Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

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notcoolenough - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by AllAboutLove Tue Mar 31, 2015 5:52 am

Just to tie into what has been posted about Alysha being super confident and ...

On Ep 5, Art approached her and talked to her for the FIRST time alone. And she told him straight up that he is going to have to work for her.

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notcoolenough - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by AllAboutLove Tue Mar 31, 2015 10:09 am

In Ep 5, Art comes up to Alysha and asks if she wants to talk to him and she says "I knew it! It is about time!" The whole thing looked scripted to me, imo. Even the way the girls were all quiet when Art approached as if they said "scene!".

Alysha then says to him, "Are you gonna hold my hand" He says yeah and reaches to hold her hand and Alysha says "I am this kind of girl".

Brigette and Kristie are watching and Brigette says "that's cute"... and Kristie says "Called it. Just saying."

The camera pans to Matilda and she is shown biting her cheek and worried.

notcoolenough - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 4 Art_re10

Thinking that because Alysha was so hidden and yet always got roses, and based on what Kristie said, it is likely producers told Art not to do much with her and save it for later when he would approach her. If she gets the last date it won't be a surprise if it was planned that way. Looking to see if she gets an intro video before her date. (so far only Poppy has, Dani and Amanda did not).

Art seems very intrigued/allured by her!

And in this s/cap(s) Alysha is smacking Art on his leg and says: "Soooooo, you finally came over!" as if scolding him (like she did rose ceremonies). She then says "because I am being very staunch at this moment and saying I am not going to come over and talk to this man ..if he wants to talk to me he can come get me. I have to prove myself to you but you also have to prove yourself to me. Soooo.. good start!".

notcoolenough - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 4 Asfasf10
notcoolenough - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 4 Asfasf11

Art's response: "I was wondering what the deal was."
And then in PI/ITM he said that Alysha opened up right away and it wasn't what he expected but it was great. Don't think we've seen this background or Art in these clothes for an ITM yet  question

notcoolenough - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 4 New_it10

And then Alysha says with this s/cap: "I can be a little bit tough to get to know" (Art says "Can you?"). Imo, she is throwing down a challenge and he is rising to the challenge.

notcoolenough - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 4 Asdfas10

And then Art says "I kind of like that though because you didn't do anything sort of to impress"

And then Alysha "No, I am not going to. You are going to have to win my heart. And I will give you my attention but you have to give it to me as well" with this s/cap. (what is this, the bachelorette! haha. I know, I know, good on her and all that but her smile doesn't reach her eyes and it is all so coy and flirty and all that jazz. Not my type of thing. I prefer genuine and vulnerable any day. So even if she is F1, unless she shows a completely different side... I am not a fan at all - I even prefer Chrystal to her, imo. At least Chrystal is funny! Then again, giving her the benefit of the doubt, it must have been trying to have to wait until Ep 5 to chat with him alone. But still... something is off for me. Just my bias).

notcoolenough - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 4 Win_my10

notcoolenough - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 4 Aaaa10

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Tue Mar 31, 2015 12:17 pm; edited 3 times in total

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notcoolenough - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by ElonM Tue Mar 31, 2015 10:22 am

Thanks AAL.

She has the right attitude and I'm not leaning to her as being the F1.

From the screen caps he's very intrigued by her.

So this is the turn in editing we have been discussing. Maybe they didn't show any conversation between in the first 4 episodes because this was the game change episode.

I can't wait to see the chase and if it will impact Matilda's confidence.

BTW, I love that smirk on his face. Just say its sexy giggling

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notcoolenough - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by AllAboutLove Tue Mar 31, 2015 10:27 am

She is definitely playing the game, imo. Art said he likes to chase so this just may be his chase. I think that she does go far.

I think that a lot of this Episode corresponded with my earlier post that she has an ego and it was bruised that he wasn't coming after her. Her comments of "finally!" to him and then slapping him on his leg to scold him, imo, comes across like she is used to guys chasing her.

If she is not F1 I see her more devastated that Art didn't pick her rather than she being in love with Art (she even has started hashtagging her own IG posts with #TeamAlysha... that's a bit much for me when coupled with her posts of her selfies and shilling her isalean).

Something is just off about her to me... she seems... calculated? in a way. Different from Chrystal but still strategizing like it is a challenge for her to get Art to choose her from all the other girls more than it is about finding the right partner (which is something that Matilda has said and talked to Art about). Her first conversation with Art was about herself and what Art needs to do to prove himself to her.

If you look at Art's expression when he is with Alysha it is very similar to the expression he has when he is with Chrystal. Whereas when he is with Matilda, Poppy, or Dani, he doesn't have that same look on his face that he does with Alysha and Chrystal. Just my observation.

Like I said, i see her more upset if she is not F1 because she comes across to me like she thinks she deserves to be F1. In contrast, I think Dani and especially Matilda is going to be devastated if she is not F1. Her edit is leaning that way, especially after Ep 5. She was very very worried, and more so when shown (edited in) her reaction to Art taking Alysha by the hand (Matilda has yet to hold his hand after a 1on1 date and Alysha is holding his hand the first time they chat!)

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notcoolenough - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by ElonM Tue Mar 31, 2015 7:13 pm

Well after looking at Alysha's IG I'll be suprise if she's the F1.

The no top photo, the post about having a sense of humor and all the bikini photos etc.

I'm getting a self promotion thing going on with her. I don't see that as genuine at all.

I truly agree with you AAL that she has an ego and I could she her and Chrystal being friends.

It's like she's trying to measure up to something/ or maybe Art for not picking her. no idea


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notcoolenough - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by ElonM Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:33 pm

Well she is promoting herself like some of the others
The link below was tagged in her in IG.

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notcoolenough - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by AllAboutLove Sat Apr 04, 2015 3:18 am

This to me is confirmation along with the first post on Alysha's IG of #no1man that she knew she wasn't the F1. Not sure where she ends up or goes home and honestly, I really don't care too much where any of them do go home (and think maybe the edit of Alysha was being read into too much by me since so used to seeing things hidden but this is first season so probably nothing really there) other than Matilda and am sooo glad that Art didn't choose her. I don't think she is his type at all, imo. I will give her credit though... the pics she posts of herself from the show are just promoting herself. Unlike Dani who was posting s.caps that she had to have s.captured herself. Very distasteful, imo and disrespectful to the F1 - especially given that she herself said that Matilda was beautiful inside and out.

Anyway, Alysha's post on her IG @alyshajadebrown This is love- the bff This is love- the bff @nikkibeer7 1hnotcoolenough - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 4 11117073_456181034540692_247713883_n

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notcoolenough - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by Kapiti Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:10 am

From the Official Bach NZ site
notcoolenough - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 4 Alysha10


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notcoolenough - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by Guest Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:35 am

thanks Kapiti

i just hope she doenst have to use her hand-writing a lot in her teaching... giggling


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notcoolenough - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by Kapiti Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:44 am

murasaki1393 wrote:thanks Kapiti

i just hope she doenst have to use her hand-writing a lot in her teaching... giggling

Hehe giggling  Agreed! Hers was one of the hardest to read! It was interesting seeing all the girls handwriting though, gives a little more insight into what they're like!


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notcoolenough - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by ElonM Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:33 pm

When you get a little bit excited about getting that first rose emojiemojiemoji #thebachelornz #roseceremony

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notcoolenough - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Apr 10, 2015 12:34 am

Bringing this post over here...
Alysha started following Josh Murray. Yes. Andi's ex Josh Murray.
I don't think Art is Alysha's type at all. Yes, we can say Art is handsome and he has an amazing body, but I wouldn't think that he is always handsome facially. Sometimes he looks great sometimes he doesn't look so great. He has a goofy look on his face, little too much of an overbite, etc, to be classically handsome, imo but can definitely look it and his body makes him more attractive (I like him personally).

Based on Alysha's ex-boyfriend she likes guys that look like they are from the Jersey Shore, perhaps wear more slick, name brand clothes, etc, and more nightclub hip than hippie (like Art).

Even if Matilda was not on the show, I wouldn't see Alysha with Art. Not just because I don't think he is her type and I also don't think that Alysha is Art's type (she is too serious and takes herself too seriously. She spent the last episode talking to Chrystal about her choice not to kiss, blah blah. Too serious, imo, for Art. I noticed only after the show did she post things on her IG that are more 'fun'. But before that? no. I think it is more a case of wanted a guy to like you for your ego than a real connection).


I personally have learned that often times, the best person you should be with is someone who not only makes you want to be a better person but also someone who you are yourself with - your core self - which is the person you are most of the time, day to day.

What I have noticed with multiple Bachelor franchises, Blake with Sam and even Chris with Becca, for example, is that these bachelors will act differently with these girls.

When I watch the leads, I find myself saying "I like who the lead (Chris or Blake) is with this person" that they are a different person with Becca or Sam than the other girls.

That to me, is a red flag.

It means that this other person is bringing out something in the lead's personality that is not their usual personality - not their day to day demeanor.

And the thing is, as amazing as it may seem, and as great as it is to see another side to someone, it is not who they are most of the time!

As humans we tend to have a baseline or core personality -- the person we are on a day to day basis. We can show sides that are different to that baseline or core personality but in the end, who we are is ultimately who we are most of the time.

And the thing is, if someone is showing a different side of oneself with one person (like Chris did with Becca for example and to an extent what I see with Alysha and Art.. he seems less "fun" around her) then the problem is that it will get exhausting to have to be/show another side all the time when it is not one's core personality.

And inevitably, as much as one will like to be that side of oneself and try because one is interested in someone, eventually that person will resort back to being who they are most of the time once the romance/infatuation goes away and that is why I think that Chris and W. are better suited and why Blake and Louise are better suited (TBAussie S2).

It is also why I find that Art and Alysha have a strange dynamic. He is too serious with her and she with him. They don't have the carefree, joking, fun, playful relationship that is who Art is on a daily basis. He describes himself as "Fun" first. Matilda is exactly that. She doesn't take herself seriously at all and neither does Art. That is why, for me, I think they are perfect for each other and even Art's reaction to Matilda shows that he is not only able to be himself with her but he is really into who she is too.

It will be interesting to see where Alysha ends up in the show. I personally found her interaction with Art to be very "heavy" -- if that is a word. Like, it brought me down a bit (not depressed... just more serious..., I wasn't smiling like I do when I see Art with Matilda).

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Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

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