*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - William Barry - Discussion

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*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - William Barry - Discussion Empty *NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - William Barry - Discussion

Post by albean99 Sun Mar 23, 2014 10:45 am

William Barry: 26, Philadelphia, PA. Graduated from Penn St. in 2010 with a degree in Business Management. After three years in the band "Go Go Gadget", he's joined another popular Philadelphia band called "Split Decision". He currently plays in a cover band for living. He sings, plays the piano and the saxophone.

*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - William Barry - Discussion Willba11

*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - William Barry - Discussion 74354_128637620522910_8112340_n

"Love is the Only Reality" -Ed Lambton

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*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - William Barry - Discussion

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