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Post by nd4reality Tue May 07, 2019 4:55 pm

I almost fell off my chair.

Where is RS and what has he done to himself. !!!!

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Post by smg2587 Tue May 07, 2019 4:56 pm

That Chris Harrison interview plus when he revealed the contestants he clearly want Peter, Mike or Dylan as the next Bachelor imo. He hypes them up a lot. He also likes John Paul Jones.

Not sure what RS is implying. He seems to be trying to lessen the heat on Luke but there are already even stories out there about him so not quite sure what he is talking about.


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Post by Al Tue May 07, 2019 4:57 pm

I'm thinking RS could be partially talking about Peter when he mentioned the social media praise. He's been getting a lot of it, so I'm wondering if RS has some dirt on him.


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Post by mercieme Tue May 07, 2019 5:03 pm

bluwavz wrote:

Thanks Blu bestbud!

Not sure if CH is fibbing but bringing the full text of link above from Blu and highlighted a few things. Basically she cares a lot for Luke & worried about the drama surrounding him. So not sure if CH is insinuating that Hannah will not get engaged because who she wants has drama. I will be super stoked if TPTB allows her to work out without an engagement, I have my doubts though. CH also continues to hype Mike, and then adds Pilot Pete & Dylan to the list...TPTB seems to be going for a foiler season IMO.

Why Chris Harrison Says 'Bachelorette' Hannah Brown Might Not Get a Happy Ending This Season (Exclusive)

Hannah Brown's season of The Bachelorette might actually be the most dramatic one ever.

Colton Underwood's Bachelor season was the first in five years not to end in a proposal, and according to host Chris Harrison, Brown's could be the first in Bachelorette history not to conclude with a man down on one knee.

"I wish I could guarantee [a proposal], but I cannot deliver…  I don't know, I would love to be able to do my job and deliver this, but I don't know if we're going to," Harrison told ET's Lauren Zima during a sit-down interview last week. "It might be a bumpy finish."

Aside from Underwood, Harrison admitted that usually at this point in a season (Brown was just heading into her finale), it's "smooth sailing."

"Sitting here now, I really don't know how it's going to end. I am hopeful and she is hopeful, but the way she wants to find love and the way she is going about this is really true and sincere. She is not just going to do it to do it, and as rough as it has been and as wild as it has been, I am not sure she is going to be able to get there. And that is because she doesn't know if she will be able to get there," he explained. "So, I am interested as anybody to see how this all wraps up."

Harrison, who admitted he was "scared to death" that Brown might not be able to handle her Bachelorette duties after her rocky debut on Underwood's After the Final Rose, said that "man drama" on night one forced Hannah "Beast" to come out a little early. However, it doesn't sound like she was ever able to nip the drama in the bud.

"She came in as the Bachelorette just firing on all cylinders and took control," Harrison said. "There was an incident on night one -- I'll say thanks to Demi [Burnett] and Katie Morton [who were in a surveillance van for the premiere] that I thought, 'OK, this might be where I step in because Hannah is not really ready for this yet.' She looked and said, 'I got this.'"

The longtime host teased that while an ambulance isn't involved in the night one spectacle, it comes into play later in the season. Fans can expect both tears and fist fights, he said.

"There is a guy not there for the right reasons, then there are the guys that just rub everyone the wrong way, that everyone loves to hate. It's just stuff she has to deal with constantly, and every time we think we're over it, it rears its ugly head and she has to get back in," Harrison revealed. "It really got to the point where honestly, it started taking away from her being the Bachelorette. It took away from the entire season and the chance for her to find love, and it may cause her not to find love at the end of this."

And while Brown won't have a fence jump moment like Underwood did, Harrison said things will come to a climax in terms of the drama with Hannah's men. "You are going to see drama along the way, let's say it's a level two drama. This is a level 10 drama that really festers and really dives into the fabric of the show. I think it's going to shape this entire show, because it has to do with somebody she really cares about, and so it's not something that is just going to go away."

Part of the problem was that the men just wouldn't accept each rose ceremony as a "clean slate," he added. "It's kind of like this snowball effect," Harrison reasoned, though was quick to note the drama didn't necessarily escalate because Brown didn't send home guys she should have. "Hannah gets to see what she gets to see and that's it. [Aside from the surveillance van in the premiere] it's not like we sit back and show her tapes of everything else going on, so she only can judge from what she says and she likes what she sees."

As for which suitors of Brown's 30 men (three of the previously announced 33 didn't make the cut for the premiere) fans should keep an eye on this season, the host said there are a couple standouts.

"John Paul Jones, because I love saying John Paul Jones. And you have to use his full name… he refers to himself in the third person as John Paul Jones," Harrison joked.

"I would say keep an eye on Peter, he wears the [pilot] uniform, shows up on night one. Big Mike is just this adorable, endearing and lovable, lovable character. He's that guy in the house that everybody likes. But… is he friend zone material?" he teased. "Now let's go LA, Dylan. Because of who Hannah is -- family, down home, roots, loves that -- that is Dillon. He has an amazing story that he'll share and he's quiet and kind of is in the background. But not so much like, 'Who's that guy?' He's just that guy that's always there. And he shares this, he's kind of the mirror image of who Hannah is, and obviously that's a comfortable thing to see."


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Post by nd4reality Tue May 07, 2019 5:15 pm

Translation the guy she really likes is s bad egg.

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Post by alwayscooking Tue May 07, 2019 5:17 pm

nd4reality wrote:Translation the guy she really likes is s bad egg.

Exactly, which is probably Luke, the one no one likes and would Jed be there not for the right reasons?

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Post by mercieme Tue May 07, 2019 5:19 pm

You guys are bad... will she be the first to choose a bad egg though..or is CH going to guard & protect her from doing so giggling


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Post by Al Tue May 07, 2019 5:30 pm

I'd rather her choose no one than choose someone whose behavior may concern her. I hope it's clearer for her than for us trying to put the pieces together here laugh out loud


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Post by frajosfanofchris Tue May 07, 2019 7:24 pm

How committed was Hannah to a proposal going into filming?

I think she’s definitely open-minded to just finding love and she’s definitely open to getting engaged. But one thing I like about her — and this goes back to her being raw and real — she’s not going to go through the motions. She’s not going to fake this. She’s not going to just tell everybody what they want to hear or just get engaged for the show. She’s really going to let it happen and if it doesn’t happen on her own time and in her own way, then it won’t. So that’s why I tell you that, at this point, I don’t know how it’s going to end.

You also released the names of the contestants early for the first time ever. Thirty-three names were announced and 30 made the final cut. After the casting controversies of Becca Kufrin’s season last year, Rob Mills had suggested letting the names out early so Bachelor Nation could weed out the bad seeds. What were the discussions like among the producers about this move and do you think it worked?

I was not a part of that decision. That came from Rob and the heads of the network. I agree with it. Look, this is a really slippery slope and a gray area. One thing about our show that I’ve enjoyed, especially lately, is that it really raises the level of debate around a lot of social issues going on and this is another one. You would think that we’re going to release these names and that it would make it very cut and dry. But that’s not necessarily the case, because who is to say that an angry ex isn’t going to come out of the woodwork and bash the guy or girl that they were dating? So in a lot of ways, it could make things more difficult. That’s the whole effect of social media. There’s a ripple effect to everything and there’s one to this too. It was a good idea. I believe in it. But it’s not without its faults.

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Post by Al Tue May 07, 2019 7:31 pm

Hope this isn't confusing, but the other reddit user who claimed to be Tyler's brother, and had commented a bit on the subreddit before, confirmed what the other brother wrote today. Said their mom has no idea whether Tyler was eliminated or not, and doesn't know why she posted the comment. Chill boys laugh out loud, she's got a lot of mom stress going on.


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Post by GuardianAngel Tue May 07, 2019 7:45 pm

About the phone. In all the years of our sleuthing, it has been mentioned many times, they get their phones when they are on US soil.

From previous info shared with me during other seasons, the F3 doesn't always stay until the end and have left the day before the FRC.

The F2 in the past is the one on lockdown until the FRC.


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Post by Aunties_Love Tue May 07, 2019 8:11 pm

The video of Harrison that was on twitter, I found it on their facebook acct:

Candace:  There is nothing better than an Auntie's Love!  blowkiss

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