Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion

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unexpectedtwist - Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - Page 3 Empty Re: Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion

Post by MVMom39forever Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:32 pm

Kashathediva wrote:That was a fun test! I think I did pretty well.

Ha! It's a friggin roll of the dice with these couples. I try not to get overly invested in either way (fan or foe) but have to say that I like the looks of Chris & Whitney

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unexpectedtwist - Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - Page 3 Empty Re: Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion

Post by FLChica Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:37 pm

Embarressed! ^^How sad is it that I can name each lead or contestant in the above. This show is entertaining to me and because I usually record it, I zip past the parts that aren't interesting. Visiting this forum is often times better than watching the show itself & the sleuthing is incredible.

I don't become invested in the contestants or leads, even though I do find some to be interesting or nice to look at. This time it was fun to watch a lead who didn't try to be something he wasn't and is actually ready to settle down with the one he chose. It will be nice for them if they join Chris & Des, Ashley & JP and the others as married couples that started on this show. If not, they will recover and move on to living the wonderful lives they are destined to have.

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unexpectedtwist - Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - Page 3 Empty Re: Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion

Post by Beeleever Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:43 pm

FLChica wrote:Embarressed! ^^How sad is it that I can name each lead or contestant in the above. This show is entertaining to me and because I usually record it, I zip past the parts that aren't interesting. Visiting this forum is often times better than watching the show itself & the sleuthing is incredible.

I don't become invested in the contestants or leads, even though I do find some to be interesting or nice to look at. This time it was fun to watch a lead who didn't try to be something he wasn't and is actually ready to settle down with the one he chose. It will be nice for them if they join Chris & Des, Ashley & JP and the others as married couples that started on this show. If not, they will recover and move on to living the wonderful lives they are destined to have.
I agree Good Post word

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unexpectedtwist - Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - Page 3 Empty Re: Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion

Post by Kashathediva Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:45 pm

FLChica wrote:Embarressed! ^^How sad is it that I can name each lead or contestant in the above. This show is entertaining to me and because I usually record it, I zip past the parts that aren't interesting. Visiting this forum is often times better than watching the show itself & the sleuthing is incredible.

I don't become invested in the contestants or leads, even though I do find some to be interesting or nice to look at. This time it was fun to watch a lead who didn't try to be something he wasn't and is actually ready to settle down with the one he chose. It will be nice for them if they join Chris & Des, Ashley & JP and the others as married couples that started on this show. If not, they will recover and move on to living the wonderful lives they are destined to have.

I identify with a lot of your post.
I did not watch JPG's season. I was able to keep up with it via this forum. I wish I had not watched MeandI's. I watched half of this season. I no longer have any interest in the contrived drama or shark jumping.
As far as who makes it who doesn't, I wish them best as I do any of them.

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unexpectedtwist - Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - Page 3 Empty Re: Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion

Post by Guest Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:50 pm

Beeleever wrote:Three things to share from reading this thread today...

1. I think Whitney is very smart for staying off of SM, especially right now. Whitney and Chris want to focus on their relationship. They don't need all the negative comments to play a role in that. What other people think or say doesn't really matter. We each individually and as couples define who we are. What other people say and do don't define who we are. They are the only ones that matter and I'm glad they understand and are focusing on that.  

2. I am disappointed in MM. She just recently posted after the WTA about how we need to respect each of the girls on the show and nobody has the right to judge...yadda yadda yadda. She did not take the high road in this spreecast IMHO. She was trying to create drama for her show, just like TB. 

3. I hold both Chris and Whitney to the highest level of integrity for not responding when Kelly tried repeatedly to get out of them who was the worst girl in the house. It just proves they have a level of maturity way beyond where the others are. 


I don't really think that she was. I think that she was just trying to get an honest answer and get firsthand accounts of what the girls were really like. She kept repeating "This might just have been the edit, but this was the impression I got". All she said was that Whitney came off as always saying the right things and wanting to win, and if that was true. All of the girls defended her, saying that she was sweet and genuine, but they just brought up the journal thing to show why she might give off that impression. She also asked the girls to say one nice thing about Kelsey and she even defended Britt, saying that she probably came off a lot more dramatic than she really was.

Personally, I would rather get honest, non-PC answers to questions than just canned, Bachelor-speak that we usually hear in all of the standard media interviews.


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unexpectedtwist - Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - Page 3 Empty Re: Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion

Post by nutty1 Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:57 pm

Beeleever wrote:Three things to share from reading this thread today...

1. I think Whitney is very smart for staying off of SM, especially right now. Whitney and Chris want to focus on their relationship. They don't need all the negative comments to play a role in that. What other people think or say doesn't really matter. We each individually and as couples define who we are. What other people say and do don't define who we are. They are the only ones that matter and I'm glad they understand and are focusing on that.  

2. I am disappointed in MM. She just recently posted after the WTA about how we need to respect each of the girls on the show and nobody has the right to judge...yadda yadda yadda. She did not take the high road in this spreecast IMHO. She was trying to create drama for her show, just like TB. 

3. I hold both Chris and Whitney to the highest level of integrity for not responding when Kelly tried repeatedly to get out of them who was the worst girl in the house. It just proves they have a level of maturity way beyond where the others are. 


Good Post I agree

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unexpectedtwist - Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - Page 3 Empty Re: Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion

Post by Beeleever Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:59 pm

Kashathediva wrote:I think I read that Whitney's new job entails professionally utilizing SM, so I would expect other than to post the most generic politically correct things she will not be using SM unless it is extremely private in regards to her personal life.

As far as MM is concerned, I will be brief as this is OT, she is despicable on many fronts. I did a lot of background on her after being pointed in certain directions by several Utah sources Brad 2.0 season. That woman should fade away into oblivion with a past like hers. There is yet to be a cast person I can say worse about.

Kasha, thanks for the "heads up" about MM. I think I will avoid her SM and spreecasts in the future. I had been slowly coming to this conclusion on my own. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. This is definitely otherwise...

The whole thing had a negative tone and left me feeling yuck. I sure hope Whitney does't listen to it. So sad that they had to stoop to this level. Actually, Ashley S. impressed me the most and I love that she just disappeared!

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unexpectedtwist - Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - Page 3 Empty Re: Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion

Post by stuckinsc Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:07 pm

I am glad that the couple has so many fans. I am also glad that we have discussion threads where we can express opinions that aren't always fan like.

I don't know who Whitney is at this point. But, I felt that all season as if she was performing to show Chris she could be that fun loving amazing woman who could roll with the cob.

The reality might be somewhere in between.

And as always, our opinions good or bad don't really matter. The couple in the end will do what is best for them.

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unexpectedtwist - Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - Page 3 Empty Re: Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion

Post by Beeleever Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:16 pm

chasingpavements wrote:
Beeleever wrote:Three things to share from reading this thread today...

1. I think Whitney is very smart for staying off of SM, especially right now. Whitney and Chris want to focus on their relationship. They don't need all the negative comments to play a role in that. What other people think or say doesn't really matter. We each individually and as couples define who we are. What other people say and do don't define who we are. They are the only ones that matter and I'm glad they understand and are focusing on that.  

2. I am disappointed in MM. She just recently posted after the WTA about how we need to respect each of the girls on the show and nobody has the right to judge...yadda yadda yadda. She did not take the high road in this spreecast IMHO. She was trying to create drama for her show, just like TB. 

3. I hold both Chris and Whitney to the highest level of integrity for not responding when Kelly tried repeatedly to get out of them who was the worst girl in the house. It just proves they have a level of maturity way beyond where the others are. 


I don't really think that she was. I think that she was just trying to get an honest answer and get firsthand accounts of what the girls were really like. She kept repeating "This might just have been the edit, but this was the impression I got". All she said was that Whitney came off as always saying the right things and wanting to win, and if that was true. All of the girls defended her, saying that she was sweet and genuine, but they just brought up the journal thing to show why she might give off that impression. She also asked the girls to say one nice thing about Kelsey and she even defended Britt, saying that she probably came off a lot more dramatic than she really was.

Personally, I would rather get honest, non-PC answers to questions than just canned, Bachelor-speak that we usually hear in all of the standard media interviews.

That's fine. We can agree to disagree. We all look at things from a different lens.

I thought MM was completely out of line. Ashley S. tried repeatedly to get them to go on to the next question regarding Kelsey and MM just kept on pushing. To follow that debacle up with asking them to say something nice about Kelsey is pure BS. She knows very well what the edit is and that what TPTB choose to portray can be very damaging to someone. I have personally spoken to several contestants on the show that have experienced this. Kelsey seems to be in a very fragile state right now and there was no decent reason to go there. IMHO

Evidently there are a lot of people that enjoy listening to that. I'm just not one of them, so I will refrain in the future.

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unexpectedtwist - Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - Page 3 Empty Re: Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion

Post by sbolduc Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:42 pm

Is MM Michelle Money?

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unexpectedtwist - Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - Page 3 Empty Re: Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion

Post by Rolly Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:54 pm

sbolduc wrote:Is MM Michelle Money?


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unexpectedtwist - Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - Page 3 Empty Re: Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion

Post by Dot R. Thu Mar 12, 2015 11:03 pm

I agree about the Spreecast and totally lost respect for MM - she was a gossip and mean in this case. Not just with Whitney but also with Kelsey. Ashley Salter of all people when asked about K by Michelle said something to the effect that Kelsey has had a very personal devastation and I think it is best that we not try to add more to it (meaning the loss of her husband was so tragic it was terrible to pile on like this). It was so smart and true b/c the other is bashing even if ti seems Kelsey was odd on TV. And MM said she wasn't hearing that and what her negative opinion was etc etc. I felt she really had no self-consciousness about the other women's feelings and a bit into herself as a 'den mother' to the other new women. Avoid avoid. I know I won't look at her sm again.

Dot R.

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Chris Soules - Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion

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