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Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

by Bobette
on Tue Nov 12, 2019 5:24 pm
Search in: Bachelorette Australia - Season 5 - Angie Kent - Episodes
Topic: Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*
Replies: 909
Views: 37907

Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2


Ryan, Timm Or Carlin? How Do The Final Three 'Bachelorette' Boys Stack Up?

Our favourite pie-spokesman Jackson didn't make the cut after hometowns so it's down to Ryan, Carlin and Timm.

It's been a tricky season to pinpoint a frontrunner -- with drama surrounding some of Angie's faves -- so we've decided to collate the boys' best traits and list a few of the things that might mean a relationship with our Bachelorette is on the cards.

The countdown to the final rose ceremony begins!


Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 19 NsZFZV4

There was an instant attraction between Angie and Carlin from the get-go when he strolled up the red carpet in a Bond-esque white dinner jacket. The fitness enthusiast quickly scored the 24-hour rose and the first single date with Angie.

Unfortunately, his Prince Charming bubbles was burst shortly after as he revealed to Angie on their camping trip that he was still technically married.

Pros: Carlin's been very open and honest about his feelings for Angie and was also the one to put his foot down and approach her about Jess' unacceptable behaviour in the mansion.

Cons: Angie has some lingering concerns that Carlin still hasn't processed his break-up and felt a little awkward being the first girl he'd brought to his family home since his separation.

Carlin's brother confirmed Angie's worst fears and admitted that he probably did join 'The Bachelorette' for his acting career, bringing all the bad feelings surrounding Jamie's initial warning to her bubbling right back up.

Hometown kiss?: No. Neither Jackson nor Carlin scored a smooch at the door as Angie bade them farewell and it's not a great sign. Jackson was sent home at the next rose ceremony and Carlin seems to be on thin ice.


Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 19 5cBWdLv

Angie and Ryan had a connection via social media before he joined the show, and the dog guy has always been perceived as a front runner. He propelled further forward after their sensuous, touchy-feely date with an intimacy expert but things came crashing down later that night.

During some awkward dinner party questioning, Ryan admitted that he'd applied for Ali's season of 'The Bachelorette' despite repeatedly saying he was only on the show because it was Angie.

It meant that Angie's hometown visit to the NSW south coast had a bit of a sour tinge because of what had been revealed at the previous cocktail party dinner party disaster and Ryan's fate seems a little uncertain.

Pros: Angie didn't muck around in questioning Ryan and he explained that he didn't actually apply to the show, he was asked, and that he didn't know the identity of the Bachelorette at that time. Which is half pro/half con because Angie's still not sure if she fully believes him.

But, for what it's worth, Ryan made a very heartfelt declaration of his "deadset" strong feelings for her and teared up as they were saying goodbye. Angie was moved and the pair left things on a very positive note.

Cons: Angie clearly still feels that something's a little off about the whole 'Bachelorette' application and was then put on the spot by his family who assured her he's a great guy. It doesn't sit right with us that Ryan hates that he's coming across as a liar, instead of saying he hates that he lied.

Hometown kiss?: Yes! A very genuine smooch, a good sign from Angie.


Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 19 Q5nPbMg

Timm and Angie had a serendipitous connection over their love of sunflowers right from the beginning and share a similar sense of humour. There's definite chemistry between the pair despite a few speed bumps, like that awkward elegant dinner.

Pros: Timm's been labelled a sh** stirrer by some of the other boys, but in the least harmful way. He's one of the few bachelors that hasn't gone through some kind of drama or scandal and he has a way of putting Angie at ease because she knows she can trust him, and rely on him for a laugh.

Cons: Timm should have probably hired some actors for his hometown visit or at least not invited his best mate along for dinner. Angie could have been anyone and Jackson would have attempted to scare her away, clearly concerned that she wouldn't fit into their "party boy" lifestyle.

Angie said she's always going to believe Timm's word over anyone else's and believed him when he said he was ready to slow down, but she was initially quite worried about his apparently ~wild~ lifestyle.

Hometown kiss?: Yes! Even though Angie copped a grilling, she and Timm left things on very cute terms, sharing an intimate goodbye kiss.

by Bobette
on Mon Nov 11, 2019 7:16 pm
Search in: Bachelorette Australia - Season 5 - Angie Kent - Media SM
Topic: Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2
Replies: 149
Views: 13588

Timm Hanly - Bachelorette Australia - Season 5 - Discussion

All good @HerRedRightHand - Yeah I'd seen those pics of Drew etc too.  Lots of interesting pics on Timm's old IG account.  

Melbourne is a small city.  Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 19 3806527698

Bobette wrote:


No shortage of bum shots this season, I'll say that.  Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 19 3806527698

This guy is a hoot.  Here's his IG in case anyone's interested:


AllAboutLove wrote:

Bobette wrote:Episode 10



Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 19 AbuSzXK

Angie says Timm is weird and wonderful and addictive, with a big heart.  Her hesitation is whether he's ready for a relationship.  I think maybe that’s a question she should be asking herself but we’re only 5 minutes in so I’ll try to keep my snark under control... for now.

Timm says he’s a “café enthusiast” (classic Melb boy).  He’s invited every man and his dog to meet Angie, including his friend’s mother, who’s name he has tattooed on his a**.  He also appears to have a camel toe and I now want to know the story behind that one.

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 19 ZlpLNJZ

Timm introduces Angie to his parents who seem to be regular sized humans so I don’t know how they ended up with a giant for a son.  Good nutrition?  Tracey of the Butt Tattoo fame asks what makes Timm special and Angie says she feels most herself around him.

Best friend Jackson is clearly there to stir the pot and does it well.  Anyone going on a reality show needs to have a friend like Jackson who’s willing to make himself look like a serial killer on TV.  Jackson says Timm’s a party boy and Angie pretends to be surprised.

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 19 H1Lx3Xe

Timm explains that when you live with two other boys, parties will happen, but not all the time.  He says he was in a five year relationship which is a bit of a surprise TBH and I wonder why we haven’t sleuthed her before now!  He’s all in, they kiss and she leaves.  

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 19 GJZq5ei

All screencaps sourced from Tenplay
by Bobette
on Fri Nov 08, 2019 8:14 am
Search in: Bachelor - Bachelorette International - Former Contestants - Discussion
Topic: Timm Hanly - Bachelorette Australia - Season 5 - Discussion
Replies: 237
Views: 18415

Carlin Sterritt - First Date Guy - Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Bobette wrote:

"We are Gobsmacked" says TPTB as if they weren't fully aware when they cast him.   rotfl


AllAboutLove wrote:laugh out loud twitter is not having it with Carlin's gym date  Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 19 3806527698

AllAboutLove wrote:Carlin's brother outing him that he wants to act and is an actor and Carlin lying. We knew :yes: 

yet here we are laugh out loud 

I mean.... this isn't a not correct take

Bobette wrote:Episode 10



Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 19 RgkYq3z

Carlin takes Angie to the gym where he works.  How many free advertising spots is that now this episode?  I’ve lost count.  laugh out loud Angie gets a ride on a piece of equipment and does zero exercise.  She says she enjoyed it but I doubt she will be making any return visits.

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 19 YBaVrcb

Angie meets Carlin’s brother and SIL and says it’s all going swimmingly and “surely nothing can go wrong”.  Is that an ominous crack of thunder I hear in the background?  Things start to go downhill when his brother takes her for a chat with BARE FEET.

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 19 SQOMj7z

Angie mentions that Jamie said Carlin was only there for his TV/acting career and says, “so ha ha, I bet you’re going to tell me that’s so out of character… right?"  But NOPE!  Bro pretty much says “YEP!  Spot on sister”.  Angie’s face is priceless.

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 19 FhaKul4

Angie says Carlin told her he’s “dabbled” in acting and his brother pretty much says, “Yeah, nah that’s a lie”.  Wow.  Had I known Carlin’s own brother was going to rag on him like this I could have saved myself a lot of time and about 40 snarky posts this season.  laugh out loud

That said, this whole segment seems super scripted to me.  Either that or his brother is just really clueless.  He says Carlin went on the show for fame and that he’s “shocked” it seems like they have a genuine relationship.  I mean who would say that, honestly…

Anyway they then go outside and have a spat.  Carlin’s very defensive.  “Acting is not really a big deal in my life”, says the guy with his own fan page.  He seems really agro and isn’t exactly reassuring.  Ughh it’s all very uncomfortable to watch.  Angie leaves; no kiss.

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 19 XiaYwxe


Oh and I can’t help but notice that in the preview for next week, Carlin’s wearing a knitted cardigan so you know what that means – nice guy redemption edit episode ahoy!

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 19 BCMK7JU

All screencaps sourced from Tenplay

by Bobette
on Fri Nov 08, 2019 6:59 am
Search in: Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Contestants - *Sleuthing Spoilers*
Topic: Carlin Sterritt - First Date Guy - Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*
Replies: 275
Views: 16682

Ryan Anderson - Aussie Dog Dude - Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Bobette wrote:


Bobette wrote:Episode 10



Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 19 T3ll6I7

Ryan turns up with a dog.  SMART MOVE.  Angie asks him about applying for Ali’s season and he says he was approached.  Hmmmm… not sure I buy that.  She then says “he didn’t actually know it was her season”.  I get the distinct feeling Ms Kent does not like Ali. laugh out loud

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 19 ZUVbqgH

Later, Ryan chats to his brothers while they BBQ about $1000 worth of lobster.  His brothers back Ryan and reassure Angie that he’s a “good dude”, and she says she’s putting her doubts about him to bed.  This HTD wasn’t as bad as I expected and they look pretty cosy IMO.

Topics tagged under bacheloretteau on - Page 19 2Vu9CTg

All screencaps sourced from Tenplay
by Bobette
on Fri Nov 08, 2019 6:54 am
Search in: Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Contestants - *Sleuthing Spoilers*
Topic: Ryan Anderson - Aussie Dog Dude - Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*
Replies: 27
Views: 7266

Timm Hanly - Bachelorette Australia - Season 5 - Discussion

Will be hard to watch. But still better off as F2 (or F3) imo

by AllAboutLove
on Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:57 am
Search in: Bachelor - Bachelorette International - Former Contestants - Discussion
Topic: Timm Hanly - Bachelorette Australia - Season 5 - Discussion
Replies: 237
Views: 18415

Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Dirty Street Pie wrote:Angie has been a lot more high maintainence and less fun than I expected.

I absolutely agree. She'd be hard work to have a relationship with IMO. :yes:

by Bobette
on Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:24 am
Search in: Bachelorette Australia - Season 5 - Angie Kent - Episodes
Topic: Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*
Replies: 909
Views: 37907

Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*


Ule.m wrote:
Enough wrote:From these 4 hometown visit, Angie would not have picked anyone. But she has to.

Can she not pull a honey badger?

NO WAY.  They would never allow that ever again IMO, no matter how unsuitable the cast.
by Bobette
on Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:15 am
Search in: Bachelorette Australia - Season 5 - Angie Kent - Episodes
Topic: Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*
Replies: 909
Views: 37907

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