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Post by Seabear Thu Mar 09, 2017 3:42 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I love your post. You have a wonderful perspective IMO.

Congrats to you for thriving in your career based on your merits not your gender. IMO attitude is so important in being equals. Strength and Humility go hand in hand IMO. You are a shining star! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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Post by Bee Thu Mar 09, 2017 3:56 pm

coolangel wrote:
Bee wrote:
coolangel wrote:My doubts about Rachel have nothing to do with Vanessa either. I don't judge anyone harshly for fights/disagreements that happened on the show since it's not a normal environment. Hell, I was even defending Corinne till the WTA! laugh out loud laugh out loud

I think [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] articulated my thoughts perfectly :yes: .IMO No man worth his salt who has any self-respect would put up with someone who makes him feel like he is the lucky one to have her in his life irrespective of how accomplished she is. Relationships are between equals IMO and part of the reason why relationships fail in the Bachelor world esp is coz the lead-F1 don't get to the equal footing post show IMO.

I feel Rachel is already toeing that line before even meeting any of the guys. Time will tell if it's only Rachel's humor being misinterpreted or if she truly goes into relationships thinking she's all that.  

All JMO.

I think it is really interesting how different cultures and people you surround yourself with leave people with such opposing views but i guess thats why this is all so fun to talk about.

Regarding the bolded all my experiences especially in the last five years i'd say let me know that any man worth his salt is actually incredibly turned on by a woman who knows her worth and lets him know how lucky he is to have her.

I have a brother in his late twenties and I'm the same age as Rachel, I have a lot of discussions with him and his large group of male friends who all have really successful high paying careers. A woman who expresses the things Rachel has like his loss or I know I'm a catch even if it is sarcasm in these instances (IMO) are the golden unicorn type of women they are all looking for to get married. These men know they are successful, very little can make them feel insecure especially not a confident woman. They see her confidence and hard work/success as such an accomplishment and turn on.

They aren't looking for girls who think they are lucky to be with them and constantly expressing that in sometimes really insecure ways. The language Rachel uses is almost seen as a way of flirting with and challenging him.

I think a lot of people are turning that old trope of "ohh he's so handsome and smart and rich, how did she land him?" and turning it on its head and that doesn't mean they aren't equal or both valid in the relationship. I think its just another way of uplifting women in this day and age and something that i am seeing is being encouraged and embraced by secure men.

Like the philosopher Beyonce once said "You ain't married to no average b***h boy"

I don't think most of this should be taken in any offence or that she's trying to put any guy down. I think she wants someone who wouldn't even have an inkling to be insecure about her words even if he made less money that her or had a less prestigious job, I think she just wants someone who will be incredibly proud of her and proud to be with her just as I'm sure she will be of him.

Sorry this is so long xx

ITA with the bolded! That's an incredible quality in any woman. My BF would probably attest that's one quality he finds most attractive about me. My point has never been that. I believe it's a two way street and both people should inspire that feeling in the other for relationships to work. Saying someone is lucky when she hasn't even met them is not a good look IMO.

Let me put it this way. No one on this forum has met/knows my BF just like none of us including Rachel has seen or met any of the guys on her season. If at this point, I say 'My BF is lucky to have me', how many would consider it to be 'Me being a strong confident woman who knows her self worth' and how many would think 'I am putting down my BF' ? If it matters, I and my BF are both Software Engineers in Tech.  

I am 28 and the only woman in a team of 8 in a very male-dominated Tech Industry. I would consider most of my male colleagues to be both successful and not insecure men. And my experience in that world is that everyone wants an equal partner - not an insecure subservient partner but also not a blowhard who thinks she is god's gift to mankind. No one has time for either of those things. There are still men who might be intimidated but why bother with those? That goes in the workplace too. I am not treated any differently than my male colleagues. They want to promote STEM careers and encourage women to join and we are treated as equals. But humility goes a long long way IMO.

My opinions are based on my experiences and before my words are twisted into something else, I am iterating that I never said that knowing your self worth is a bad quality - just going around boasting about it is IMO. Humility is a very important quality to possess IMO. I personally feel Rachel is walking a thin line between 'knowing her self worth' and 'projecting she is better'. Time will tell which one it ends up being. peace

All JMO Smiley

I see where you are coming from but I think the reason why I don't agree with your assessment of her words is the fact that no one ever said he can't think or say the same thing. As much as I can say he's lucky to have me, he can say I'm lucky to have him and i would happily agree. We can both skip around with big heads happily mutually appreciating each other.

Also maybe its just me but I don't see what not having met the guys yet has to do with anything. I see it as whoever she ends up with her statement still applies especially if she doesn't settle and looks for that guy who i said earlier will be proud of her and she him.

I guess i don't see how saying someone is lucky to have you man or woman means you lack humility or that you are boastful. I'm sure your boyfriend is lucky to have you and you him and if either of you said that to me i wouldn't take it as you putting the other down. I just don't see the correlation between someone self praising as meaning they are putting someone else down.

I think sometimes in this life we are so concerned about not coming off in a negative way that expressing certain types of confidence in yourself will always be seen as a negative by some. I have never gotten a boastful or arrogant vibe from Rachel and i think she has done the opposite of put people down from everything i have seen so far. I will continue to state that until I see any evidence to the contrary.

By the way, I don't know you but I'm proud that you are representing women in such a male dominated industry and hopefully carving out a way for those behind you xx


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Copper - Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2 - Page 72 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2

Post by emusha Thu Mar 09, 2017 4:45 pm

Imo I see Rachel's statement simply as a "yes they are" cheeky response to Nick who told her "they are lucky to have you" I do think context matters and she intended it to be a little teasing joke - notice her body language - she said it with a smile and a teasing look to a man who had already rejected her (as she'd confessed to him rejection is her biggest fear and he'd put her through that) he'd let her go and decided that she's not 'the one' or as many times rejection makes the rejectee feel "not good enough" for him. IMO Rachel has always had a joking and teasing relationship with Nick and she was going back into that comfort zone. When she said "his loss" (btw corinne also said "he missed out" in one of her interviews) it was again in the same context of Ellen saying Nick rejected her.

I do think it is important that we give the full context some real consideration before extrapolating meaning about her statement outside of the context in which it happened.

She did not:
- randomly, unsolicited and out of the blue state "the guys on my season are lucky to have me!"
- randomly state "the guys are in for a woman with so much to offer"

Instead, she teased Nick when he told her he thinks they are lucky to have her by agreeing with him. She also cheekily responded to a humorous Ellen with 'his loss'.IMO

Regardless, we shall see how she is on her own show...

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Post by notarose Thu Mar 09, 2017 5:13 pm

I think she will take her role as Bette very seriously.
It will be interesting to see how she responds to a variety of different personalities.

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Copper - Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2 - Page 72 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2

Post by coolangel Thu Mar 09, 2017 5:21 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], bestbud! heartbeat

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.],  bestbud! heartbeat Thank you so much for your kind words. Embarressed! I owe it to my very supportive family, BF and every single person along the way who believed in me. I consider myself very lucky to have gotten the opportunities which helped me get where I am. I don't take those for granted. I wish for a world where everyone gets those opportunities and that education. There is so much potential out there that we might be missing out on. Smiley

Bee wrote: snipped
By the way, I don't know you but I'm proud that you are representing women in such a male dominated industry and hopefully carving out a way for those behind you xx

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], Thank you! It's one of the initiatives I am actively involved in. Smiley
For anyone who is interested in coding or has family members who might be interested in pursuing this as a career, please check out Codecademy, MIT Open Courseware and Women Who Code. They are all excellent places to start. Smiley

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Copper - Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2 - Page 72 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2

Post by ericbutterfly Thu Mar 09, 2017 8:32 pm

I saw Rachel mouthed "Just kidding" after she said "they are lucky" and began laughing hysterically with Nick, just like when he said "thank you" and she seriously said "you're welcome" and then started laughing. She has a similar sense of humor as me. I am very sarcastically goofy and I have a cold dry way of speaking sometimes that can be taken wrong but yeah JMO.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] #TeamRachel ,Congrats Bryan and Rachel Eric or Dean 4 Bach

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Post by Cila51290 Thu Mar 09, 2017 8:41 pm

I never saw the "sarcastic/confident" Rachel on the show though. During the show, I mostly saw a woman skeptical about the process, semi-confident and just giddy around her crush. Post show she's been way more confident and throwing these sarcastic comments about being above it all, IMO.

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Post by ericbutterfly Thu Mar 09, 2017 8:47 pm

Cila51290 wrote:I never saw the "sarcastic/confident" Rachel on the show though. During the show, I mostly saw a woman skeptical about the process, semi-confident and just giddy around her crush. Post show she's been way more confident and throwing these sarcastic comments about being above it all, IMO.

I agree, but in fairness we only see what the editors would like us to see. Some girls have said we didn't see how fun Rachel was in the house, and we didn't see her friendships with Alexis for example who is also goofy. I think the show focused more on her mothering nature like her talking to Corrine and Taylor before their 2 on 1 and helping Dominique when she was in her head, etc... but don't forget this is the same chick that dances while she vacuums and says a ton of corny jokes. I feel like corny and sarcasm can go hand and hand IMO.

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Post by notarose Thu Mar 09, 2017 9:16 pm

Rachel reminds me somewhat of Georgia, the most recent Bette AU, who had her unique brand of humor.  I liked her season.

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Copper - Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2 - Page 72 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2

Post by MVMom39forever Fri Mar 10, 2017 12:42 am

emusha wrote:Imo I see Rachel's statement simply as a "yes they are" cheeky response to Nick who told her "they are lucky to have you" I do think context matters and she intended it to be a little teasing joke - notice her body language - she said it with a smile and a teasing look to a man who had already rejected her (as she'd confessed to him rejection is her biggest fear and he'd put her through that) he'd let her go and decided that she's not 'the one' or as many times rejection makes the rejectee feel "not good enough" for him. IMO Rachel has always had a joking and teasing relationship with Nick and she was going back into that comfort zone. When she said "his loss" (btw corinne also said "he missed out" in one of her interviews) it was again in the same context of Ellen saying Nick rejected her.

I do think it is important that we give the full context some real consideration before extrapolating meaning about her statement outside of the context in which it happened.

She did not:
- randomly, unsolicited and out of the blue state "the guys on my season are lucky to have me!"
- randomly state "the guys are in for a woman with so much to offer"

Instead, she teased Nick when he told her he thinks they are lucky to have her by agreeing with him. She also cheekily responded to a humorous Ellen with 'his loss'.IMO

Regardless, we shall see how she is on her own show...

This!!! I am so team Rachel! I love how much support she has from so many who know her IRL.


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Post by sosleepy Fri Mar 10, 2017 1:10 am

One thing I will say - I'm really curious to see the tone of Rachel's season. Will it take a more somber/real life tone discussing race and interracial dating? Rachel's hometown surprised me when the show went there - talking about race in today's highly charged climate. I didn't hate that.

I remember Emily's season took a more serious/somber tone with the guys really delving into the thoughts of dating someone like Emily, with Ricki. I personally liked that. I hope for more of that with Rachel.

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Post by Guest Mon Mar 13, 2017 11:57 am

Are you kidding me , be historic moment is rachel is meeting her guys at the AFTR rose !
I don't think I like that ...


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