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Post by Guest Tue Nov 15, 2016 10:42 pm

Most seem to be on the popular train so I am going for the unknown.  IMHO


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Post by california90 Tue Nov 15, 2016 11:42 pm

I really really really want Rachel to be the 'ette for some reason. I could totally not like her when the show airs but for now... this is how I want the F4 to turnout.

F4: Corinne
F3: Rachel
F2: Raven
F1: Vanessa

I don't know if I see a potential 'ette in any of them beside Rachel, IMO. But if Vanessa was not F1, the only other option I see is Rachel. Basically Rachel is our girl and hope she pulls through in the fan favorite category this season laugh out loud


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Post by Nibbles22 Tue Nov 15, 2016 11:47 pm

I would not say I am on the popular train.   I just love what I see in the photographs.  Vanessa looks like she is in heaven in his arms, and I like it.  Honestly, I can't wait to see more! Smiley

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Post by GuardianAngel Wed Nov 16, 2016 12:23 am

sdmom wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] interesting! Why do you pick  Rachel over Vanessa? We really don't have much to compare so let me post these two pics again. If anyone is big on body language, care to share the thoughts?

sdmom wrote:

Vanessa, 29, special ed teacher:

notarose wrote:week 3 (Oct 1) 1-1 date
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[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

"Zero Gravity Experience airplane ride at Long Beach Airport in Ca"
- reportedly named Vanessa
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Rachel: 31, lawyer

coolangel wrote:
coolangel wrote:Today's 1-1 date in NOLA:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]


I like the two hands clasped together with Nick and Vanessa.


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Post by sdmom Wed Nov 16, 2016 12:35 am

Nibbles22 wrote:I would not say I am on the popular train.   I just love what I see in the photographs.  Vanessa looks like she is in heaven in his arms, and I like it.  Honestly, I can't wait to see more! Smiley
For me, it's hard to read Nick because he's looking at the camera, not at her.  I like how he wrapped Rachel from behind . To me, it shows tenderness. I just hope we will see MORE pics soon!

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Post by Guest Wed Nov 16, 2016 12:36 am

reason wrote:IMHO the final 4 will be done in this fashion

4: Raven
3: Corrine
2: Vanessa
1: Rachel

I would personally love that (Nick/Rachel would be so beautiful together, plus I love the idea of him ending up with a career woman), but I always thought that their body language was a bit awkward in that NOLA dance video. That might just be Nick as I've heard that people thought the same when pictures of Andi/Nick leaked during her season's filming. I think it'll probably end up being Vanessa, with Rachel in F2 (and repeating Nick's arc of FIR --> F2). I agree with the other rankings. Unless Corrine surprises us and ends up being a much stronger contender than imagined, which I think is unlikely right now as Nick didn't pay too much attention to her during BSB. IMO.


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Post by Carine Wed Nov 16, 2016 12:57 am

Of course that is just a specific moment when Nick just happened to look at the camera but that is the first thing I noticed about the Nick/Vanessa pic. Also Vanessa and Rachel are tiny.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Actually went back to rewatch the NOLO vids which part did you find awkward? Looked like a fun date and they already looked comfortable (the booty tap) I noticed that Nick was always interacting with her while dancing, imo.


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Post by notarose Wed Nov 16, 2016 4:34 am

Carine wrote:Of course that is just a specific moment when Nick just happened to look at the camera but that is the first thing I noticed about the Nick/Vanessa pic. Also Vanessa and Rachel are tiny.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Actually went back to rewatch the NOLO vids which part did you find awkward? Looked like a fun date and they already looked comfortable (the booty tap) I noticed that Nick was always interacting with her while dancing, imo.

They are both petite with Vanessa having more of an hourglass figure (somewhat common for Italian women).  I thought they both looked great in their dress choices.  The camera angle used in the promo for Vanessa did make her look tall and I'm wondering if that was an edit trick to suggest "big personality" no idea
More is known about Rachel's date as parts were filmed in public. I liked their interactions. I think RS said there would also be a night concert but since no pics leaked I wonder if it was a private concert?
All that is known about Vanessa's date is the anti-gravity experience.  Did she meet him there or did he take her there from the mansion? Did they then leave together and have more "talk time? Was there a dinner?
Regardless of pics/vids for both first 1-1's, both must have gone well because both made HTDs at the very least. So far, either could be compatible so it will be interesting to see the relationships unfold.  (Of course, Raven or Corrine could have gone further than speculated. Mystery.)
I admit bias in being pleased that both Rachel and Vanessa are in their 30s.  I think 30-something women usually bring more life experience to new relationships and tend to have a clearer vision of their needs, wants, and future goals.

About next Bette, I don't see Vanessa being an option as Canada currently is airing their first Bette Canada.  I see Raven as being a typical choice ... based on her look, fashion sense (often noticed by show fans), and on SM she already has hometown fans to get the ball rolling. Corrine is an unknown for me at this point.  Rachel seems to be a good choice as well - accomplished, attractive, seemed fun in the date footage - however if she really is in the final 2 I think it is awkward to be F2 then be the next lead since filming begins soon after the Bach finishes airing. Yes, Jojo did it but she had the backstory of getting over her relationship with her hair stylist BF to date Ben so getting over Ben to be the Bette just followed that storyline.  
Will be interesting to see who the edit promotes out of the final 4 or even someone who didn't go that far.

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Post by Kashathediva Wed Nov 16, 2016 12:37 pm

The thing with these screen caps is they are only a frozen second in time. This may have been a spontaneous first take or the 10th retake. It will be good to see the film and them in motion.

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Post by MonicaJM2001 Wed Nov 16, 2016 2:14 pm

Kashathediva wrote:The thing with these screen caps is they are only a frozen second in time. This may have been a spontaneous first take or the 10th retake. It will be good to see the film and them in motion.

Very true! It does seem like Vanessa and Rachel are the F2 and if that is the case I have no complaints. I've liked what has been shown (as little as it may be) of Nick with both. Plus their backgrounds sound very impressive as far as careers. Hopefully the translation on screen/in action will only enhance that. cheerleader

I was going to (insert any productive activity) but then well...........Nick

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Post by Guest Wed Nov 16, 2016 4:01 pm

sdmom wrote:
Nibbles22 wrote:I would not say I am on the popular train.   I just love what I see in the photographs.  Vanessa looks like she is in heaven in his arms, and I like it.  Honestly, I can't wait to see more! Smiley
For me, it's hard to read Nick because he's looking at the camera, not at her.  I like how he wrapped Rachel from behind . To me, it shows tenderness. I just hope we will see MORE pics soon!

I get it's a random second caught in those pics, but the 2 highlighted are what I see.  It's sweet that Vanessa is looking so giddy, smitten and like she couldn't be happier and it makes me like her.  

But Nick - who I totally admit I have a negative bias against - with Nick I see him looking at his producer and the camera crew and checking in that he's giving them what they want from him in this scene JMO. I hope to enjoy his "love story" but will be a skeptic until what I'm watching convinces me otherwise.  That's what TPTB get by casting a 4th timer as lead IMO.  People will have very established opinions going in - be they positive or negative IMO.

ETA I don't see anything from Nick towards the girls that is different between the pics of Raven, Rachel or Vanessa. I think it's more her face than his that makes Vanessa's seem like there's more there IMO. But I do think she's prob the F1 frontrunner. I like all three of them from their pics and bios.


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Post by mprssdbyu Wed Nov 16, 2016 5:04 pm

I see sun in his eyes and being aware of crew around him. IMO, Nick is most engaged when in conversation. Those are the scenes that will tell me the most and body language, of course. As far as these activity dates, he doesn't seem to enjoy those as much as others might but they have a show to produce and those include a new activity every day.

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