Bachelorette 14 - Becca Kufrin - Episode 8 - July 16th - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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Post by LeapofFaith Tue Jul 17, 2018 4:45 am

@Stone_Hedge that's awful news my heart goes out to you and your friend.. i do agree with you that this episode gave me all the feels as well..  thank goodness for this small escapism from reality..

I was smiling, crying, yelling at my TV for Tia to get off my TV....just felt everything Smiley oh and it also reminded me how beautiful Sienne is!!!!WOW also is Becca the first bachette to get i love yous from all f4??? isn't that usually until the f3/f2!! but can't blame the guys i love her too and i haven't even met her ;-)

ETA all i want to add is #JasonforBach i fell in wuv with him and his fam tonight dothedamnthing - Bachelorette 14 - Becca Kufrin - Episode 8 -  July 16th - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 20 1f60d

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Post by Imp Tue Jul 17, 2018 8:58 am

Regarding the preview, I guess it's safe to say Becca is crying after her one-on-one evening portion with Jason - they didn't show the dress, but the earrings were the same!! Also, funny how it doesn't sound like "HE literally did to me what Arie did to me" anymore.. Rolling Eyes


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Post by BGlover Tue Jul 17, 2018 9:08 am

I wonder what she did to him? Blindside him?

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Post by sbolduc Tue Jul 17, 2018 9:23 am

In the preview am I going crazy or does becca day I love you too to Blake right before they switch to the scene with her on the bed crying.

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Post by BGlover Tue Jul 17, 2018 10:24 am

I think she says I miss you a lot too because Blake says I miss you a lot. I think that's what I heard.

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Post by FMG2015 Tue Jul 17, 2018 10:26 am

Whatever is said it sounds muffled..... Was there an interview that Becca said she did fall for two guys but didn't say I love you to both of them? Or was I making it up?

Do we know how long Blake and his ex were together for? My ears perked up when his momma said that she was there for the cries and panic attacks.  Yikes.... that's intense. I wonder how emotional he got at the FRC.


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Post by BGlover Tue Jul 17, 2018 10:30 am

Blake is going to need therapy after this, he needed therapy after the break up with the previous gf i hope he got it. After this, if Becca drops him he will have a nervous breakdown I hope they have a therapist on standby

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Post by Guest Tue Jul 17, 2018 11:18 am

I am so confused about Blake's previous girlfriend. Was not the one with the video that was only a couple months long in 2017? But his mother said she was there for him after his breakup 2 years ago? Subtracting 2 from 2018 does not equal 2017.

Thru some dumb luck I found a girl mentioned in a comment on a photo posted in 2015 and when I went to her IG which is public, I found 7 months worth of photos of her and Blake. Blake commented on a lot of them with hearts and comments about needing to make the trip again or what a great time they had.

Neither girl is on his IG. The one I found was tagged in a large group photo.

I think he is doing just fine from what I've seen post filming on his IG.


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Post by BGlover Tue Jul 17, 2018 11:22 am

@havadrpepper we thought Peter was doing well also post filming but alas he was a wreck in real life. Instagram or any other means of SM can not fully tell us if someone is doing just fine. IMO

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Post by Amethyst Tue Jul 17, 2018 12:12 pm

My thoughts on the episode --

This was the first time I can remember where I felt that the lead was a good fit for all four families. If I had to choose, I would say that she fit best with Garrett's family. But all of the families were lovely and all were welcoming to her.

Garrett -- I enjoyed the tomato planting activity. I was a bit puzzled when he asked if she would mind if their future children did the same. Does he have plans to take over the family farm one day, or is he just discussing future visits home? Personally, I would not want young children anywhere near heavy machinery. As for what he is saying about his former wife, if it's true that she kept him from his family during their once a year visits, then I would find that very disturbing. Hopefully Becca will live with him for a while before tying the knot so that she can get things sorted out. I liked his family, and felt that Becca fit in seamlessly with them. When she sat down at the table, she looked completely at home.

Jason -- I loved the cute dates that were reflective of his hometown, Buffalo. My takeaway from the family visit is that his family is very sharp and emotionally aware. His mom picked up right away that Becca's heart may have been elsewhere. After Jason shared his feelings about Becca, his brother astutely asked, "Have you told her all this?" I thought that both Jason and his family came off very well in this visit. I continue to like Jason a great deal.  

Blake -- I lived in Colorado for eight years and loved it, so I am always happy to see a little slice of my second home. It was really great to see Becca enjoying the Betty Who concert and singing along with all of the songs. I loved how Blake's mom said, "Come back to Colorado." Blake wears his heart on his sleeve, much like Bryan did during Rachel's season. A part of me wishes that he would dial it back just a hair, because IMO he tends to come off as a bit of an emotional mess. It's not going to be pretty when Becca rejects him.

Colton -- The hospital visit was sweet. I like Colton, and tend to take him as I find him, but I know that other fans feel differently. His dad made a very good point that tough conversations are a two-way street, and that Colton needed to have one such conversation with Becca regarding Arie.

Tia -- Hmm. I do like Tia, but I don't know what to make of this conversation. Becca puts a high premium on "honesty," which I think to her means knowing exactly where your head is at during any given moment. But people (i.e. Arie, Tia) don't always have a firm fix on their feelings. They think they have it figured out, but at that point in time, they just don't. If I were Tia, I think I either would have skipped this conversation altogether, or approached it differently -- "Becca, I find much to my surprise that I still have feelings for Colton, which I would like to explore further if possible. If he's the one for you, I can live with that, but if he's not, I'd appreciate if you would send him home sooner rather than later. I'm sorry that I didn't get that figured out earlier in the process." So, something like that. I remember thinking during the spa date that Tia had feelings for Colton, but him perhaps not so much.

Having said that, I don't think Becca had any intention of taking Colton to the final three, anyway. So when Becca said that Tia's revelation left her feeling, "frustrated, angry, and hurt," her reaction came off to me as being OTT. I don't blame Becca in the least, however, for disregarding Tia's (way overdue) plea and making up her own mind about Colton. It was only fair to her, and I would have done the same.

Appearances, appearances -- Becca's black dress for the rose ceremony was breathtaking. Both Jason and Blake need a good quality hair stylist. I didn't realize until I saw Blake's high school sports photo how much better he can look with a different hair style. I loved Garrett's all-black look for the rose ceremony, but Blake needs to burn that red bow tie.

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Post by RealityEscape Tue Jul 17, 2018 12:31 pm

Finally condensed in my mind what I thought during the episode - Jason is the guy I was attracted to - the other two are probably the ones that are more marriageable. Jason's list of how he was in love was the stuff of romance novels!  I'd enjoy seeing Jason more as The Bachelor even though other suggested guys are more likely to stay with their intended.  It's time for a heartthrob.  

It also surprised me there was also no negative family moments - dead bird funerals, or strange dads.  The families didn't give them much drama to work with.    Also found it interesting they didn't play any backlash from the dad telling Becca to let Colton go if he wasn't final.  Apparently the long term plan was definitely Paradis and then maybe the Bachelor.  (No to that!)

And no one has mentioned what might have gone thru Becca's mind last episode when Colton said he was a virgin.  It appears unlikely Becca is a virgin and that MIGHT be a pressure - a non-virgin with a virgin guy.   I thought she might mention it tonight and it would have worked in their added drama of having Colton talk to Chris about the fantasy suite.  That was made up drama too in my mind.   He's an adult and should certainly have been able to figure out that no-one is forcing him to "be intimate" in the Fantasy Suite even if it's for the whole night.     And yes Blake needs to lose the tie.


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Post by Norcalgal Tue Jul 17, 2018 1:29 pm

All really nice families this time around, which reflects on the nice guys Becca has for the F4. I grew to like Garrett a bit more and my interest in Blake is waning. But give me more of Jason please!

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