*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - Discussion

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*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - Discussion Empty *NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - Discussion

Post by albean99 Sun Mar 23, 2014 1:43 pm

Josh Murray: 29, Athens, GA. Originally from Tampa, Florida. Graduated "Cum Laude" from Tampa Jesuit HS. He has been playing Baseball since his youth. He won the State Championship in 2000 and Junior Olympic Champions on Team Florida USA. Drafted in the second round by the Milwaukee Brewers right out of HS. Graduated from the University of Georgia with a B.A. in Business Administration in 2010, where he played football. He is 6'2" tall. Currently works as a Financial Services Rep for Capstone Financial. He is also the brother of former UGA "Bulldog" quarterback Aaron Murray.

*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - Discussion E9d01acaa7d311e3ae931217ff02025d_8

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"Love is the Only Reality" -Ed Lambton

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*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - Discussion Empty Re: *NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - Discussion

Post by Guest Thu Apr 10, 2014 1:32 pm

Full name : Joshua Allan Murray

DOB : August 12th, 1984


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*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - Discussion Empty Re: *NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - Discussion

Post by Guest Thu Apr 10, 2014 3:08 pm

Interesting article about Josh reunited with Aaron :


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*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - Discussion Empty Re: *NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - Discussion

Post by Guest Thu Apr 10, 2014 3:39 pm

Finally! after spending 3 hrs of my life i eventually found this #soproudofmysef giggling

check out Josh from 4:27 mark

PS : Boy, can the entire family be more gorgeous and football-ish?? :bigsmile: #weneedFootballEmoticons!! giggling


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*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - Discussion Empty Re: *NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - Discussion

Post by Guest Sat Apr 12, 2014 6:38 am

OK....Josh next!......i made a good friend to do this for us!.. giggling . Other Astro forecasts were also done for Brian and Marcus (see : their thread) ..........[Warning : for FUN purpose only!.. Hugesmile ]
Here's what I posted before on Josh, but with some alterations:

Sun 20 Leo
This sign is compatable with Aries Andi. Like Sagittarius, it is a fire sign. If he and Brian make it far, it shows she likes guys who can boss her around a bit. Brian is a "Lunar" Leo. Maybe the reason she was so disgusted with Juan was because he was too "soft"?

Moon is either very late Aquarius or Pisces. My guess is Pisces, if born after noontime in the eastern time zone of the United States. It is possible that her Mercury is close to his moon position, so they have no trouble discussing "feelings".

Mercury 13 Virgo
Venus 6 Virgo
Since this sign is opposite Pisces (his moon sign) and her Mercury and Venus signs, my guess is that she sees him as somebody who will bring her "down to earth", so to speak. He is very fussy and fault finding, which would get on many people's nerves. Yet she may want that because she feels she is not fussy enough. She wants a man who will check that there is enough air in her tires before she drives off... or make sure she uses spell check on all of her legal documents. Then again... too much of this "opposites attract" business could get out of hand.

Mars 27 Scorpio.
While Brian may favor his Mexican food spicy, Josh favors burning it to a crisp. Mars is the Action Sign... so he goes about his business with James Bond "Scorpio" intensity. I would not trust his driving, despite his Virgo fussiness making sure the vehicle is properly alined beforehand.

Jupiter 3 Capricorn
Still close to her Neptune, so he will succeed in getting her to see The Big Picture on occasion. My guess is that both are rather conservative and disciplined in their outlook.

Saturn 10 Scorpio
Close to her Pluto placement. These two will likely have some trust issues to get over. Both are pretty secretive people.

Uranus 9 Sagittarius
Neptune 28 Sagittarius
Pluto 29 Libra
North Node 3 Gemini
The basic problem with BOTH he and Brian are the Sagittarian planets clashing with her Pisces planets. It kinda makes both relationships... shall I say... scattered? I think all three need somebody who is more "fixed" in personality, BUT...

Again... went through this site again and... the rating is 55% success rate.

"Your relationship is a challenge both of you can take up successfully on the condition that you demonstrate willpower, which you certainly will. Periods of calm are followed by more turbulent ones. All you need to do is to put a bit of effort into your relationship in order to adjust to each other, and meet your divergent needs. You can make a wonderful and lasting couple if you are really willing to! The challenge for you is realistic with the condition of having the will and, you'll sure have it. The periods of calm will leave room to more agitated periods, but it is just a matter for you two to accept sometimes to bring a little energy to the relation in order to adapt to each other because you don't have identical needs. You can form a very beautiful and lasting couple if you really want it!"

Anyhoo... at this site:

Andi/Josh have a 55% "rating" and roughly half/half "blue" and "red" suggesting a steady mix of "comfort" and "challenge". The one problem with Andi/Josh is that their best "stuff" relate better on a friendship rather than longterm relationship level. Their Mars, Venus and Mercury signs all clash a bit. I have the sneaky feeling he will wind up as a F2 dumpee.

Both Andi/Josh and Andi/Brian relationships resemble Trista/Ryan, Jason/Molly and Ashley/JP more than Chris/Des, who have more "blue" ("comfort"). I think Sean/Catherine had more blue than red, but not QUITE the same "comfort" level as Chris/Des.


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*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - Discussion Empty Re: *NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - Discussion

Post by Guest Sat Apr 19, 2014 12:26 pm

worth to read, i think :

im amaze of how Josh play his older protective brother role for Aaron. Loving family and brotherly love! heartbeat group hug 

mad props for Aaron`s plan to pursue his doctoral degree!  bowdown 


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*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - Discussion Empty Re: *NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - Discussion

Post by albean99 Sun Apr 27, 2014 11:24 am

That was a really interesting article about the family, Murasaki. 

This isn't an article about Josh but his brother, Aaron's, draft chances. He may even end up here in Dallas.

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*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - Discussion Empty Re: *NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - Discussion

Post by GrahamGal Tue Jul 22, 2014 1:58 am

I was wondering if maybe someone could post some avi's of Josh and Andi in here.  I would like to change mine to a romantic picture of the couple I see for the finale. Maybe something with them dancing to AY or BF, that wall kiss from Ghent, or something from the swimming pool.  Also a couple of just Josh would be great too.

If there is a place with no discussion on the spoiled side where I can grab them I would be more than happy to be direct.  In a week I will be able to go there myself!  cheerleader 

This has been the hardest unspoiled season ever because I really wanted to know, but my unspoiled friends and a few spoiled ones kept me on track.

TIA for the assistance.

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Post by bilolo Tue Jul 22, 2014 5:55 am

This might be what you're looking for but let the mods verify first if it's ok before you go there

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*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - Discussion Empty Re: *NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - Discussion

Post by GrahamGal Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:25 am

Thanks bilolo! That works for me.

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*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - Discussion

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