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chris - Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 13 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by 2observe Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:46 pm

bleuberry wrote:
Aunties_Love wrote:
bleuberry wrote:They're still grieving it appears. I shall go back to just browsing his threads. :Nod: 
Yea, I shouldn't of posted there either but find it so weird how they are still in la la land and can't see that Des is in love with Chris.
Yup. Brooks is in her past, as of now, he's just a guy she went on a few dates with. Chris is her fiancee and they live together. Brooks may have been her first choice, but is there any doubt who the best choice for her was? If they want to make Brooks out to be the great love of her life, have at er! giggling

They will probably be chanting "Brooks was F1!" on her wedding day, too. giggling
You got that right!!!:yes: yes 

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chris - Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 13 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by Mustang19 Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:46 pm

bleuberry wrote:
Aunties_Love wrote:
bleuberry wrote:They're still grieving it appears. I shall go back to just browsing his threads. :Nod: 
Yea, I shouldn't of posted there either but find it so weird how they are still in la la land and can't see that Des is in love with Chris.
Yup. Brooks is in her past, as of now, he's just a guy she went on a few dates with. Chris is her fiancee and they live together. Brooks may have been her first choice, but is there any doubt who the best choice for her was? If they want to make Brooks out to be the great love of her life, have at er! giggling

They will probably be chanting "Brooks was F1!" on her wedding day, too. giggling
First, I like all final 4, so I'm a fan of all of them, and I don't speak for Brooks' fans in particular, but this was my take... First bolded - this could be said about all the guys. When Des was at the point of a proposal, she had only been on a few dates with Brooks, Chris and Drew so that's not really fair to single Brooks out - same could be said about Chris. I completely agree with you that in the end, Chris seems to be the best choice for her. From what has been shown post-show in interviews and tweets, etc., they seem to have the most in common (not knowing either one of them, this is just a guess.) I don't go completely on spoilers or sluething, but from what was shown on TV this season, I would have picked Brooks F1 regardless if the spoiler said Chris, Zac or Santa Claus! The only doubt I had was the picture of Chris at the supposed "safehouse" which I think was mentioned to be after wrapping the show while they were still in Antigua. For me, there isn't anything that will change my opinion that if Brooks had stayed, and returned her feelings, he would have been F1. Given the circumstances, with Brooks leaving, Des made the best decision for her and chose Chris. Chris is a great guy. I just question telling two guys within a week's period of time that you love them, but that's me. I think Des and Chris made the best choice to make their relationship work by moving out of LA, and I wish them nothing but happiness. Brooks, Drew, Zac, etc. have all survived this crazy show and moved on as it should be.

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chris - Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 13 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by Rolly Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:52 pm

Great post Mustang19...I agree. :Clap: 

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chris - Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 13 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by 2observe Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:53 pm

mprssdbyu wrote:Words like "settling" and "second choice" make Brookies feel better and I get that. I really do. What I don't get...  is that what counts is when you hit the real world and you aren't sitting on top of a mountain or riding around beautiful sandy beaches. No matter how you spin it ... it's the day to day happiness you want and seek. According to Dez, she found it. I say... "You go, girl!"
:yes: I agree 

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chris - Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 13 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by Alanna Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:03 pm

MVMom39forever wrote:
What I don't understand is those Brooks fans still hoping they "find" each other and get back together when Brooks said on the show and in his post-finale interview that he was not in love, didn't think with time he would fall in love with her and if he had met her off the show, he still wouldn't have fallen for her. So ... why would anyone ga-ga for Brooks want him to "settle" for Des when they are so clearly bemoaning the fact that Des "settled" for Chris. Cra-zy!

Must we recap YET AGAIN why Des and Chris are a great match with promising long-term potential and nobody did any settling:

- killer chemistry and attraction towards each other
- admiration for the other ... Chris admires Des being independent since 18; Des admires "everything" about Chris
- faith/spiritual
- ready for marriage/family and rescue dog
- long & lean bodies thanks to shared affinity for healthy lifestyle
- kindhearted/kindred spirits  
- committed to open/frequent communication
- play together: volleyball & baseball & soccer & hiking
- creative together: writing poetry
- similar sense of humor & easy laughter
- shared "project" ... Diamonds & Hearts
- shared city: Seattle
- shared apartment: close to water
- shared bed ...

Need I go on???
LOL! Utterly hilarious. Good list. The few things they share at the bottom are really the clinchers in the whole things giggling Seriously, Brooks wanted and wants absolutely nothing to do with her whatsoever and if he met her out in the wild, he STILL wouldn't want to get to know Des or date her. Chris adores her, wants to take care of her, marry her, and writes poetry declaring his undying love.

Sure, Brooks would have been F1 if he had stayed IMO, but that would have been the biggest loss of Des' life. It really did work out like Sense and Sensibility, Fleiss and Team are a modern day Jane Austen, who knew?!

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chris - Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 13 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by Baseball Mom Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:24 pm

Alanna wrote:
MVMom39forever wrote:
What I don't understand is those Brooks fans still hoping they "find" each other and get back together when Brooks said on the show and in his post-finale interview that he was not in love, didn't think with time he would fall in love with her and if he had met her off the show, he still wouldn't have fallen for her. So ... why would anyone ga-ga for Brooks want him to "settle" for Des when they are so clearly bemoaning the fact that Des "settled" for Chris. Cra-zy!

Must we recap YET AGAIN why Des and Chris are a great match with promising long-term potential and nobody did any settling:

- killer chemistry and attraction towards each other
- admiration for the other ... Chris admires Des being independent since 18; Des admires "everything" about Chris
- faith/spiritual
- ready for marriage/family and rescue dog
- long & lean bodies thanks to shared affinity for healthy lifestyle
- kindhearted/kindred spirits  
- committed to open/frequent communication
- play together: volleyball & baseball & soccer & hiking
- creative together: writing poetry
- similar sense of humor & easy laughter
- shared "project" ... Diamonds & Hearts
- shared city: Seattle
- shared apartment: close to water
- shared bed ...

Need I go on???
LOL! Utterly hilarious. Good list. The few things they share at the bottom are really the clinchers in the whole things :giggling:Seriously, Brooks wanted and wants absolutely nothing to do with her whatsoever and if he met her out in the wild, he STILL wouldn't want to get to know Des or date her. Chris adores her, wants to take care of her, marry her, and writes poetry declaring his undying love.

Sure, Brooks would have been F1 if he had stayed IMO, but that would have been the biggest loss of Des' life. It really did work out like Sense and Sensibility, Fleiss and Team are a modern day Jane Austen, who knew?!
Totally agree...Fleiss was good for something, after all!

You say that you love rain but you open your umbrella when it rains. You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadowy spot when the sun shines. You say that you love the wind, but you close your window when the wind blows. This is why I am afraid when you say that you love me too. -unknown
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Baseball Mom

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chris - Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 13 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by Aunties_Love Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:25 pm

bleuberry wrote:
Aunties_Love wrote:
bleuberry wrote:They're still grieving it appears. I shall go back to just browsing his threads. :Nod: 
Yea, I shouldn't of posted there either but find it so weird how they are still in la la land and can't see that Des is in love with Chris.
Yup. Brooks is in her past, as of now, he's just a guy she went on a few dates with. Chris is her fiancee and they live together. Brooks may have been her first choice, but is there any doubt who the best choice for her was? If they want to make Brooks out to be the great love of her life, have at er! giggling

They will probably be chanting "Brooks was F1!" on her wedding day, too. giggling
Yea, no kidding. LOL. I do think she made the right choice for her, no matter what the "Brooksies" out there think.

Candace:  There is nothing better than an Auntie's Love!  blowkiss

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chris - Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 13 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by Guest Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:27 pm

Mustang19 wrote:
bleuberry wrote:
Aunties_Love wrote:
bleuberry wrote:They're still grieving it appears. I shall go back to just browsing his threads. :Nod: 
Yea, I shouldn't of posted there either but find it so weird how they are still in la la land and can't see that Des is in love with Chris.
Yup. Brooks is in her past, as of now, he's just a guy she went on a few dates with. Chris is her fiancee and they live together. Brooks may have been her first choice, but is there any doubt who the best choice for her was? If they want to make Brooks out to be the great love of her life, have at er! giggling

They will probably be chanting "Brooks was F1!" on her wedding day, too. giggling
First, I like all final 4, so I'm a fan of all of them, and I don't speak for Brooks' fans in particular, but this was my take... First bolded - this could be said about all the guys. When Des was at the point of a proposal, she had only been on a few dates with Brooks, Chris and Drew so that's not really fair to single Brooks out - same could be said about Chris. I completely agree with you that in the end, Chris seems to be the best choice for her. From what has been shown post-show in interviews and tweets, etc., they seem to have the most in common (not knowing either one of them, this is just a guess.) I don't go completely on spoilers or sluething, but from what was shown on TV this season, I would have picked Brooks F1 regardless if the spoiler said Chris, Zac or Santa Claus! The only doubt I had was the picture of Chris at the supposed "safehouse" which I think was mentioned to be after wrapping the show while they were still in Antigua. For me, there isn't anything that will change my opinion that if Brooks had stayed, and returned her feelings, he would have been F1. Given the circumstances, with Brooks leaving, Des made the best decision for her and chose Chris. Chris is a great guy. I just question telling two guys within a week's period of time that you love them, but that's me. I think Des and Chris made the best choice to make their relationship work by moving out of LA, and I wish them nothing but happiness. Brooks, Drew, Zac, etc. have all survived this crazy show and moved on as it should be.
I agree with all of that, although technically she had 3 more dates with Chris than Brooks. Like LLiza said, if she met Chris in a grocery store, would she date him? Hell yes.. so why get rid of him regardless of what happened with Brooks. I'm sure compared to her other non-expressive boyfriend, he's a total prize. She would have been crazy to let him go without seriously giving it a go in the real world.


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chris - Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 13 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by soccermom333 Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:27 pm

Alanna wrote:
MVMom39forever wrote:
What I don't understand is those Brooks fans still hoping they "find" each other and get back together when Brooks said on the show and in his post-finale interview that he was not in love, didn't think with time he would fall in love with her and if he had met her off the show, he still wouldn't have fallen for her. So ... why would anyone ga-ga for Brooks want him to "settle" for Des when they are so clearly bemoaning the fact that Des "settled" for Chris. Cra-zy!

Must we recap YET AGAIN why Des and Chris are a great match with promising long-term potential and nobody did any settling:

- killer chemistry and attraction towards each other
- admiration for the other ... Chris admires Des being independent since 18; Des admires "everything" about Chris
- faith/spiritual
- ready for marriage/family and rescue dog
- long & lean bodies thanks to shared affinity for healthy lifestyle
- kindhearted/kindred spirits  
- committed to open/frequent communication
- play together: volleyball & baseball & soccer & hiking
- creative together: writing poetry
- similar sense of humor & easy laughter
- shared "project" ... Diamonds & Hearts
- shared city: Seattle
- shared apartment: close to water
- shared bed ...

Need I go on???
LOL! Utterly hilarious. Good list. The few things they share at the bottom are really the clinchers in the whole things :giggling:Seriously, Brooks wanted and wants absolutely nothing to do with her whatsoever and if he met her out in the wild, he STILL wouldn't want to get to know Des or date her. Chris adores her, wants to take care of her, marry her, and writes poetry declaring his undying love.

Sure, Brooks would have been F1 if he had stayed IMO, but that would have been the biggest loss of Des' life. It really did work out like Sense and Sensibility, Fleiss and Team are a modern day Jane Austen, who knew?!

HaHaHaHa!!!!   High clap   So true and funny.  Never thought I would see Fleiss used in the same sentence with Jane Austen! LOL!!     LOVE the movie Sense and Sensibility btw

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chris - Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 13 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by Aunties_Love Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:37 pm

MVMom39forever wrote:
Aunties_Love wrote:
bleuberry wrote:They're still grieving it appears. I shall go back to just browsing his threads. :Nod: 
Yea, I shouldn't of posted there either but find it so weird how they are still in la la land and can't see that Des is in love with Chris.
What I don't understand is those Brooks fans still hoping they "find" each other and get back together when Brooks said on the show and in his post-finale interview that he was not in love, didn't think with time he would fall in love with her and if he had met her off the show, he still wouldn't have fallen for her. So ... why would anyone ga-ga for Brooks want him to "settle" for Des when they are so clearly bemoaning the fact that Des "settled" for Chris. Cra-zy!

Must we recap YET AGAIN why Des and Chris are a great match with promising long-term potential and nobody did any settling:

- killer chemistry and attraction towards each other
- admiration for the other ... Chris admires Des being independent since 18; Des admires "everything" about Chris
- faith/spiritual
- ready for marriage/family and rescue dog
- long & lean bodies thanks to shared affinity for healthy lifestyle
- kindhearted/kindred spirits  
- committed to open/frequent communication
- play together: volleyball & baseball & soccer & hiking
- creative together: writing poetry
- similar sense of humor & easy laughter
- shared "project" ... Diamonds & Hearts
- shared city: Seattle
- shared apartment: close to water
- shared bed ...

Need I go on???
LOL, yea, regarding the bolded/underlined, it is so silly thinking that it would just happen because they are in love...sheesh. As she herself said, she didn't settle and once the cloud nine of Brooks left, she came out of the "bach bubble" so to speak and realized that her heart had already found what it needed and wanted in the form of Chris. As far as the ILY statements that she made regarding Brooks as well as the statements of her only wanting to be on dates with Brooks was because he clouded her mind and heart, according to her. And she made those statements in the spur of the moment as he was giving up on her. Why the "Brooksies" feel that she will find her way back to her sweetheart and true love is beyond me.

Candace:  There is nothing better than an Auntie's Love!  blowkiss

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chris - Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 13 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by Aunties_Love Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:38 pm

2observe wrote:
Aunties_Love wrote:
bleuberry wrote:They're still grieving it appears. I shall go back to just browsing his threads. :Nod: 
Yea, I shouldn't of posted there either but find it so weird how they are still in la la land and can't see that Des is in love with Chris.
Aunties, they don't want to see it.  hehehe 
So they got the blinders and earmuffs on when it comes to reality..ok, got it. LOL.

Candace:  There is nothing better than an Auntie's Love!  blowkiss

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chris - Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 13 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by Aunties_Love Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:43 pm

Mustang19 wrote:
bleuberry wrote:
Aunties_Love wrote:
bleuberry wrote:They're still grieving it appears. I shall go back to just browsing his threads. :Nod: 
Yea, I shouldn't of posted there either but find it so weird how they are still in la la land and can't see that Des is in love with Chris.
Yup. Brooks is in her past, as of now, he's just a guy she went on a few dates with. Chris is her fiancee and they live together. Brooks may have been her first choice, but is there any doubt who the best choice for her was? If they want to make Brooks out to be the great love of her life, have at er! giggling

They will probably be chanting "Brooks was F1!" on her wedding day, too. giggling
First, I like all final 4, so I'm a fan of all of them, and I don't speak for Brooks' fans in particular, but this was my take... First bolded - this could be said about all the guys. When Des was at the point of a proposal, she had only been on a few dates with Brooks, Chris and Drew so that's not really fair to single Brooks out - same could be said about Chris. I completely agree with you that in the end, Chris seems to be the best choice for her. From what has been shown post-show in interviews and tweets, etc., they seem to have the most in common (not knowing either one of them, this is just a guess.) I don't go completely on spoilers or sluething, but from what was shown on TV this season, I would have picked Brooks F1 regardless if the spoiler said Chris, Zac or Santa Claus! The only doubt I had was the picture of Chris at the supposed "safehouse" which I think was mentioned to be after wrapping the show while they were still in Antigua. For me, there isn't anything that will change my opinion that if Brooks had stayed, and returned her feelings, he would have been F1. Given the circumstances, with Brooks leaving, Des made the best decision for her and chose Chris. Chris is a great guy. I just question telling two guys within a week's period of time that you love them, but that's me. I think Des and Chris made the best choice to make their relationship work by moving out of LA, and I wish them nothing but happiness. Brooks, Drew, Zac, etc. have all survived this crazy show and moved on as it should be.
With the sleuthing though, it did prove that Brooks wasn't there for the finale or wouldn't be coming back as there were no caps for him, not to mention the editing didn't point to him as F1. The "safehouse" pic was actually mentioned to of been in LA somewhere and not Antigua. But the big thing is that post show, the spoilers didn't match up to the editing, sc's, airport sightings and other things.

Candace:  There is nothing better than an Auntie's Love!  blowkiss

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