Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 10 FRC - Aug 7 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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Post by SFoster Fri Aug 04, 2017 10:37 am

ukglasgowkiiss wrote:Found it, so in this Espys red carpet interview Rachel says “I went for the one that I wd typically run away from“, that has to be Bryan. She said in their 1st date how she was trying to sabotage things & that she typically didnt believe good things happened to her in love. So I am now 99% sure of Brachel. Looking forward to finale & proposal. Hopefully he puts some into Spanish, :sprinklehearts

This is also what she told the two friends in Dallas when she and Bryan met them for drinks. She said she was waiting for the charm to come off, and he said "I'm not gonna let you sabotage this. You're gonna see that this is really who I am."

But if he truly is so charming, then why was Bryan unable to "charm" her family? Didn't Bryan say he was going to charm his way into her family? (Or many others including RS, CH, Millsy, Mario, me, and many other viewers in SM world?) JMO of course. But Eric seems to be the charmer without even trying to be or labeling himself as such. Even Peter, too. JMO


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Post by Ladybug82 Fri Aug 04, 2017 10:42 am

IMO, her family was leery of the process and the fact he said sloppy seconds on Ellen and probably saw some of the other stuff that was sleuthed about him too.  So they went in with preconceived negative attitude.  Rachel mentioned they got harder on each guy, but IMO that's because they knew Eric wasn't a contender (nice vibe and chemistry as friends, not much more, IMO), Peter was just Luke warm about it all and just there as a place filler and that Bryan was the one she wanted.  They were harder on Bryan because of it, IMO.  We don't know that he hasn't won them over or charmed his way into the family at this point, well obviously not with Constance yet laugh out loud, but he could have with the others.  


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Post by Kashathediva Fri Aug 04, 2017 10:48 am

SFoster wrote:
ukglasgowkiiss wrote:Found it, so in this Espys red carpet interview Rachel says “I went for the one that I wd typically run away from“, that has to be Bryan. She said in their 1st date how she was trying to sabotage things & that she typically didnt believe good things happened to her in love. So I am now 99% sure of Brachel. Looking forward to finale & proposal. Hopefully he puts some into Spanish, :sprinklehearts

This is also what she told the two friends in Dallas when she and Bryan met them for drinks. She said she was waiting for the charm to come off, and he said "I'm not gonna let you sabotage this. You're gonna see that this is really who I am."  

But if he truly is so charming, then why was Bryan unable to "charm" her family? Didn't Bryan say he was going to charm his way into her family? (Or many others including RS, CH, Millsy, Mario, me, and many other viewers in SM world?)  JMO of course. But Eric seems to be the charmer without even trying to be or labeling himself as such. Even Peter, too. JMO

Per the bolded: there is no accounting to certain tastes or to --certain evils. IMO
Mills is IMO not a nice person. He has a history of saying some questionable things about past cast that have had no merit. I remember specifically things about Drew. My POV on Mills has alway be consistent throughout years. He is not a nice person. He says things about others with no merit and they are not nice.
CH is a mouth piece for the franchise. So IMO whatever that man says can be flushed down the toilet. He gets paid for this. It's his job.
The social media world is a game of telephone. IMO I have read things stated in one place and seen them totally distorted at another. That really bugs me. JMOAA
RS. joke. IMO However, surprisingly he has not said much about Bryan this season.

No good deed goes unpunished.  
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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Post by SFoster Fri Aug 04, 2017 10:51 am

I went back and watched the lunch with her friends. I missed a lot in that before. There is a lot of snark going on there. For instance, her friends toast to Bryan. Bryan toasts himself (he says "to me", then he says "to Rachel", then lastly "to us"). Rachel gives her friends the eye and says "Cheers to ya'll being nice." Why did she think they would not be nice? Would she have said that if it were Peter or Eric? But neither the friends nor Rachel toasted to the couple.

Another thing that was funny was when he told them his age. He said "I'm 37 years old. I'm looking for something serious. You know, I-I'm ready to settle down." He's looking at the friend the whole time he's saying that. He never mentioned Rachel or turned to her during that. He should have had his arm around Rachel, looking at her, to show she's the one. Instead, it was almost like he was hitting up on the friend. Hysterical.

Then the friend says "You jump right in-- no small talk. You go right to the heart of it. This got real intense." Bryan agrees, "No small talk". (I noticed nothing else but small talk, as in broken sentences, interrupting Rachel a lot, soundbites.)

Then towards the end, Bryan says "And then we went on the date... we literally forgot about all the other guys." (this is good!) Then notice Rachel and her friends laughing - and Rachel says "He's just making it..... worse." (laughing)

There's a lot going on in that conversation.


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Post by makeover Fri Aug 04, 2017 11:18 am

Where is the CH doesn't like Bryan coming from? CH has never said a bad thing about Bryan and has always said Bryan is a good guy.


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Post by SFoster Fri Aug 04, 2017 11:20 am

makeover wrote:Where is the CH doesn't like Bryan coming from? CH has never said a bad thing about Bryan and has always said Bryan is a good guy.

It's from the interview with CH I posted a page or two back.


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Post by lleyki Fri Aug 04, 2017 11:25 am

Again, I point out how some things Rachel says just get ignored. Rachel stated clearly in her People Magazine blog why her family was so hard on Bryan as opposed to the other guys. They had already seen the infamous sloppy seconds comment, which didn't exactly endear him to them and then they had done some research on him where I'm sure they read about the lawsuit.

So Bryan didn't come into that experience on a level playing field with the other guys. He thought he did but instead he came into a, no offense to Rachel's family, hostile situation, without even realizing he was. But by the end, Rachel's mother seemed more than cordial and respectful to him and dare I say, even warm. And in fact the only who seemed to have a stick up her butt was Constance but like I said before, I thought this of Constance when we met her on Rachel's HTD during Nick's season.

As for these other people who Bryan have apparently not charmed, again, where is some of this coming from? I asked, and haven't seen a response, for where the notion that Chris Harrison doesn't like Bryan is coming from. And Reality Steve has been borderline kind to Bryan considering how crappy he really can be towards contestants. In fact, Bryan is not the guy in the Final 2 that Reality Steve has made very clear all season that he is not a fan of.

But more importantly, when did the measure of someone become having everyone just love them? Sociopaths are great at making people love them. So what? Viewers sitting at home behind their devices and watching a couple of hours of edited footage have always had opinions and always will and it doesn't make any of it a fact or some accurate summation of any of these people. How many contestants have viewers and even the media and others just LOVED so much who turned out to be douches?

Bryan has family, friends, his co-workers, a whole life before this show that was seemingly very happy and successful. I'd say he does just fine for himself.

It's from the interview with CH I posted a page or two back.

Is that the interview where he talked about the Final 4? Because all I saw in that interview was him summing up what struggle Rachel had with each of her Final 4 and insisting more than once that she loved all of the men in different ways. I don't remember him saying anything about him personally not liking Bryan.


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Post by SFoster Fri Aug 04, 2017 11:34 am

The way CH talks about Rachel being able to see through Bryan's smooth talk, to me, is not complimentary. JMO No, he doesn't come out and say I don't like Bryan.


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Post by makeover Fri Aug 04, 2017 11:46 am

SFoster wrote:

The way CH talks about Rachel being able to see through Bryan's smooth talk, to me, is not complimentary. JMO  No, he doesn't come out and say I don't like Bryan.
LOL, IMO, he is just reciting the script/edit of the show this season.


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Post by lleyki Fri Aug 04, 2017 11:47 am

SFoster wrote:

The way CH talks about Rachel being able to see through Bryan's smooth talk, to me, is not complimentary. JMO  No, he doesn't come out and say I don't like Bryan.

Yes, and he also said that he told Rachel, going back to Dean, that she couldn't go wrong at that point and if she ended up with any of the Final 4, she would do well.


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Post by djogbenyuie Fri Aug 04, 2017 11:49 am

For what it worth, he is just telling the show's narrative all over again imo.
Also saying she sees through him and the fact that she keeps him till now for me just proves that it is a positive see through.
Like she can see pass the charm that he is a good hearted man and he is who he says he is.
Otherwise why keep someone if you see through him and it's all negative?
From the narrative, and her blogs, yes she doubted her sincerity but they are so over it by the end of HTD, from what we can see.
Even in the preview, she talked in past tense about her not believing him at first.
And in her recap, she either mention her family at a doubt for Bryan or her thinking at first he was not real.
While for the other two, the relationship issues are present and her own issue, not family one.
So for me this is a classic case of one issue already resolved or don't really matter (F1) and breakup issues (F2 and F3).
we get that everytime.

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Post by sdmom Fri Aug 04, 2017 12:02 pm

Does it matter CH, RS or most viewers like Bryan or not?
Only one person's opinion matters, imo, and that's Rachel's. And from the epidsode, the blogs, the interviews, I believe Rachel thinks he's sincere , accepts her unconditionally, makes her feeling she can do everything (first 1-1). She only calls him, no one else, Baby at HTD. That's good enough for me.
Does this mean they will last, no one knows. But I wish them the best

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