he was tipsy or he's really into her. I think he found a happy place also. Reminded me of Chantal and how she acted in her PI over coming home in Brad's shirt.

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