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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Oct 28, 2017 9:10 am

Very good article about Jarrod. It made me think a lot and honestly I definitely feel like I misjudged him a lot at times too. Overall I think Jarrod's a genuine guy and hope he finds someone wonderful

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Post by Sprite Sat Oct 28, 2017 11:07 am

AllAboutLove wrote:Very good article about Jarrod. It made me think a lot and honestly I definitely feel like I misjudged him a lot at times too. Overall I think Jarrod's a genuine guy and hope he finds someone wonderful

As idiotically as he was portrayed, I never thought he was a bad guy. A little too needy, but that's about it. I never questioned his devotion to Sophie.

What bugs me wasn't so much Jarrod as his edit. I know how this show works and how they take the smallest thing and blow it all out of proportion. Unfortunately for Jerrod, tptb decided to target him. What really bugged me is the guys that were really nasty...Ryan and Blake....were let off easy, while poor Jarrod was continuously targeted by their edit. They even tried to redeem Blake towards the end and I am sure they were aware about his criminal past. 

I am really happy to see that Sophie has supported him and that the public is coming around and giving the guy some love. I wonder if he is going to be asked to be on B|IP?

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Oct 28, 2017 11:33 am

ITA about how TPTB targeted Jarrod but let the really nasty guys like Blake off and gave them a platform. I couldn't stand Blake from the getgo and even more how TPTB used a criminal and bully like Blake to narrate negativity towards Jarrod and thus turn audiences even more against Jarrod. 

With Jarrod I think that the article makes some really good points about how TPTB used him and edited him into something negative when it wasn't the case. Even though I myself fell for edit at times at no point did I question that Jarrod was there for Sophie or that his feelings weren't real. He also never pushed her or made her try be something she is not - he just accepted her for who she is and loved her as she is. Sophie herself even said that no other man had made her feel like they accepted or loved her just as she is and that Jarrod was the only one that did. 

It says a lot I think that Jarrod still was so supportive of Sophie and wishing for her happiness even with his own heartbreak. That's a very kind, loving and gracious thing to do imo and shows he genuinely cared about her. I too am glad Soph has defended and supported him and that the media and viewers are coming around to Jarrod and wish him the best  yes

The Bachelorette 2017: The psychology behind a ‘stage five clinger’...Otherwise known as LEAVE JARROD ALONE.
Here’s the thing: During The Bachelorette 2017, we ALL got swept up in the ‘Jarrod is a stage five clinger’ narrative.

And yes, Now to Love be guilty of it too. sad

But we’ve been thinking about it. A lot.

We’re not ashamed to admit we shed a tear as Jarrod was unceremoniously dumped by Sophie Monk on The Bachelorette last night.

Because let’s face it, his love for her was as pure as the driven snow, albeit a bit intense.

The real villains of the show - cough Ryan, Sam, Blake - got nothing more than an eye roll and "what a jerk" type reaction, but we collectively tore shreds off the guy who embodies all the things women say they want in a man - he was kind, sensitive and thoughtful.

And really, what was the poor bloke’s crime? He loved Soph too much? He was too into her?

Why the heck is that a bad thing anyway?

Now to Love spoke to psychotherapist and founder of Whole Heart Relationships, Julia Nowland, to shed some light on the whole ‘stage five clinger’ debacle and man, our hearts are hurting even more for Jarrod! 

So, how do we define a 'clinger'? 

“There are two sides to the coin when it comes to being perceived as needy /clingy,” explains Julia.

“On one side, it stems from having low self-esteem and needing to be loved and wanted. The other side is being very open and vulnerable with your emotions – which is what Jarrod demonstrated.”

Jarrod certainly prided himself upon being open and having that ‘what you see is what you get’ mentality. But it rubbed everyone, including the viewing public, up the wrong way.

“The fact Jarrod was very upfront and honest with his emotions confronted people,” says Julia. And there’s a simple (and slightly depressing!) reason for this. “Society doesn’t like to see too much vulnerability, simply because it confronts us with our own.”

“It was confronting to the other contestants for exactly the same reason - Because they didn’t like to faced with their own vulnerability, particularly those wanting to assert their dominance."

As for Blake’s bullying dynamic with Jarrod ?

“Sabotaging the plant wasn’t only juvenile; it was actually territorial – the very act of peeing on it.”

But Julia reckons the way Jarrod was portrayed on the TV was rather contrived…

“Channel Ten producers very much identified Jarrod’s openness and vulnerability as a ‘pain point’ and edited footage as such,” she explains. “I.e. they quickly honed in on this particular trait of Jarrod to deliberately make people squirm.”

Yep, it worked…

“Also remember this isn’t the real world, it’s an intense show – like dating on steroids,” Julia adds.

“Outside of the show, it might’ve been a completely different story. There was no breathing space or separation involved.”

So why do we get turned off by needy men in the first place?

“Neediness has such a negative connotation,” Julia explains. “The very word implies his behaviour went beyond what was deemed reasonable. But, in this case, Jarrod was genuine and authentic and didn’t overstep the mark.

“Also, traditionally as a society, we don’t look at men as ‘clingy’. They’re usually the ones who like their distance.”

Plot twist: here’s why being ‘clingy’ can be a good thing

We’re not just talking about being doted on but, let’s face it, who wouldn’t want that?!

Julia breaks it down: “One of the first things we ask ourselves in a new relationship – whether we know it or not – is ‘Can I trust him?’ In this case, you know you can trust Jarrod.

"Jarrod was a gentleman. As demonstrated in the first episode when he made sure Sophie felt safe and secure, she remarked 'I’ve never felt so vulnerable.' This shows he can handle Sophie’s vulnerability as he handles his own"

“He displayed qualities of being able to have a healthy relationship – in particular being thoughtful and accommodating.”

And we’re going to talk about the damn pot plant again…

Julia took special note of something Jarrod said to Sophie when he gifted her the plant. When Sophie asked what would happen to their relationship if the plant died, Jarrod replied: “It takes work to grow something.”

This is exactly the sort of thing we should want out of a relationship so ‘clingy’ men FTW.

Now we feel bad about the whole ‘stage five clinger’ label. Jarrod ticked all the boxes for Sophie – he loved her for her, was a gentleman, would do anything for her.

We’d much prefer a 'clinger' than a manipulator, misogynist or player...

Jarrod, if you’re reading, we salute you, sir!

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Post by GuardianAngel Sat Oct 28, 2017 3:33 pm

The support via pot plants is remarkable! Thanks @AllAboutLove for posting them all!

I love the one where you can see two puppies peeking through the door!

He must feel overwhelmed with love. Very sweet of so many getting involved to show their support.


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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Oct 28, 2017 4:51 pm

@GuardianAngel bestbud! I love the one of the two puppies peeking through the door too. It's my favorite one and so cute! There were so many videos too of people putting plants out for Jarrod. It really is nice to see him getting some support especially given how horrible the edit was to him and yes

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Post by alwaystulips Sat Oct 28, 2017 4:57 pm

I didn’t watch Sophie's season, but I’ve seen clips of Jarrod post show.  What a sweetheart!  I really dislike seeing guys who put it all on the line for love being labeled a clinger.  He’s a prince in my book.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Oct 28, 2017 5:05 pm

Well said @alwaystulips yes

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Post by LoveDovez Sat Oct 28, 2017 5:14 pm

IMHO all Jarrod ever done was fall in love with Sophie and let her know he did. My heart has NEVER hurt for any of these people like it did when I watched Jarrod get heart broken. Thus the reason it's taken me a couple days to even write about it.

It shows that women are so so so, I don't know what, but it's like we say we want something and then go out of our way to make sure that isn't what we get.

Jarrod was everything Sophie said she wanted when she signed up for the show,but they threw in a guy that needed fixing and guess what? Yep, the girl picks the one she thinks she can fix over the guy that has it all together and she would never have any doubts about. Once again!!

Good luck with Stu and the fixing part Sophie, but the real winner this season was Jarrod imo. There will be a girl worthy of him come into his life and she will get to live the life that yes, Sophie said she wanted.. God bless Jarrod and that girl that will come his way.

Hopefully Apollo won't be the next Bach or honestly I will have to pass on next season. I don't find anything about him interesting enough to be a lead. It will be like Ritchie 2.0.. Thanks, but no thanks. ; )

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Oct 28, 2017 5:24 pm

sad Awww that made me tear up @LoveDovez  console  bestbud! 

ITA about how hard it was to watch Jarrod get his heart broken. I felt horrible for him. He genuinely was devastated but still so classy and empathetic even during his own pain. He truly loved Sophie of that I had no doubt especially given how he was always looking out for HER happiness and just wanted Sophie to be happy even if it wasn't him he just wanted her to be happy. That says so much about what a gem he is. I really do hope he finds a wonderful woman who will love him and adore him as he will her  heartbeat

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Post by LoveDovez Sat Oct 28, 2017 5:32 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:sad Awww that made me tear up @LoveDovez  console  bestbud! 

ITA about how hard it was to watch Jarrod get his heart broken. I felt horrible for him. He genuinely was devastated but still so classy and empathetic even during his own pain. He truly loved Sophie of that I had no doubt especially given how he was always looking out for HER happiness and just wanted Sophie to be happy even if it wasn't him he just wanted her to be happy. That says so much about what a gem he is. I really do hope he finds a wonderful woman who will love him and adore him as he will her  heartbeat

@allaboutlove, I didn't mean to make you tear up and I so totally agree with your post. It's so sad to me when people say they want one thing and really and truly that's what they want, but then they sell themselves short and pick what they've picked all their lives. : (

Don't get me wrong I'm happy for Sophie, but deep in my heart I don't give it a 20% chance of working out long term. Yeah it may last even a couple of years, but I don't see them ever getting married and having the life Sophie wants.

Thanks so much for posting the pictures of the plants for Jarrod. To me, he will always be the winner of this season. His mother should be so proud that she raised such a kind hearted gentleman like Jarrod. Those bullies on this season could learn a LOT from Jarrod.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Oct 28, 2017 5:44 pm

@LoveDovez aww no worries  bestbud! I genuinely feel for Jarrod. I think I've gotten so used to how fake and scripted this show can be and how contestants seem to fake things just to go further along but with Jarrod to me he was the real deal and reminds me of old seasons where the contestant is truly there for the lead and not just there to raise their profile.

I have no doubt that Jarrod was truly there for Sophie all the way from the first night to the end. I also admire how honest he was and self-aware as well and like the artile said how he was always thoughtful and thinking of her happiness and needs first. ITA, his mother should be so proud she raised such a loving and kindhearted gentleman like Jarrod and even with all the SM/media hate sent his way he was still classy. For sure the bullies can learn a lot from Jarrod TheBacheloretteAu - Jarrod Woodgate - Bachelorette Australia - Season 3 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 5 4256136633 

Wishing him the best  yes

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Post by Guest Sat Oct 28, 2017 5:50 pm

I am happy that Jarrod get some strong support by public. He was ridiculed for weeks. I definitely blame the franchise for praising blake, sam and ryan and from my perspective they praised the bullies and all season was yucky about it.

However, I would never be able to date a guy like Jarrod. I would have been suffocated I think. Being kind and caring are not a sins of course, but too much is too much and I fear Jarrod would expect a 100% reciprocity, which is normal but difficult to achieve IMO.

Sophie called him "pure" and I think this is the kind of woman he needs: genuine, sweet, kind, caring, old values.. kinda a 50s kind of woman...

I am happy he comes out genuine and I never doubt it. I never saw them compatible, like ever. I wish him luck and I am sure he will not lack of female attention from now on. But I think the girl who will come will have big shoes to wear.

I wish him the best. Nobody deserves humiliation and ridicule and bullying.

Good thing for him, he will remain far from the city, surrendered by his family.


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