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Post by Aria Thu Nov 22, 2018 12:12 am

umngirl wrote:I mean their dad is out here posting guilt tripping comments on Danica’s Instagram pictures. Seems that public comments about things they shouldn’t are just the M.O. at this point.


This gave me SO much secondhand embarrassment. Like my gawd...WHY?! 

I don't blame Aaron at all. I don't know if they're actually abusive/toxic, homophobic, or just fame-hungry users, but you don't need to have anyone in your life that you don't want to. I'm sure that Aaron was fully aware of his family's status from the calls he made to that area. I don't see why he would need to have any further contact beyond that. Seems like they'd all just start guilt-tripping him and who wants to deal with that? 



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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Nov 22, 2018 12:48 am

umngirl wrote:I mean their dad is out here posting guilt tripping comments on Danica’s Instagram pictures.

Seems that public comments about things they shouldn’t are just the M.O. at this point.  JMO

no no That's terrible. I wouldn't want anything to do with toxic people like that. Makes me think of Mama Murray. 

Aria wrote:you don't need to have anyone in your life that you don't want to

:yes: ITA and I wouldn't want anyone in my life who was out to publicly shame me or blame me or try tear me down. That's not what those who love you do. jmo

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Post by Enchantress Thu Nov 22, 2018 1:04 am

@whit90 Just saw that. WTH. I wanted to give a smidge of leeway to Jordan even though what I think he did was so tacky, but that's just so lame and attention-seeking. Reminds me of the Markle situation. Honestly, either DM him in private or just let it go. JMO.

Normally I prefer contestants to be less curated and more open, but I think it would serve Jordan well to go back to his very PR-friendly lifestyle. Because evidently his family dynamic is messed up. He would benefit a lot from therapy, IMO.

I wonder what Jojo thinks of everything.

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Post by Alanna Thu Nov 22, 2018 1:20 am

Literally don’t think JoJo cares and probably hardly knows what’s going on with this family drama situation. Girl is busy shilling, fashion designing, flipping houses and building her brand. She’s got stuff to do laugh out loud She and Jordan saw each other for a gig for 5 minutes before jetting off to separate corners of the universe iirc. She’s hardly involved imo.

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Post by Cocoasneeze Thu Nov 22, 2018 2:42 am

Imo how horrible of Jordan to try to publicly shame and humiliate Aaron, using Aaron's post about charity and helping others in their time of horror, to make it about himself. That all says more about Jordan than Aaron tbh, Imo.

There's clearly a huge rift (which many were blaming on Olivia, who's out of the picture, but the rift just seems deeper), and Aaron has decided long ago to cut his family out of his life. He has never publicly spoken about it, and interestingly, while his family have spoken about it in public, they've never revealed the cause of the rift. Imo that also speaks volumes.

I'd also like to say, that the family you share DNA with isn't everything, Imo. Sometimes that family can be the unhealthiest for you, and they bring nothing good to your life. Imo.

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Nov 22, 2018 3:05 am

IA it reminds me of Meghan Markle's dad's side and how they wanted to shame Megan and make her look bad. Thought that was trashy and toxic behavior and think the same here. Plus this is not new for Jordan and his family to publicly shame, guilt-trip, or make Aaron look bad imo.

I recall this going back years now from Jordan and that side and says it all imo. Now years on, still happening and Jordan's tweet trending news on twitter shaming his brother and just attention-seeking behavior imo. That's not love. Imo that's toxic passive-aggressive manipulation.

If this was a marriage or relationship the first thought would be how toxic behavior this is from Jordan and I'd tell the other person to run. No different when it comes to DNA ties imo. First thing I'd say is to set boundaries and find the courage to remove oneself from the toxicity. By all accounts that is what Aaron did and they know this.

One thing is for sure though, Jordan's tweet shaming Aaron and them trying to publicly make him look bad only further clarifies for me why Aaron hasn't and doesn't want them in his life. I wouldn't either.

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Thu Nov 22, 2018 4:58 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Enchantress Thu Nov 22, 2018 4:16 am

Their other brother has been tweeting about this too. I guess I never hardcore followed the Rodgers' before because I generally liked Jordan, but this is such entitled, petty behavior. The fact that the tweet is still up says a lot too. SMH.

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Post by Cocoasneeze Thu Nov 22, 2018 5:48 am

I'd also like to say, that from personal experience, contacting a family member when there's a tragedy going on never just ends there. That one contact is seen as permission to bring the harmful toxicity back, the manipulative games, and the circle starts again. It's never easy to cut family members out of your life, the one doing the cutting hurts too. Many times living a mentally healthy life just requires that decision.

Publicly shaming someone, while not providing all the information is just nasty, Imo, and none of this should be happening publicly. Multiple famous people have family members who do this, Meghan Markle being a good example. Imo.

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Post by LoveDovez Thu Nov 22, 2018 9:29 am

ReneeM wrote:It doesn't even matter who's right and who's wrong at this point. It's pathetic imo. Both sides probably think they're right, but I've never heard of right-ness comforting and wiping away regrets should tragedy strike. & imo family is everything.

So true. I still believe in the Honor thy Mother and Father that the Lord asked of me... One thing is for sure Aaron can't take that money with him when he leaves this world. You only have one mother in this life and who's to say when their mother is gone that Aaron won't be the one that suffers the most?? For sure there's no way of getting back the time they've lost. If my mother was still alive I would walk across hot coals to see her and he can't make one phone call?? Tsk! Tsk!! no no no

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Post by Minney Thu Nov 22, 2018 9:31 am

Do we really think Jordan and his family are toxic? I don't follow them closely but during the season they didn't come across that way (and it can be hard to hide! LOL) and for the past couple of years it would seem if Jordan was part of that toxicity that it would show in his relationship with JoJo. It's all just very sad, IMO.

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Post by sosleepy Thu Nov 22, 2018 9:59 am

All I know is I love Aaron. I totally respect and am in awe of him as an athlete, think he’s basically genius level and one of the smartest all around men in the NFL. I really appreciate the causes he stands for. He’s a deep thinker, if you really follow him and watch his interviews. He’s incredibly private, and yes, can appear aloof. I think he’s more misunderstood than being an actual jerk.

Idk. The more I see this play out, it’s the Rodgers family that has the bad look here, not Aaron. Jordan (who I’ve come to like) is one of the worst with making this all public, and probably making the rift even wider. America/NFL audience literally only knows about this family drama because of Jordan to begin with, lest we forget. This tweet, built off Aaron’s donation for his hometown community is in incredibly poor taste.

Idk. You don’t cut out family to this extent willy nilly for no good reason. I’m guessing Aaron has a very good reason. 

The end.

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Post by aviej Thu Nov 22, 2018 10:00 am

LoveDovez wrote:
ReneeM wrote:It doesn't even matter who's right and who's wrong at this point. It's pathetic imo. Both sides probably think they're right, but I've never heard of right-ness comforting and wiping away regrets should tragedy strike. & imo family is everything.

So true. I still believe in the Honor thy Mother and Father that the Lord asked of me... One thing is for sure Aaron can't take that money with him when he leaves this world. You only have one mother in this life and who's to say when their mother is gone that Aaron won't be the one that suffers the most??  For sure there's no way of getting back the time they've lost. If my mother was still alive I would walk across hot coals to see her and he can't make one phone call?? Tsk! Tsk!!  no no no

I agree. God forbid if for some reason or another I stopped talking to my mom, you bet I'd feel the most grief at her death bed. I think both parties are at fault in this situation. But I also think that both parties are very stubborn and firm in their ways. I can only hope and pray for reconciliation because a family that was once very close knit and loving to each other is severed. I also hope that the Rodgers just deal with it internally and not bring it on the world stage - that cannot be good for any party. I know Aaron has made it difficult for them to reach out to him, but the SM avenue is perhaps the worst method to go about this. But I can imagine the hurt that they are feeling and they have allowed their pain to get the better of them. Just let it end here, please, for everyone's sake.

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