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EndofCruiseShips - General Chit Chat - #2 - Page 20 Empty Re: General Chit Chat - #2

Post by HavaDrPepper Thu Apr 09, 2020 4:14 pm

Well, today's daily briefing in Ohio has been interesting.  They bring on one person every day remotely to talk about what their state departments are doing during this time. They are now branching out to health professionals around the state. Today they had a doctor from Toledo discussing what he is seeing in that area especially since it is very close to the Detroit area which is a major hot spot these days.

During his few minutes you could hear people shouting. Now this takes place inside the state house. Dr. Amy explained that there are protesters outside the state house.

Evidently the protesters think the state does not have the right to shut down the businesses in the state and they want to "open Ohio".

There is a reason why Ohio at this time only has 5512 positive cases per testing in our 11.7 million people.


This article mentions it.

Also, at this time we have had 55,985 tests run in the state. My county has 8 cases and had the first death attributed to COVID-19 yesterday. A 64 year old male. Age of the 8 positives in my county are 21 to 65. 6 Female, 2 Male. 3 Hospitalizations. Only 4 counties out of 88 do not have confirmed positive cases but it was just mentioned that there are probably cases there that are asymptomatic at this time. When I look at those 4 counties, none of them have large cities. They are mostly rural counties with smaller population so I'm not surprised.

Ohio has not hit peak yet.


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Post by GuardianAngel Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:39 pm

@HavaDrPepper that's a lot of good information. Sounds like they are empathetic and are trying to do their best.

Protesters and those that don't abide need to be fined. Sorry that's how I feel.

I haven't checked where my province is at as of today. I heard bits and pieces on the news while I was working. I did hear we had another death in my region, so we are up to 11. The very sad obituary I read was a husband and wife both in a nursing home, passed away within a day of each other of Covid-19. There is an outbreak at that particular nursing home.

This is going to go on for another few months IMHO. My friend and I agreed today, we're not going on our trip. Up until now we were wait and see, but no way do we feel safe, even in July. I need to cancel our flights. I hope we can get rebated rather than a voucher.


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Post by Norcalgal Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:46 pm

@GuardianAngel I think we're all better off close to home for a while. I'm glad you cancelled your trip - think you'll have a better time when things quiet down A LOT!

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Post by HavaDrPepper Fri Apr 10, 2020 10:33 am

Now there is a state level senator that thinks it would be a good idea to open up west central Ohio (where I live) again. Let businesses open and people go back to work. He even sent a letter to the governor requesting it because of the low number of cases in the region. The county that he lives in that has the largest city only has 23 cases. The area is more rural but that doesn't mean we don't have more cases.  I'm positive we do.

By the way the districts are mapped out, I am not in his district but his district covers most of the area I live in. Yeah, weird "borders" on the districts... my county is in 2 districts. Part in his district, I live in the part that isn't.  Believe me if I was in his district he would not be getting my vote in the next election and this guy is 60 years old! The age group with the most cases in the state is 50-59 with 1,110. Ages 60-69 has 1,014. Dude is right there in the middle of it. He should know better. deadhorse

The problem with opening up just a part of the state is that people in the rest of the state will then not follow their rules and pandemonium will rule the state.

I mean, how hard is it to follow the rules for a few more weeks so that we don't become another New York, New Jersey or even Michigan which is a heck of a lot closer to us.

My neighbor, a teacher, was at his school yesterday and talked with officials. They don't expect to return when the school closure expires on May 1st. School for them is out just 3 weeks later. They are proceeding with plans on those assumptions as to what to do with end of school year activities.


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Post by albean99 Fri Apr 10, 2020 10:59 am

A school district in of my local cities was talking about their options for high school graduation. One is a normal grad if school is back in May. Second is a virtual graduation with speeches and all. Third is a drive through grad with opportunities for pics after. I suspect it will be on of the latter ones. It’s like drive by birthdays. People are making do and enjoying what they can.

I have friends who are keeping tabs on what’s happening in our county  and send a graph each day. We’re staying relatively low but I feel like a large part, if not all, of the country is under reporting because of lack of testing. If there’s one positive in a house they won’t test the rest even with symptoms. Lots of people are told to stay home without tests. We already have a horrible numbers and I’m afraid it’s so much worse than we know. Those who say we should get back to "normal" are just wrong, imo.

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Post by sdmom Fri Apr 10, 2020 1:39 pm

A friend of ours volunteers to bring food to those day laborers who usually wait outside of Home Depot for work opportunities. Now there are very very few work opportunities, those guys are probably hungry for food. Our friend has to go to work some of the days, so he asked my husband and boys if the can help picking up the food from a restaurant and bring them to the laborers.

Honestly, I hesitated initially, because we don’t know those people. We don’t know what kind of exposures they are under. But my husband and boys said as long as we take precautions we should be ok. So I went with one of my sons the first time ( cause he couldn’t find his wallet! So I drove.).

There was another volunteer, and he is definitely older than us. Him and my son both wore masks and gloves, but those laborers did not. I stayed inside the car and didn’t get out. They were so happy to see the food and all came close to the car, no one was maintaining 6 feet of distance! But you know what, my heart was so touched! This could possibly be the only meal they have in that day! Covid 19 affects so many people in so many differentiate ways. So many vulnerable groups need to be taken care of. My family is truly blessed that we can work/take classes in the comfort of our home and have plenty of food.

So my husband and son went again yesterday and will be going again tomorrow. They take as many precautions as possible, masks, gloves, wipes, hand sanitizers, etc etc. Pray this pandemic will be under control as soon as possible.

Be safe everyone!

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Post by Sprite Fri Apr 10, 2020 4:42 pm

@sdmom Bless you and your family and others like you who are helping those who are more vulnerable. I see so much in the news that drives me crazy, but then there are stories like yours that gives me a glimmer of hope for humanity.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Jolena Fri Apr 10, 2020 5:00 pm

IS there someone I can PM that knows a little about Tiktok? I have a few questions. TIA

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Post by Norcalgal Fri Apr 10, 2020 9:00 pm

@sdmom I am very touched by your act of kindness. I think you saw firsthand how norms differ for those who live very different lives than most of us. Until we see it, it can be hard to understand. What a lesson for your sons. We all have to take care of one another.

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Post by Guest Sat Apr 11, 2020 1:28 pm

@Sprite off topic, but I’m in love with the cutie pie in your avatar! Shitzu?


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EndofCruiseShips - General Chit Chat - #2 - Page 20 Empty Re: General Chit Chat - #2

Post by GuardianAngel Sat Apr 11, 2020 3:59 pm

@sdmom Thank you for sharing. It makes the heart feel good to read the act's of kindness that are being created around the world. EndofCruiseShips - General Chit Chat - #2 - Page 20 3552228123 to your family for helping those in need and continued good health as we all do our part to make things better.


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Post by Sprite Sat Apr 11, 2020 4:09 pm

@BlueTone Thank you. Yes. He is my new 8 year old rescue Winston.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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