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Post by umngirl Mon Oct 13, 2014 2:41 am

stuckinsc wrote:
umngirl wrote:
sdmom wrote:^True,  they three had won championship rings but Rivers has the best QB rating so far this year. Boy, how I wish they would bring a championship to my city in my lifetime!

Well that's a good thing so far this season, Rodgers still has the best career QB rating. And I think the lowest or one of the lowest interception to touchdown ratios in history. In short, he is ridiculously accurate.

I've been spoiled with two Packer Super Bowl wins in my short lifetime, I could definitely go for a few more with Rodgers under center.

So to go back in time.  Where were you on the whole Favre thing with his retiring and unretiring then playing for other teams?  I actually thought Aaron Rodgers handled that whole situation with a lot of class.

Favre has always been a bit of a diva. He had the right to change his mind about playing just like the Packers organization had the right to move on and play Rodgers. Rodgers handled the whole thing as well and as classy as one could. Thankfully it's all water under the bridge now. The two are friends and Brett is getting his jersey retired next season. I think he may be up in GB for a game later this season too.

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Post by stuckinsc Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:49 am

umngirl wrote:
stuckinsc wrote:
umngirl wrote:

Well that's a good thing so far this season, Rodgers still has the best career QB rating. And I think the lowest or one of the lowest interception to touchdown ratios in history. In short, he is ridiculously accurate.

I've been spoiled with two Packer Super Bowl wins in my short lifetime, I could definitely go for a few more with Rodgers under center.

So to go back in time.  Where were you on the whole Favre thing with his retiring and unretiring then playing for other teams?  I actually thought Aaron Rodgers handled that whole situation with a lot of class.

Favre has always been a bit of a diva. He had the right to change his mind about playing just like the Packers organization had the right to move on and play Rodgers. Rodgers handled the whole thing as well and as classy as one could. Thankfully it's all water under the bridge now. The two are friends and Brett is getting his jersey retired next season. I think he may be up in GB for a game later this season too.

I didn't realize they were going to retire his jersey that is awesome.

I am not a huge Favre fan because of the diva thing. When he came out and said he is having concussion related problems, I confess, I sat there and said and this is all football's fault and has nothing to do with your hard years of using drugs and alcohol. I think concussions are serious, but the abuse of drugs and alcohol are too and unfortunately in Favre's case where all three were present, I don't think you can blame it on anyone of the three, but is probably a result of the three together.

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Q13FOX - NFL - Discussion - Page 10 Empty Re: NFL - Discussion

Post by albean99 Mon Oct 13, 2014 3:24 pm

I'm not a Favre fan either. I was so tired of the "will he or won't he" thing. I like Aaron but Peyton's #1 in my eyes. The younger guys could learn a lot from how he educates himself about the game. Of course I'm a little biased because he's a Vol.   :Nod:

I know the Titan's have a long way to go to be a good team but I'll take a win whenver I can. Also happy for Denver & Dallas. Oh and Pittsburgh (Ben) got a whuppin.

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Post by stuckinsc Mon Oct 13, 2014 3:28 pm

albean99 wrote:I'm not a Favre fan either. I was so tired of the "will he or won't he" thing. I like Aaron but Peyton's #1 in my eyes. The younger guys could learn a lot from how he educates himself about the game. Of course I'm a little biased because he's a Vol.   :Nod:

I know the Titan's have a long way to go to be a good team but I'll take a win whenver I can. Also happy for Denver & Dallas. Oh and Pittsburgh (Ben) got a butt wupping.

My husband was complaining that we get all the Atlanta and Carolina games first. Then he joked that if we move to TN it will be the same with Titans games thrown in.

I want to like the Titans, but I hate Jeff Fisher (glad they got rid of him) and I hated the way they treated Steve McNair. Locking him out of the complex. No class, none. Oh and they helped break Vince Young, though admittedly he did a lot of that to himself.

I have hope that Jake Locker will still be good, but that is fading fast...

I am without team right now. I had kind of picked up New Orleans, because come on Sean Peyton and Drew Brees? Awesome, and NO is a really great place, but I am a bit of bad luck so whenever I wear my saints shirt they lose. Perhaps the Titans don't want me? Hugesmile

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Post by whit90 Mon Oct 13, 2014 7:00 pm

albean99 wrote:I'm not a Favre fan either. I was so tired of the "will he or won't he" thing. I like Aaron but Peyton's #1 in my eyes. The younger guys could learn a lot from how he educates himself about the game. Of course I'm a little biased because he's a Vol.   :Nod:

I know the Titan's have a long way to go to be a good team but I'll take a win whenver I can. Also happy for Denver & Dallas. Oh and Pittsburgh (Ben) got a whuppin.

I agree about Peyton he will go down as the best QB that has ever played this game. Some team will be very lucky when he does retire because he will be one heck of a coach.

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Post by albean99 Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:14 pm

ITA, whit.  

I'm not a Jeff Fisher fan either, stuckinsc. I think Vince Young could have done better if he'd had a coach who wanted him. I once was a volunteer marshall for a celebrity golf game and got to meet (briefly) Wycheck & Hentrick who were players at that time who very nicely said hi & thanks to everyone. JF on the other hand made sure he went under the rope himself before he got to us so he wouldn't have to be friendly. Totally turned me off and I liked him at the time. 

Titans are my team but Denver's right up there because of Peyton. Cowboys are my 3rd tier team.

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Post by whit90 Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:17 pm

albean99 wrote:ITA, whit.  

I'm not a Jeff Fisher fan either, stuckinsc. I think Vince Young could have done better if he'd had a coach who wanted him. I once was a volunteer marshall for a celebrity golf game and got to meet (briefly) Wycheck & Hentrick who were players at that time who very nicely said hi & thanks to everyone. JF on the other hand made sure he went under the rope himself before he got to us so he wouldn't have to be friendly. Totally turned me off and I liked him at the time. 

Titans are my team but Denver's right up there because of Peyton. Cowboys are my 3rd tier team.

About the same for me I have been a die hard Cowboy fan for so many years but my second team to go to is Denver. I just am amazed at what Peyton can do plus my favorite player DeMarcus Ware plays for them too.

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Post by stuckinsc Tue Oct 14, 2014 2:44 am

Sorry y'all, I managed to live in Texas for 12 years and still hate the Cowboys. Jerry Jones is a jerk. You do not fire Tom Landry, ever, I don't care if you put him in the ring of honor. You fired one of the greatest coaches to ever coach the game. Let him resign with dignity. But then Jerry Jones and dignity probably don't belong in the same sentence.

I grew up a Dolphins fan and would have given my left arm for Dan Marino. The ownership now have just killed it for me. It was bad when the hired Dave Wannstedt and just continued to go downhill. They are so messed up that I actually forgive Nick Saban for being a liar.

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Post by whit90 Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:00 pm

stuckinsc wrote:Sorry y'all, I managed to live in Texas for 12 years and still hate the Cowboys.  Jerry Jones is a jerk.  You do not fire Tom Landry, ever, I don't care if you put him in the ring of honor.  You fired one of the greatest coaches to ever coach the game.  Let him resign with dignity. But then Jerry Jones and dignity probably don't belong in the same sentence.

I grew up a Dolphins fan and would have given my left arm for Dan Marino.  The ownership now have just killed it for me.  It was bad when the hired Dave Wannstedt and just continued to go downhill.  They are so messed up that I actually forgive Nick Saban for being a liar.  

I have lived here almost all my life and have always been a die hard Cowboys fan . I agree I do not like the way Jerry handled things with one of the best coaches Tom Landry.  I am not a Jerry fan but I still love my team. The players who go out there every season and bust their butts I will not fault or blame them for Jerry's decision. I am a fan of the Cowboy team and the players and coaches they had nothing to do with Jerry's decision 25 years ago.  It is still a honor to wear that star on their helmet.  To me a die hard fan stands by their team through the good and bad. We have had plenty of bad years it is just nice to finally see a team that is young and works hard at their job. I take one game at a time but I do like seeing what is happening at this moment.

I also grew up in Atlanta till I was 16 but I am very proud to say I am a Texan and a Cowboy fan.

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Q13FOX - NFL - Discussion - Page 10 Empty Re: NFL - Discussion

Post by stuckinsc Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:26 pm

whit90 wrote:
stuckinsc wrote:Sorry y'all, I managed to live in Texas for 12 years and still hate the Cowboys.  Jerry Jones is a jerk.  You do not fire Tom Landry, ever, I don't care if you put him in the ring of honor.  You fired one of the greatest coaches to ever coach the game.  Let him resign with dignity. But then Jerry Jones and dignity probably don't belong in the same sentence.

I grew up a Dolphins fan and would have given my left arm for Dan Marino.  The ownership now have just killed it for me.  It was bad when the hired Dave Wannstedt and just continued to go downhill.  They are so messed up that I actually forgive Nick Saban for being a liar.  

I have lived here almost all my life and have always been a die hard Cowboys fan . I agree I do not like the way Jerry handled things with one of the best coaches Tom Landry.  I am not a Jerry fan but I still love my team. The players who go out there every season and bust their butts I will not fault or blame them for Jerry's decision. I am a fan of the Cowboy team and the players and coaches they had nothing to do with Jerry's decision 25 years ago.  It is still a honor to wear that star on their helmet.  To me a die hard fan stands by their team through the good and bad. We have had plenty of bad years it is just nice to finally see a team that is young and works hard at their job. I take one game at a time but I do like seeing what is happening at this moment.

I also grew up in Atlanta till I was 16 but I am very proud to say I am a Texan and a Cowboy fan.

I do respect that Cowboys fans are loyal to their team. I was never a fan, but didn't dislike until Jerry Jones. I leave my firm allegiance for the Longhorns.

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Post by whit90 Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:20 pm

stuckinsc wrote:
whit90 wrote:
stuckinsc wrote:Sorry y'all, I managed to live in Texas for 12 years and still hate the Cowboys.  Jerry Jones is a jerk.  You do not fire Tom Landry, ever, I don't care if you put him in the ring of honor.  You fired one of the greatest coaches to ever coach the game.  Let him resign with dignity. But then Jerry Jones and dignity probably don't belong in the same sentence.

I grew up a Dolphins fan and would have given my left arm for Dan Marino.  The ownership now have just killed it for me.  It was bad when the hired Dave Wannstedt and just continued to go downhill.  They are so messed up that I actually forgive Nick Saban for being a liar.  

I have lived here almost all my life and have always been a die hard Cowboys fan . I agree I do not like the way Jerry handled things with one of the best coaches Tom Landry.  I am not a Jerry fan but I still love my team. The players who go out there every season and bust their butts I will not fault or blame them for Jerry's decision. I am a fan of the Cowboy team and the players and coaches they had nothing to do with Jerry's decision 25 years ago.  It is still a honor to wear that star on their helmet.  To me a die hard fan stands by their team through the good and bad. We have had plenty of bad years it is just nice to finally see a team that is young and works hard at their job. I take one game at a time but I do like seeing what is happening at this moment.

I also grew up in Atlanta till I was 16 but I am very proud to say I am a Texan and a Cowboy fan.

I do respect that Cowboys fans are loyal to their team.  I was never a fan, but didn't dislike until Jerry Jones.  I leave my firm allegiance for the Longhorns.

My allegiance goes to the Cowboys in the NFL my other true allegiance in college football goes to TCU.

I am just a girl that loves sports so when I am a fan I am a true fan just like my Basketball team is the Dallas Mavericks.

It's just fun being a fan.....

Good Luck to your Texas Longhorns I like their new coach he will have this team dominating in a couple of years.

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Q13FOX - NFL - Discussion - Page 10 Empty Re: NFL - Discussion

Post by stuckinsc Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:57 pm

whit90 wrote:
stuckinsc wrote:
whit90 wrote:

I have lived here almost all my life and have always been a die hard Cowboys fan . I agree I do not like the way Jerry handled things with one of the best coaches Tom Landry.  I am not a Jerry fan but I still love my team. The players who go out there every season and bust their butts I will not fault or blame them for Jerry's decision. I am a fan of the Cowboy team and the players and coaches they had nothing to do with Jerry's decision 25 years ago.  It is still a honor to wear that star on their helmet.  To me a die hard fan stands by their team through the good and bad. We have had plenty of bad years it is just nice to finally see a team that is young and works hard at their job. I take one game at a time but I do like seeing what is happening at this moment.

I also grew up in Atlanta till I was 16 but I am very proud to say I am a Texan and a Cowboy fan.

I do respect that Cowboys fans are loyal to their team.  I was never a fan, but didn't dislike until Jerry Jones.  I leave my firm allegiance for the Longhorns.

My allegiance goes to the Cowboys in the NFL my other true allegiance in college football goes to TCU.

I am just a girl that loves sports so when I am a fan I am a true fan just like my Basketball team is the Dallas Mavericks.

It's just fun being a fan.....

Good Luck to your Texas Longhorns I like their new coach he will have this team dominating in a couple of years.

The hornfrogs were my second favorite team in the SWC. I love purple and the hornfrog mascot is always hilarious. My hubby even makes the hornfrog hand sign instead of the longhorn one since he thinks they are an assume mascot.

Growing up in South Florida we only had football teams when I was young, but I also watched all sports. I was my dad's honorary son since none of his four sons were sports fans at all. Our area did have the KC Royals spring training for a while, then the Texas Rangers and Boston Redsox. But my dad grew up in Boston, so I liked the Celtics, Bruins and oddly the Braves from back when they were in Boston. When my ex-husband interned with the Spurs my allegiance switched to them. Plus Pop demands his players be good men too and they do a lot for the community. Oh and my dad was also a Patriots fan, so we were divided on that. My mom is from northern NJ, so even though she never watched sports she would claim to be a Yankees and Jets fan just to irritate my dad and me.

Football was the hard one. I actually felt the new owners to the Dolphins betrayed them and the community. NFL is really the only league I don't have a favorite in anymore.

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