BIP Season 2 - Samantha Steffen - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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entourage - BIP Season 2 - Samantha Steffen  - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 13 Empty Re: BIP Season 2 - Samantha Steffen - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by MVMom39forever Fri 4 Sep - 23:07

I finally caught Samantha's stint on After Paradise and I think that every Homecoming Queen/Pageant Girl who wants to go on one of the Bachelor franchise shows should use her as a casebook example of why NOT to go on.

IMO Samantha seems to be the type of person who is used to getting very positive attention from men and enjoys being in control of situations and protecting her image at all costs. Bet she didn't realize that all that gets thrown aside in the world of Fleiss.

First of all, I am sure that Sammi is a fine person but the problem with these shows is that they magnify your flaws and insecurities to a crazy degree.

IMO, she may have tried to boost her chances at screen time for her BIP2 appearance (since she got no screen time on Bachelor) by carrying out pre-show texting to help get relationships started offscreen so they could carryover to onscreen ones.

Then, IMO, she loses control YET AGAIN on After Paradise when she asks  Jenny to not be on set with her (WTF?!?!) so that she could respond and not get overly "defensive." It was great to see Jenny come back onstage and call her out.

What was priceless is the way she tried to minimize her texting with Joe and then Chris H pulls out the book of more than 400 texts. And, then she's got 92 percent of viewers who called in saying that they thought she was still trying to manipulate the situation. Bummer.

You can't help but feel a little bad that her plans didn't work out but I am sure she's experienced enough positives in her life that this could be a good learning experience from which she can grow.

And, I bet we'll never see her on another Reality Show ever again.

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Post by Sprite Sat 5 Sep - 3:41

MVMom39forever wrote:I finally caught Samantha's stint on After Paradise and I think that every Homecoming Queen/Pageant Girl who wants to go on one of the Bachelor franchise shows should use her as a casebook example of why NOT to go on.

IMO Samantha seems to be the type of person who is used to getting very positive attention from men and enjoys being in control of situations and protecting her image at all costs. Bet she didn't realize that all that gets thrown aside in the world of Fleiss.

First of all, I am sure that Sammi is a fine person but the problem with these shows is that they magnify your flaws and insecurities to a crazy degree.

IMO, she may have tried to boost her chances at screen time for her BIP2 appearance (since she got no screen time on Bachelor) by carrying out pre-show texting to help get relationships started offscreen so they could carryover to onscreen ones.

Then, IMO, she loses control YET AGAIN on After Paradise when she asks  Jenny to not be on set with her (WTF?!?!) so that she could respond and not get overly "defensive." It was great to see Jenny come back onstage and call her out.

What was priceless is the way she tried to minimize her texting with Joe and then Chris H pulls out the book of more than 400 texts. And, then she's got 92 percent of viewers who called in saying that they thought she was still trying to manipulate the situation. Bummer.

You can't help but feel a little bad that her plans didn't work out but I am sure she's experienced enough positives in her life that this could be a good learning experience from which she can grow.

And, I bet we'll never see her on another Reality Show ever again.

You are a better person than I am. I don't feel bad at all and have a feeling she is not going to do any growing from the experience because she still seems to be trying to blame others and deflect, deflect, deflect.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Maddy Sat 5 Sep - 4:17

entourage - BIP Season 2 - Samantha Steffen  - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 13 CN6oYG2UsAEZ87w
Samantha Steffen ‏@SammiSteffen · Sep 2
my #dad my rock my homie my everything I LOVE MY DAD!!

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Post by Maddy Sat 5 Sep - 4:19

entourage - BIP Season 2 - Samantha Steffen  - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 13 CN7E21rVAAAb-c4
Samantha Steffen ‏@SammiSteffen · Sep 2
Do we end up together? #spoiler @BachParadise

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Post by Maddy Sat 5 Sep - 4:29

Sharleen Joynt on Bachelor in Paradise: Episode 9
 Jade called Samantha “Sammi” in an ITM this week, making me suspect Samantha has been carefully rebuilding the female friendships she burned upon her arrival. And indeed, Samantha’s big move last night was clearly another attempt to preserve her image, but what bothered me was that it was disguised as a gesture to rid the group of some cancer. (Such a selfless, benevolent soul, that Samantha.) Of course I can’t speak for Samantha’s behavior outside of Paradise, but her ongoing acts of self-preservation, inability to take responsibility, and brutal dismissal of Joe speak volumes. It’s hard to forget Joe’s most villainous moments, but I loved his verbal smackdown of her after she sent him packing. Who didn’t cheer the tiniest bit when he finally said, “I deserve better”?

I’m confused by Dan. I have to assume he’s had his eye on Samantha since she arrived in episode 5 (the same week Amber arrived) but I understand she was promptly “peed on” by Joe. However, since then, with the ups and downs of Jomantha, what was Dan waiting for? It’s clear based on this episode that he was never that into Amber, so I’m struggling with this man’s sense of timing. Were there not better moments to throw Joe under the bus, like say, after Samantha dumped Joe on his birthday? Or how about amidst one of their “many good conversations”? I know all too well how editing can conveniently rearrange the chronology of events, but Dan unquestionably made his “move” (if you can call it that) the night of the rose ceremony. So, either a producer got in his ear about how he should go after the woman he wants, or he really did become afraid to leave Paradise—not long after turning down Amber and saying he would be fine with leaving.

Case in point, Dan. I get the feeling that Dan’s game with women is extremely passive. Let’s consider his relationship with Ashley S., where his approach entailed hopping in an ambulance with her. Sweet, yes, but not exactly a clear-cut “I wanna date you” either. His losing interest in Ashley S was equally vague; she was moody and got angry for something? Add Amber, who came specifically looking to meet Dan and who took him on her date. Their first kiss took place because locals chanted “KISS!!!” Ever since then, there’s been very little action with them. Amber says they’ve been moving slow, while Dan apparently was never interested. Now we have Samantha, the “filet mignon” to Joe’s “generic ketchup” (ouch!), whom Dan claims to really like. (I assume he’s peppercorn sauce.) He whisks her off to the canopied beach bed where every relationship tête-à-tête seems to happen, but instead of just coming out with his feelings, he rehashes more of the same poop about Joe that we already know. Still no directness, no assertion, and certainly no “I wanna date you.” Dan, you’re attractive and seem to be well-liked by everyone; don’t make it about Joe, make it about YOU.

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Post by Maddy Sat 5 Sep - 4:56

entourage - BIP Season 2 - Samantha Steffen  - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 13 CN8yLy9VAAAspvC
Samantha Steffen ‏@SammiSteffen · Sep 2

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Post by Maddy Sat 5 Sep - 4:59

entourage - BIP Season 2 - Samantha Steffen  - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 13 COACmPeVAAEEqFo
Samantha Steffen ‏@SammiSteffen · Sep 3
Some days u wake up feeling like Wonder Woman right away. Other days, u have to put @lorenhope bracelets on first

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Post by Maddy Sat 5 Sep - 5:02

entourage - BIP Season 2 - Samantha Steffen  - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 13 COAx9lTVEAAiuK2
Samantha Steffen ‏@SammiSteffen · Sep 3
HA! “@jodiaadams: Stay strong @sammisteffen #sammiwonderwomansteffen! good things in store! You know your heart! ”

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Post by IWouldMarryAshleyI Sat 5 Sep - 5:31

MVMom39forever wrote:I finally caught Samantha's stint on After Paradise and I think that every Homecoming Queen/Pageant Girl who wants to go on one of the Bachelor franchise shows should use her as a casebook example of why NOT to go on.

IMO Samantha seems to be the type of person who is used to getting very positive attention from men and enjoys being in control of situations and protecting her image at all costs. Bet she didn't realize that all that gets thrown aside in the world of Fleiss.

First of all, I am sure that Sammi is a fine person but the problem with these shows is that they magnify your flaws and insecurities to a crazy degree.

IMO, she may have tried to boost her chances at screen time for her BIP2 appearance (since she got no screen time on Bachelor) by carrying out pre-show texting to help get relationships started offscreen so they could carryover to onscreen ones.

Then, IMO, she loses control YET AGAIN on After Paradise when she asks  Jenny to not be on set with her (WTF?!?!) so that she could respond and not get overly "defensive." It was great to see Jenny come back onstage and call her out.

What was priceless is the way she tried to minimize her texting with Joe and then Chris H pulls out the book of more than 400 texts. And, then she's got 92 percent of viewers who called in saying that they thought she was still trying to manipulate the situation. Bummer.

You can't help but feel a little bad that her plans didn't work out but I am sure she's experienced enough positives in her life that this could be a good learning experience from which she can grow.

And, I bet we'll never see her on another Reality Show ever again.

Seriously. She wasnt there for what Joe did to Juelia. She probably couldnt ever imagine someone acting that way. It was really Joe, who really got struck by her beauty. He wouldnt have made a great husband because he couldnt act normally around her. All he could think about was her glorious beauty, which seemed to destroy what little sense of morality he had within him. I bet when Samantha said do whatever it takes, that probably didnt include acts of evil, blackmail and hurting other people.

If Joe had just kept his mouth shut instead of telegraphing his intentions to every big mouth man there, he probably could have done the same thing Tenley did with JJ. That is lead him on, then say you're still open to things with other people. But nope. He was so struck by beauty, he couldnt keep his mouth shut, and he had a poor sense of the golden rule.

Samantha is a terrible friend, especially to Juelia. But I think she genuinely didnt know what Joe did until that Rose Ceremony where it became known that Juelia felt deceived. Before that, I think she was in the Joe-bubble.

Look at Nick. Nick was smart enough to mostly keep his mouth shut. Although he may be a jerk, he still has some tact. Joe completely lacks the social graces which Southern Gentlemen are supposed to be famous for.

And you're right about the Homecoming Queen but I also think it applies to anyone who isnt middle-of-the-road normal. If there is anything abnormal or extraordinary about you, you might want to stay away. The viewers will mostly be unable to empathize with you because of how different you are.

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entourage - BIP Season 2 - Samantha Steffen  - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 13 Empty Re: BIP Season 2 - Samantha Steffen - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Maddy Sat 5 Sep - 6:40

entourage - BIP Season 2 - Samantha Steffen  - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 13 COE-h_qUsAAq8q6
Samantha Steffen ‏@SammiSteffen  
Kazaam! #PrincessJasmine with #ELAddin who is a #genie-us @theyearofelan @ashleyiaco #fbf


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Post by Newto Sat 5 Sep - 13:43

Hopefully after BIP is over, Samantha will steal quietly away from the Bachelor franchise forever. Had more than enough of her at this point. JMHO.

Well behaved women rarely make history.

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Post by Sprite Sun 6 Sep - 5:33

IWouldMarryAshleyI wrote:
MVMom39forever wrote:I finally caught Samantha's stint on After Paradise and I think that every Homecoming Queen/Pageant Girl who wants to go on one of the Bachelor franchise shows should use her as a casebook example of why NOT to go on.

IMO Samantha seems to be the type of person who is used to getting very positive attention from men and enjoys being in control of situations and protecting her image at all costs. Bet she didn't realize that all that gets thrown aside in the world of Fleiss.

First of all, I am sure that Sammi is a fine person but the problem with these shows is that they magnify your flaws and insecurities to a crazy degree.

IMO, she may have tried to boost her chances at screen time for her BIP2 appearance (since she got no screen time on Bachelor) by carrying out pre-show texting to help get relationships started offscreen so they could carryover to onscreen ones.

Then, IMO, she loses control YET AGAIN on After Paradise when she asks  Jenny to not be on set with her (WTF?!?!) so that she could respond and not get overly "defensive." It was great to see Jenny come back onstage and call her out.

What was priceless is the way she tried to minimize her texting with Joe and then Chris H pulls out the book of more than 400 texts. And, then she's got 92 percent of viewers who called in saying that they thought she was still trying to manipulate the situation. Bummer.

You can't help but feel a little bad that her plans didn't work out but I am sure she's experienced enough positives in her life that this could be a good learning experience from which she can grow.

And, I bet we'll never see her on another Reality Show ever again.

Seriously. She wasnt there for what Joe did to Juelia. She probably couldnt ever imagine someone acting that way. It was really Joe, who really got struck by her beauty. He wouldnt have made a great husband because he couldnt act normally around her. All he could think about was her glorious beauty, which seemed to destroy what little sense of morality he had within him. I bet when Samantha said do whatever it takes, that probably didnt include acts of evil, blackmail and hurting other people.

If Joe had just kept his mouth shut instead of telegraphing his intentions to every big mouth man there, he probably could have done the same thing Tenley did with JJ. That is lead him on, then say you're still open to things with other people. But nope. He was so struck by beauty, he couldnt keep his mouth shut, and he had a poor sense of the golden rule.

Samantha is a terrible friend, especially to Juelia. But I think she genuinely didnt know what Joe did until that Rose Ceremony where it became known that Juelia felt deceived. Before that, I think she was in the Joe-bubble.

Look at Nick. Nick was smart enough to mostly keep his mouth shut. Although he may be a jerk, he still has some tact. Joe completely lacks the social graces which Southern Gentlemen are supposed to be famous for.

And you're right about the Homecoming Queen but I also think it applies to anyone who isnt middle-of-the-road normal. If there is anything abnormal or extraordinary about you, you might want to stay away. The viewers will mostly be unable to empathize with you because of how different you are.

Sorry not buying that.

Several people tried to talk to her and tell her what was going on but she shut them down and wouldn't even listen. That is someone who is just trying to have deniability...."Woe is me. I had no idea he did something so terrible. If only I had known....blah, blah, blah." Then she goes and pulls Joe aside and tells him what to say to producers who had just interviewed her and to everyone else so they can keep their stories straight. She is no innocent victim of circumstance. Not to mention what she pulled on After Paradise where she insisted that Jenny not be on stage with her so she wouldn't be questioned??? What kind of special snowflake is she? And she continues on SM with pulling the innocent, hard done by Sammi.

Yeah, so not buying that swampland of a story she is trying to sell!!!

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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BIP Season 2 - Samantha Steffen - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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