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jash - Elan Gale (Producer) & Molly Quinn - Discussion - Page 22 Empty Re: Elan Gale (Producer) & Molly Quinn - Discussion

Post by albean99 Sun Oct 01, 2017 9:46 pm

@Mustang19 That's so great! How fun for you to talk to Elan. I won't even call in when they have celebrities on the donation lines. laugh out loud

He's really working on getting people to get his book. I get the feeling he'd like to move on from what he's doing.

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Post by suzq Mon Oct 30, 2017 6:09 pm

I didn't know where else to put this, but I saw on RS's twitter that Elan and some others on production staff are being sued for sexual harassment. Can someone bring this over and does anyone know more about it?


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Post by hae1001 Mon Oct 30, 2017 7:29 pm

A former producer who worked on "The Bachelor" and “The Bachelorette” has filed a complaint against Warner Bros., the show’s production company and five producers, alleging she was sexually harassed on the set of the reality show.

In the complaint filed Monday in Los Angeles Superior Court, Becky Steenhoek said that she was repeatedly asked questions about her sex life during production of the 2016 season of "The Bachelorette" featuring JoJo Fletcher.

“We take all allegations of workplace harassment very seriously,” Warner Bros. said in a statement. “These allegations were brought to our attention and were thoroughly investigated earlier this year. Our findings did not support the plaintiff’s characterization of the events claimed to have taken place, which is why we are disappointed by the filing of this lawsuit.”

Steenhoek said five of the show's executive and cast producers asked her graphic personal questions including, "Is your vagina shaved?," "Have you ever fondled [testicles] before?" and "Have you ever sat under a shower faucet or touched yourself to masturbate?"

Steenhoek, 31, said in an interview with The Times that she was "raised in a Christian household" and was uncomfortable with the line of questioning. Her colleagues' personal inquiries would often make her blush, she said, which only intensified their prodding.

"You could visibly tell it was very uncomfortable to me to witness, just because they did make comments like, 'Oh, Becky's blushing,' or 'Her ears are probably burning,'" Steenhoek told The Times. "It was a bit of a theme that carried on throughout the season ... it was a fun time for them to see me get embarrassed."

In the lawsuit, Steenhoek said that when she turned to cast producer Caitlin Stapleton to complain about the questions, Stapleton told her, “This is the way of the industry and world that we work in.”

"She just told me, 'Listen, this is just how it is,'" Steenhoek told The Times of her conversation with Stapleton on April 9, 2016. "’These are middle-aged white men. This is locker-room talk. This is their way of showing that they're trying to bond with you.’"

Within days of complaining to Stapleton, Steenhoek said, she was suddenly excluded from production meetings and relegated to running menial errands for her bosses, including fetching their meals and making sure the food was to their liking.

Then, on April 17, Steenhoek said she was informed by producer Bennett Graebner that she would not be needed for the remainder of the season. When she asked him why she was being fired, he told her it was because she was not being enough of a “bitch,” according to the complaint.

“When I was hired for the job, the reason they told me I was being hired because I did have the morals and they felt I was a good person,” said Steenhoek, who was told her main responsibility during Fletcher’s season was to be “an emotional support system” for the bachelorette. “And then here I am being fired because of that reason.”

She is suing for damages related to sexual harassment and hostile work environment, sex discrimination, retaliation, failure to prevent harassment, intentional infliction of emotional distress and wrongful termination. Warner Bros., which produces “The Bachelor,” is named in the complaint, as is creator Mike Fleiss’ production company NZK Productions. The producers named in the complaint are Elan Gale, Peter Scalettar, Jacqueline Naz Perez, Stapleton and Graebner.

Since being fired from the show, Steenhoek has moved to Texas, where she lives with family and is trying to “work through things” after a dark time.

“It tainted my whole view of the industry,” she said to The Times. “I wasn’t protected. When we sign our paperwork, we’re given a sexual harassment policy that says ‘any unwanted — whether it’s verbal or physical — sexual advances that makes the person feel uncomfortable and is unwelcome, that you’re supposed to report that and it’s not allowed.’ I think it’s an industry-wide problem — these executives are untouchable. If you report it, you get retaliated against, you get fired because then you’re not a team player. If you don’t report it, then it was essentially me not being me. I would have had to sacrifice my values and my morals for something I didn’t think was right, and I’m not gonna do that."
Source: LA Times

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Post by suzq Mon Oct 30, 2017 9:01 pm

Thanks for posting!


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Post by blueblues Tue Oct 31, 2017 9:36 am

That’s pretty horrible, but not surprising IMO. I have just waited for something like this since the #metoo campaign started. Maybe not about Elan (though I never understood why he was put on a pedestal) but about someone higher up in the food chain, and perhaps from a contestant.

I suppose when the job essentially is to manipulate people who are in an vulnerable position into behaving as entertaining as possible for the camera it would attract a certain kind of people. It is only a natural consequence if the relations between staff members are toxic and based on harassment and master suppression techniques.
All JMO.


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Post by Ash2214 Tue Oct 31, 2017 9:50 am

I'm surprised about Peter, Cassie's husband, but I'm not surprised about Elan if this is all accurate. If I'm remembering correctly, there have been past contestants that have subtly stated he was an azz. It's great for him that he stopped drinking and has tried to change his life around in that regard, but I've always gotten a mean vibe from him.


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jash - Elan Gale (Producer) & Molly Quinn - Discussion - Page 22 Empty Re: Elan Gale (Producer) & Molly Quinn - Discussion

Post by Aria Tue Oct 31, 2017 10:25 am

I'm not surprised about any of them. It's such a boys' club and in an environment where they are constantly getting up in contestants' personal lives and manipulating them, it makes sense that they forget where that line is and just get off on making people go crazy. And, as sad as it is, this is the normal for many, many male-dominated fields and women usually just shut up and pretend to be cool with it (or play along, as there were women named here too) to keep their jobs.

For anyone that saw Ashley Spivey's AMA, she talked about Elan. She was not very complimentary. This is what she said (Source:reddit):

I think he is a MASTER MANIPULATOR because he is extremely intelligent. He's the type of person that can put you down but figure out a nice way to do it where you can't be mad that he said it. He said some not great things about me that deeply hurt me so I might not be the best person to answer this question but then again he also did this before he was sober. Maybe he's changed now and is actually good friends with everyone but I'm guessing its for optics and continued communication if someone does something else with the show.


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Post by Tiggerlgh Tue Oct 31, 2017 1:49 pm

I can't speak for any of them or what or what did not happen.  I do find WBs response interesting and I really hope they aren't covering anything up like other networks have.  I have mixed feelings about this as she was fired during the season so did this really happen or is it payback and I hate that I have to think like that.

Last edited by Tiggerlgh on Tue Oct 31, 2017 2:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by nikikass Tue Oct 31, 2017 1:52 pm

The Bach world is a strange world. I believe they all (the male producers) say stuff like that.

They try to be funny to see how far they can push you. Sometimes you can say the same thing to two people and one will laugh and think its funny. The other will be totally offended by it.

They need to be careful in this day in age. A joke can get you in a lot of trouble.

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Post by Norcalgal Tue Oct 31, 2017 1:58 pm

I canceled my pre-ordered book of Elan's on Amazon. While I agree with Ashley Spivy, that Elan seems very intelligent, that is not an excuse for making someone feel inadequate.

Been watching this crap show like forever

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Post by alwaystulips Tue Oct 31, 2017 2:14 pm

This is awful.  I’m sure it took a lot of courage for this young lady to speak out, and I don’t question that it happened.  It’s taken years for so many people to speak out about sexual harassment and IMO she probably felt she could finally discuss it now that so many people have come forward recently.

No one should be subjected to sexual harassment, verbal or physical, ever.  If she signed employment papers to that effect when hired, the producers clearly broke the law.  Of course, WB is “disappointed”.  What else are they going to say?  They don’t want to face this.  They just want it to go away IMO.

Here’s Amy Kaufman’s full story in the LA Times. The earlier post had a shortened version of the article.

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Post by Kashathediva Tue Oct 31, 2017 4:41 pm

Having seen actual private footage from personal social media accounts years ago, I can only image things said whether in jest, harassment or whatever. These people know how to party and let loose. I'll leave it at that.

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