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Post by Sprite Sat Aug 01, 2020 2:10 pm

Norcalgal wrote:If there is any drama around this supposed move by Clare, you know it will be filmed and shown to the viewers. Never before has a lead quit for any reason. After all the publicity on Clare's season, the producers are going to want to get their financial return. No better way than showing just what went down and why Tayshia came in.

Makes me wonder what was behind the announcement that the fireworks were being moved to Sunday, Aug 2nd, from Sat, Aug 1st. Is this Clare's big send-off?

Clare apparently refused to work on Saturday, so I am assuming the fireworks were for a date. Since she cancelled I am assuming they rescheduled for the next day...Sunday. Would that be the date rescheduled, her send off...into the sunset with Dale...or the new Bette coming?

I could understand if something happened with her mom and she had to leave. Family first.

If production planned this all along and didn't tell her and she then threw a fit when she found out...I understand, but would still expect her to continue. That said, I don't think this is what happened because then production wouldn't be scrambling to call back guys they released.

Clare proving difficult and throwing tantrums I fully expected to be highlighted throughout her season. That is was so bad that she is let go...truly dramatic!

Clare breaking her contract to leave with some guy who she is hot for, but who was sliding doubt hot young girls DM's just before leaving for stupidity!

It may actually end being the most dramatic season ever!!!

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Post by pavalygurl Sat Aug 01, 2020 3:42 pm

Norcalgal wrote:If there is any drama around this supposed move by Clare, you know it will be filmed and shown to the viewers. Never before has a lead quit for any reason. After all the publicity on Clare's season, the producers are going to want to get their financial return. No better way than showing just what went down and why Tayshia came in.

Makes me wonder what was behind the announcement that the fireworks were being moved to Sunday, Aug 2nd, from Sat, Aug 1st. Is this Clare's big send-off?
That's what I'm wondering also.   I've had a night's sleep and some coffee and now my brain is considering all the possibilities.  Some part of me is still wondering if maybe this was not just an accident.  Maybe tptb knew Clare was in touch with Dale pre-season.  The quarantine Bachelorette was not gonna be as "exciting" as past seasons.  So, in order to really give us the 2020 version of the most dramatic season ever, they had to really raise the stakes?  What if they allowed for contact between Dale and Clare, heck, maybe supported it...what if that's part of the reason 42 guys, many of them kind of young even for Clare, were initially cast.  They played out the first week to witness the Clare/Dale dynamic and felt it could fly.  So then Tayshia gets her season, hopefully with some other quality contenders we may not have heard about yet.  All the drama, all the respect of the recent new attention (finally) to more diversity, all the potential for two happy endings. Win-Win all around.  It could happen BacheloretteNation - Bachelorette 16 - Clare Crawley & Tayshia Adams - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 40 1f60d    or not...


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Post by GuardianAngel Sat Aug 01, 2020 4:43 pm

Sorry for quoting myself but I posted this on page 37. It appears CH hinted she was in contact with the contestants. We know Clare herself admitted she googled them.

GuardianAngel wrote:
ReneeM wrote:snipped..

He was thinking out loud though and raised the possibility that since Dale was in the original cast months ago, he and Clare might’ve gotten in contact from then. Which I haven’t seen considered yet and I think it’s a valid possibility.

Also, comments are limited on Clare’s instagram. Has that always been the case?

Good point on Dale and Clare might have been in contact with each other.

JUN 23, 2020

When it was first revealed that Clare’s season would be delayed, Chris Harrison hinted at the fact Clare might already be talking to potential suitors on social media. Clare didn’t confirm that during the podcast, but she did fully admit to googling some of the boys on her season before she meets them IRL.

Re her comments about making SM accounts.

Former NFL player Dale Moss, 31,  is the only other person from this season on Cameo. He hasn't done interviews, but he did put on a cooking demonstration on Saturday for the Professional Athletes Foundation and NFL Players Association.



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Post by bleuberry Sat Aug 01, 2020 5:55 pm

I agree @GuardianAngel I have such a hard time believing the theories that this is her doing. Unless she had a family emergency, everything else seems crazy to me

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Post by Sprite Sat Aug 01, 2020 6:41 pm

pavalygurl wrote:
Norcalgal wrote:If there is any drama around this supposed move by Clare, you know it will be filmed and shown to the viewers. Never before has a lead quit for any reason. After all the publicity on Clare's season, the producers are going to want to get their financial return. No better way than showing just what went down and why Tayshia came in.

Makes me wonder what was behind the announcement that the fireworks were being moved to Sunday, Aug 2nd, from Sat, Aug 1st. Is this Clare's big send-off?
That's what I'm wondering also.   I've had a night's sleep and some coffee and now my brain is considering all the possibilities.  Some part of me is still wondering if maybe this was not just an accident.  Maybe tptb knew Clare was in touch with Dale pre-season.  The quarantine Bachelorette was not gonna be as "exciting" as past seasons.  So, in order to really give us the 2020 version of the most dramatic season ever, they had to really raise the stakes?  What if they allowed for contact between Dale and Clare, heck, maybe supported it...what if that's part of the reason 42 guys, many of them kind of young even for Clare, were initially cast.  They played out the first week to witness the Clare/Dale dynamic and felt it could fly.  So then Tayshia gets her season, hopefully with some other quality contenders we may not have heard about yet.  All the drama, all the respect of the recent new attention (finally) to more diversity, all the potential for two happy endings. Win-Win all around.  It could happen BacheloretteNation - Bachelorette 16 - Clare Crawley & Tayshia Adams - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 40 1f60d    or not...

I cannot see this scenario being correct. If they were prepping for the 2nd bette all along they never would have let all the guys go and now be scrambling to get some back. That just doesn't make sense. I am betting that something unexpected happened and now they are trying to fix things and save a season that was already a dumpster fire.

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Post by Bobette Sat Aug 01, 2020 8:08 pm

Maybe they initially cast for Tayisha but switched to Clare last minute for whatever reason, then Clare bailed and they had to make Tayisha an offer she couldn't refuse, to save the season.   no idea

Dale may have laid some ground work pre-show via DMs hoping to go far, but did his job a bit too well and Clare is already so "in love" with him she can't bear to date/kiss other men because to her it feels like "cheating".  Rolling Eyes

Dare I say it seems to me that Clare might be trying to lock Dale down before he gets too much exposure on the show, and a corresponding increase in his fan base (ie competition for her) IMO.

Unless he's genuinely into her (which I somehow doubt) that kind of IMO desperate and OTT behaviour after such a short time would be a massive turn off IMO and I doubt they will last, in which case Clare will look like a fool.

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Post by jojo47 Sat Aug 01, 2020 8:41 pm

Bobette wrote:Maybe they initially cast for Tayisha but switched to Clare last minute for whatever reason, then Clare bailed and they had to make Tayisha an offer she couldn't refuse, to save the season.   no idea

Dale may have laid some ground work pre-show via DMs hoping to go far, but did his job a bit too well and Clare is already so "in love" with him she can't bear to date/kiss other men because to her it feels like "cheating".  Rolling Eyes

Dare I say it seems to me that Clare might be trying to lock Dale down before he gets too much exposure on the show, and a corresponding increase in his fan base (ie competition for her) IMO.

Unless he's genuinely into her (which I somehow doubt) that kind of IMO desperate and OTT behaviour after such a short time would be a massive turn off IMO and I doubt they will last, in which case Clare will look like a fool.

I’m very curious to know how Dale feels about Clare. If we’re going to see a Clare vs Tayshia event (a la Kaitlyn vs Britt), Dale will suddenly be production’s centre of attention. Especially at the time of a vote & any potential options he may have. All JMO.

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Post by Astrobach Sat Aug 01, 2020 9:14 pm

@jojo47 I also am curious about how Dale feels about Clare and all this.
I doubt very much that Taysha was brought in as a “‘double Bachelorette “ like Britt and Kaitlyn. Didn’t CH himself said somewhere that they would never do this again? And there is enough evidence IMO to show that Taysha coming in is really a last minute unexpected move. They’re not gonna have guys start voting on them after a week or more of filming...that’s weird and entirely unfair for both women and guys. Something is up that is not yet clear and we will soon find out one way or another.

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Post by jojo47 Sat Aug 01, 2020 9:36 pm

Astrobach wrote:@jojo47 I also am curious about how Dale feels about Clare and all this.
I doubt very much that Taysha was brought in as a “‘double Bachelorette “ like Britt and Kaitlyn. Didn’t CH himself said somewhere that they would never do this again? And there is enough evidence IMO to show that Taysha coming in is really a last minute unexpected move. They’re not gonna have guys start voting on them after a week or more of filming...that’s weird and entirely unfair for both women and guys. Something is up that is not yet clear and we will soon find out one way or another.

For the reasons you state, you’re probably right on the vote. I wouldn’t think a dual B’ette was necessarily planned either. What I could see is that production somehow spins it to allow Clare to leave tho. Maybe Clare thinks Dale will follow her... and he decides to stay. Unless Clare’s leaving is family or emergency related, they will punish her. That I am quite sure of. JMO

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Post by Aria Sat Aug 01, 2020 9:36 pm

Hawaii Girl wrote:
Aria wrote:People on reddit were saying he was DMing multiple people before filming; if true, it points towards things not being totally mutual.
I just read that comment and was coming here to say this! The original commenter (from 9 days ago) said she knew of at least 5 girls whose DMs he slid into and she doesn't understand why so many Bachelor fans are already obsessed with him. Man, I really hope that this L&S story is false and there's another explanation behind whatever's going on, cause otherwise I'm just embarrassed for her.

If it was just L&S, I would totally think it was bogus since they’ve done the “lead threatens to quit” story before and it seemed awfully convenient it came out right after RS’s FIR spoiler. I still kind of think they just got lucky that it ended up being true, because I think the show would have leaked it through Us or People if they wanted it out. For me, it’s mostly the fact that a long-time poster said she has a close contact working on the show who said Clare is convinced her first rose is her husband, is cancelling rose ceremonies/is on her own schedule, and doesn’t feel the need to continue the season. Just seems like there’s enough smoke to get me thinking it’s a possibility.

The way I see it: the only way Clare comes out of this is if there was a family emergency and the producers wouldn’t let her stop filming or if they really screwed with her (something on par with casting Lee). If it’s really about Dale (or some other guy), it just makes her look even worse after she talked about respecting the show and process.



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Post by barbell Sat Aug 01, 2020 9:50 pm

It constantly amazes me that this show can get cast members, particularly repeaters who know the nonsense the producers pull. Shame on you Claire for thinking you can get your way and not be crucified for it. You should know better! She thought the raccoon on BIP was bad...just wait!

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Post by Bobette Sat Aug 01, 2020 9:52 pm

Hawaii Girl wrote:
sosleepy wrote:I, for one, find it super unprofessional whether she totally left “for love” or not. She’s cast in a role for a major network, she knows her job. Her job is the television show, not finding a husband, lets be real. Her shoot was already shortened. Suck it up. Added on top of this, the global pandemic and the risks of even filming this suckfest in the middle of a state on fire with cases, and it’s just leaving a bad taste in my mouth her un professionalism. Now they need to bring in extra people, and possibly prolong things, and make added risk because the lead they chose can’t deal? Well, ok then. Good call, Clare.

Right?! I keep seeing these "You go girl! Stick it to production!" comments on Reddit and I feel like I've hit my head and entered an alternate universe. How dare those evil producers have such unreasonable demands for her, like to show up to dates and give roses to more than one guy. How misogynistic of them to expect her to do the job she's being paid to do!

This is exactly right IMO - Clare is a PAID EMPLOYEE.  TPTB don't work for her.  Obviously they have to pander to the Lead's ego somewhat but some of these people seem to have a massively over-inflated opinion of themselves IMO.  She's a hairdresser, not a celebrity in her own right and her only claim to "fame" is being on this show.  

In AU we had a celebrity Lead who didn't play by the rules and refused to pick an F1, but IMO that was more about him not understanding what he was getting himself into and being a poor casting choice than any kind of diva-ish behaviour.  Clare knows how this show works and if she did bail for Dale, that's grossly unprofessional IMO.

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