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27 - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6 - Page 23 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6

Post by Mustang19 Thu May 12, 2016 9:43 am

GuardianAngel wrote:No disrespect to anyone in abusive relationships. Those are serious matters which affect far to many people in our society.

This is my opinion on the subject, IMO, Andi stayed in the relationship for the fame. She was the Bachelorette, was proposed to and became part of the successful couple. The thought of splitting was probably a nightmare for her. What would this do to her reputation, what would happen to her fame.

If she was being abused mentality, and he broke off the relationship, wouldn't a person who was abused thank the stars above them? Wouldn't they then seek professional help to get over the whole nightmare? They would do whatever it takes to move on and get away from him/her. They wouldn't go on national TV and sob like a baby because her relationship is over.

She chose to continue with the digs, continue bringing up JPG, moving to NYC trying to remain famous. She writes a book to slam the others, all because she wants to remain famous. Hanging on to the past, bringing up old details that shouldn't mean anything to her at this point, other than life experiences.

She takes the attention away from her when it comes to the FS. #26 wasn't good, JPG wasn't good, the fact remains she is the one who chose to participate a few days before getting engaged to the first slot. She is the one who was vying for an Oscar performance during JPG's season when she rambled like a lunatic that he didn't pay any attention to her in the FS.

She is an obsessive liar IMO. She lies whenever it suits her and the worst part of that is it's so flippin obvious. I've said it before, she needs professional help.

Speaking only for myself, I completely agree with the bolded. And I lived it. We don't know their whole story of what else did or did not go on behind closed doors, before or after arguments. He allegedly called her a whore. She probably called him an a-hole, so does that make her an abuser too? It's name calling, semantics. Best they are not together.

And I agree, she just wants the attention. The difference with her and Courtney is Courtney has never pretended to be something she's not. She's a what you see is what you get, and she will tell it the way she see's it. Andi will tailor it to her audience, and say whatever she thinks they want to hear. Andi has a post on one of her SM saying something like spread love, don't bash what you hate. That is laughable. All IMO.

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Post by Beach Lover Thu May 12, 2016 9:45 am

bleuberry wrote:I don't know why Andi doesn't really rile me up. Of course the book is in awful taste and she has dropped to an embarrassing low after having a pretty good job and her foot in the door. I feel about her the way I felt about Courtney, but it seems like there's way more outrage surrounding Andi. Why is that? Is it because she trashes more than one ex?
For me it's because she talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk.  I'm tired of her preaching love>hate when she has shown the opposite.  Courtney never acted like she was above it all, she never claimed to be taking the high road.  Andi does and is, and she has her parents and many fans applauding her as this classy woman when she is just the opposite IMO for doing this book. Courtney owned her flaws. Andi does not. She seems to blame everyone around her and never herself. That's my biggest issue with her.
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Post by Beach Lover Thu May 12, 2016 9:47 am

^^^Mustang, you and I are in sync!
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27 - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6 - Page 23 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6

Post by Guest Thu May 12, 2016 9:52 am

bleuberry wrote:I don't know why Andi doesn't really rile me up. Of course the book is in awful taste and she has dropped to an embarrassing low after having a pretty good job and her foot in the door. I feel about her the way I felt about Courtney, but it seems like there's way more outrage surrounding Andi. Why is that? Is it because she trashes more than one ex?

I thought Courtney was in a league of her own for nastiness and awfulness from this show's women, but Andi has overtaken that title for me. Not worth my time to have any opinions on her or this book. My only thought is I hope that the show un-invites her to any future Bachnation appearances, washes their hands of her completely and that her "in" to appearances quickly dries up as it already should have months ago.JMO.


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Post by sosleepy Thu May 12, 2016 9:53 am

bleuberry wrote:I don't know why Andi doesn't really rile me up. Of course the book is in awful taste and she has dropped to an embarrassing low after having a pretty good job and her foot in the door. I feel about her the way I felt about Courtney, but it seems like there's way more outrage surrounding Andi. Why is that? Is it because she trashes more than one ex?

Maybe because this is how Courtney always portrayed herself? Just an LA model, living the "high life" with lots of sex with z-listers. She doesn't get along with other women, and is kind of tabloid gossipy. It's who she is and she OWNS it. With Courtney it's straight forward, she is who she is and she doesn't hide or shy away from that. On the converse, Andi  tries to tell us she is someone she really isn't acting like. She wants us to believe she's a strong, feminist, intellectual lawyer, and imo, actually acts anything but. I liked smart, snappy, lawyer Andi we initially met. It's just not who she truly is; maybe that's the disconnect. I don't know.

Plus, we just "know" Andi better since she headed her own show. Automatically opens her up for more criticism than Courtney who only appeared the one time. (Though it was epic.)

I personally find Courtney kind of humorous and campy fun. Andi is just kind of tragic and mean. I don't know.

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Post by Joshswife Thu May 12, 2016 10:02 am

Wow her fans tweets to him are brutal... She seems to have a young naive following and his supporters seem to be older and less about her bs


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27 - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6 - Page 23 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6

Post by GuardianAngel Thu May 12, 2016 10:05 am

bleuberry wrote:I don't know why Andi doesn't really rile me up. Of course the book is in awful taste and she has dropped to an embarrassing low after having a pretty good job and her foot in the door. I feel about her the way I felt about Courtney, but it seems like there's way more outrage surrounding Andi. Why is that? Is it because she trashes more than one ex?

For me, and it always has been, is because she's fake. Every time she opens her mouth, its BS in one form or another. As Sprite indicated better than I could, she tailors to her audience. When she's being interviewed, she is clueless, but spurts out whatever she thinks is the right thing to say.

Courtney made me laugh more times than not. She was harmless IMO.


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Post by Longhornfan Thu May 12, 2016 10:33 am

In order for someone to seek out and go into counselling, they must first be willing to accept that they have a problem and be willing to hear the truth.  And Andi is not willing to do either.

So, I will take a page from my selfish, cheating ex-husband's counselling experience, which I think would be the same for Andi.  All group therapy did for him was this.  He just realized how screwed up the rest of the people were in the group, and he felt like he was there as a co-counselor, and he was helping them with their problems.  He only went in the first place, because he felt threatened that I was going to a different group therapy session, and I was getting stronger.

IMO Andi is a very unhappy woman who refuses to take responsibility for her part in the demise of the relationship, and until she is willing to do that, she will never admit that she needs help.


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27 - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6 - Page 23 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6

Post by bluwavz Thu May 12, 2016 10:43 am

For me it's mainly her hypocrisy (combined with her emasculating shrewish personality). She was all about how #25 should keep their FS sex private and how it was classless of him to kiss and tell but it's just fine and dandy for her to make a buck with her tell-all about #26 getting it up and #25's f-bombs during their "supposed to remain private" sex. I don't know, perhaps in her mind it's okay for women to kiss and tell but men have to remain gentleman. I just know I can't stand or respect feminists like her. With that said, I don't wish her any ill will. Just am not and never will be a fan and I feel perfectly fine preferring Courtney over her for all the reasons already stated in here.

All JMO.

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27 - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6 - Page 23 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6

Post by bleuberry Thu May 12, 2016 11:24 am

Thanks everyone! I do agree that Courtney has always owned her b*tchiness, almost riding that into her brand for a little bit. Andi gives much more fake vibes.

It also feels just a tad worse because SHE was the lead and preached all of that true love BS and tried to fake the relationship even longer than Josh did. This is like her payback.

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27 - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6 - Page 23 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6

Post by Guest Thu May 12, 2016 11:37 am

With the information we have now, it gives slightly different perspective on the #25 ATFR scene. Your ex bringing up sex with you on national television isn't fun no matter what, but since she was already in hot water for the exact same thing with the fiancé she now needs to pretend everything is A-OK with, it must have been horrifying.
Now we know that Andi actually doesn't care what intimate details of her sex life are public knowledge, she just had a problem with her getting busted again.
She should never have said "some things should be kept private", she should have owned up to it, "yes, we were intimate, but that was part of the process for me, and the process lead me to fall in love with someone else, who i want to spend my life with, bla bla" just spin it in a way that doesn't make you look like a complete hypocrit, you're a lawyer for God's sake


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27 - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6 - Page 23 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6

Post by Seabear Thu May 12, 2016 11:43 am

Andi is Fake.....Courtney is Real.  Andi is mean but does not own it.  Courtney was a manipulator but owns her behavior. One takes responsibility for her actions in life...the other does not. #notclassy


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