The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Clues - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*- NO Discussion

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Post by GuardianAngel Sat May 23, 2015 2:10 am

kimberlyg wrote:I think the picture of Kaitlyn kissing Chris is from the improv date.  Isn't her outfit for that black and white?

Also, I think I figured out where Nick and Kaitlyn are where they're kissing in NYC.  It's outside of Vazac's Horeshoe Bar, which is located at Avenue B and East 7th Street.  In the shot with the off-white brick-ish wall where you can see the AVE B/Charlie Parker sign, Nick's back is to the St. Brigid School, and Kaitlyn's back is to Thompson Square Park.

Sophie's Screen Caps (having issues trying to bring these over, so here are the links)

All images below via Google Images:
Street Sign:
girlsdoyou -  The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Clues - *Sleuthing -  Spoilers*- NO Discussion - Page 13 164931725_375e16e834_b

Across the street is a bar with red doors, which is Vazac's:
girlsdoyou -  The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Clues - *Sleuthing -  Spoilers*- NO Discussion - Page 13 Vazacs_0000_Exterior

girlsdoyou -  The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Clues - *Sleuthing -  Spoilers*- NO Discussion - Page 13 Vazacs-horseshoe-bar_s345x230

The wall behind Nick when he's talking to Kaitlyn (where the street sign is) is the St. Brigid School:
girlsdoyou -  The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Clues - *Sleuthing -  Spoilers*- NO Discussion - Page 13 St_Brigid_School_205914

It's much more obvious looking at Google Maps.


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Post by GuardianAngel Sat May 23, 2015 4:18 pm

OnePromise wrote:Not exactly sure where to put this information summary.  But since I used mostly the screen caps to try to put it together, I will put it here.  

So I was having a hard time figuring out how there could be four dates the first week in Ireland putting the SC and RS spoilers together.  This is what I came up with:

Week Six: Dublin, Radisson Blu St. Helen's
Guys: 9 to 6
(SC of hotel) Shawn, Joe, Ben H., Tanner, Nick, Dr. Chris and JJ
(Other Dublin photos) Jared and Ben Z.
1.) 1:1, Christ Church Cathedral & Cranberries concert - Jared (gets rose)
2.) Group Date, Guinness Brewery/storehouse - Ben H. (SC dancing with K), Dr. Chris, Shawn,Tanner, Ben Z and Nick
3.) 2:1, Unknown location for picnic (per RS) - Joe & JJ (JJ home, Joe gets rose as seen in SC on boat with Kaitlyn)
4.) Then question then is how did sleuthers get photos of Nick and K together in Dublin on the night of the Christ Church date? I think that Nick pulled a fast one and visited K after Jared's date leading to his own mini 1:1 where they talked for a bit in the hotel room holding hands (SC of Radisson Blu) and then were seen walking around town by sleuthers late at night.  RS reported that Nick had the Church date, but that doesn't fit as there are SC of Jared on that date.  It also doesn't fit to put Jared's date the next week because they will have left Dublin to travel to Killarney already.  I think Nick wasn't getting enough time with Kaitlyn and took his chance to see her outside the "rules". Would explain why a few guys have said that he broke lots of rules.  Good old Nick.  Questionable Sex could have happened here, but it seems quick give that he has not even had a true 1:1 yet.  And if they aren't the couple having sex, he could be the slow and steady K talked about wanting.  Just my thoughts, biased of course towards Nick.

Rose Ceremony: 9 to 6, Joe and Jared have roses already. JJ (went home previously), Tanner and Ben Z. go home leaving Shawn, Ben H, Nick and Dr. Chris with roses.

Then I tried to put together the other known locations given our SC with a timeline.  Kind of rough, but I gave it a go.

Week Seven: Killarney, Randles Court Hotel
(SC with Nick, Jared and Ben H appearing to talk to K about sex situation, but I think it's clipped together and not even the same conversation.)
Others are assumed: Shawn, Dr. Chris and Joe
Dates: Not sure of order, but two are located minutes from the hotel
1.)  Group Date,  Muckross House, Killarney National Park, Co. Kerry - Shawn, Joe, Ben H., Jared (SC indicate that Joe appears upset about something here, maybe went home ?)
2.) 1:1, Inisfallen Island/Abbey, Lough Leane, Co. Kerry - Dr. Chris (?), may go home on the date per RS and SC reveal a tearful Chris out by the sea
3.) 1:1, Kennedy Park, Cork, Co. Cobh - Nick (got rose)

Rose Ceremony: 6 to 3, Nick likely has rose, Chris was possibly sent home already, maybe Joe went home too, Jared is sent home leaving Shawn and Ben H. to get roses that night.

Leaving only three main places that we sleuthed in SC for the overnight date locations as follows:

Week Eight: in no particular order
1.) Lough Erne Resort, near Enniskillen - Shawn (SC in bed and fireworks in boat with K)
2.) Lough Cutra Castle, Co. Gorf - Ben H. (SC of castle and horseback riding)
3.) Hag's head at cliffs of Moher, Co. Claire - Nick (left the best for Nick in my opinion) There is no proof of this matchup, but the preview video does sound like K and Nick shouting "Hello Ireland!" (There is also the SC of Nick holding K which I would presume is during this overnight date.  He is wearing a new ring on his finger that some here believe is a claddaugh ring indicating that he is taken or in a relationship.  That would be fitting as a sign to K of his commitment to her if he is indeed one of the F2.)

Rose Ceremony: Per RS Ben H. Goes home

And after that I think that preview runs pretty dry of spoilers, except for a few shots of K crying and looking forlorn over the balcony in Park City Utah at the Montage Deer Valley Resort.  "I just feel bad," she says tearfully.  Not sure if that means she feels bad about sending one or both guys packing.  I'm hoping that she ends up with Nick, but I would not be surprised if she doesn't pick either.  Sad, but maybe it was best for her (and them).  Time with tell.  

If anybody has thoughts or tweeks that is always welcome.  This is just thoughts.  I'm not RS. sneakyl


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Post by emusha Sat May 23, 2015 4:40 pm


kimberlyg wrote:More sleuthing: Kaitlyn posted this on twitter last night with the hashtag #girlsdoyou.  Nick's #beyou hashtag on the picture this morning is similar.
well that's an interesting parallel...
Sooo what was that list of clues again that Alanna started?  :detective giggling 

- "Don't lose your dinosaur image "Truer words have never been spoken" hashtag #beyou Stepbrothers movie posted by nick 5/22
- and the above #girlsdoyou message posted by kaitlyn 5/21 (topics related about being yourself)
- Stepbrothers movie also mentioned in snapchat "it's pam" impersonation by Kaitlyn right after returning from filming 5/10?
- today potential SH weekend not trusting the sm at all but could be a clue that Nick flying somewhere... he was recently in Milwakee right? (mother's day weekend?) wonder where he's off to if he is indeed travelling posted 4 plain emoji and raise hand in celebration hashtag

this isn't really a clue for anything other than nick learning about her favorite butter but a funny parallel since he was tweeting about it  giggling 
- what did K say about almond butter again that it's her fave? during an interview after filming
- nick was tweeting about almond butter during filming...

anything else?

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Post by GuardianAngel Mon May 25, 2015 12:26 pm

emusha wrote:

Alanna wrote:
nd4reality wrote:

I did mention that I thought that the edit was very in your face in the Edit thread a few days back. Some put it down to the fact that they needed to get the information out there because of the 2 leads. Which I disagree with. They even clubbed the 1on1 time of Shawn and Kaitlyn back to back with 1on1 time of Britt and Brady. They as good was said  "here, watch this, its all you really need to know in the chaos all around".

Agreed and then we're going to get doubt, doubt, DOUBT once Nick shows up, so this makes sense to me. We won't know what's happening after Nick and it won't be so obvious whatsoever until the very end.
I still think we're being handed the F1 on a platter this season if shawn is f1 even if Nick shows up midway and throws doubt -- actually the preview outlines that storyline very clearly.... 
1. first epi K falls in love with shawn
preview airs and we have the rest of the storyline
2. K's falling in love everythings great - shawn's struggling a bit to see her being with other guys etc. but we see her hot and heavy with him at the SA cabin kissing then their hands intertwined immediately after -- through sleuthing we found out that cap is of nick but edit leads us to think it's shawn - she says intimacy is very important to her during that moment then
3. boom! nick shows up and is all over her  - lots of physical chemistry
4. nick has sex with her that throws a wrench into the whole thing it's obvious their chemistry is visible 
5. K gets caught guy runs out
6. K has a hard time figuring out how to move forward she tells all the guys and it's all doom and gloom from there 

the only part of that storyline we're not given via preview is if shawn is F1 is that she actually has a positive ending after all...

 -- this season is confusing -- i tend to think that everything they WANT us sooo hard and are hitting us from manyy directions to believe should be questioned particularly cos of what CH said: that they are embracing the fact that sm and spoilers are part and parcel of the show now more than ever... at the same time I have a really hard time thinking they'd go to great lengths around this SH weekend if it's not really taking place the way we're seeing the clues add up so I'm confused... pretty much


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Post by GuardianAngel Mon May 25, 2015 2:14 pm

OnePromise wrote:The way I see it is there are a few ending options:

1.) K choses no one, doesn't really matter who the sex guy is because she tells the other guy and then picks no one.  If Nick is the sex guy then this option is going to sting for him because of his past issues with sex on the show. Plus he probably will not see the rejection coming.  Shawn would also be feeling a bit betrayed I would think, but he will have the Bchaelor gig to soften the blow.  If Shawn is the sex guy, then Nick will be heartbroken, but at least he will appear consistent with his previous talk about the importance of sex.  And Shawn would still likely get the Bachelor gig to soften the blow, being heartbroken and all.  

2.) K picks Shawn as F1 and send Nick packing.  If Shawn is the sex guy, this would make a lot of sense.  Nick is just there to distract from the real love story.  But this stinks for Nick because he will just end up at heartbroken F2 again with no chance at the Bachelor gig likely.  If Nick is the sex guy, this really sucks for Nick as now he "made love" twice with K with nothing to show for it and his theories on sex will be questioned in the post show media.  

3.) K picks Nick as F1 and sends Shawn packing.  If Shawn is sex guy, that means that K told Nick about the sex and they moved past it to a "happy ending".  If Nick is sex guy, then K told Shawn and he could not get past it or it didn't matter because she picked Nick anyways.  Either way, Shawn wins because he would get the coveted Bachelor gig likely being the heartbroken one.  

4.) K picks no one and dates both.  Now that would be complicated to say the least.  

Each option has its merits and support.  There was a post in one of the threads outlining all the SM clues, i.e. Nick's plane emojis, K SH snapchat, K spotted in LA in blonde wig, GA clue about Shawn at LAX on Thursday, Nick favoriting other girls on IG, Shawn posting pics supportive of K, ect... Most of these social media clues point to K picking Shawn as F1 and, not Nick.  

However, I would love to see RS get Fleissed by Nick and his producer friends after the plane-gate video last season and all the negative things RS has said about Nick repeatedly.  What a better way to do this than to catch RS at his own game.  We know they can do it, Des/Chris are proof.  

Let's just say that Nick requested to be on the show to meet K given their connection pre-season.  The producers decide to let Nick come on the show and then make it very clear from obvious filming leaks that K choses Nick to stay on the show. (I mean all the dates were filmed in very public places.) Then they fly off to Ireland where very few spoilers are released for weeks...weeks.  "Hometowns" are not even filmed in the hometowns to keep a tight lid on spoilers.  Then they leak a few things that point to K's F2 being Nick and Shawn, FRC occurs in LA on May 3 and she picks no one.  RS would love this ending as it burns Nick and causes a lot of traffic to his website.  He might swallow this spoiler hook, line and sinker...a little easier because it tastes good to him.  
Meanwhile, Nick, K and the producers hatch a plan to keep the charade of K picking no one with media spoilers to support this.  And why "cater to the 5%" as RS puts it? Because there are two types of viewers: spoiled and unspoiled.  The unspoiled viewer is relatively easy to lead astray, the preview did a sufficient job of that casting doubts on every contestant with sex guy and bringing back Nick.  The spoiled viewer is more of a challenge.  However, most spoiled viewers do read RS and take what he says as pretty important when making guesses about the show.  So all you have to do it convince RS that he knows the ending and you have given strong proof about the ending to the majority of the spoiled viewers.  Unfortunately for the producers, we on this board are so good at spoiling if they didn't convince us of an alternative ending we might just give RS enough fodder to change his prediction by the end of the show. So "catering to the 5%" has to happen in order to keep the end a secret.Otherwise, we figure out the real ending, RS reads the board and spoils it to the rest of the spoiled viewers.  In order for a successful foiled season to occur, they have to foil us too.  Leading to the "chaos" this weekend.  And why this weekend? Because it is well known that Memorial Day weekend is a SH visit weekend.  

I would love to find out that the producers, Nick and K are smart enough to pull it off.  And Shawn might go along with it for two reasons: his contract and the bachelor gig carrot hanging in front of him.  

Imagine this:
Nick and K actually had a SH visit right before the BBMA in LA, around May 14-16.  Nick tweeted a ton of movie quotes those days - maybe watching together in SH.  He also posted a picture the high risk of awesome during those days.  The only tweet that would contradict this would be the Twitter posting about warm weather with the guy in shorts, which honestly could have been taken anytime and posted.  (Similar to when Andi's sister posted a photo for her last season during a SH visit.) And then this weekend, they planned to put on a show for us.  Nick and K would certainly be up for it.  And Shawn would have to be as he might be the next Bachelor.  

Would they go this far? Maybe. Maybe not.  I would love to think outside the box and believe it possible.  I know I'm reaching, but isn't that what this board is for? Crazy ideas.   plotting

Plus, I have been noticing that Nick seems to post about the weather a lot: sun, warmth, waiting for it, cloudy days (inside and indoors).  Even liking a post by Rene Oteri Maynard (past contestant) that said, "All smiles in sunny Seattle." - which was weird at the time, but when compared to the schedule would be around the same time that the F3 to F2 RC would have taken place.  I think that Nick compares K to his "sun".  Think that song "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.  You make me happy when skies are gray.  You'll never know dear how much I love you.  Please don't take my sunshine away."

Here are all the posts about sun, ect (I'm not good at bringing things in, so sorry):

1.) The week of SA dates, IG - "Hey, summer whenever you are ready?" with pic of Nick sticking his butt out.

2.) A day after his 1:1 with K in Dublin, Twitter - "Cloudy morning. Still no summer #wtf" (missing K after a day)

3.) Around the F3 to F2 RC, Twitter, favorited Rene Oteri Maynard's tweet (past contestant) - "All smiles in sunny Seattle." - favoriting this tweet was kind of weird as he doesn't really know the girls in the picture or have connections with sunny Seattle.  

4.) During time in Utah, possible waiting to see K for MTP date, Twitter - "Summer can't get here soon enough!"

5.) May 9th, two days after coming home, maybe from his post show vacation with K, Twitter - "It's always cloudy inside."

6.) May 15, possible SH with K, Twitter - "Chicago is seeing sun for the first time in what feels like an eternity."

7.) May 15, possible SH with K, Twitter - "Someone's excited it's warm"

Of course this all seems like crazy theories.  I am usually quite a logical person and hold to the idea that the simplest answer is always the right one.  But, this does show that you can come to almost any conclusion using SM posts/clues.  

Just thoughts to chew on.  The fun part.  Sleuth on!  :detective


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Post by GuardianAngel Mon May 25, 2015 2:49 pm

julychild wrote:These people saw Kaitlyn in disguise:

girlsdoyou -  The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Clues - *Sleuthing -  Spoilers*- NO Discussion - Page 13 11335090_486894734799854_1504515755_n
jericaleah Dinner in LA.  also @kaitlynbristowe we love you and you look good in blonde #thebachelorette

...and in response to someones comment:

jericaleah I saw her! She was wearing a blonde wig @kiflem 13min


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Post by GuardianAngel Wed May 27, 2015 9:35 am

Sprite wrote:So many possibilities, here is mine:

The bette/Kaitlyn is the one that actually proposes. No more letting the guy take charge and propose, Kaitlyn is the first woman to do so. That would certainly surprise me.


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Post by emusha Thu May 28, 2015 11:51 pm

Beagle wrote:
moonchild wrote:
Beagle wrote:If they want Shawn for TB, I think it's a little strange that they didn't show his intro video or was mentioned on the 5 to watch. After the events this weekend I'm leaning more towards F1.

Sorry, Beagle, I'm late to the party.  What events this weekend?

GA source confirming Shawn was in LAX on Thursday night. Kaitlyn snapchat pictures by a pool of what it looks like a SH. Girl in LA tweeting that she saw Kaitlyn in a blonde wig. Shawn identified on a flight back to Nashville at more or less the same time Kaitlyn resurfaced in Vancouver. A lot of circumstantial evidence that at least in my mind, is pointing to possible SH visit for them this weekend. JMO though. Have to keep our eyes opened to see if there's another coincidence as this one further down the road. We'll have to see what develops. Suspect
+ Nick pictured in NYC during memorial weekend also hanging with Sharleen and fiance at that time. Posted plane tweets friday prior to travel
+ Shawn in LA for 5-6 days back on flight to Nashville Tue/Wed (?) arrived in LA Thurs afternoon
+ K posted spanchat with temprature 25/82 morning of sat where she was when temp in LA was law 70ies. spotted in LA with blond wig in high traffic "Grove area" in late afternoon on Sat. K livetweeting in Eastern Time airing of Monday's show. (spec: back in VanCity Monday (?) and using Canadian cable timezone options.)

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Post by 2observe Fri May 29, 2015 11:00 am

GuardianAngel wrote:
julychild wrote:These people saw Kaitlyn in disguise:

girlsdoyou -  The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Clues - *Sleuthing -  Spoilers*- NO Discussion - Page 13 11335090_486894734799854_1504515755_n
jericaleah Dinner in LA.  also @kaitlynbristowe we love you and you look good in blonde #thebachelorette

...and in response to someones comment:

jericaleah I saw her! She was wearing a blonde wig @kiflem 13min
But still no picture of Kait in a blonde wig. I serious doubt that it was Kait that was seen or they would have captured that moment on camera. Just saying..... :yes:

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Post by GuardianAngel Fri Jun 05, 2015 10:49 pm

OnePromise wrote:I think this article is just priming the viewers for when Kaitlyn choses Nick as her F1.  They are softening his edit.  The show has to remain controversial and dramatic to keep the viewers watching, but in the end the producers want a happy ending to keep viewers coming back next season.  I bet by the time Kaitlyn choses Nick, most people will be cheering for them.  If they show Nick and Kaitlyn's true characters and connection, how could one not love them individually and together. This is the main reason that the show "didn't start" until Nick joined.  They want to show the difference in Kaitlyn: before Nick and after Nick.  All the other stuff is just to cause drama and lead to questions about who she ends up with.  They have to walk the fine line of showing a real relationship between the lead and F1/F2 and making the viewers question if and with who she will end up with.  America already loves Shawn, so if she doesn't pick him America won't be happy.  Now America has to be swayed to learn to love Nick so there is actually a really perceivable competition happening.  They are just trying to tip the scales in Nick's favor for a little bit.  And I think it is because she picks him and they are happy about it.  


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Post by emusha Thu Jun 11, 2015 5:16 am

Nick and Kaitlyn's Social Media Interaction Timeline Pre-Show
in reverse chronological order...

Mar 30 - N is spotted/w pics in San Antonio in GD, RS spoiled he's joined the contest last week during afterparty following rap activity

Mar 28 weekend - N’s sister (@MariaViall) currently schooling in Vancouver- follows K
Mar 26 > RS spoils Nick is on the show < Shares pics in NYC also says "Also this morning, a radio host on 99.1 The Mix in Milwaukee named Elizabeth reported that she heard from a “reliable source,” that Nick was obsessed with Kaitlyn and was going on the show to ask her to date him."

Mar 26 >N is spotted/w pics in NYC at Studio48 in audience for rap GD then 13min drive away at Chelsea's pier/w pics talking privately to K, has pic with Elan at same location RS spoiled K & N were spotted making out<
Mar. 21 >N is spotted/w pics in LAX airport and his GPS indicates LAX on the map while he manually entered "Wisconsin” to read as for his geolocation in instagram *tricky nick*<

~Mar 16 - >N's dad (@cviall11) follows K<
Mar 16 >N tweets< L.I.T (Speculation: echoes to K's tweet "LIP"?)
Mar. 16 >N retweets CS TB castoff Jade< Life is weird
Mar. 15 >N tweets< :/ (Speculation: could this be the day filming began and N found out that the guys picked K as the bette? In the past we've heard the limo entrances and first cocktail party took place on sundays usually overnight)
Mar. 13 >N tweets< Pins and needles
sometime in March - >N and Carson Drake (K's former coworker) follow each other<
Mar. 10 >N faves K tweet< - Boooom @_ABSalt (pic of Ashley S & K at AFTR)
Mar. 10 >N faves K tweet< - Can we just grab a beer already @AnnaKendrick47 (gif of wobbly bacon)
Mar. 9 4:18 am >N faves K tweet< - L.I.P (I think it means Laughing in Public - or laughing while looking at a screen according to urban dictionary)
Mar. 9 12:25 am >K faves N tweet< - I see what you did there kid ...y&m (lips emoji)
Mar. 9 10:54 pm >K faves N tweet< - Oh and Kaitlyn is incredible. #thebachelor #thebachelorette

Mar. 9 > AFTR airs K announced as co-bachette < (speculation from notarose: K when CH says that britt and her will be double trouble she makes a T gesture with her hands and says 'capital T' - could there be a connection with the comment from Sharlene's fiance about 'that girl is trouble' - maybe it's an inside joke?)

Mar. 8 1:57 pm >K faves N tweet< - The anticipation is killing me...
Mar. 8 12:42 pm >N faves K tweet< You're killin me smalls
Mar. 5 >K faves N tweet< - It's you and me kid
Mar. 5 > K tweets pic of herself by the eiffel tower and geotags it -- the tag shows her in Bronx NYC
Mar. 2 >K faves N tweet< - And that's why Kaitlyn is the Bomb!!!
.Mar 2 > WTA episode airs, K confronts CS about how he blindsided her on the show
March 2 >N posts on IG< - "The perfect recipe #y&m" image says "makes me think, makes me laugh, drives me wild" - K comments with a "picture perfect" both hands raised emoji
>> SOMETHING changes at this point -- maybe they start facetiming after a lot of texting or something...but they seem veryy flirty
Mar. 1 >N posts pic of K on IG< - Same picture as the one Kaitlyn posted supporting her "Well if they ask me.. and they won't, it's a no brainer. The right amount of whit, just enough sass, and plenty of hotness @kaitlynbristowe is certainly my vote. #thebachelorette" -- K comments with "insta gram hug" (? I couldn't find K's comment)
Mar. 1 >K posts pic of herself on IG< - Picture is of Kaitlyn taken by Vancouver based professional photographer at a presumably Vancouver based studio (Speculation: is likely back in Vancouver on Mar 1)

Mar. 1 >Sharleen's fiance comments on Nick's picture on IG of Nick with Sharlene< "machinelevine @nick_viall28 watch out, that girl is trouble. Fantastic time this weekend. Looking forward to your next visit."
Feb 27 - >N faves K tweet - tabloids reporting K is bette & separate reports Britt is Bette< Can't believe everything you read on gossip sites< Can't believe everything you read on gossip sites
Feb 26- Mar 1 - >Nick travels to NYC and hanging with Sharleen & Fiance<
Feb 24 - >K is in NYC for GMAs<

Feb. 23 >K faves N tweet< - Kaitlyn is the total package. She'll be just fine. #thebachelor

Feb - 23 >The FD Episode where K leaves the show airs<
Feb 21 or 22 >WTA is taped in LA< K is in LA that weekend

Feb. 16 >K faves N tweet< - Im pretty I'd never get bored with Kaitlyn around. #thebachelor
Feb. 15 >K faves N tweet - around the time she's back from Cabo/Wedding< - Millions of men now sneaking off to the bathroom and hitting up Google #thebachelor

Feb 11 - 15 - >K is in Cabo for a wedding<
Feb 7 - N meets up with two producers one of which seems to be K's handler (posted by Megan Firestone vs. posted by Nick (Speculation: these lady producers could have talked up Kaitlyn)
Feb. 4 >K is in Vancouver getting her hair did<

Feb. 3 >K faves N tweet without #thebachelor hashtag i.e. additional confirmation she followed him before Feb. 3 < Been listening to @taylorswift13 1989 all night in preparation for dinner with @theyearofelan tomorrow night

Feb. 3 - 9 >N's on LA vacation according to instagram posts< - Meets up with Elan on the 4th  (Speculation: elan might have discussed BIP and or tthe girls on CS' season including Kaitlyn )

Feb 2 >K retweets a N tweet< - On another note...Missing Ashley S. #TheBachelor (Note: Kaitlyn's last tweet is a retweet pic of her and Ashley S.)
Feb. 2 >K faves N tweet< - I like how Kaitlyn carries herself #TheBachelor
Jan 28 >according to twitter timeline N follows K back<
Jan 26 >according to twitter timeline K follows N<
Jan. 5 >K faves N tweet< - Just remember everyone...In real life...there is no music in that room and the silence is brutal. #TheBachelor

via notarose Note: Nick has never retweeted a K. tweet + To my knowledge, he has never commented on any of her pics.

also via notarose IMO, given the above, it is possible that Kaitlyn was the initiator of "interest". > agree! My inking is actually that K wanted to have N make the effort if he was really into her esp if she was showing interest to begin the whole flirtation.

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Join date : 2011-06-20

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