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Carlin Sterritt - First Date Guy - Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Bobette wrote:


Bobette wrote:Episode 12


Next day and it’s Carlin’s turn.  Of course, he says and does all the right things to impress her parents.  His outfit is even colour coordinated with the rest of the Kent clan FFS.  It’s picture perfect and utterly nauseating, IMO, but her family laps it right up.

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 13 OC913rI

Her Dad says Carlin’s a good lookin’ rooster and could have his share of girls but "he’s looking to settle down."  Is he?  You know he’s still married, right?  That doesn’t sound too “settled” to me.  But Carlin says he’s feeling “comfortable”.  Must be nice.

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Carlin says after his break up, the focus "was back on me” again.  Looking at his IG, I suspect his focus has always been solidly on “me” but anyway, the family all agree Carlin’s their pick, and think he’s there for the right reasons.  I wonder if they still feel that way.

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 13 YXalnwW

So next day Angie’s waiting to meet Carlin, saying he “makes her feel safe”, and he’s “ready” for commitment.  IMO you can’t get much less safe or ready than still being married to another woman, but Angie “can’t wait to see his face” and that says it all, IMO.

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They go for a paddle.  Angie says she can see herself moving in with Carlin and having kids.  She doesn’t mention marriage.  She gets the sense that Carlin “would do anything” for a partner.  Really?  Some pretty heavy presumptions going on there IMO.

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They arrive at their destination wearing completely different clothes, but it hardly matters because they soon strip off for a swim and Angie starts gushing about his body.  It’s all completely shallow and I feel foolish that I ever expected more from Angie as a Lead.

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Another outfit change later, they sit on a couch while Carlin slips into his Leading Man role and delivers all the required lines.  He ticks all the designated F1 boxes by telling her he’s falling in love with her, and wants a relationship with her outside the show, etc.

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 13 JlUt0nb


So now Angie has to decide between Timm, who suits “old Angie” - addicted to laughter and spontaneity - or Carlin who has been “so vulnerable” and that’s what she needs, which is interesting since IMO Timm has been FAR more vulnerable than Carlin.

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 13 MxaHbeV

I find it both sad and disappointing that Angie thinks giving up laughter and spontaneity is somehow “progressing” in life, especially if she plans to have kids.  IMO, having and raising children is one time in life when you need flexibility and humour the MOST.

Regardless, the boys are on their way to meet their fate.  Carlin says Angie is marriage material, which is both ironic (since he is married) and IMO proves again how INCOMPATIBLE they are, since she has repeatedly said she DOES NOT WANT to get married.

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 13 PJULDXE


Anyway, Angie got off very lightly there IMO and here comes Carlin.  Angie says she’s “never allowed herself to be with someone like Carlin because I wasn’t ready” and I don’t even know that that’s meant to mean.  

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 13 IYSfndU

She says Carlin - the actor, model and Instagram influencer - is “so genuine and real”.  Seriously, this is just all too ironic.  But he’s the one for her, apparently, and that’s where we leave them, snogging in the beautiful Byron wilderness.

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 13 Yu0zJ0K

Well, forget Queerbaiting, this was the season of Weirdbaiting, IMO.  Angie may have talked the weird talk at the start of the season but she was walking a very straight, very beige walk at the end, and chose the most stereotypical, clichéd contestant of the lot, IMO.  

But I’m glad Angie chose Carlin, because IMO she doesn’t appreciate Timm, and he deserves better.  I’m sure she and Carlin will make the most of their time shilling and acting like a perfect couple, but I suspect that behind the scenes things are anything but perfect.  

All screencaps sourced from Tenplay

by Bobette
on Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:04 am
Search in: Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Contestants - *Sleuthing Spoilers*
Topic: Carlin Sterritt - First Date Guy - Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*
Replies: 275
Views: 16809

Timm Hanly - Bachelorette Australia - Season 5 - Discussion

Bobette wrote:


Bobette wrote:Episode 12


Timm on the other hand is eccentric, weird and smart and she’s drawn to him.  She then makes an awkward analogy to Carlin being a Cavoodle who’s perfect in every way and Timm being – and I quote – “a three legged mixed breed who’s just going to sh*t everywhere”.

Wow.  So rude, and not even funny.  Angie does not deserve to have Timm in her final two IMO.   I can’t believe how far my opinion of this woman has fallen in the space of six weeks, and I am so glad Timm didn’t end up with a partner who thinks of him that way.

Angie meets with her family and they flash back to when “Mum had a lot of good things to say about Carlin and Dad didn’t have many good things to say about Timm at all”.   Dad says he doesn’t care who’s in the final two as long as there’s no one with a man bun.

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 13 6ShX9u4

So Angie breaks the news that they’re meeting Carlin and Timm and Dad takes the opportunity to bash Timm some more, saying he’s a joker and "only there for the ride".  He then insults his dress sense.  What a shallow, judgmental man you are IMO, Mr Kent.

They then cut to Timm waiting to meet them, and treat us to a solid 34 unedited seconds of him dancing, shuffling and jiggling around in the car park.  I thought Ciarran droping trou was going to be my favourite moment of the season, but this is even better.  

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He’s stoked to be there (even though it’s only Byron!) and wants to make a good impression, so he’s shaved off his mo off and tries to sit still, not swear and maintain eye contact, which he finds difficult.  Angie does nothing to make him feel more at ease.

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 13 3vkOcOH

Angie’s brothers grill him like a thin-skinned sausage on a naked flame until he’s visibly cowering.  Both Brad and Angie’s Mum ask him about Carlin.  WHY?  You’re meant to be getting to know Timm here, not trying to get him to dish on the other guy.  RUDE.

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 13 NT9sslL

Timm says he doesn’t think Angie’s Mum likes him, and says, “any mother would look at me the same, I think”.  Well Timm I’m a mum and I think you’re BEAUTIFUL!  He says he’s used to it, and he’s been judged since he was a kid.  It’s all rather heartbreaking.

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Timm’s final date is just like him – colourful and exciting.  They fly over Byron in a fabulous gay pride balloon while Timm commentates on cows and sunrises and everything else.  He's rambling and giggling and Angie is in stitches the whole time.  

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Ride over, they head back for a swim.  Angie says she’s very attracted to Timm.  After their swim Timm tells her he’s 100% in, he wants to light up her world, she will be his number one.  Timm is SAYING he will do all the things Angie is ASSUMING Carlin will do.

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Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 13 XhqVeBv

So now Angie has to decide between Timm, who suits “old Angie” - addicted to laughter and spontaneity - or Carlin who has been “so vulnerable” and that’s what she needs, which is interesting since IMO Timm has been FAR more vulnerable than Carlin.

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 13 ZizOxMp

I find it both sad and disappointing that Angie thinks giving up laughter and spontaneity is somehow “progressing” in life, especially if she plans to have kids.  IMO, having and raising children is one time in life when you need flexibility and humour the MOST.


Meanwhile, Timm is admiring the cows and thinking of becoming a farmer.  He says he feels like he’s found the one, no words can describe how much he wants this, and if Angie doesn’t pick him he’ll to be heartbroken.  The F2 is ripe and ready to be squished.

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 13 BFR04w5

The location looks stunning – budget or no budget this is one of the best FRC setups I’ve ever seen on this show.   Timm arrives, and Angie begins the dumping.  She tells him he’s her soulmate.  A glimmer of hope flickers across his face.  Then comes the “but…”.  

He doesn’t make her say anything else and basically dumps himself, so she doesn’t have to.  He hugs her, kisses her on the forehead and tells her not to be sad, even though it’s obvious his heart is breaking.   He gives her the ring anyway.  Ha ha – suck it, producers.

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He wanders off into the bushes and breaks down.  He candidly tells the producer “this feeling right now is the reason I didn’t want to go all in.”  He says he knew it was coming as soon as he looked at her.  “Soulmate… but”.  

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 13 BtkUlDD  

I wish someone would run in there and give him a hug.  It’s like watching one of those nature docos where the baby turtles are being eaten by seagulls and you just want the cameraman to jump up and shoo them all away!

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 13 Q4Y17Eh


Well, forget Queerbaiting, this was the season of Weirdbaiting, IMO.  Angie may have talked the weird talk at the start of the season but she was walking a very straight, very beige walk at the end, and chose the most stereotypical, clichéd contestant of the lot, IMO.  

But I’m glad Angie chose Carlin, because IMO she doesn’t appreciate Timm, and he deserves better.  I’m sure she and Carlin will make the most of their time shilling and acting like a perfect couple, but I suspect that behind the scenes things are anything but perfect.  

All screencaps sourced from Tenplay

She's also team Timm! Gogglebox star Yvie Jones tears up as she watches best friend Angie Kent dump fan favourite Hanly for Carlin Sterritt during Bachelorette finale

Bachelorette Angie Kent's decision to choose Carlin Sterritt as her 'winner' divided Australian viewers on Thursday night.

And it appears her former Gogglebox co-star and best friend Yvie Jones was also taken aback by Angie's shock dumping of heartbroken runner-up, Timm Hanly.  

During an Instagram Live video during the finale, Yvie seemingly did not know the outcome of the series as she showed fans her true reaction on camera.

Much like her time on Gogglebox, Yvie has regularly conducted weekly Instagram Live videos to give her opinions on each episode as it airs.

Yvie appeared to be left speechless when Angie told Timm she had fallen in love with someone else.

During the video, which has since been removed from Instagram, Yvie placed her hands close to her face as she teared up at the emotional moment shared between the pair.

Yvie had appeared on an earlier episode of the program to organise a bachelorette-party themed group date with eight of the men.

Speaking about her first impressions of the men, she backed 'dog whisperer' Ryan Anderson and cheeky Brit Ciarran Stott as good fits for Angie.

The pals were hysterical as they discussed the gentlemen vying for Angie's heart - with Yvie even asking: 'Do you think you can go out with a guy with a made-up name like Carlin [Sterritt]?'

Much like the rest of Australia, it appears Yvie was just as surprised by Angie's decision to choose Carlin over Timm during the dramatic finale.

For weeks, it was rumoured that Carlin had only applied for the show to launch his acting career, but Angie eventually decided to trust him.

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Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 13 9gSdRVR


This really annoys me.  Angie talking about Timm as if he was just there as an emotional crutch for her.  He's my soulmate.  I have many soulmates.  Who TF does this girl think she is?  People are not just put on this earth for you, Missy! :angryemotion

Is Angie Kent confused with her Bachelorette final decision?

Angie Kent says Timm Hanly was her 'soul mate'

This morning, the new couple made the rounds doing press interviews, and while they are still together, there is still a very special place for Timm in Angie's heart. And she isn't afraid of Carlin knowing it.

Angie may have chosen Carlin, but she is very vocal about her love for Timm.

While chatting on the Kyle and Jackie O show on KIIS FM with Carlin by her side, Angie acknowledged that the entire nation was rooting for Timm, admitting that she did in fact fall in love with him during the process.

"Timm is such a character, and falling in love with him... well all of Australia did! Watching him go from this full on lad to a romantic."

Everyone was rooting for Timm to win Angie's heart.

While Carlin never had a bad word for Timm, he did admit that watching it back and seeing Angie's connection with Timm was exceptionally hard.

"It is hard to watch. I do get the sick feeling in the stomach." However, that didn't stop Angie from gushing about the runner-up during her radio interview.

"Timm and I have spoken a lot. Carlin knows this. He checked on me to ask how I was and he tells me what he's up to. It's very very friendly, and I did say that Timm was my soulmate. I have soulmates. Yvie is my soulmate. I have best friends that are my soulmates. I think it came down to the fact that Timm was my soulmate. He was my best friend," she admitted, referring to the heartbreaking way she had to let Timm go last night during the finale.

Sent to Byron Bay to shoot the final commitment ceremony, Angie did call Timm her soulmate to his face, only to lead him to the dreaded "but" that all runner-up's know too well.

Despite being dumped by Angie, Timm still gave Angie a ring as a token of their time together. "Timm gave me that gift and it's my gift. It's something to remember him by. Not as a romantic thing, but as our time together... but that's just Timm," Angie said on the breakfast show.

"He does whatever he wants. They [producers] told him 'Don't do it', and he just goes 'I'm going to do it anyway,' because we had a beautiful time together and it's sweet."

Timm gave Angie a ring before leaving her, and she still has it today.

While Angie will always have love for Timm, the 27-year-old fireproofer has closed the door on Angie, despite joking with her during the finale to call him if it didn't work out with Carlin.

Speaking to on the same radio show after Angie and Carlin left the studio, he revealed that he would not take Angie back if the opportunity ever arose.

Beau Ryan who was filling in for Kyle, asked Timm the question that could change everything in the future.

"If she comes crawling back, will you accept?" adding that it's possible Angie and Carlin will split very soon.

"Nah I don't reckon hey," Timm said bluntly, elaborating that he wouldn't want his heart broken twice. "I have been talking to her though. I think me and Angie will be mates forever."


by Bobette
on Thu Nov 14, 2019 10:21 pm
Search in: Bachelor - Bachelorette International - Former Contestants - Discussion
Topic: Timm Hanly - Bachelorette Australia - Season 5 - Discussion
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Views: 18680

Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2


Wow there are some tweets there I really don't even want to post! Peeps not be happy.
by Bobette
on Thu Nov 14, 2019 7:16 am
Search in: Bachelorette Australia - Season 5 - Angie Kent - Episodes
Topic: Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2
Replies: 286
Views: 17330

Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2


by Bobette
on Thu Nov 14, 2019 7:10 am
Search in: Bachelorette Australia - Season 5 - Angie Kent - Episodes
Topic: Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2
Replies: 286
Views: 17330

Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

Osher says it all. Love

by AllAboutLove
on Thu Nov 14, 2019 7:06 am
Search in: Bachelorette Australia - Season 5 - Angie Kent - Episodes
Topic: Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2
Replies: 286
Views: 17330

Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

by Bobette
on Thu Nov 14, 2019 7:03 am
Search in: Bachelorette Australia - Season 5 - Angie Kent - Episodes
Topic: Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2
Replies: 286
Views: 17330

Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

ReneeM wrote:Am I the only who noticed the exact moment Timm realized it wasn’t him? He went for a kiss and Angie turned her head and he knew.

he knew. That's why he tried to make it easy on her. Bless

sad The world needs more men like Timm :yes: 

@matwhi  to be that gracious and look out for someone while they're dumping you... what a man. I AM NOT OKAY #BacheloretteAU

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 13 EJUyd_8UwAIfak8?format=jpg&name=small
by AllAboutLove
on Thu Nov 14, 2019 7:03 am
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Topic: Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2
Replies: 286
Views: 17330

Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

ideas_ideas wrote:Omg what a honey Timm... making her laugh, not even making her say it, giving her the ring anyway, making it SOOOO easy on her, oh my word he is like a human sunflower. Then letting it hit him when he's walked away from her. Bless bless bless!

by AllAboutLove
on Thu Nov 14, 2019 7:03 am
Search in: Bachelorette Australia - Season 5 - Angie Kent - Episodes
Topic: Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2
Replies: 286
Views: 17330

Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

Wow. Angie telling Timm she feels he is her soulmate.

but picks someone else sad

by AllAboutLove
on Thu Nov 14, 2019 7:00 am
Search in: Bachelorette Australia - Season 5 - Angie Kent - Episodes
Topic: Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2
Replies: 286
Views: 17330

Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

I found it. I found the perfect tweet to describe Timm. Love him! PINKHEART Hope he finds his sunflower and soulmate he deserves!!

by AllAboutLove
on Thu Nov 14, 2019 6:58 am
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Topic: Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2
Replies: 286
Views: 17330

Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

Viewers probably hoped/assumed they're doing a fakeout like they did with Chelsie...

by Bobette
on Thu Nov 14, 2019 6:56 am
Search in: Bachelorette Australia - Season 5 - Angie Kent - Episodes
Topic: Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2
Replies: 286
Views: 17330

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