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Post by Maggenzm Thu Apr 05, 2018 11:32 pm

Stone_Hedge wrote:
stuckinsc wrote:
Stone_Hedge wrote:Regarding Arie’s lavish spending on his women, I found this article interesting .

Fox News talked to Dr. Paul DePompo, psychologist and director of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Institute of Southern California, about the four types of men who may be inclined to cheat so you can make better decisions while you’re out on the dating playing field. Next time you meet one of them, steer clear!

Mr. Charming
Who he is: Mr. Charming is hard to resist. He’s smart, fun, likeable, exciting, and only likes to be around such people. “Believing he deserves to have what he wants, he sees the affair as rewarding him for the special person he is. To accept less than what he wants would make him feel like a fool. He could be ‘fine’ in his marriage yet still believe he should exercise his sexual prowess. Getting you means he’s still got it … until he gets you,” DePompo told Fox News.

How to spot him: DePompo advised paying attention to his actions. “Mr. Charming will lack real empathy when you’re let down, but then it’s hard for you to stay angry. He’ll focus on his own gratification, may tend to have a large age gap over you, spend money lavishly to impress, and is likely to find fault in others when problems occur.”

Except for the smart part it sounds a lot like Arie, IMO.

Well , he does know how to keep a spreadsheet giggling
So it’s interesting, not only does Arie have a type but according to this reasearch , cheaters are a type too. Scary how much of it fits him. Jmo LiArs - Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3 - Page 39 4256136633

This is really sad!JMO

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Post by Guest Thu Apr 05, 2018 11:52 pm

Ladybug82 wrote:Lauren has more IG followers than Arie.  
Probably because she is drop dead gorgeous. Smiley


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Post by stuckinsc Fri Apr 06, 2018 12:01 am

rosefever wrote:
Ladybug82 wrote:Lauren has more IG followers than Arie.  
Probably because she is drop dead gorgeous. Smiley

She has an amazing body and hair, her face is only pretty to me. JMO. I thought Kendall has a much prettier face. Again JMO.

ETA: Lauren is a very attractive woman, I just don’t put her in the drop dead gorgeous category, IMO. This show has cast some women that are just OMG stunning, but most like Lauren IMO are pretty with a few amazing features, but not stop traffic gorgeous. All JMO.

Last edited by stuckinsc on Fri Apr 06, 2018 12:52 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Guest Fri Apr 06, 2018 12:02 am

stuckinsc wrote:
rosefever wrote:
Ladybug82 wrote:Lauren has more IG followers than Arie.  
Probably because she is drop dead gorgeous. Smiley

She has an amazing body and hair, her face is only pretty to me. JMO. I thought Kendall has a much prettier face. Again JMO.

Her numbers or Arie haven’t really increased since AFR imo.

Kendall is fresher in her looks and bright eyed . I liked Kendall too imo

Last edited by Stone_Hedge on Fri Apr 06, 2018 12:15 am; edited 1 time in total


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Post by Aunties_Love Fri Apr 06, 2018 12:05 am

Kinda weird how negative stuff about Arie and Lauren gets celebrated and positive stuff gets questioned.  So many out there just want this couple to fail.  Sad really when there are so many obstacles already for a couple from this franchise.**IMO**

Last edited by lipsis on Fri Apr 06, 2018 12:12 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Opinion not fact)

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Post by stuckinsc Fri Apr 06, 2018 12:16 am

Aunties_Love wrote:Kinda weird how negative stuff about Arie and Lauren gets celebrated and positive stuff gets questioned.  So many out there just want this couple to fail.  Sad really when there are so many obstacles already for a couple from this franchise.

IMO, this happens with every couple. Some people like them and others do not. I have noticed that discussion threads die down after a while, and the fan threads keep steady. I think people have strong reactions and then most lose interest, IMO.

JMO, by next January if they are still together, the General discussion thread will be slow with very few posts and the fan thread will be active. That is what we have seen with the last three bachelorettes, IMO.

IMO, Arie and Lauren have faced less negativity overall then any of the last three bachelorettes and about the same as Ben and Lauren (I skipped Nick, so I have no idea). Again this is JMO. It will calm and settle once we have new stuff to watch and talk about. JMO.

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Post by vacayeveryday Fri Apr 06, 2018 12:52 am

Stone_Hedge wrote:
stuckinsc wrote:
rosefever wrote:
Probably because she is drop dead gorgeous. Smiley

She has an amazing body and hair, her face is only pretty to me. JMO. I thought Kendall has a much prettier face. Again JMO.

Her numbers or Arie haven’t really increased since AFR imo.

Kendall is fresher in her looks and bright eyed . I liked Kendall too imo

I've been following Lauren's IG numbers & they have been increasing. They were at 433K as of the finale. Now they're at 544K & growing. Arie is very close to hitting 500K; he's at 499K. IIRC I think Arie was barely at 400K as of the finale.


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Post by Guest Fri Apr 06, 2018 10:47 am

stuckinsc wrote:
rosefever wrote:
Ladybug82 wrote:Lauren has more IG followers than Arie.  
Probably because she is drop dead gorgeous. Smiley

She has an amazing body and hair, her face is only pretty to me. JMO. I thought Kendall has a much prettier face. Again JMO.

ETA: Lauren is a very attractive woman, I just don’t put her in the drop dead gorgeous category, IMO. This show has cast some women that are just OMG stunning, but most like Lauren IMO are pretty with a few amazing features, but not stop traffic gorgeous. All JMO.

LiArs - Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3 - Page 39 Lauren-burnham-pregnant

While Kendall is a very beautiful woman I've never seen Kendall as radiant as Lauren. When I see pictures like these I believe Arie and Lauren are in love, and there's a lot of beauty in that to me.

Arie admitted he was in relationships that he knew weren't going to result in marriage, but I believe both Arie and Lauren are in it to win it at this point in time. All IMO.

Lauren gained 50,000 IG followers in the last 30 days.


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Post by sosleepy Fri Apr 06, 2018 11:27 am

IDK. She's definitely pretty, but she's your basic blonde Bachelor girl to me. Nothing remarkable. I definitely think she can do better than Arie, at least looks wise. JMO.

But, of course beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Definitely subjective.


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Post by vacayeveryday Fri Apr 06, 2018 11:56 am

I've heard a few ppl say that Arie is more attractive in person than how he appears on TV. Rachel actually said the same in an interview. But as far as looks are concerned, does it really matter if we think they look this way or that? IMO they seem very happy in what they see in each other.


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Post by GuardianAngel Fri Apr 06, 2018 1:13 pm

mindless wrote:
I'm getting really bored of this neighbour topic now, but FYI I am the last person to just believe random things I read on the internet without any evidence. That's why I did my own little research and nothing I found discounted the neighbour's story, more like supported it. She posted two pictures that prove she either lives in Arie's community or at least knows someone who does, so she's not a complete fraud for a start, regardless of whether everything she says is true or not. She also didn't scream at Lauren, it was her boyfriend who yelled at Arie and according to her they've been feuding since 2013, so seems both the boyfriend and Arie have lived there for quite a long time (and allegedly share an ex too).

But anyway, firstly the parking issue. She mentioned both a month ago and the other day that Arie parks his truck in, or blocks, the ONLY handicapped parking space in the neighbourhood. I thought, hmm, only one handicapped space? That's a bit odd. So I looked it up on Google Maps, and it's true, there's only one and it's right across the street from Arie's garage. Does it prove he parks there? No, but it's certainly not implausible IMO that he would, at least on occasion.

Secondly, the Airbnb. The neighbour said that he got in trouble with the HOA for it, got severely fined and that's why it's set to a min. 90-day stay now. I checked his listing and couldn't find any mention of the 90 days, so I wondered if it really is the rule. Well turns out there's another condo in the same community up on Airbnb and it mentions the 90 day rule, so it definitely IS a rule. That other listing had a lot of reviews between Nov 2013 and April 2015 from people who clearly only stayed a short time, so that leads me to believe the host was either informed of the 90-day rule in 2015, or the HOA changed the rules in order to put a stop to the Airbnb business. She's had no reviews since, so it seems to have killed her business, unsurprisingly. Arie's listing also has a few reviews before April 2015 and then nothing until Jan 2016, so I suspect he was hit with the rulebook at the same time as the other host in 2015. However, unlike the other host, he hasn't added the 90-day min. to his listing and there are some reviews from Jan 2016 as well as early 2017. IMO he clearly was breaking the rules, even after the issue was brought up. Blatant disregard to HOA rules tends to lead to fines, so IMO he was probably fined too. I don't need to see documents to believe that. People have been fined just for advertising their homes on Airbnb, let alone renting them out after being told it's not allowed. I can also think of a million ways the neighbour could've found out, since people talk. Arie could've been complaining about the fines to another neighbour who told the feuding neighbour, or one of his many exes, or maybe he was campaigning to have the rules changed, or the HOA made an example out of him to deter others from such attempts. Who knows, but it looks like a small community and things like that get around. Again, nothing to me suggests the neighbour was making this stuff up out of thin air, quite the opposite. But that's JMOAA and you're free to disagree.

I also think it would be in his and Lauren's (and the neighbours') best interest to move to a new place together. Seems like there's a lot of history there, not to mention Krystal visited and who knows what she got up to with Arie there. laugh out loud

Wow! Great job on bringing some accurate facts to the story! clapping! Thanks for taking the time!


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Post by ReneeM Fri Apr 06, 2018 3:06 pm

LMFAOOOO Arie's neighbour wars continues on reddit. The guy part of the couple made an account to tell his version of the story and included some texts with Arie and everything cantstopl . It's WAY too long to paraphrase but apparently their war started when Arie was allegedly interfering in his relationship with the girl who's their mutual ex.


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