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Post by tatladylu Thu Nov 16, 2017 12:12 pm

Hi Sprite,

Yah, I hope that he perks up!!

Btw, I loved all your entertaining comments during the show last night.....omg, I laughed so hard!!


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Post by devilmaycar3 Thu Nov 16, 2017 12:28 pm

tatladylu wrote:Hi Sprite,

Yah, I hope that he perks up!!

Btw, I loved all your entertaining comments during the show last night.....omg, I laughed so hard!!

True that! A little shout out to those who took the time to do live recaps here. On point and entertaining all rolled into one. clapping!

Greatly appreciated since I live all the way at the other side in Singapore. yes


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Post by Sprite Thu Nov 16, 2017 12:37 pm

HEA wrote:Chris said very strong words about Mikaela and if @sprite was distracted with her friends playing with her cat then I understant why she felt blah about mikaela looking for reinsurance.

First I was truly waiting some moment with Lindsey that would wow me. It was not there with 1 exception chris reaction. First it was all sexual, no talking and at CP GD she told him "If you want me, I am yours". If they talked, then it was edited. Tonight, I felt him off. I felt as if he was pulling away from her. I felt him conflicted. He said to Mikaela whtat when he is  hearing the words he wants to hear, he close off... Here with lindsey I felt as if he was dealing with this feeling with mikaela... and lindsey was too much to deal at that moment. I felt as if it was not the right time for him to hear her feelings.

All this episode was mostly about all the girls are falling in love with chris. either they told him (Mikaela first, lindsey second, kait did not say it but told him she was all in) and the others during their PI (I need to double check who.. catie for sure, not sure about jessie and stacy)

GD dancing: it was a full drama from beginning to end. Started with britanny who made chris uncomfortable (his words) when she was dancing and staring at him. We could see him moving on his chair and YES he looked REALLY uncomfortable..... then during CP, meghan broke down crying and that as the beginning of the end. stacy was PISSED OFF because the drama interrupted her time with him (very selfish but no surprise here from me). Then cat fight about who said what. chris also confronted britany and took megan side.... long long talk that we saw only 2 minutes of it.. ended that britany asked to speak with the director "Michael" and asked to leave the same night. Michael tried to ask her to sleep on it as she may miss a TRUE LOVE opportunity and she answered him back: you know it is not true love, michael..... and that was it.... we saw her walking away (in fact the same segment was used 2 times) and that was it, no limo. she left on her own... good riddance. I do not think she was a huge villain but this show was not for her. She is a sexual predator and that is that. Sorry but we saw none with jessie/chris and very little with stacy/chris.

Mikaela. I know why she is top 2. no doubt in my mind now. The date was all about normality. They walk hand in hand in the streets, talking, joking, kissing, laughing. It was a couple on vacation, pretty much a honeymoon vacation. That's how it felt for me. She hates birds and they came to this place with hundred of pigeons. He put her on his shoulder, they had fun but even if she was scared, she did not make a scene or cry or was OTT. (sorry not sorry @sprite but i saw it different). They walked around the city and it was obvious the chemistry and complicity. They went to roll some cigars, and yes mikaela was flirty but we saw it only 2 minutes. He kissed her the same way he kissed Kait when he push her back on the sofa...Then they went for the dinner part on this historical ruins, romantic table, sunset. They talked a lot there, i could see their body position changed a lot, they held hands a lot. She asked him how he felt and he said that HE WAS SCARED (teaser teaser people) to open up. Mikaela was very normal and serious. He told her that HE WAS WAITING FOR THIS DATE A LONG TIME COMING. He also told her that AT ONE POINT HE CLOSED HIS YES AND WONDERED WHO WAS THE GIRL NEXT TO HIM IN TORONTO (he mentioned a quarter in Toronto or a street) AND HE SAID: A POLISHED LITTLE BRUNETTE... AND IT WAS YOU.  His relationship with her was always on the up. His relationship felt ALMOST like friendship but it was ALSO passionate. He wanted passionate during the night portion of the night and he got it. They ended watching the stars, he kissed her on her shoulder, on her neck, he was very affectionate and she was too. Then the fireworks started. She then decided that time was crucial and told him while kissing that she was falling in love with him. Of course chris did not answered but it ended with them kisisng and fireworks.. of course TONS OF F1 MUSIC during the date and at the end also.

aphrodisiac GD.... yeah. that was partly chocolate but pretty much all kind of exotic fruits, spices. girls were taught how to do their love aphrodisiac potion. Each took turn. Catie was first. we did not see the eye in eye like her date, she gave him chocolate, put some hot wax on him (i think she forgot it is not a BDSM show) and kissed him. She was all over him and he sure was NOT. It felt so so AWKWARD.... Then Lindsey. It was very hot. She massaged him, kissed him and his hands were all over the place including her butt since she had his hands on her white dress. very sexual, no talking.... then it was Kait who removed her dress and played the femme fatale with kisses and massages.... Chris was very impressed by kait and said that if she did not do this bold sexual move, the relationship was MOT. At CP, Lindsey told him: if you want me I am all yours. 2x. He did not react except this little head movement when she said : I may not be the one at the end. But he was totally off when she told him basically that she was falling in love with him and if she went home at this point, it would fell like a broke up.... then Catie again was intense and all on him and poor chris (you are gonna laugh about it) was almost off the sofa away from her. He complained on PI that she was too intense. and to her he asked her if she could be lay back because he was. she said her friends find her a very chilled girl and he laughed at her and rolled his eyes on PI...She felt she had it in the pocket when I personally cringed the all time.... kait had a conversation and chris was impressed she upgrade to sexual woman and he was waiting for that move... yeah yeah chris, we know little chris is talking to you loud and clear during your journey.......... The interesting part is that he said he wanted to give the rose GD to the relationship who grew the most and on PI he said that if people opened up their true self, they needed to be rewarded.... interesting since lindsey literally told him she was in love with him. (but he was so so awkward and IMO totally overwhelm because mikaela already told him the same thing.... so for me he was totally in conflict with his feelings)

Little clip of chris walking on beach, saying that

RC CP. Chris comes and all the girls are on the sofa. He says that the week has been tough and soul searching. He said he was a bit close up but he was inspired and promised to open up more.

Mikaela freaked out and thought something changed in their relationship. But Stacy was first to take him out (sorry missed that part but saw that she was the one kissing with her hand on his chick). It seems they talked a bit. Mikaela went after and she asked him what was going on. He told her that WHEN HE CAME TO THE CP HE LOOKED RIGHT AT HER and felt upset that he was not as open as herself when she told him she was falling in love. He said: I DO NOT WANT YOU TO THINK THERE IS NOT A MIKAELA/CHRIS LOVE STORY IN OUR FUTURE.  WHEN I AM HEARING THE WORDS I WANT TO HEAR,  I TEND TO CLOSE UP. He also said in PI that SINCE MIKAELA DATE, HE TOUGHT OF HER CONSTANTLY. She kissed him and when she stopped, he said: ONE MORE... then was a turn of girls but I do not recall anything special except megan upset and talking about the drama with him. No jessie special moment either that i recall.

mikaela and kait had the rose.... jessie, stacy, lindsey, catie.


VO Chris: I am literally falling for multiple girls at the same time. we see kait crying on the supposed 2-1 wall......... we see catie in tears (teaser) and we see stacy crying saying that she feels deflated (right after the date card was about jessie)..... and jessie has the catamaran date and dinner on the beach (kissing on sea and kissing at dinner table) !!!!!! Noah announced that half the girl will remain only. Lindsey is upset to see/witnesses other girls falling in love with him at the same time. (zoom on chris and mikaela kissing, Chris has his stripped tee.... in fact this remind me the same edits on ep2 with catie walking to crhis and mkaela kissing.... and catie is leaving next episode... so just some thoughts here to ponder) ends with catie totally upset and crying really hard. I thought stacy would have a 1-1 but i saw chris with his striped tee talking with lindsey... so it is a GD

so my conclusion?

I think he is 50/50 between mikaela and lindsey. However, this episode, I did not see the break up OTT obvious it is Lindsey anymore. I tried to see thru the edits but all I heard was a guy who is now CONSTANTLY thinking about mikaela.

Next week jessie 1-1 (very romantic).... for me that seals the deal.... top 3 are Lindsey, Mikaela, Jessie

kait and catie are leaving next episode..... I am not sure about stacy but since there is no 1-1 for her at all, i am thinking she may leave too.

My take is that we will have only a 3 homedates and 2 in mexico and I agree that this changed the timeline... travel and hometown and dates.

who knows... stacy decided to take another vacation to her beloved costa rica after she went home or it was already planned? I am now SO SO SO impatient to know when she left  rofl  rofl  rofl

as soon as I can, I will make SC Smiley

So this is my story teller for now and I am sticking to it!  Hugesmile

I think Chris was off about everyone tonight. He just seemed tired and too into his own head. Yes, he was feeling conflicted...right on schedule. I fully expect the F2 and F3 to have their relationship growing by leaps and bounds to distract from F1. I also think the think with Brittany threw him. He figured out someone was not there for him and she left on her own. I don't doubt that he is now wondering if the same thing might be happening with his F1...particularly as I think it is Lyndsay. He already has doubts about her due to her age and now he is probably wondering about his judgement..

I don't think him being closed off had anything with him dealing with his feeling with Michaela in particular. All of them where declaring their feelings. I actually thought at the start, when Lyndsay was originally declaring herself, he was looking a little smug. There was a bit of a self satisfied smirk on his face IMO. He is lucky he has that beard or he would be even easier to read.

As for the Michaela date, I didn't say her reaction to the birds was OTT...even though I think it is ridiculous, but I will admit that could have something to do with Kaitlyn because that reminded me of was all the laughing she did during the day portion of the date. It just felt forced to me. Like she was trying too hard. Very typical girly behaviour when trying to attract a man. Annoying to me. One of the things that annoys me about Chris is that he spouts the same stuff with all the women. This date was an example. He said the same stuff to Lyndsay about seeing a future with them...and slightly versions to some of the other women. So nothing new and nothing that particularly made me think all of a sudden he is into Mikaela...Not that he isn't. I do get the sense that he likes her, is attracted to her, but nothing that makes me think she will be F1. Her whole date was very me at least. Distraction, distraction, distraction.

As for Kait, I still think their relationship is MOT. Basically if he is still talking about the need for their relationship chemistry to develop at this is already over. She is lagging behind others who already have that. His version of a slow to build relationship...which never works. He gave her the rose...IMO...because he couldn't give it to Lyndsay. She got the SQT on the group date last week so there is no way producers would let him give her a rose on this date. Nada.

I still see Lyndsay as F1. Michaela is a distraction...late date, fireworks, blah, blah, blah. I get the same feel with her that I did with I think her name was Trish (April's season)....late distraction. There is nothing with him and Stacy, Jessie, Kait or Catie. I can see either Michaela or Jessie as F2 as he likes both. He may decide to take the one who he thinks is less invested to the end...which is why I put Jessie in there. I don't think she is really into him and he likes her and they have the whole sports thing in common. So that is it for me at the moment. F1 Lyndsay and F2/F3 interchangeable between Jessie and Michaela.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Sprite Thu Nov 16, 2017 12:40 pm

HEA wrote:
LeapofFaith wrote:
HEA wrote:hello there... just finished watching both ep6 and after show
i also watched 2 times some parts as I did not want to miss words and mostly chris facial expression

How was the after show? I am curious with what Vanessa, Carly and Evan have to say..Who does Vanessa think is the f1??

as usual kaitly tried few jokes that fell flat. Vanessa said that she is spliting her time between Montreal and L.A. (part of a charity in Montreal). I was kinda happily surprised by her. Carly and evan were there, she is 6 months pregnant, they seem a happy couple. kaitly does not see mikaela the favorite and said he has many favorites including lindsey. vanessa agreed that lindsey looks a nice girl

kaitly voted for kait
valentye voted for kait
vanessa voted for mikaela
carly voted for mikaela
evan voted for stacy

nothing was said as usual.

The above is when they were talking about passion and who they saw chemistry with. I don't buy any of their answers. I always think producers tell them to mix it up to distract from what people are seeing. And nobody picked Lyndsay? I call bull.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by richmondrose Thu Nov 16, 2017 12:51 pm

Aunties_Love wrote:
richmondrose wrote:
jojo47 wrote:

If in fact there are only 3 HTD's, the luggage could be for the 2 girls going to Mexico & all the crew

or they went on an earlier date and Claire posted the picture at a later date. Not everybody posts their pictures as they happen. imo

Correct @richmondrose, but going by what's happened all season with the IG posts corresponding to the passport pics, it's hard to believe that for this one pic only that changes??

Two different people. Stacy had the stamps and Claire had the luggage post. Now if Stacy had a stamp that said Mexico May 27 I wouldn't be questioning the luggage picture at all.

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Post by jojo47 Thu Nov 16, 2017 1:53 pm

In reference to epi 6, there are PI's from the second GD that have me curious. Kait & Caitie have theirs in the DR with the blue background. Lyndsey's (in the yellow dress) are a different background & her hair is different. I'm suspicious that they could've potentially been done after the fact. JMO

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Post by jojo47 Thu Nov 16, 2017 1:54 pm

Sorry for the double post, but what do we think is the date pattern for epi 7, aside from Jessie having a 1:1?

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Post by richmondrose Thu Nov 16, 2017 2:05 pm

I've posted episode 7 previews in the SC thread.

From what I can gather:

1)SD: Jessie on a catamaran, swimming and dinner on the beach
2)group date : Stacy, Lyndsey, Mikaela (and maybe Catie -no sc to verify)
3)Either a 2on1 or 2 more SD if Catie is not on the group date or a 2 on 1 with Kate - Kate with black dress sitting on bench and Catie -  no sc to verify.

Jessie's date:
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Group date cocktail party:
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Individual or 2 on 1 date-Kait:
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RC Cocktail Party: Stacy, Jessie, Catie, Lyndsey,  but no SC of Mikaela andKait.

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This Sc of Mikaela and Kait is imo of them just sitting and chatting and not at the RC cocktail party because they are drinking what looks like juice from glass that they normally use during the daytime.
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All SC from W Network The Bachelor Canada

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Post by jojo47 Thu Nov 16, 2017 2:11 pm

^^^Thanks @Richmondrose! That looks like a pretty accurate capture of the upcoming epi.

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1867 - Bachelor Canada - Season 3 - Chris Leroux - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 40 Empty Re: Bachelor Canada - Season 3 - Chris Leroux - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Thu Nov 16, 2017 2:41 pm

@richmondrose well done!!

i think the 2-1 is kait and catie....... kait eliminated, catie got the rose..... catie broke down when the 2-1 card arrived "thinking about it make me want to cry VO" and big crying.

Jessie is at RC CP, so did she get a rose?

Lindsey and Mikaela got a rose ... mexico IMO

Stacy eliminated.... and catie??

I am thinking the only 2nd option is kait got a 2nd date and was eliminated on site but the way she is on the wall and the rose on the side... this is a 2-1 setting IMO....the only logical is catie is part of the 2-1... but then she did not receive a rose bc she is eliminated at RC


top 3 as sleuthed are Mikaela, Lindsey and Jessie

No SC of michaela to makes us think she left... edits

make sense?


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Post by Guest Thu Nov 16, 2017 2:51 pm

richmondrose wrote:
Aunties_Love wrote:
richmondrose wrote:

or they went on an earlier date and Claire posted the picture at a later date. Not everybody posts their pictures as they happen. imo

Correct @richmondrose, but going by what's happened all season with the IG posts corresponding to the passport pics, it's hard to believe that for this one pic only that changes??

Two different people. Stacy had the stamps and Claire had the luggage post. Now if Stacy had a stamp that said Mexico May 27 I wouldn't be questioning  the luggage picture  at all.

i am also thinking that they brought tons of material in costa rica and republica dominican.... then they went home to Toronto with...... when they went to mexico, they probably did not need that much since it was no longer CP and GD.... same with hometown, no need that much material IMO


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Post by Guest Thu Nov 16, 2017 3:03 pm

@Sprite for me chances are now 60/40 Lindsey/Mikaela.... the only thing that makes me ponder is mikaela in her conservative dress crying which I am still convinced is during meet the parents related with chris crying with his mom

and also the Lindsey VO saying that she does not want to be engaged with chris and she need to walk away

and also the black dress walking on sea, which I think I sleuthed mikaeka calves.

mikaela got 15 min extra time mini golf and dancing..... same duration as a single date. yes it was a group date, but chris was always going to pick her

distraction is very much Lindsey on W Facebook IMO

but at this point you are right to say that britanny made him doubt his judgement. He asked for more kiss with mikaela versus remained away from Lindsey... body language was different IMo


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