Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion

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theBachelorette - Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion  - Page 5 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion

Post by ilovecarbs Tue Aug 13, 2019 10:03 am

Mommyof2 wrote:HB at it again.  She seems miserable.  My advice to Hannah is to quit being so shady and snarky towards the people who wronged her.  She keeps saying Jesus still loves her, but honestly she should think about her actions on public SM with 2M people watching her.  Jm2c
if she really is going to be on dwts then i would suggest to her to practice some gratitude in her life. yes her season ended badly but she is now famous, about to be rich and be on a show that other bachelorettes would have died to be on. she needs some perspective instead of feeling sorry for herself especially about self-inflicted wounds imo.

she is moody and an ingrate imo which is why i never thought she and tyler were compatible. she showed her lack of gratitude towards tyler as soon as she didn’t get what she wanted. they are worlds apart in maturity. she’s showing her lack of gratitude about her numerous blessings too.


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theBachelorette - Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion  - Page 5 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion

Post by nannymargie Tue Aug 13, 2019 10:38 am

As beautiful and outgoing as Hannah is no one is prefect and she suffers from insecurities and depression. She has been thru a lot the past few months plus moving on her own to a strange new place has to be overwhelming. I don't think she is feeling sorry for herself I think she is just trying to process everything that she has been thru. This is just what she needs at this time before doing DWTS which will be another whirlwind for her. She admits she has been glad, happy, and sad and all those feeling are good for her to focus on getting herself where she needs to be. She probably has a lot of regrets on choices she has made and needs to focus on why she made these bad decision in order not to make them again. In time she will be just fine and whatever is meant to be will be.

Sometime you have to fall apart only to realize you need to be together!

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theBachelorette - Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion  - Page 5 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion

Post by Ash2214 Tue Aug 13, 2019 10:42 am

This is the sort of message that women need to hear. As a 27 year old woman who is happy with my life, messages like this are always beneficial. She said it herself. She is grateful and thankful for the adventures she has been on this year, but things have obviously been difficult too. I think often times people think just because a lot of things are going well in their life that they also can’t be struggling simultaneously. It’s okay to be happy, grateful, and thankful, but at the same time feel sad, hurt, and anxious. 

Also, from skimming through the thousands of comments, most people are just sharing messages of support and sharing glimpses into their life and how they have all felt similar at one point in time. There’s not much hate going on in regards to Hannah or her contestants.


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theBachelorette - Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion  - Page 5 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion

Post by Chgohighlife Tue Aug 13, 2019 11:02 am

If Hannah is on DWTS, she will soon not have time to feel sorry for herself. She looks like she may be able to stay for a bit if she has the discipline and focus. Ballroom dance will surprise her. It is a science, like ballet - not a natural extension of your movement like jazz and modern.

That latest post appears to me to be a cry for support. I think her mom should go to LA for a few weeks. Cook for her, organize her, do her laundry, support her first week(s) of grueling practice and on the show. The world is about to find out what she’s really made of. I wish Hannah luck.


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theBachelorette - Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion  - Page 5 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion

Post by Sprite Tue Aug 13, 2019 11:42 am

Mommyof2 wrote:HB at it again.  She seems miserable.  My advice to Hannah is to quit being so shady and snarky towards the people who wronged her.  She keeps saying Jesus still loves her, but honestly she should think about her actions on public SM with 2M people watching her.  Jm2c

Summerfun1980 wrote:Wow. I definitely didn’t think she was being shady. I’ve had my issues with HB and her immaturity but she has gone through multiple public blows in a short amount of time and she is away from family and friends dealing with it alone. I do not doubt her sincerity and believe she is just opening up to the people who have watched this mess play out. I wish her well.

I don't think @Mommyof2 meant that the above quote was being shady...I think she is referring to some of the things Hannah has been saying in interviews like the one with Rachel and Ali have been throwing subtle shade at Tyler. She did the same previously with Luke and Jed.

I get that Hannah is being vulnerable and I see how people would love that, but I wish she would step back and stop with the Jesus still loves me bit and really think about why she made the absolute worst choices she could have. Like the worst of any Bette! Obviously she is really young and growing up takes time, but you also need time to reflect and I'm not sure she is really doing that from what I am seeing from her. Yes, she has accepted that she made mistakes, but I don't see that she is examining why she made those choices. I could be wrong and she could be doing that privately, but since she seems to be sharing and over sharing everything, I don't really think so. no idea

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theBachelorette - Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion  - Page 5 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion

Post by Guest Tue Aug 13, 2019 11:51 am

One of the worst features of sm is that people feel they have to present a perfect image of their lives. Keeping up with the Jones mentality. I admire that Hannah is willing to show all sides of herself and I believe it will help millions of young women who struggle with feelings of inadequacy. I love that she expresses how she needs God’s guidance, yet fails, like we all do. Yay Hannah!


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theBachelorette - Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion  - Page 5 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion

Post by Emeralds Tue Aug 13, 2019 11:58 am

I wish Hannah nothing but peace & happiness. IMO, the best thing to happen to her was the door being shut with Tyler so that she can focus on herself to heal, reflect, & grow. I feel like she wanted Tyler because he seemed like a life preserver when, not only does Tyler deserve much better, it would have kept Hannah from doing the hard work on herself that she needs to do.


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theBachelorette - Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion  - Page 5 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion

Post by Sprite Tue Aug 13, 2019 12:05 pm

Emeralds wrote:I wish Hannah nothing but peace & happiness. IMO, the best thing to happen to her was the door being shut with Tyler so that she can focus on herself to heal, reflect, & grow. I feel like she wanted Tyler because he seemed like a life preserver when, not only does Tyler deserve much better, it would have kept Hannah from doing the hard work on herself that she needs to do.

Beautifully said and my thoughts exactly.

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theBachelorette - Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion  - Page 5 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion

Post by chicagoowl Tue Aug 13, 2019 12:12 pm

She's had a lot of changes this past year. Adjusting is hard. That being said, she is also building her "brand," which is that of an independent woman and the struggles of an independent woman. I'm sure there will be more posts like this in the months to go.

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theBachelorette - Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion  - Page 5 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion

Post by Billysmom Tue Aug 13, 2019 12:51 pm

IMO Hannah herself knew it was too soon for a full on relationship. But I guess her definition of working on it, taking it one day at a time, was clearly different from his, and that was ok, but still stung, especially after all she'd been through. 

Btw love that momma C defended her on that post against some trolls. :-). Hoping she doesn't read here, laugh out loud

I'd love to see Hannah work with the girls clubs or some other girls' leadership group. She has a big heart and a lot of love to give, jmo

Btw, I can't imagine that I am the only viewer for whom Tyler was an acquired taste. For that reason I will never fault her that she didn't see him accurately till near the very end.

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theBachelorette - Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion  - Page 5 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion

Post by Guest Tue Aug 13, 2019 1:11 pm

Chgohighlife wrote:

That latest post appears to me to be a cry for support. I think her mom should go to LA for a few weeks. Cook for her, organize her, do her laundry, support her first week(s) of grueling practice and on the show. The world is about to find out what she’s really made of. I wish Hannah luck.

There is nothing preventing Hannah from going to AL for a few days instead of Mommy going to LA to baby Hannah for a few wks. This attitude that Hannah is such a special snowflake that the world must stop what they are doing to bow down to her is part of Hannah's problem. I applaud Hannah for showing her struggles but she needs distance from SM after posting that. SM life is not real life.


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theBachelorette - Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion  - Page 5 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion

Post by sdmom Tue Aug 13, 2019 1:13 pm

Not being shady, but why didn’t she go home and spend some time with family and friends? Is she kidnapped by TPTB? That’s why I don’t understand.

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