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Post by AllAboutLove Mon Jul 04, 2016 8:18 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] there are some promo videos already out (in the No Discussion SM/Media thread) where you can see the ladies in motion.

No air date has been announced yet as the show normally doesn't announce the air date until close to the premiere. From sleuthing it seems it will air at the end of July most likely (as it has the past 2 seasons).


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Post by AllAboutLove Wed Jul 06, 2016 2:27 am

Whenever possible, could we have the following, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]:

Threads needed for:
- Vintaea Carlos
- Aimee Psellos
- Natalie Nazzari
- S/caps No Discussion (to put SC for promos in)
- S/caps sleuthing thread

Thread name changes needed for:
- Polka Dot girl thread is Faith Williams
- Girl in Pigtails is Janey (no known last name yet)
- Tall Brunette is Mia (no known last name yet)

TIA blowkiss

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Post by GuardianAngel Wed Jul 06, 2016 12:15 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] to all!


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Posts without source will be deleted.  

NO SPOILERS in any threads other than those titled Spoilers.  

“Dogs leave pawprints on our hearts” – Author Unknown

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Post by AllAboutLove Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:42 pm

:Thanktwo [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Jul 10, 2016 1:29 am

Updating regarding contestants and possible contestants:

- All 22 contestant official bios are now posted in their threads.
- Steph/Intruder yet to be confirmed with an official bio (likely later on in the season)
- Per [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], possible intruder Zoe Lynch

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Post by Idlemess Sun Jul 10, 2016 5:26 pm

I see that the majority of women are 25+. Let's hope they act their age with a sense of maturity

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Jul 21, 2016 9:37 am

Bringing this forward to this page so can see all 22 contestants for easy retrieval.
- The sleuthed potential F5 are: Alex, Faith, Nikki, Rachael, and Stephanie (Intruder so not part of original contestant group)
- F1-F6 thread [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

From NSW
NSW contestants Mia, Keira, Olena, Marja, Kiki and Eliza.

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Eliza, 31, Event Coordinator
· Why did you apply? “Of course for the adventure, but to find love in the most random way possible.”
· Why should Richie choose you? “I think he’s a very beautiful, down-to-earth man. I think I would definitely add some flair and fun to his life, and a bit of a challenge.”

Keira, 29, Account Manager
· Why did you apply? “So many of my friends said I should apply for The Bachelor, so I decided to audition and here I am.”
· Why should Richie choose you? “I feel like Richie and I have a lot in common. From what we’ve spoken about, I feel like we are at the same point in our lives. We have both gone through self-growth and know what we want.”

Kiki, 28, Personal Assistant
· Why did you apply? “I have nothing to lose, I am hopefully going to gain some new friends, some insight into myself and some confidence to be myself and not fear judgment and hopefully gain a soulmate.”
· Why should Richie choose you? “I’m quite an intuitive person. I am not always going to ask him what’s wrong as I can generally tell. I’m not going to get in your face, I’ve got a pretty good head on my shoulders, I’m intelligent, hold a good conversation. I have my own life and interests and am happy to support him in whatever he wants to do without any fear or judgment.”

Marja, 34, Yoga Instructor
· Why did you apply? “Because my intention moving into this year was three words: “love adventure and trust” and this embodies all three of those.”
· Why should Richie choose you? “Because I am just a catch.”

Mia, 24, Student / Former Athlete
· Why did you apply? “I applied for The Bachelor thinking it would be a good idea. I had nothing to lose!”
· Why should Richie choose you? “I’m just going to be myself and hopefully what I have is enough for him — I don’t plan on changing.”

Olena, 23, Makeup Artist
· Why did you apply? “I came back from overseas and I wanted to experience a new adventure and perhaps find love.”
· Why should Richie choose you? “Look there’s so many beautiful girls in the house, everyone brings something of their own that they can offer, and I think I’m just a genuinely humble person.”

From Victoria
Victorian contestants Sasha, Georgia, Tolyna, Laura, Alex and Aimee.

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Aimee, 31, Business Development Manager
· Why did you apply? “After my last relationship, I realised males will only be ready for a relationship when they decide the time is right. If a relationship presents itself before that time and they weren’t expecting it, they will become wrapped up in it however the side of their personality which was happy being single will inevitably kick in. I then decided, what better place to meet someone who truly wants to be in a long term, committed relationship, than The Bachelor.”
· Why should Richie choose you? “I am a kind, caring and generous person who is always looking out for others and doing what I can to help. I always put the needs of those I care about before my own and can cook a mean meal! I’m happy to sit on the couch and watch sport all day but I’m also up for a night out.”

Alex, 24, Venue Manager
· Why did you apply? “It popped up on my computer screen and I thought why not? Mum always said to take chances when they present themselves.”
· Why should Richie choose you? “That’s a hard one. I think I’m fun-loving, caring and adventurous.”

Georgia, 24, Artist
· Why did you apply? “To find love.”
· Why should Richie choose you? “Richie should choose me because I think I can keep him on his toes, wouldn’t get bored, we would definitely challenge each other. We both would help each other and support each other. We’d be a good team.”

Laura, 24, Project Manager
· Why did you apply? “I actually applied for the bachelor because I wanted to open myself up and find love, and it was also a dare by my friends. I didn’t think I’d make it this far!”
· Why should Richie choose you? “I am a ball of energy. I love life. I’m a positive person. I’m really driven in my career. And if he is the one for me, then bring it on.”

Tolyna, 31, Personal Trainer
· Why did you apply? “My mum and sister encouraged me to apply so we started filling out the application and I just went with it.”
· Why should Richie choose you? “Richie should choose me because, once he gets to me, he will see the softer side of me. I can come across as quite a strong personality, however I do have that softer side.”

Sasha, 31, Executive Assistant
· Why did you apply? “Because I truly believe that you can find love on this show, given in the past Bachelor series everyone ended up finding love on the show so why am I not the next one?”
· Why should Richie choose you? “I know I have a quality that not many women have, such as, treating a man like a real man, and I expect the same in return. I expect him to treat me like a real woman of course. I think he will choose me for being genuine, myself, real and honest and open.”

From South Australia
South Australian contestant Sophie.

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Sophie, 28, Customer Support Manager
· Why did you apply? “I thought, why not? I wanted to give it a go. I’ve tried the dating scene and haven’t had much luck with that, so wanted to put myself out of my comfort zone and see how I go.”
· Why should Richie choose you? “I don’t think I have anything more to offer than anyone else, I believe we are all here for the right reasons. I have a lot of love to give and I’m very kind, generous, caring and nurturing when I’m in a relationship.”

From Queensland
Queensland contestants Faith, Vintaea, Janey and Noni.

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Faith, 26, Hairdresser
· Why did you apply? “My sister just kept hounding me to apply for it, because ‘If it is Richie you need to go on there!’.”
· Why should Richie choose you? “I’d like to think I’m good wife material! I’m down to earth and have great family morals. Richie and I are very similar.”

Janey, 27, Children’s Entertainer
· Why did you apply? “I’m ready to find love and a serious relationship. If you always do what you’ve always done, then you’ll always get what you’ve always got, and so far I haven’t found that. This is a completely different experience, so hopefully it will work this way!”
· Why should Richie choose you? “Obviously Richie should choose whoever he thinks is right. However if Richie chooses me it will be because he is a fun guy and I like to have fun too.”

Noni, 25, Swimwear Designer
· Why did you apply? “I was ready to take that step. I have been holding back in the last couple of years after my last relationship when I was quite hurt. I was ready for a change and believe that I have done enough in my life that I was content and ready to find someone I want to be with for the rest of my life. I have chuck myself in the deep end coming here but it was something I felt like I needed to do to get back out there.”
· Why should Richie choose you? “I think we have pretty similar personalities. I am a good girlfriend but more so a best mate. We could do a lot together and keep it adventurous. Every day is a different day.”

Vintaea, 25, Massage Therapist
· Why did you apply? “I didn’t have a high school formal so I thought I could finally get the chance to wear a gorgeous dress. Kidding! I wanted to put myself out there, challenge myself to see if I could do it.”
· Why should Richie choose you? “I am pretty honest and upfront so I feel that is good point of myself. I’m ambitious, hardworking, kind, strong and smart.”

From Western Australia
Western Australian contestants Megan, Natalie, Rachael, Nikki and Tiffany.

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Megan, 27, Health Promotions Officer
· Why did you apply? “Because I had just about finished my year of singledom and felt that I was ready to move on from that and have a relationship but there wasn’t anyone in my life that I wanted that with.”
· Why should Richie choose you? “I think that we’d have a very good connection and be interested in the same things.”

Natalie, 27, Communications Officer
· Why did you apply? “I’m almost 28 and have never had a boyfriend. I’m at the stage where I would love to share my life with someone.”
· Why should Richie choose you? “I don’t think he should choose me anymore than he should choose one of the other girls. It depends on who he has the best connection with.”

Nikki, 28, Real Estate Agent
· Why did you apply? “I had a girlfriend text me to say I should, so I did! I was lounging by a pool in Bali with another girlfriend. We logged onto the hotel Wi-Fi and took 4 hours to complete the application on my mobile.”
· Why should Richie choose you? “I am incredibly blessed to have my family’s continued love and support in anything I choose to do.”

Rachael, 31, Support Worker
· Why did you apply? “My dad thought it would be a really good idea for me. I love the show and he suggested that I should.”
· Why should Richie choose you? “I feel he’s quite funny and a little quirky. I’m very quick witted and I think our sense of humour would bounce of each other. He’s very adventurous and outgoing and loves outdoor activities and that’s exactly what I’m like.”

Tiffany, 29, Training Administrator
· Why did you apply? “I’ve been single for a while now and have dated a few guys that weren’t right, so when I saw the ad for The Bachelor I thought if I could date someone who is guaranteed to be an amazing guy, why wouldn’t I take the chance to meet Australia’s most eligible Bachelor?”
· Why should Richie choose you? “I’m just a really genuine, down to earth person. What you see is what you get. I don’t try and cover anything up, I’m fun, adventurous and wear my heart on my sleeve.”
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Post by AllAboutLove Mon Aug 01, 2016 5:01 am

Bringing these over here. This makes 3 confirmed intruders (including Steph Dixon) and possibly 4 if Zoe Lynch is an intruder.

Awesome catch, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  yes Unknown intruders added to the list of contestants in contestants thread.

Sundy wrote:Is this another intruder?  

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Sundy wrote:Who is this girl on the right of Rachael. I can get a good pic of her but I think she is an intruder

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Post by Idlemess Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:16 pm

This is going to be a long season. I like four contestants so far. Nikki, Olena, Faith and (cough!) Alex.

Alex right now is saying and doing all the right things and I like it. However, it worries me that they show her in an argument with Kiera and the foreshadowing of the "I always feel like someone is watching me" laugh out loud Kiera's I'm watching you sounded petty but it was left in for a reason.

Gosh darn it Faith... Have to keep faith. Is she Richie's feel good play around pal or I can't believe it, everything is a barrel of laughs moment girl. My pre-season favorite simply because of everything I mentioned. She's adorable and full of personality.

Olena because Olena. She's like a morning glory in a good way. Beautiful and strong in her beliefs. Beautiful like the flower and strong like the weed it is. Not just her eyes but maybe her aura (personality) that mystifies Richie. She is sensual yet reserved.

Nikki is a gorgeous, seemingly together being. Comes across sweet and easy going in her interactions with the women. I want to see her have fun on a group date

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