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Post by emusha Tue Jun 20, 2017 4:35 pm

nd4reality wrote:So a Peter fan (obviously) has put up clips of P&R on yt which I briefly watched.
tbth I don't see any more connection than say her connection with any of the other guys (Dean, Will etc.). If I did not know he went very far (maybe F1) I would not call it. JMO and I have been wrong in other seasons and maybe even wrong in this one.

BTW now I'm confused after watching those recent clips.

ETA : Just watched the clips between her and Bryan with the sound completely off and imo at this stage of the season, there is a huge difference in her BL overall with Bryan. JMO as usual.

IMO the producers are editing it very very cunningly so that viewers are thrown off and focus on the Peter connection. IMO Peter's interaction with Rachel mirrors the one Rachel had with Nick - except for the 1:1 which IMO went better than Rachel's 1:1 with Nick. Peter is reserved and that in turn results in a more reserved Rachel. On the other hand, the Rachel - Bryan connection is the one that makes Rachel let go cos he's so in control, so effusive and so assertive with his interest in her.

IMO Bryan is a master at building attraction while IMO Peter is not.

all jmo

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Post by Guest Wed Jun 21, 2017 1:08 am

As someone who was excited to see a Gator from Miami represent, the editing is making Bryan as interesting as the wash label on my clothes. A little English and Spanish exposition and nothing more. Where is this guy's specific quirks and vulnerabilities? Yeah the show has its narrative agenda but if they don't show something on the next 1 on 1 I won't be able to finish the season just like I couldn't with JoJo's.


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Post by Guest Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:43 am

so I watched carefully the QT between Rachel and Peter. Here my impressions:

Peter: (cut by prods).... but it was good that for having such a large group and all the craziness that's been going on. I had an unexpectedly good time

Why did he expect not a good time during his QT? Being alone with her should be his main focus and he should have said "no matter what happened during this GD, I always have great time with Rachel. The nuance is subtile but it shows that he is more aware of the group rather than rachel alone IMO

The QT place was definitely way away from the other guys in a very intimate and romantic place in the wine place. Another production oriented. I do not believe one sec that Peter selected this place for the QT. However the cut and edit were funny. Peter already had glasses full of wine when we hear "white wine? yeah".

Peter VO: tonight I want to spend time with her and I want to sit with her and talk with her and it does not feel good if I stood out once all those guys in that room (Rachel: it was really nice. It was really romantic

do you understand what he is saying? because I have a hard time with the cut and edit here. "it does not feel good if I stood out once all those guys in that room.

Then Rachel is gushing over him and his rapping performance and she explains that she needed this fun GD after the last CP where she was very unhappy.... Then Peter says: "although you ought to be a glass of champagne" and she answers YES. You are very perceptive. So does it mean that she was pissed off last CP?

Her BL is definitely a girl who is shy and flirting A LOT. In this QT, I see her chasing him and completely under his spell. I see a flattered guy. I see somehow a surprised guy with her reaction. I see a guy who is still not fully into her versus her being fully engaged. His torso is still fully on the sofa while she is half turned to him.

At one point Peter is talking about wearing only socks on the house and she answers that bare feet are always welcome on the house... funny because during her interview with Kelly she said that she did not like bare feet in shoes. same but not the same as walking bare feet?

The QT ended with Peter saying on how Rachel is an incredible woman and how she would be the kind of woman he would be happy to marry with.... BUT. I felt the BUT at the end clear and loud. But... she is not the one. Incredible and all that but not for me.... that is how i took his body language.

I made a lot of SC and stopped each time to study both BL and my conclusion is that she was VERY much into him while he was NOT.

- his torso was not engaged to her
- he bit his lips which is not a good sign
- he changed the conversation when she flirted about wanting him her to go to Wisconsin
- he answered mmmm when she said he has a WI license
- he immediately asked her if she wanted to move other places (I took it not wisconsin... I have a feeling he wants to go to LA following the pic on his IG)
- he was still stiff and looked surprised and somehow flattered by her flirty attitude but did not know how to react
- the bare feet came out of the blue IMO
- lot of noises like smack kisses but not wet kisses like bryan. I felt that he did not want the wet kisses at all and/or was not comfortable to give them to her or in front of cameras
- every time Rachel gave him a complement he held his head high which is for me a sigh of being flattered.
- his body was never at ease IMO. I did not see a relaxed body
- he bit his lips often. He looked down. His torso was not into her. He never took more than her hand. His kisses were not tongue wet kisses more like smack. He used mmm when he did not know what to respond when she mentioned she has a WI license. Overall I felt as if she was ready to jump his bones and he did not know how to slow down the motion (completely my perception here)

so again... I feel as she is chasing him but I do not see reciprocity at all. I do not think IMO because he is shy. So what does it say regarding Bryan? I do not know. At one point she could not see him in the face when she said she expected a lot of fun during the GD, and I felt as if she was thinking about also Bryan and not only him.

So again, IMO, I think she was focus on 2 guys romantically. I think she put Peter on a pedestal early on and put an etiquette of perfect husband. But I really do not feel the reciprocity and I believe that at one point she will realize that and understand who is fully committed to her (Bryan) and she will have a lot of conflict with this choice as she is a stubborn and me thinking she decided Peter as her F1 but along the way Bryan grew on her and overtake what she thought she wanted. This explains why she said "you won't know".

However, she could also be romantically engaged with Bryan. The prods made a point to cut Bryan at all turns so we do NOT see the connection. That is, for me, such a sign that he is not only F1 but also to hide the true connection with Bryan to do not overshadow the one with Peter or the edited version of the one with Peter they want us to see. Next week will give us more insights of this connection with bryan for sure IMO


Last edited by HEA on Wed Jun 21, 2017 3:48 am; edited 1 time in total


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Post by MVMom39forever Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:54 am

Oh I bet that the 1-on-1 with Bryan won't disappoint. Rachel is smart and passionate. I just have to believe that there is more than just amazing chemistry going on here.

I love that this season is going to go down to the wire!!

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Post by makeover Wed Jun 21, 2017 3:04 am

I hope this is the right place to post this. If not, feel free to move it, Mods. Smiley

Someone mentioned Olena from the Richie's season of Bachelor AU in the episode discussion and in some way the situation between Bryan vs. Peter reminds me of what went down with Alex vs. Nikki (assuming Bryan is the F1 here). All season long, Nikki was portrayed as the perfect woman (I adored her myself and was #teamNikki), whereas Alex was edited as this weird, possessive, stage 5 clinger who cries all the time. The media and some of the audience ragged on Alex every week, from the chocolate bath date to her "seducing" Richie during the blindfold GD, to her being inorganic with some of the things she said on screen. (Bryan, thankfully, hasn't gotten half the heat Alex got during her time on the show). Then the finale came and there was outrage everywhere that Richie chose Alex and a lot of nasty things were said of both of them. And I was heartbroken for Nikki. However, in hindsight, I totally get now why Richie would choose Alex. Even during the show, non-bias sleuthers noticed that Richie was more physically attracted to Alex than Nikki. And after the show, it was so obvious they are more suited for each other in their personalities than Richie will ever be with Nikki.

In the end, the lead will choose who they can click with the most, no matter how perfect the other suitor may appear on the show/ on paper. I am not saying Bryan is getting or will get Alex's horrible edit, but I hope he would not have to take as much heat as Alex did when she "won". All JMO and observations.


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Post by Guest Wed Jun 21, 2017 3:26 am

makeover wrote:I hope this is the right place to post this. If not, feel free to move it, Mods. Smiley

Someone mentioned Olena from the Richie's season of Bachelor AU in the episode discussion and in some way the situation between Bryan vs. Peter reminds me of what went down with Alex vs. Nikki (assuming Bryan is the F1 here). All season long, Nikki was portrayed as the perfect woman (I adored her myself and was #teamNikki), whereas Alex was edited as this weird, possessive, stage 5 clinger who cries all the time. The media and some of the audience ragged on Alex every week, from the chocolate bath date to her "seducing" Richie during the blindfold GD, to her being inorganic with some of the things she said on screen. (Bryan, thankfully, hasn't gotten half the heat Alex got during her time on the show). Then the finale came and there was outrage everywhere that Richie chose Alex and a lot of nasty things were said of both of them. And I was heartbroken for Nikki. However, in hindsight, I totally get now why Richie would choose Alex. Even during the show, non-bias sleuthers noticed that Richie was more physically attracted to Alex than Nikki. And after the show, it was so obvious they are more suited for each other in their personalities than Richie will ever be with Nikki.

In the end, the lead will choose who they can click with the most, no matter how perfect the other suitor may appear on the show/ on paper. I am not saying Bryan is getting or will get Alex's horrible edit, but I hope he would not have to take as much heat as Alex did when she "won". All JMO and observations.

Although I did not watch Richie season as I had no attraction to him whatsoever. I read many comments about how the fans were upset he did not pick perfect on paper Nikki. I get what you are saying. Each season we say the same thing, yet most people love one guy the most and therefore he MUST win and be F1... regardless of what the lead feels... regardless of the edits. Each season is the same.

Bryan is edited as a smooth hot operator. They removed every conversation so audience concentrate only on the physical aspect of their relationship. At 2 times, Bryan said clearly that Rachel had no problem to express herself and he did not mean IMHO physically. So it is all a matter of the script the prods want us to see. Some viewers will always think for face value that Bryan and Rachel never had an adult conversation outside of the kisses. Some will know but forget it and concentrate on what they see only. It is okay. Prods show us a story with one and will make a 180° with a second at the end. This happens each season IMO.



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Post by Guest Wed Jun 21, 2017 9:07 am

@HEA Nice post and I will add, if Peter is self aware and perceptive as I think he is, he might see the connection with Bryan and is holding back so as not to get hurt like he did, before going to therapy. IMHO


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Post by Guest Wed Jun 21, 2017 9:31 am

Isnt it all so weird... it used to be F2 gets physical edit (I remember Ashley and Ben F boat and FD dates make out sessions convinced quite a few there was no way she would behave like that with him if he wasn'tF1.)


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Post by djogbenyuie Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:15 am

sophienette wrote:Isnt it all so weird... it used to be F2 gets physical edit (I remember Ashley and Ben F boat and FD dates make out sessions convinced quite a few there was no way she would behave like that with him if he wasn'tF1.)

I think right now typical F1 edit is in Peter corner.
But I also think that it's too soon to assume physical edit won't swicth up towards the end.
Don't forget that Dean is also up there with the physical chemistry. If we didn't know the F2, we will most probably think it's between Dean and Peter and that Bryan is just one of those who know how to catch lead attention but won't be in F2, at least up to lat episode.
I don't know if I make sense.

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Post by jessicajayx Wed Jun 21, 2017 5:04 pm

@HEA we are seeing completely different things haha. Peter's unexpected fun at the group date I think was more about his discomfort around the group date environment considering that last episode he was on the Ellen show stripping for a live audience. Also I think saying that Peter should have been that enthusiastic about the situation is putting him in a tight corner as it's pretty much been deduced that he's a more reserved introvert, which I can relate to, and the conversation seems to be more focused on the group dynamic and the 'craziness' going in with the house drama so that's probably why he didn't mention Rachel.
On the white wine, did you see Rachel's confused look when he brought the wine - nothing important it just made me chuckle. With the champagne comment he said 'I saw those two glasses of champagne' so I think he's pointing out that she drank a bit more at the RC than usually because of the stress - she was pissed off because of the Kenny/Lee drama and also I think that how 'I know what people are gonna say about me' line was because production was making her keep Lee.
You say you think Peter's not into her but I see a guy that's fully into her to the point that she makes him nervous which IMO is a good time.
He was nervous about suggesting living in other places so he broke eye contact, his stiffness is good nerves IMO - when I'm into someone I do the exact same thing - it's a way to chill out. I've also never held of that reasoning behind biting one's lip but I always see it as sexual tension.
Long post but lastly on the kiss, I can't tell if they were tongue/smack kisses but he was 100% into it, she pulled away and then grabbed her cheek and pulled her in again.

Also am I the only one that noticed his hand on her azz?!?!


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Post by Guest Wed Jun 21, 2017 7:20 pm

sophienette wrote:Isnt it all so weird... it used to be F2 gets physical edit (I remember Ashley and Ben F boat and FD dates make out sessions convinced quite a few there was no way she would behave like that with him if he wasn'tF1.)

Don't you remember the very hot session a la notebook under the rain kiss during the CP between Ashley and JP? laugh out loud


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Post by Guest Wed Jun 21, 2017 7:23 pm

djogbenyuie wrote:
sophienette wrote:Isnt it all so weird... it used to be F2 gets physical edit (I remember Ashley and Ben F boat and FD dates make out sessions convinced quite a few there was no way she would behave like that with him if he wasn'tF1.)

I think right now typical F1 edit is in Peter corner.
But I also think that it's too soon to assume physical edit won't swicth up towards the end.
Don't forget that Dean is also up there with the physical chemistry. If we didn't know the F2, we will most probably think it's between Dean and Peter and that Bryan is just one of those who know how to catch lead attention but won't be in F2, at least up to lat episode.
I don't know if I make sense.

I was in the un-spoiled thread until after RS changed his mind and before even knowing anything I made my mind that Bryan had the F1 edits. So I was not influenced on anything. I just looked at edits, BL and studied the script the prods wants us to see. TeamNikki - Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - General Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #3 - Page 24 2498057887


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