Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows

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teamheather - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows - Page 33 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows

Post by natik Mon Sep 21, 2015 12:00 pm

If it's true it could explain why she was so devastated in the interviews. I can see her blaming herself in the first place for letting it go too far.

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Post by Schmoobag Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:48 pm

If it's true it could explain why she was so devastated in the interviews. I can see her blaming herself in the first place for letting it go too far. wrote:

I agree natik - at the time it would have been perfectly natural for Lana to be convinced she was F1 if Sam was saying all the right words and following it up with taking the physical 'further'. He's seemed relieved that Snez had not watched any of the episodes and therefore had not seen the pool scene - his over the top reaction to showing that scene on The Project spoke volumes to me about his duplicity. I don't trust him and think once the 'new lovers' bubble bursts and reality sets in I think he'll use the excuses the other sleuthers have mentioned to back out of the relationship. He said he always needs to be challenged but relationships become stable and mundane (in a good way) so I doubt that will work for him IMHO.


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teamheather - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows - Page 33 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows

Post by AllAboutLove Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:55 pm

I think it is more a case of being in the bubble, being an intruder, and not being the fan favourite and then being dumped on TV.

Because, let's be honest, Lana was only expected to win for less than 1 week of the entire show airing. The entire 14 episodes before that? Heather was expected to win. So Lana is really stretching it when she says that she had all these people expecting her to win. They only did for less than a week and not because of her but because they thought the distance and Snez having a child would be deterrents for Sam.

But the thing is this: Lana was in F2 with Snez. Unless she was so deep in the bubble, there's no way she didn't know she was going to be F2 when Sam took a single mother to F2. And if she truly thought Sam would choose her over a single mother than that means she wanted to be with a man who was capable of dragging a single mother to F2 and dumping her for an intruder. I don't believe it for a second.

That being said, I am not discounting Lana's feelings at all. I just think that it is more the humilation of being dumped on TV than in private. Lana herself said that watching herself on TV get dumped was worse than living it. That says a lot, imo. I hope she finds happiness and I am sure she will and with someone who has more integrity and maturity than Sam.

Hopefully, Lana never again wants to be with someone who would have dumped a single mother for her if Lana was F1. Because to me, being with someone who is capable of that is far worse than being F2. :Nod:

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teamheather - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows - Page 33 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows

Post by lozzatron Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:14 pm

I think Lana's upset because post-show she's seen that Sam was always going to pick Snez but he's felt her up (maybe more) and let her think she was his F1 anyway. That's very humiliating for her. Lana was also one of the only girls (other that Heather) that was completely and utterly blindsided and has had to listen to Sam tell the media that their connection pretty much never meant anything (which I think is BS by the way - he's backtracking now so Snez doesn't get upset). She'd probably feel used (especially with the pool scene) and embarrassed that she let her feelings out on TV like that. I feel very bad for her. Her Studio 10 interview was hard to watch.


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teamheather - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows - Page 33 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows

Post by AllAboutLove Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:23 pm

Yeah but was she blindsided? Sam took a single mother to F2. As much as one can say that doesn't mean anything different, it really does. That she 100% believed she would win over Sam dragging a F2 to FRC is a bit of a stretch, imo.

And again, I think Lana is more embarrassed and hurt that TPTB showed her making out with a guy on TV and being groped (letting herself be groped) and then dumped. That's not easy for anyone to watch.

As for Sam? I think all the other girls are thanking their lucky stars they didn't win. jmo

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teamheather - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows - Page 33 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows

Post by lozzatron Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:37 pm

Yes I think she was absolutely blindsided. Even if we logically knew production wouldn't let Sam take a single mum to F2 and not pick her, Sam was giving Lana absolutely no indication he wasn't going to pick her. One minute he's telling her he's excited about going on adventures with her and literally 24 hours later he's dumping her.

At least with Sarah they had that horribly awkward F3 date where he brought up the issues so she probably knew she was going and why.

Lana was getting absolutely nothing but green lights until even half way through her "you're dumped" speech.

It even blindsided me. For most of the series I had a gut feeling Snez was going to win, and I was positive leading up to the finale, but even I had a big moment of doubt watching it after what he was telling Lana.


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teamheather - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows - Page 33 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows

Post by AllAboutLove Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:47 pm

Yeah. That's the typical F2 edit though having watched this show since first season Bach US. Always near the end of the finale they play up the connection with the F2 and make it seem like the lead will choose the F2. In Bach US, the lead even has sex with the F2 most cases and right before FRC, so it gets even worse with the blindsiding.

So yeah, Lana had a definite F2 typical edit of being made to think she had a chance when she didn't and they always start to highlight the physical/reassurance edit for the F2 towards the end. They had those s/caps of Sam with Snez in the hotttub and never showed those for a reason b/c it would have given it away.

I also think what made it different is that Lana was an intruder so she didn't have the benefit of seeing how the relationships had started from the get go. Sarah in contrast was there day one and she likely knew.

I think the difference was that, unlike Heather and Sarah, Lana was the only other one that was willing to get very physical with Sam like Snez was. I think seeing her edit, which was not that positive, was very hard to watch, especially as an intruder. That to me is what made it so rough watching back, b/c he was leading them all on in various ways and imo, did so b/c he is a douche.


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teamheather - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows - Page 33 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows

Post by Schmoobag Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:56 pm

b/c he was leading them all on in various ways and imo, did so b/c he is a douche wrote:

:claphands AAL


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teamheather - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows - Page 33 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows

Post by lozzatron Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:06 pm

Yeah, having followed a few series we knew that Lana was getting the typical F2 edit but she'd know none of that, especially going through it in real time. The only thing she could go off were Sam's words and actions and his words and actions didn't give her any indication that their connection wasn't at the level it needed to be for her to win (like he did Sarah). He just showered her with compliments and told her he could take her on dates in Melbourne, they could go travelling, etc.

Watching I could see that Lana's connection with Sam wasn't at the level of Snez's but Lana didn't know that. She didn't get to see his dates with the others. Like you said she also wasn't around when the group date or CP kisses happened with Snez.

Lana was pretty much a perfect F2 for them. She came in late so fans didn't have as much time to get attached to her so they'd be a bit less backlash her being led to F2. Hell Sam probably even thought this and his interview comments suggest he probably did. However Lana knew none of that. All she was going off was what Sam was offering her and I for one would feel very blindsided in her position. I have little wonder she's upset...especially when it looks as if her intruder status (which she was insecure about) may have been used against her to make her the "easy F2" option.


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teamheather - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows - Page 33 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows

Post by AllAboutLove Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:14 pm

Lana was definitely played. Both by Sam and TPTB. Even her dates were spoiled in the DM. Coming in so late and being kept on most likely gave her that confidence boost and knowing Sam, he was probably telling her she was the one all along.

What Sam did and TPTB did is always par for the course. It's why I feel terrible for Lana and F2s - the really get used especially if they have real feelings. But more more than just that is Sam coming out saying he felt nothing and knew it was Snez even before Lana came on. It only makes him look worse and a cad. It's why I am sure Lana is even more hurt. I wish these leads could just say sorry, instead of trying to blame the show or even the contestants. But then again, it's no surprise Sam won't say that or take accountability since his character shows he feels fine groping Lana and still saying it was always Snez.

Meh. Snez can have Sam. He's no prize, imo. If anything, Sam acting that way on the show and post-show only proves just how much Lana is better off. :Nod:

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teamheather - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows - Page 33 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows

Post by mindless Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:24 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:Yeah but was she blindsided? Sam took a single mother to F2. As much as one can say that doesn't mean anything different, it really does. That she 100% believed she would win over Sam dragging a F2 to FRC is a bit of a stretch, imo.

And again, I think Lana is more embarrassed and hurt that TPTB showed her making out with a guy on TV and being groped (letting herself be groped) and then dumped. That's not easy for anyone to watch.

As for Sam? I think all the other girls are thanking their lucky stars they didn't win. jmo

I don't think it does tbf. Maybe if she had a toddler who doesn't understand why mommy's abandoning her for months on end, but Eve is 9 (10?). A week or two more won't hurt her. What if he really had been torn and needed the time to really figure out his feelings? I think that's probably what Lana thought, but she was still confident due to things Sam did and said. She didn't have the luxury of seeing Sam's last dates with Snez while filming, so how would she have known how things were between them? And no one really thinks that logically when they're falling in love. I don't think she was 100% sure he'd pick her, but more than 50%, since she's an optimist. I only just watched the finale and on their last date he said many things that would lead anyone to believe they've got it in the bag. I'm frankly baffled because his reaction to Snez's "I've fallen in love with you" showed how crazy he was about her. How he can feel like that and then tell Lana he never thinks about anyone else when they're together etc. is just baffling to me. no no

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teamheather - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows - Page 33 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows

Post by GuardianAngel Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:27 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:Yeah but was she blindsided? Sam took a single mother to F2. As much as one can say that doesn't mean anything different, it really does. That she 100% believed she would win over Sam dragging a F2 to FRC is a bit of a stretch, imo.

And again, I think Lana is more embarrassed and hurt that TPTB showed her making out with a guy on TV and being groped (letting herself be groped) and then dumped. That's not easy for anyone to watch.

As for Sam? I think all the other girls are thanking their lucky stars they didn't win. jmo

IA AAL This is the way I see it too. She is embarrassed and humiliated for not realizing the chances were slim if he's taking a single mother to F2. She probably thought she had it in the bag.


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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Lana Jeavons-Fellows

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