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Post by Guest Tue Feb 23, 2016 8:35 am

whatever David did in the past was not the really Ashley was a cold bitch on this season imo. She had zero business going on the show if she was not going to at least give it a chance! David isnt perfect but he tried to comit to the process which cannot be said of ashley.

Instead of Ashley and her camp looking for ways to make him look bad, they will be better served learning from the experience and moving on. Id take Davin with his arrest record over Ashley anyday. Just saying....


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Post by jlccaz Tue Feb 23, 2016 8:43 am

Rather than calling Ashley names, I prefer to think about the puppet masters who wasted our time on the (known) lie that there was something scientific and hopeful about putting these two together as a couple. Neither had a quality of the other would appreciate it and long-run. If you look at the application for season for you get a sense of what they're looking for. It's just a dumb reality show with a lie at the heart ... Thinking about the fact that each of the three seasons hopeless matches were made on the basis of early contrary to the one articulated in the casting specials and each episode, one can only assume that this was done on purpose. So we see that where the fools as much or more than any the participants Who are at least paid handsomely for their time and troubles.

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Post by Guest Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:18 am

She was cold and acted bitchy. Being put with anyone would not change my person or how i deal with said person. She could have been warm and open but she wasnt because she is a cold person and that came across on tv imho. The experts never guaratee a success story, the pair people up and its the people who are rsponsible for how they navigate the experiment. Ashley was a bitch and very cold.


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Post by Guest Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:23 am

yes we got that she was not attracted to him but why not explore the relationship and see the possibilities? Imagine a world where we are only willing to be nice and open to only thhe people we are attracted to. She went on the show and I feel she took an opportunity from someone else who could have been more open to the process. I mean she didnt even do any of the exercise the experts suggested!!! Couldnt find one nice thing to say about her husband? Gimme a break.
I cant wait to see her off my tv screen tbh.


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Post by mindless Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:44 am

see2love wrote:whatever David did in the past was not the really Ashley was a cold bitch on this season imo. She had zero business going on the show if she was not going to at least give it a chance! David isnt perfect but he tried to comit to the process which cannot be said of ashley.

Instead of Ashley and her camp looking for ways to make him look bad, they will be better served learning from the experience and moving on. Id take Davin with his arrest record over Ashley anyday. Just saying....

I totally agree. Perhaps David shouldn't have been cast because of his arrest almost a decade ago, but from what I've seen it had nothing whatsoever to do with what happened on the show. That's why it's disgusting that Ashley's camp is going after him, trying to ruin his reputation and even buying police reports. For what purpose? If they think it's gonna make Ashley look any better then they're utterly delusional. David didn't do anything to her, except married her and tried to make it work, which is what he signed up for. He doesn't deserve having his past dug up like this. Can't say the same for her, she never even gave him a chance, even though she's the one who told the experts that she was ready to try someone other than her usual type. She only said that to get on the show, probably because she needs the money. There is nothing that can be revealed about David that would make Ashley look better at this point, nothing. Her bitter bunch are just wasting their time and making themselves look like awful human beings in the process. JMOAA.

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Post by Guest Tue Feb 23, 2016 10:05 am

I am over Ashley and her cold self. I would rather be a friend with David any day of the week than a cold fish for a lifetime.


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Post by cindebugg Tue Feb 23, 2016 10:33 am

I'm having a hard time mustering up the energy to clutch my pearls over this. The bottom line is TPTB are trying to put on a show that the general public will watch. I don't think they are deluded enough to think they will get 100% success and truth be told that's probably not what they want. Shows like this need drama and if it doesn't come about organically they will manufacture it. I recall the first season questioning some of the drama they were feeding me. Drama sells. Look at Monet, she got her own spin off because her marriage didn't work out. I wonder if Jamie would have stuck with Doug had she known she could get a spin off that was just about her and her friends looking for love in the big city?
Anyway, maybe I've watched too many dating reality shows but I have a hard time feeling sorry for anyone that chooses to go on them. I'm assuming they are all adults who know how to read a contract. I'm also assuming that they all have a variety of different reasons for doing these shows. I call bull roar at any of them claiming they didn't know what they were getting into. You'd have to live under a rock not to have seen or heard about these type shows and the type of characters they recruit or the type of scrutiny they will get on SM.
I'm wondering why Ashley didn't walk. Certainly not divulging something like that would void the contract. Did she stay for the exposure, the money? Did she know and decided to stick with it since it was A. 10 yrs. ago and B.he has not repeated the offense? Did David tell her and she was OK with it up until she started getting skewered on SM for her cold fish behavior towards David?

I have found this thread fascinating and am quite surprised how few people believe in giving others a 2nd chance. I don't have an arrest record but it wasn't for lack of trying when I was young. laugh out loud Of course, I wouldn't hire a bank robber as a teller but I don't think I would have a problem hiring someone who was arrested for a DUI 10 yrs. ago, paid his dues and hasn't repeated the offense. Same with David, he made a mistake, he met all the requirements for restitution and hasn't repeated the offense in 10 years. If my daughter brought David home I wouldn't urge her to stop dating him. I would urge her to be aware of any signs/red flags. If he's telling the truth about what he wants out of life, a wife, a family and a good life and he treated my daughter well I wouldn't hold one mistake against him. JMHO

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Post by Guest Tue Feb 23, 2016 10:49 am

cindebugg wrote:I'm having a hard time mustering up the energy to clutch my pearls over this.  The bottom line is TPTB are trying to put on a show that the general public will watch.  I don't think they are deluded enough to think they will get 100% success and truth be told that's probably not what they want.  Shows like this need drama and if it doesn't come about organically they will manufacture it.  I recall the first season questioning some of the drama they were feeding me.  Drama sells. Look at Monet, she got her own spin off because her marriage didn't work out.  I wonder if Jamie would have stuck with Doug had she known she could get a spin off that was just about her and her friends looking for love in the big city?
Anyway, maybe I've watched too many dating reality shows but I have a hard time feeling sorry for anyone that chooses to go on them.  I'm assuming they are all adults who know how to read a contract. I'm also assuming that they all have a variety of different reasons for doing these shows.   I call bull roar at any of them claiming they didn't know what they were getting into.  You'd have to live under a rock not to have seen or heard about these type shows and the type of characters they recruit or the type of scrutiny they will get on SM.
I'm wondering why Ashley didn't walk.  Certainly not divulging something like that would void the contract.  Did she stay for the exposure, the money?  Did she know and decided to stick with it since it was A. 10 yrs. ago and B.he has not repeated the offense?   Did David tell her and she was OK with it up until she started getting skewered on SM for her cold fish behavior towards David?

I have found this thread fascinating and am quite surprised how few people believe in giving others a 2nd chance.   I don't have an arrest record but it wasn't for lack of trying when I was young. laugh out loud    Of course, I wouldn't hire a bank robber as a teller but I don't think I would have a problem hiring someone who was arrested for a DUI 10 yrs. ago, paid his dues and hasn't repeated the offense.  Same with David, he made a mistake, he met all the requirements for restitution and hasn't repeated the offense in 10 years.  If my daughter brought David home I wouldn't urge her to stop dating him.  I would urge her to be aware of any signs/red flags.  If he's telling the truth about what he wants out of life, a wife, a family and a good life and he treated my daughter well I wouldn't hold one mistake against him. JMHO

:claphands :claphands :claphands

David may have or may not have done something 10yrs ago but ashley is still cold! And from the way her camp has been behaving...she remains even cold and bitchy today.


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Post by pafs Tue Feb 23, 2016 1:43 pm

I'm going to beat the dead horse and weigh in on the David/Ashley saga.  I've only posted a handful of times and made my opinion of both David and Ashley quite clear; I don't find either one likable.  That said, to those that keep posting in favor of one or the other and keep dropping the "I have sources" card to sway opinion, I must finally pipe in and say I have a source too, it's called intuition and it's led me through great career choices, a terrific marriage and has probably steered me away from potentially really bad relationships.  It's quite possible, Ashley, with her expressionless face, monotone responses and lack of effort in the "relationship homework" department, really feels, from her heart, head and gut, this guy is a total putz- I feel that way and I'm soaking' it in through a television, can't imagine hopping into bed with the guy every night.  I have a gag reflex like no other and it would be going into overdrive.  He may be the nicest guy, he may make a wonderful husband for some lucky girl, he may show the patience of a saint, he maybe only was arrested once in the last decade for domestic violence, regardless, something is not ringing true for me....and frankly, the blame falls at his feet.  His declarations of falling for Ashley are just not believable.  Aside from all of the other "weirdie" red flags popping up, that one falls so far from the genuine and honest chart that I will go out on a limb here and say after that, every comment he made struck me as fake and contrived.  If he wanted to keep it believable and "real", he really should have tried a little harder to not try so hard.  Strikes me as fake and I'm usually spot on.

That said, no defense of Ashley.  She would not be in my friend group (I would personally love for a stripper to manhandle me, so I knew right then we wouldn't be compatible).  Sadly, though, I think of the two, she is the most genuine- cold, unapproachable, blah, blah, blah., but at least she isn't pretending.  Regardless of her intentions for going on the show, no edit in the world could consistently create this masterpiece of aloofness- she's giving us all she's got, and then some.  Which brings me back to my original critique of David- I don't care how hard up he is for love, being attracted to that just is not possible, no way, no how, ain't happening.  I just don't buy it.  IMO, he's acting and that makes every one of his defenses and declarations not believable for me.


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Post by momof2dogs Tue Feb 23, 2016 2:29 pm

see2love wrote:whatever David did in the past was not the really Ashley was a cold bitch on this season imo. She had zero business going on the show if she was not going to at least give it a chance! David isnt perfect but he tried to comit to the process which cannot be said of ashley.

Instead of Ashley and her camp looking for ways to make him look bad, they will be better served learning from the experience and moving on. Id take Davin with his arrest record over Ashley anyday. Just saying....

Exactly! David could kick puppies and it still wouldn't make Ashley less of a cold bitch. She and her "friends" would be better off keeping their mouths shut. David's stuff might have come out anyway, and she wouldn't like a pathetic jerk on top of being a cold bitch. She is just making herself look worse.


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Post by mizzoufan Tue Feb 23, 2016 2:53 pm

I like Ashley! and refuse to join the mean girl group that exsits everywhere


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Post by just2relax Tue Feb 23, 2016 3:08 pm

His loyalty to Ashley stands out in the People article. I think that's mature and nice. I hope she and her family appreciate it. People need to get a life and stop using social media to bully people. It's a society sickness at this point.


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