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Post by stuckinsc Sun Jun 28, 2015 12:56 am

Lucas15 wrote:
AllAboutLove wrote:
peggy0221 wrote:So now after reading the L&S info, I think kaitlyn sent out that snapchat video on purpose. She was tired of playing ABC's game, she was tired of being called a s*** when people know she slept with the contestants but walked out single. I think she wanted the world to know, she chose Shawn.
Yup this has been speculated before. She certainly has seemed a lot happier now that snapchatgate has happened.

Yes she indeed has and IMO it's been palpable. I think it started the weekend before when she cleared her SM of references to Nick and the nest Friday was snapchat and the quick trips to make it seem like snapchat was a mistake, but her interviews of last week certainly showed a different side of Kaitlyn - the captioned an IG pic with "Get ready for soft Kaitlyn" and pretty much delivered on that. I'm sure there's a reason for all this but I caon't really see a logical explanation for it.

As to snapchat being deliberate or accidental - if deliberate I don't think we'll ever get confirmation because she can't admit it even if it was true - she pretty much has to maintain the position that it was an accident. But if deliberate I'm not sure that it took any pressure off her - in fact I think it might have put more pressure on her. Now that pretty much the world (or at least that part of it that knows about snapchat) knows she picked Shawn, she will be even more questioned why she had sex with Nick and then why she had sex with Nick a second time and then picked Shawn and it will be longer before any answer can be given.

I don't know exactly how those two seeming indiscretions will resolve so that it makes sense that she could pick Shawn and Shawn would forgive her and pick her back - right now that seems like it's a tall order. Then again I thought it was a tall order for Des to pick anyone who wasn't Brooks yet she did and she's now happily married.

If I were Kaitlyn I would actually want the original foiler (she picks no one) to be what's out there and allow speculation that it could be wrong and she could have picked Nick. By the time everyone realized she wasn't single and didn't pick Nick but instead picked Shawn we would all have been able to see how and why that happened. As it is - we have to guess - and criticize her - until we see that. It's just more time for negativity to go her way.

If this really was supposed to be a foiler season where the show intentionally mislead and put wrong information out there - this may be why they did it.

Perhaps Shawn was not happy with people thinking she might pick Nick instead of no one? Remember that Emily got so mad at Brad that she actually started to believe he was with Chantal? That is the only thing that makes sense to me, because she has made it harder to explain the Nick sex, but I do believe it was at least accidently/on purpose, because she does look so much different now.

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Post by Guest Sun Jun 28, 2015 2:23 am

^ if this is the case, I like even more less about Shawn. no no
Think how Des' Chris handled the spoiler of her and Brooks till the finale.
If Shawn was so jealous during filming, and, is still jeslous post filming, he is one big baby.


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Post by Guest Sun Jun 28, 2015 2:31 am

chasingpavements wrote:
Hotmomma wrote:BY Shawn's IG he was out Thursday night.There were pictures posted with him and some he is following them?Seems odd for F1 behavior.JMO

Remember, that's why so many of us were convinced that she ended up single or with Nick at the beginning of the season, because a couple of people had sleuthed that he had followed a bunch of hot girls when he came back from filming. Kaitlyn seems REALLY happy and not someone who's being cheated on, but, yeah, I agree his behavior is a little suspicious for someone who is so big on trust.

Thank you all, jump on the Nick wins Kaitlyn's heart bandwagon with me, I'm all alone out here! ;)


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Post by Bet2Win Sun Jun 28, 2015 4:14 am

TopShelf wrote:
chasingpavements wrote:
Hotmomma wrote:BY Shawn's IG he was out Thursday night.There were pictures posted with him and some he is following them?Seems odd for F1 behavior.JMO

Remember, that's why so many of us were convinced that she ended up single or with Nick at the beginning of the season, because a couple of people had sleuthed that he had followed a bunch of hot girls when he came back from filming. Kaitlyn seems REALLY happy and not someone who's being cheated on, but, yeah, I agree his behavior is a little suspicious for someone who is so big on trust.

Thank you all, jump on the Nick wins Kaitlyn's heart bandwagon with me, I'm all alone out here!  ;)


It's kinda hard with snapchat gate. I'm still hoping for a foiler, but it's not looking good.

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Post by GypsySarah Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:30 am

Having sex with someone other than the lead chose is probably the single most reason why the majority of those relationships don't make it. Not a great foundation to build on. I wonder how many times that comes up before the final breakup? The leads are free to do what they want and with whom, but they're not free of the consequences.
I can see the post show interviews way I'd want to be perceived as an oversexed nymphomaniac and you know that's what the topic will be.

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Post by Lucas15 Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:54 am

stuckinsc wrote:Perhaps Shawn was not happy with people thinking she might pick Nick instead of no one?  Remember that Emily got so mad at Brad that she actually started to believe he was with Chantal?  That is the only thing that makes sense to me, because she has made it harder to explain the Nick sex, but I do believe it was at least accidentally/on purpose, because she does look so much different now.

Indeed I remember that season. At the time I had heard that Emily did not want to be Brad's fiancee - she applied to be The Bachelorette and they told her she had to go on The Bachelor and develop a fan following first and so she went on Brad's season.

IMO on that season she actually tried a number of things to get Brad to not choose her, including a last minute questioning if Brad was really ready to be a father and take a sick child to the emergency room in the middle of the night. That didn't deter him and he picked her anyway. That left Emily (and the show who wanted her for the lead) with the need to find an excuse for her to break up with Brad so that she could plausibly be the lead. The false spoiler gave Emily a chance to blame Brad for things she saw during the airing of the show which she used as an excuse for stepping back from him - she couldn't have done that if the spoiler had been accurate.

I just wonder if - in spite of what might have been a "happy tear filled proposal and acceptance at the FRC" - there were still hurdles that didn't get resolved then but continued on in the first month or so post filming. This could perhaps be because at the time of the FRC there were things that Shawn still didn't know and Kaitlyn had to tell him. and that might not have gone all that well. Perhaps those hurdles didn't get resolved until around the time of the snapchat video and that the "soft Kaitlyn" /  differences we see now are because she finally got the ship righted and sailing on smoother waters.

Last edited by Lucas15 on Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:07 am; edited 1 time in total


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Post by stuckinsc Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:37 am

You maybe right. And I agree Emily always wanted to be the star and did not want Brad. Kaitlyn minimized her prior interactions with Nick to the guys, so you could be right. I just think she released the snapchat on purpose. Her change since is extremely noticeable. I think it is too simplistic to think the desire to acknowledge the relationship doesn't somehow involve Shawn.

Honestly, watching Kaitlyn mess up her foiler makes me appreciate even more that Des, Chris, and Brooks kept it together. But they have become some of my personal favorites anyway.

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Post by Lucas15 Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:06 am

stuckinsc wrote:You maybe right. And I agree Emily always wanted to be the star and did not want Brad. Kaitlyn minimized her prior interactions with Nick to the guys, so you could be right. I just think she released the snapchat on purpose. Her change since is extremely noticeable. I think it is too simplistic to think the desire to acknowledge the relationship doesn't somehow involve Shawn.

It's certainly possible that while snapchat-gate might seem on the one hand to make Kaitlyn even more of a lightning rod for criticism for what she did, it's also possible that she did it in spite of that because it helped her relationship with Shawn in some way. It's hard to fathom why Kaitlyn would find someone she is so attracted to as she has described her attraction to Shawn and then put that relationship in jeopardy by doing things that seem to me so stupid. Of course I think it also has to be recognized that she has admitted (in recent interviews) that she made mistakes and that being in the situation she was in is almost impossible to imagine. What now seems so stupid to me may now seem equally stupid to Kaitlyn, but at the time it might have made some sort of sense to her. IMO she was certainly being fed a lot of BS by the producers who wanted her to do stupid stuff.


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Post by Alanna Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:10 am

At first, I thought she snapped totally and completely by accident but seeing how she's taken to the correct spoiler like a fish to water, blogging about him, freely using "us" to discuss their relationship, gushing about him, saying she's in bed with Ryan Gosling, etc., I've slightly changed my mind. I think it was accidental still but her enjoyment of this mistake makes me think it was subconsciously on purpose and something she'd been thinking about and wishing for (correct spoiler) and then it just happened. I don't think it was planned but I also don't think it was full accident either, so somewhere in the middle.

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


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Post by Guest Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:19 am

Alanna wrote:At first, I thought she snapped totally and completely by accident but seeing how she's taken to the correct spoiler like a fish to water, blogging about him, freely using "us" to discuss their relationship, gushing about him, saying she's in bed with Ryan Gosling, etc., I've slightly changed my mind. I think it was accidental still but her enjoyment of this mistake makes me think it was subconsciously on purpose and something she'd been thinking about and wishing for (correct spoiler) and then it just happened. I don't think it was planned but I also don't think it was full accident either, so somewhere in the middle.

Yeah, I agree. I think that the vibe (on this board, at least) was that "oh, of course she ended up single after she screwed things up so much by sleeping with Nick. That's why all the guys bolted and the only way they were even able to get Shawn to stay the whole time was to promise him the Bachelor gig". I could see why she would really want to not deal with that for another month. Although she is now getting "You don't deserve Shawn!", I think it's better than dealing with the consensus that no one wanted to be with her because she's such a sl*t and they should have picked Britt. At least this gives people the opportunity to focus on her/Shawn's relationship on-screen, instead of just feeling like this season is a waste of time. I think her wanting the correct spoiler to be out made her subconsciously be not as careful as she should have been on SM (remember her favoriting tweets about finding a husband? Ali would have never done that).


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Post by isittrue Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:26 am

Sometimes I wonder why K is being allowed to be so obvious who she chose in her interviews. I realize snapchatgate happened but still...


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Post by isittrue Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:45 am

Sorry for the double post but Lucas you brought up an interesting scenario regarding Emily being brought on to be the next bachelorette but being chosen instead. Can this be possible in this case. Maybe this was TPTB plan, let it leak out , stage a snapshot leak and have her gush about Shawn only to have him break up with her over issues with what happened on the show. Hey, to continue the conspiracy, supportive Nick is there as always and gets K back and Shawn is next bachelor. Unlike Emily I do think Shawn does have genuine feelings for her so I question that part of my theory. I am sure a lot of the board would love my theory but I am not one that would.


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