Brad Smith - Bachelor Canada Season 1 - Discussion

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FOODPORN - Brad Smith - Bachelor Canada Season 1 - Discussion  - Page 3 Empty Re: Brad Smith - Bachelor Canada Season 1 - Discussion

Post by Love_Me Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:58 pm

Bachelor Brad Smith ‏@bradcsmith

My lady @Biankakamber11 and I are at the #VanierCup get this girl away from the snack table!!

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Post by Love_Me Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:59 pm

Brad's Twitter profile:

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Post by just logic Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:03 pm

LoveDovez wrote:I adore this couple.. He really did a great job in picking B. I have a feeling they will make it since they're so open and honest about how they've already had their fusses and fights and how they deal with them... These in US wouldn't admit to disagreeing on anything to save their lives. I really think he did it for the right reason and I simple LOVE his personality. I think they were made for each other. : ).

Although Brad is not my type, he was perfect for the show. He was honest and got down to business by cutting the girls he wasn't interested in. Sounds like there wasn't too much pressure on him by production - although I found it interesting that he was about to cut Bianka (in 2nd show maybe, said she was 13/12) when the producers convinced him to keep her around because they thought they saw something. Soo, just based on that alone, I think the producers here in Canada wanted a successful couple rather than a drama filled show - although the fact that Brad was really into Whitney gave them the drama they needed. I think he truly did want to find someone and did it with intelligence knowing that it was after the cameras stopped rolling that they would find out if it was real or not.

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.
just logic
just logic

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Post by just logic Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:05 pm

Love_Me wrote:
Bachelor Brad Smith ‏@bradcsmith

My lady @Biankakamber11 and I are at the #VanierCup get this girl away from the snack table!!

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I know the Vanier Cup doesn't get the crowds but still wonder whose box they're in and if they'll have access to it on Sunday.

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.
just logic
just logic

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Post by Love_Me Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:44 pm

I made a new banner to celebrate Bianka and Brad's engagement! Hope you all enjoy it. ❤

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Post by just logic Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:48 pm

Love_Me wrote:I made a new banner to celebrate Bianka and Brad's engagement! Hope you all enjoy it. ❤
It's great - thanks for the banner and all of the other work you put into this site.

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.
just logic
just logic

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Post by Brill Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:28 pm

Love_Me wrote:I made a new banner to celebrate Bianka and Brad's engagement! Hope you all enjoy it. ❤

Thanks, Love_Me......

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Post by Brill Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:19 am

Saw this over at Jokers.

Ashley accepted our invitation. I suggested Tuesday/Wednesday 8:30 p.m. for a live chat with the forum. Can Dreamer arrange that? NT

This is Ashley Duval, Brad's sister.

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"All Opinions By Me are IMO, Unless Otherwise Noted" Hugesmile

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Post by Brill Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:05 am

Great interview and some different questions.

Bachelor Canada: Brad Smith and Bianka Kamber talk cheeseburgers, elopement and future babies

It's been a nine week journey, but after copious tears, v-necks, pastors, v-necks, horses, v-necks and a wicked Whitney of the West, the Bachelor Canada's Brad Smith has found a perfect match. His leading lady is Bianka Kamber, a petite nurse from Mississauga, ON, who went into the show with no intentions of finding a Mr. Right Now given her battle scars from a previous relationship with Kris "Kardashian" Humphries.

A day after watching the shocking finale that saw Brad ask for Bianka's hand in marriage, I was fortunate enough to meet the happy couple, who for customary celebrity mashup reasons I'm dubbing Brianka. The two sit together on a loveseat (how apt) wearing matching black ensembles, their hands entangled with a 2.14 carat princess-cut rock glinting on Bianka's dainty fingers.

They're clearly smitten and steal kisses from one another at every possible opportunity during the interview. Unlocking lips for brief moments, they flip through the Hello! Canada magazine I've brought -- "I look so ugly standing next to her," a newly bearded Brad remarks about the couple's spread -- before answering a few pressing questions:

You guys have been engaged for, what, five months now? Have you had much time together in that period?
Brad: Actually, they've done a really good job because we were worried about the humanity after production, but they gave us 14 days and four vacations without the cameras. The show put us in the best position to say "Yes, I want to marry you," but we had to develop in real life and see if that was going to work with the cameras off. We went to Vermont for one trip and had my parent's come up. While there we literally all just played board games and got drunk.

So there hasn't been any lover's spats or fights yet?
Brad: I'm very passive, but especially so with her. My parents say to her, "I don't know what you do to this guy but he's so different around you." Very, very passive.

When did you both know you were meant for each other? That you'd found the "one" so to say? Was it after the "Cheeseburgers" joke or over your mutual love for mint choc chip ice cream?
Bianka: You know, each and every time I saw him it just affirmed itself more and more, but the definite point for me was when he met my parents.
Brad: They were just easy people to get along with. Them being European and me being first generation Canadian, the intensity within the family reminded me of my own situation, as B could see when she first met my family. She walked in and was immediately like "Hey Mom!"

Would you say your relationship was a more gradual progression over the series, rather than a "love at first sight" meeting?
Brad: We were both attracted each other from the get go for sure, and we both had great personal chemistry, but it was like hit and miss, hit and miss. Then Mexico happened and I thought, well this thing is a taking off!

Bianka, you seemed quite standoffish in the early stages, would you agree?
Bianka: It wasn't that I was standoffish, I just went into it thinking if I was in his situation and I had to choose between 25 women, I would immediately know who I had a liking for and would then pursue those people. So I kind of sat back and if there's something interesting or attractive he finds about me, he'll come out of his way to talk to me.
Brad: She just has a way of disarming herself, but once you give her what she needs in a relationship, she's going to give it back to you 150 times. It's just that you have to find what that little piece is.

Wasn't there a moment in the second episode where Bianka almost didn't make the cut?
Brad: Oh yeah! She was 13th on a list of 12 and lucky enough the producer -- who I'd grown close to -- had my back and said, "I just think there's something about her and you. Give it one more week because I have a feeling." The next week was Mexico and...
Bianka: ...the rest is history!

Watching it all back now, do either of you have any regrets about things said or done? Bianka came off pretty well I must say!
Bianka: Thank you. I would never go back and change anything so there's no regrets. It is what it is and it happened the way it did and brought us to where we are today.
Brad: I took a lot of leeway on the Bachelor Canada's part because I wanted to find her and THEY wanted me to find her and be where we are now.

Let's talk about the other girls for a moment Bianka, who did you get on with best in the house? Will you stay in touch with any of them?
Bianka: I loved Ana, Nicole, Laura B and Chantelle. Yeah, I would stay in touch. Not him so much because it's a little different for me having lived with them in the house. But they were all solid, genuine, good-hearted girls.

But obviously, the elephant in the room, Whitney. How did you feel about her?
Bianka: Didn't faze me. She was never competition to me.
Brad: Because there is no competition. The only one who won here was me because I never would have found a girl like B.
Bianka: I never went into it thinking it was a competition or going there to win. I was very realistic so when I say there was no competition, you know, it is what is and I'm just thankful that I'm with him. Ultimately the goal was for him to start his life with someone he was compatible with, whether it be me or someone else.

So what about the fantasy suite that night? I mean, we don't know what happened, but how did you feel about him being with the other girls?
Bianka: We had that little tiff on the beach and that's when I spoke my mind out and was like, "Listen, I don't feel comfortable that you're going into a fantasy suite behind closed doors and I like you enough that should something happen in there that I wouldn't approve of, and you give me a rose and propose without being honest, I will leave you!"
Brad: But the fantasy suite and the sexual innuendo that it comes with, it's not entitled. What we did was smashed a bottle of champagne and ate Wendy's.
Bianka: ...And we stayed up all night and talked.
Brad: Yep, it's your time together to get off camera and relax.

So Brad is already somewhat used to the press and public, how have you found the reaction Bianka?
Bianka: Oh my god it's been so overwhelming. The fans, our friends, our family have all been so supportive even though we had to keep it a secret from everyone.

Have you been recognized much in the street?
Bianka: Yeah. It's really funny and it feels weird. I was in the doctor's office one day and felt somebody plunk down beside me. It was a new mom and she was there with her newborn and husband. When the doctor called her into the office, she was like "Honey, you go in because I just need to stay here and talk to her!" I thought it was so funny and was saying, "Shouldn't you go in for your baby's first check-up?"
Brad: People want to be a part of it and the sentiment is great. I get like a 100 messages from people who are like, "Great job! You picked the right one! You didn't make the biggest mistake of your life!"
Bianka: Especially up until today with me going against Whitney.
Brad: But there was never a choice between B and anybody. It would have been B or no one.

That break-up moment with Whitney, it seemed as though you just got out of bed one morning and had a eureka moment...
Brad: It was on the boat that I had "the moment." I'm not the kind of guy to make an impulse decision and, for me, I didn't want to disrespect her so I had to think about it. It's just that if you asked about her emotional reactions or thoughts, you just didn't get anything. It was too frustrating.

So the conversation on the boat made you realize that?
Brad: Yes and I found out the last week that this face was used a lot (Brad makes the face of a dumbfounded zombie caught in headlights).

Talking about dumbfounded zombies, Bianka am I right in thinking that you didn't tell Brad that Kris Humphreys was your ex-finance? Why was that?
Bianka: It was just a name. There was no points to a name.
Brad: I didn't know who it was when she told me!
Bianka: I just let him know about the things that weren't acceptable in a relationship for me moving forward.
Brad: I'm never going to define someone based on their past because we all have one. For us it was important to understand that forward was the only way we were going to move.

So moving forward -- where are you planning to live? Hudson or Mississauga?
Brad: Well I actually moved into her parent's house last night!
Bianka: My mom loves him and he's like a spoiled brat in the house.
Brad: They're such salt to the earth people.

And you both want a family of your own?Brad: I'm going to try!
Bianka: Maybe in three or four years. I would like five, but he's like no, after two we'll decide.
Brad: I'm very open to anything but my whole thing is that I want to be secure in our lifestyle and have a great time being engaged, getting married. I want my life before that part. Let's enjoy this first.

Speaking of marriage, is it true that you guys have been trying to elope? When is the big day?
Both: Yeah!
Brad: In Rhode Island after the show we were like, let's just do it.
Bianka: I was like, but wait, I think our parents will kill us if we do that.
Brad: Well we called my parents on Skype and they were like "Do it!" If there was priest upstairs we'd do it right now so it's going to be very soon. We just have to enjoy the next couple of weeks, relax and come back in January to decide then.

Where would the honeymoon be?
Bianka: I was thinking I don't want the typical, all-inclusive resort. I'd like an African safari, Thailand or somewhere we can have an adventure.
Brad: I like the lazy stuff so we could backpack through Thailand and then spend a week on a beach.
Bianka: Yep, somewhere with culture though. Where we can explore and have an adventure. Maybe charity work? That's something we both want to do.

Are you planning to return to work as a nurse Bianka?
Bianka: I'm taking time off at the moment until things die down and we can figure out where we'll be living.
Brad: We want to settle down in Toronto so we just have to make some decisions around January. But nursing is what she's passionate about.
Bianka: I knew from a little girl that I was going to be a nurse.

And Brad's beard, is that something that will remain in your future?
Bianka: I love it, but it will probably go. Especially for the wedding!

Well thank you very much guys. Now let's raise our glasses and toast three cheeseburgers to Brianka!

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Post by loverro Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:07 am

login on facebook

search the bachelor canada

It's the montage everyone is talking about! Look back on Brad and Bianka's relationship!



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Post by aglaea Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:26 am

anders wrote:have they said anything about how much time they got to spend together post taping??

and I love her FRC dress - I'd love to see it IRL - I dont' think television did it the proper justice.

what a cute couple - he really is a riot!!

From Aglaea: The article in the link below says they have not seen each other since Sept 4th!!!
In another article they say the show was supportive of them making it as a couple by having them get together after filming ended...Sept 4 is almoost 2 months ago!!!


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Post by LoveDovez Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:34 am

When was ATFR filmed???

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Brad Smith - Bachelor Canada Season 1 - Discussion

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