The Bachelorette Australia - Michael Turnbull - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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teammichael - The Bachelorette Australia - Michael Turnbull - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 68 Empty Re: The Bachelorette Australia - Michael Turnbull - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Wed Oct 28, 2015 8:07 pm

I liked Michael on the show and I like him even more since the show ended. If anyone is disingenuous about their feelings for Sam, it is Richie IMO. He was not broken hearted in the least as he was never that invested on the show. Michael was more interested and invested than Richie and I commend him for what he is doing post show helping people. Others have gone on to parties, getting drunk on the streets, dating ither Bach people but he has been helping people and interacting with his fans. I see absolutely nothing wrong in that and I applaud that he chose to to this whatever his motivations as opposed to what others have done to keep being in the news. MHO


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teammichael - The Bachelorette Australia - Michael Turnbull - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 68 Empty Re: The Bachelorette Australia - Michael Turnbull - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Wed Oct 28, 2015 8:44 pm

But do we get to see what they do 24x7?
I think, they all try to show us what they WANT us to see.
Michael choosing to sell the next Bachelor image, I get it. But doesn't mean he's a better person than anyone.

For me, being that pretentious and desperate, isn't anythingi can say good.
all is my opinion, no proof.


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teammichael - The Bachelorette Australia - Michael Turnbull - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 68 Empty Re: The Bachelorette Australia - Michael Turnbull - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Wed Oct 28, 2015 9:15 pm

see2love wrote:I liked Michael on the show and I like him even more since the show ended. If anyone is disingenuous about their feelings for Sam, it is Richie IMO. He was not broken hearted in the least as he was never that invested on the show. Michael was more interested and invested than Richie and I commend him for what he is doing post show helping people. Others have gone on to parties, getting drunk on the streets, dating ither Bach people but he has been helping people and interacting with his fans. I see absolutely nothing wrong in that and I applaud that he chose to to this whatever his motivations as opposed to what others have done to keep being in the news. MHO


i am so sick to read such constant attacks (cannot say the H word on this forum) toward him in the news **edited** this disgusts me.
i follow him on his insta and facebook and he is only nice, generous and at any moment advertising his business. he is kind with his fans, interact nicely and is a class act man
every day michael is attacked about something as if he should apologize to exist.
he said he would accept to consider being the next bach.... every freakin guy would love this harem position!!!
I was on the edge to see if michael was fake and edits were too good to be true but all I see is an incredible man. A son who was raised by an incredible father with values and kindness.
This urge and need to trash him because he is handsome, rich and articulate... was he perfect in his past. no... were anyone who trash him perfect in their life???? Each time I read such negativity towards him and I want to yell some bible verses.
these constant attacks makes me want to puke... truly....

anyway. I am okay if people do not like him. I do not like sasha and I do not like richie. I just do not understand why people cannot give him a break and let the love takes over instead the reverse.

Last edited by HEA on Wed Oct 28, 2015 9:32 pm; edited 2 times in total


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teammichael - The Bachelorette Australia - Michael Turnbull - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 68 Empty Re: The Bachelorette Australia - Michael Turnbull - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Kashathediva Wed Oct 28, 2015 11:14 pm

There is a mechanics problem on this thread. I alerted GA to the issue and she will attend to it. I can not edit or delete on this thread for some reason. IT will be attended to. Thanks for patience.

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teammichael - The Bachelorette Australia - Michael Turnbull - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 68 Empty Re: The Bachelorette Australia - Michael Turnbull - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by GuardianAngel Thu Oct 29, 2015 11:08 am

We have not had any issues all season long with offensive posts in Bachelorette Australia, or any of the International threads, rather the opposite. Everyone has always been extremely polite, and I have mentioned that several times through out the season.

We are not going to tolerate anything but posts that are within the Forum Rules. Snark towards posters is simply not allowed. If you prefer to be snarkish this isn't the forum for you. Posters have enjoyed good sleuthing and a great exchange of conversations all season long, setting an example of a friendly and inviting forum. There have been many new users join simply because of the comradery displayed, we intend to keep it that way. Posts directed towards members opinions directly or indirectly are not allowed. Do not try to skirt the post and be sneaky because it won't work. If there is any hint of a post directed towards another member it will be deleted.

Many posts have been deleted because they were simply defending oneself and had nothing to do with the topic. There is a new fan thread for Michael for those who choose to participate.



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The Bachelorette Australia - Michael Turnbull - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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