Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers*

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princefarming -  Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers* Empty Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers*

Post by GuardianAngel Thu Aug 28, 2014 6:40 pm

Moved from General Discussion thread.

JBF wrote:Don't know where the mods want to put this in case anybody wants to "research" it later... LOL! We don't have a "fun" thread yet.


Astrology fun...

Christopher Douglas Soules (birthday 11-6-81)

Don't know time, but played around a bit.
8PM CST gives him Cancer rising (ascendant), which fits his overall appearance and outer personality.

Sun 14° Scorpio
Moon in early Pisces
Mercury 26° Libra
Venus 1° Capricorn
Mars 9° Virgo
Jupiter 25° Libra
Saturn 16° Libra
Uranus 29° Scorpio
Neptune 23° Sagittarius
Pluto 25° Libra
Chiron 20° R Taurus
N. Node 26° Cancer

Solar Scorpio/Lunar Pisces

famous examples: Robert Louis Stevenson, Martin Scorsese, Hillary Clinton, Grace Kelly, Marie Curie, Barbara Bel Geddes, Gene Tierney, Kamal Haasan, Troy Aikman

Many Scorpio-Pisceans have strong idealistic and altruistic urges. At one time or another, you might have felt the call of a religious life. You have a charismatic presence and a lot of willpower, but there are periods when you simply want to get out of the world. You may experience depression and mood swings. Tension in your immediate surrounding is generally the cause of this. Maybe because you fear your own power, forceful people appall you. Your signs are both water signs and this gives you an uncanny power to adapt promptly to almost any circumstance. You are able to  take on the feel of your surroundings. You comprehend things others are unable to. You are tuned-in, aware, and have an ability to sense things. You know innately the difference between right or wrong and no one ever has to tell you. You are very scrupulous. It does not matter how successful you are in life, kindness guides your actions. You are always heedful not to impinge on anyone else's territory. You are very aware of the evil and maliciousness that exists in the world. You are an excellent actor and playing roles is common for the Scorpio-Piscean. However, it is crucial that you be yourself at times.
- See more at:

50% emphasis on "Water" Signs

The predominance of Water signs indicates high sensitivity and elevation through feelings, Chris. Your heart and your emotions are your driving forces, and you can't do anything on Earth if you don't feel a strong affective charge (as a matter of fact, the word "feeling" is essential in your psychology). You need to love in order to understand, and to feel in order to take action, which causes a certain vulnerability which you should fight against.

Cheers for communication and mobility, Chris! The predominance of Air signs in your chart favours and amplifies your taste for relations and for all kinds of short trips, whether real (travels) or symbolic (new ideas, mind speculations). You gain in flexibility and adaptability what you lose in self-assertion or in pragmatism.

Fire's qualities are not very present in your chart, with only 6.5% instead of the average 25%, which means that you may lack warmth, enthusiasm, conquering spirit, or energy. You may look indifferent to others, with almost no desire, no joy of life or no enterprising ability. Actually, it is not true, but you should let go, force yourself to be more daring, and show your amazement as well as your vitality. You certainly have as much energy as others, you just need to release it, and it is up to you to display more of it, since it will be all to your benefit: shout, sing, pull faces, dance! That's the right mean for you... In the end, you'll never be accused of being sad, phlegmatic or a killjoy!"

A couple other key signs

Mercury in Libra people long for equality in the intellectual world. They view mental affinity as one of the most important themes in any relationship they have. If they are not getting it (and many do not), they should look within themselves for answers. Perhaps they are trying too hard to score intellectual points with their partners instead of truly listening to what they are saying. Mercury in Libra attempts always to be fair in any discussion, but to more personal communicators, Libra's constant comparisons can, in effect, seem unfair! Libra can go off on so many tangents, and offer excessive disclaimers for any opinion presented, that they end up all over the place.

Mercury in Libra looks for compromise. Middle ground is constantly sought. In fact, they are extraordinarily uncomfortable with extremes of opinion! This makes them excellent counselors and go-betweens, but it also gives rise to plenty of indecision in their personal lives. In their desire to find the best, fairest, most just choice, they can swing from a pro to a con, and back to a pro again--but we can't forget another "con" just to balance the last "pro". It can be dizzying for others to observe! They simply can't help but see the other side. This maddening characteristic leads to a strange paradox -- they can end up seemingly incapable of giving a compliment without a "but". After all, complimenting you is essentially drawing a conclusion, or forming an opinion. This is a paradox because Libra is charming, but give them a little time with something, and they will have a hard time arriving at a totally good (or totally bad) conclusion.

Their ability to think in the abstract gives them a good measure of objectivity. These people have a subtle intelligence. Their thoughts are generally dominated by relative thinking--they simply can't seem to evaluate their environment without comparing one thing with an other. This trait contributes to refined tastes.

Venus in Capricorn men and women project an aura of competency and their loner-like behavior can be attractive, in a cool way. They don't go gaa-gaa over love, or at least they don't express as much. Their lovers may complain that Venus in Capricorns are a little too practical and deliberate. Certainly, they can come across as lacking in warmth and spontaneity. Truth is, they can be rather romantic souls who yearn for a partner to share their lives with. Others' image of their relationship matters to them. They are conservative and willing to commit. Venus in Capricorn people are attracted to serious, goal-oriented lovers. They are a little shy in matters of the heart, but they don't want you to know it.

Pleasing Venus in Capricorn involves showing them you are practical and realistic. They want to impress you with the things they do. Appreciate their "saving for a rainy day" attitude, and be aware that they want to show you off in a quiet way. My Personal Ad Bio: "I have a good job, I invest wisely. I will give you security. Marriage and family are important to me."

Venus in Capricorn people are generally serious about their finances. They are talented at creating artistic structure and form. They value enduring connections, reliability, and faithfulness in their love and social relationships. They take expressing their feelings seriously, and they definitely take their time to warm up to others. They generally keep their "cool" in relationships. Some may want to be financially stable before marrying, as this is an expression of their commitment. However, they fear instability, and they usually have a deep fear of rejection and of not measuring up, which can also be a motivator behind a strong drive to provide for a partner. Living up to others' expectations can also be a problem for some, and can prevent them from truly appreciating the moment.

Mars in Virgo: These productive and busy people are goal-oriented, practical people. Although they can be a little scattered at times, simply because they are doing so many things at any give time, Mars in Virgo natives get things done—quite well! They have a knack for handling a wide variety of tasks at once, and a tendency to take on perhaps too much at the same time.

Most Mars in Virgo natives are not particularly aggressive by nature. Although they can be a little hard-nosed and critical at times, they rarely resort to pushing others around. Still, an annoyed Mars in Virgo native can be difficult to be around! Arouse their anger and they turn into complaining, over-critical nags. Generally, these natives don't make themselves nuisances, so this stage is unlikely to last for very long. It is a sensitive position, however. It doesn't take much to make these people nervous.

Mars in Virgo people are quite protective about their "system" for getting things done. Although rather humble in a general life sense, they can be quite particular about their methods—how they organize and accomplish their goals, mostly with work. Theirs is a nervous energy. Although they have some staying power, they can be restless and are not given to sticking with the same projects for too long.

Jupiter in Libra: individuals attract the most good fortune when they are fair-minded, treat others with equality, are bending without being "doormats", are gracious, and use their talents at promoting and mediating.

For anyone with Saturn in Libra, stability in relationships is serious business. You may hold off on marriage, but when you commit, it's enduring. You are drawn to mentor types, and may often be with someone older and wiser. Your greatest lessons come from pairing up and being part of a duo has an anchoring effect. You thrive in partnerships, whether its to start a business or a lifelong friendship.

Your sense of social justice is heightened, and this could lead you into activism, law or politics. You have mental discipline, when you find activities that match your high ideals. You commit to artful projects, making it possible to live your dreams by seeing them to completion. Saturn is about hard work, and you put in character-building effort to bring beauty and harmony to your world.

You suffer when you see what's out of balance. With Libra in Saturn, chaos, crassness and ugliness can cause you a lot of anxiety and fear. And in your persistent quest to right wrongs, and bring equilibrium, you may be frustrated with those that don't see the big deal. It may be hard to accept that you're only able to control yourself. You release that pressure when you keep cultivating personal serenity and balance within.

Other personality traits

Sun/Moon trine: The emotions and the will are at peace with one another, suggesting a rather balanced personality. The "messages" received in childhood were not contradictory overall, and these people have a stronger sense of purpose and appreciation of harmony than most people. Many people with these aspects are personally popular, likely because they expect harmony in their relationships. Sun sextile or trine Moon people are generally very attracted to relationships and are attractive to the opposite sex. A certain level of self-confidence and a sense of security make these people quite easy to deal with on many levels. Their relaxed, easygoing disposition puts others at ease.

When the Sun and Moon are in harmonious aspect, the natives may not be prepared for conflict and could be inclined to avoid rocking the boat. They may acquiesce a little too often, if only to maintain a feeling of balance and harmony, as conflict is something they not only dislike, it's something they might fear. The tendency towards too much acceptance--of the self and of others--is most prominent with the trine. These people must be encouraged to question life, or they run the risk of taking things for granted.
Sun/Mars sextile: These people are not naturally combative. Many enjoy sports or games that are competitive, but not violent. Breaking the rules of a competitive game is particularly upsetting to those with Sun in easy aspect to Mars. This is largely due to the fact that the will (Sun) is connected to the desire nature (Mars) in a pleasing manner, so that the natives are more able than most to control their desires, aggressions, and instincts. They know how to be fair, and they expect others to be fair. As such, sneaky behaviors, uncontrolled impulses, violence, and rage are offensive to them. They know how to direct and control their own impulses and desire natures, and they fully expect others to be able to do so!

Moon opposite Mars: Although they often project a brave and tough image, their skin isn't as thick as they'd have you believe. They tend to put up defenses due to their emotionally vulnerable and excitable disposition. Unrest is characteristic, as they are bored by routine and become easily frustrated when life is "too easy". There's a buzz of energy surrounding them, and they tend to meet with many conflicts in their lives. With the opposition, the conflict tends to be lived through relationships. The passions are quite raw, especially in youth. Although they can be amiable and interesting people, others always seem to sense their boundaries. Something is bound to get them worked up, and it's not always clear what that something will be. Their bluntness can be both appreciated and considered offensive, depending on their audience.

Mercury/Venus sextile: They are polite, choosing words with care and love so as not to offend anyone. Tactfulness stems from a distaste for disharmony and conflict. They are not always direct and honest as a result of this desire to please, appease, and keep the peace.

Mercury/Jupiter/Pluto conjunct: Those with a conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter in the natal chart speak warmly, grandly, and rarely sparingly! They express themselves with openness and enthusiasm (unless Saturn is involved with the aspect). They are dreamers, and often assess any given situation with perhaps too much confidence and optimism. They are natural teachers, with an unmistakable warmth and breadth of knowledge, although they can also be long-winded and come across as opinionated. The truth is, these people are simply enthusiastic about sharing information with others. They are tolerant and broad-minded, at least in theory. Although they may come across as "know-it-alls" at times, if you dig deep, you will find they are very charitable souls with a love of learning...and perhaps even more so, a love of spreading the information they have learned. Their thirst for knowledge is insatiable, but they often gloss over details, preferring to focus on the "big picture". With Pluto conjunct, they are capable of great focus and depth of thought, as well as concentration. Determined and sometimes exhaustive effort is a strength, and depth of perception as well. However, sometimes the desire to turn ideas inside out can work against them, to the point of obsession, suspicion, and mistrust.

Mercury/Neptune sextile: They draw heavily on imagination and intuition to come to conclusions and make decisions. They easily sense the thoughts and feelings of others, and are adaptable in communications as they pay attention to how words are received.

Venus/Mars trine: It is easy for these people to attract attention of the positive kind. They radiate charm, vitality, and enthusiasm on some level that others appreciate. Not inclined to try to cover up their flaws, these people have a way of presenting themselves in a straightforward manner, and their ability to admit their mistakes and their fumbles only adds to their charm.

Venus/Jupiter sextile: Although they are unlikely to seek out people to help, they're quite quick to lend a helping hand if the need arises. It's natural for these people to incorporate humor into romantic and sexual moments, and they don't always understand more serious approaches. They are capable of much romance, but playfulness comes naturally to them. They can be extravagant, at times, with their pocketbook, but usually have the good sense to stop before things get out of hand. They expect to grow in their social and personal relationships.

Venus/Neptune conjunct: An impractical nature when it comes to love, money, and personal possessions is notable, even if Venus-Neptune people approach the rest of their lives in a more sensible manner. They are giving, and usually "give" more than they receive in close personal relationships, ready to make sacrifices for the one they love, generally loyal, and exceedingly kind-hearted. Sentimental and compassionate, natives with Venus conjunct Neptune are easily touched by others' kindness, music, poetry, dance, and most any art that evokes emotion. Some might say they are gullible in love, as they are inclined to forgive easily and trust that others are as good-hearted as they are.

Compatibility ratings with (possibly) still single Bachelor "Family" contestants

When birthdays of actual contestants start appearing online, you folks can have fun here:

Michelle Money... your best bet if you are dating "in house"

87% You are enjoying an exceptionally smooth relationship. Whatever the situation may be, even though misunderstandings crop up, you easily manage to create a deep harmony. It does not imply that communication between you is particularly intense or special, but it means that for both of you, love requires no effort! Your compatibility index is remarkable and quite exceptional. Your relationship is extremely harmonious, to the extent that superlatives are unable to express its essence...

Jackie Parr

78% Your relationship is very smooth, and few things are likely to harm your fundamental harmony. We could even say it is pretty remarkable, not far from being exceptional... Sometimes, but in really rare occasions, and rather owing to elements that are external to your personalities, some frictions can occur, but in the majority of cases they will be solved easily. It is undoubtedly an extremely encouraging index for your continuation, you can really go for it: happiness is within your reach!

Sarah Herron

66% Your relationship is smooth, and everything is possible. You simply need to adjust to each other and you can easily do so. It only takes a minimum of warmth and mutual understanding for your couple to function steadily in spite of some rare disagreements. You must turn your marvellous relationship into a success love story because you have all the necessary keys and assets to this end. So, go for it!

"Free Spirit" Lucy Aragon
Andi Dorfman if she dumps Josh and wants a second try with you...

53-50% Your relationship is a challenge both of you can take up successfully on the condition that you demonstrate willpower, which you certainly will. Periods of calm are followed by more turbulent ones. All you need to do is to put a bit of effort into your relationship in order to adjust to each other, and meet your divergent needs. You can make a wonderful and lasting couple if you are really willing to! The challenge for you is realistic with the condition of having the will and, you'll sure have it. The periods of calm will leave room to more agitated periods, but it is just a matter for you two to accept sometimes to bring a little energy to the relation in order to adapt to each other because you don't have identical needs. You can form a very beautiful and lasting couple if you really want it!

AshLee Frazier
Clare Crawley

36-33% A relationship between hell and heaven: your couple may prove a real challenge for both of you, and you may have to struggle to make it last. With determination and courage, you can turn your relationship into a very significant source of evolution and joy, in which case you will remain together for many long years. You are both of a very different nature and therefore, adjusting to each other is necessary. You must look before you leap, lest you unwillingly hurt your partner’s sensitivity. If you think in terms of "mobility", "flexibility", and “mutual understanding", in most cases, you can meet the challenge of your wonderful love story.

Last edited by GuardianAngel on Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:15 pm; edited 2 times in total

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princefarming -  Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers* Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers*

Post by JBF Thu Aug 28, 2014 7:26 pm

Hey thanks!

By the way, I forgot to add to the list of famous Scorpio-Pisceans... Walter Cronkite, "the most trusted man in America".

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Post by sparkler Fri Aug 29, 2014 5:41 pm

Thanks JBF!! I am looking forward to more of your posts as the season gets going.


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princefarming -  Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers* Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers*

Post by JBF Fri Aug 29, 2014 6:56 pm

If nothing else, we can entertain ourselves checking out the contestants as they get spoiled (i.e. those with B-days) at this site:

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princefarming -  Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers* Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers*

Post by atem Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:35 pm

Hey, Kasha don't forget to put in a thread for Annabelle! giggling

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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princefarming -  Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers* Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers*

Post by california90 Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:03 pm

YES, thank you JBF!!! I was hoping astrology would come back!


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princefarming -  Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers* Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers*

Post by JBF Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:34 pm

We don't know any of the B-days of any contestants yet, do we? Ha ha!

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princefarming -  Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers* Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers*

Post by JBF Fri Oct 03, 2014 4:31 pm

No, I don't think she is a contestant, but... I have that funny feeling several contestants will resemble her. "My biological clock is ticking, so when I saw that Chris was next in line to be the next Bachelor, I was like... eh... he'll do."


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princefarming -  Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers* Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers*

Post by atem Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:14 pm

JBF, you should practice on the Canada one. LOL

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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princefarming -  Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers* Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers*

Post by tigertiz Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:16 pm

"My biological clock is ticking, so when I saw that Chris was next in line to be the next Bachelor, I was like... eh... he'll do."
Bahaha. Perfect.

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princefarming -  Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers* Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers*

Post by JBF Fri Oct 03, 2014 10:02 pm

I know this is scary, but she actually looks like his type of woman.

Regarding Canada Bachelor, we could have some fun with B-days and thangs. The stuff is easy to look up.

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princefarming -  Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers* Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FUN - SNARK - Discussion - *Spoilers*

Post by chrisdesfan Sun Oct 05, 2014 3:40 am

Hello everyone! I found the twitter account of the makeup artist for TB and one tweet dated Sept. 22nd had a link to an IG account with a pic of her, the wardrobe stylist and the new bachelor. I am so sorry, but I do not know how to bring it over here, the account name is Thanks for your help.


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