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Post by GuardianAngel Thu Jan 08, 2015 12:49 pm

Post locations, s/caps, etc for the FD LCD's FRC. Sleuthing and discussions!


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Post by mtnlvr55 Fri Jan 30, 2015 3:41 pm

Someone asked if we had any confirmation of a Whitney LCD. Although this is not 100% there was a girl from Dubuque who indicated she was sitting near Chris and a woman on Nov 19 as they ate dinner. This is the description she gave when someone asked her what the girl looked like.
This is the description of the girl with Chris at dinner:
Alex Dorsett
@twiterlesskayli she was tall skinny and blonde!

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Post by Aunties_Love Fri Jan 30, 2015 6:54 pm

Couldn't that be one of the sisters though? I thought that it was possibly his sister as the first LCD shouldn't of happened till the 20th. The 19th should of been MTP/MTF day.

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Post by Kashathediva Fri Jan 30, 2015 9:40 pm

I don't think the above physical attributes would qualify for the sisters. :hidingchair

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Post by Aunties_Love Fri Jan 30, 2015 9:56 pm

Kashathediva wrote:I don't think the above physical attributes would qualify for the sisters. :hidingchair
Ok, thanks Kasha. Smiley

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Post by nutty1 Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:11 pm

Kashathediva wrote:I don't think the above physical attributes would qualify for the sisters. :hidingchair

Oh yes…so true!!

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Post by stuckinsc Sat Jan 31, 2015 1:12 am

maybe London sister?

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Post by IrishGal Sat Jan 31, 2015 1:57 am

Ireland sis does not fit that description at all. Very pretty but not tall and thin, IMO.

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Post by Litta123 Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:46 pm

I'm not sure where to have this discussion. But because it's a comparison of the F1 facts for both Whitney and Becca, I'm putting it here. Mods, please redirect me if I'm wrong.

Since we're going to have a few days before we get more footage to work with, I thought I'd pause and look back to the classic signs that point to F1.

Preview presence -- If I understand correctly, the F1 shows up in the preview, but is typically hidden. She is rarely upfront and center in the preview. (Learned this the hard way with Clare  duh ) I did more or less a frame by frame capture of the preview, unspoiled. Each picture below represents a separate scene in the preview, even if it comes from the same date. If the shots were separated in the preview or shown at a different angle, they are presented here. Also these were the original captures, no cleanup of the caps.

So who's more hidden? You decide.

BachTime - Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FD- LCD - FRC -  F1/2/3 - *Spoilers & Sleuthing* - Discussion Screenshot2015-02-18at84643AM

BachTime - Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FD- LCD - FRC -  F1/2/3 - *Spoilers & Sleuthing* - Discussion Screenshot2015-02-18at84937AM

Storyline Arc/Obstacle to Overcome -- If I understand correctly, the F1 should have a storyline that continues to build toward the FRC conclusion. Her relationship with the lead grows. It doesn't stall. It doesn't go backwards. There is progression in her developing relationship with the lead. Along the way, an obstacle for the F1 is revealed to the viewer. This obstacle builds, only to be resolved at the time of the FRC. Classic conflict resolution for a happily ever after.

So who has this kind of storyline arc? I'm putting down a summary as I see it for both girls. Please add to my observations if you have some...or correct me if you think I'm wrong. This classic sign can be more subjective than the preview I would hope for some discussion regarding this classic F1 sign. Remember, though, it's not about what we "think" has happened in between episodes. We can't fill in the's what the editors are showing us in the episode...or in the deleted scenes. In other words, it's the story that we see on screen -- relationship progression, obstacle, and resolution only at the FRC.

Whitney -- This is how I've seen it...Whitney's relationship was shown to develop with Chris with their special time during the second(?) cocktail party. She brought Chris whiskey. It seemed like they started to connect. He liked her. Her relationship with Chris took a big step forward with the Wedding Crashing Date. This clearly showed Chris intrigued and interested in Whitney. He was very effusive about her in his ITMs. The next few weeks, IIRC, seemed to show their relationship stalling. We get very little info on how their relationship is developing/progressing.

I believe we get some progress in a deleted scene...or do we? This is where I need Whit followers to fill in the details...but remember only from the edit or deleted scenes...not from Chris's blog. In the SD episode, Whit's relationship with Chris continues to stall. Is this when her obstacle is presented? Jealousy? Or is her obstacle simply lack of time with him? Seriously, I'm having a hard time nailing down her obstacle.

She takes another step forward with Chris in Iowa on their 1-1. Chris continues to show interest in Whitney and even introduces her to his best friends. They've had a fun romantic, playful afternoon...ending with the surprise mural in the evening. It's a nice public declaration of Chris's strong feelings. Their relationship is now no longer stalled. It's definitely progressing again. Moving to Iowa does not appear to be an what is it? Still unidentified to me...something needs to be resolved come FRC time, but what is it?

Whitney's HTD -- more progression. Chris grows in respect for Whitney professionally...and personally, for what she has had to overcome in life. Chris clearly is liking her. (What's not to like? Honestly, she seems so sweet, genuine and fun from what I see.) Again, the obstacle to overcome is unclear. To me, the sister's unwillingness to give approval is hardly an obstacle. What 29 year old can't make up her mind who she wants to marry? So if that's her obstacle, it's very contrived by TPTB.

Foreshadowing to the FD from the preview -- In the brief clip shown, it shows Chris and Whitney talking about her job and being able to come to Iowa. So is this now her obstacle? The fact that I can't nail down her obstacle sheds doubt for me as Whitney being F1.

I see no continuous progression of relationship from premiere to this point. Whitney has been all in from the get go. I see no clear obstacle to overcome -- so how will it be resolved at the FRC?

I'm asking genuinely if the Whitney F1 believers can fill in how her storyline matches the classic F1 storyline arc...because I can't.

Becca -- Becca's relationship with the lead is probably one of the sloooooowest to start in Bach history. Our first real glimpse of them together is on the rooftop. Not only does the relationship somewhat start, but the obstacle (intimacy) is introduced during that time. I can't even remember what date Becca was on in NM (rafting?) Did they get time even? So not any progression of the relationship at this point...but there wasn't much of a start to it to begin with...again from what we see on screen.

Her storyline really doesn't pick up with Chris until SD. Chris genuinely likes her. They are doing outdoorsy things that both seem to enjoy. Both comment on the ease of their connection. Mini obstacle is overcome by Chris. He gets a first kiss. Her storyline takes another step forward in Iowa, when she gets a back-to-back 1-1...unheard of in the show. Little of their time is shown, but it is progressing. We see discussion of Becca's relationship past...obstacle developed to she's never been in love. What we do see between them is a lot of touch...and a romantic kiss at sunset.

HTD -- They seem to have a great time doing more outdoorsy things (Chris's favorite kind of date). Lots of hand holding scenes were being focused on by the editors. At home, Becca's obstacle is further developed to emphasize she's a virgin (we knew it, but the focus is now on that) her obstacle continues to build in the viewers' minds.

The foreshadowing of the continuing obstacle is shown in the previews. She now needs to tell Chris. How will he react? Will this cause him to ultimately not choose her because he has already told us chemistry is important to him? Does he need a "test drive" before he commits to her? He really wants a wife out of this. Is he willing to risk his choice on a woman like Becca when he has a great alternative in Whitney?

IMO, no matter who is Chris's real F1, Becca has the more classic F1 storyline arc/obstacle to overcome.

There are more classic signs, but this post is EXTREMELY long. Sorry mods! Kasha, check here ___  if you made it this far without skimming.  giggling

More F1 signs to come later.

BachTime - Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FD- LCD - FRC -  F1/2/3 - *Spoilers & Sleuthing* - Discussion 8d63b049-e7f5-45bc-9c52-8e1babe4aa1b

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Post by Kashathediva Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:03 pm

Litta--thank you for this! BachTime - Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - FD- LCD - FRC -  F1/2/3 - *Spoilers & Sleuthing* - Discussion 2498057887
I always skim. It's how I learned to read and learn. 
Then there is skimming and there is skimmi and there is skim and there is sk. Don't ask, don't tell. Embarressed!

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Post by GuardianAngel Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:11 pm

_/ That's my check mark. laugh out loud Great post Litta!!

Everything we read mentions Becca's obstacle of not being in love and not having relationship experience. She herself said she isn't into PDA. IMO when she finds the right guy, that won't be an issue any longer. Is it really an issue for a guy to date someone who's never been in love or has never had pre marital sex? She had a 4 yr on off again relationship, clearly she wasn't in love, nothing wrong with that. I personally don't think this is an issue for Chris. She is the way she is because she's never been in love. I give her a lot of credit for being who she is and not being influenced by a society that expects certain behavior within a certain time frame. JMHO

I know we take blogs with a grain of salt, but this stuck out to me when I read CH's blog.

CH's blog
Becca, who we know is a virgin but Chris doesn't, is very conservative. This hasn't seemed to hurt their relationship — rather, it seems to strengthen it. They have been moving slow but Chris seems to feel very comfortable with Becca.


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Post by Cameron2 Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:12 pm

I kind of think the progression part of the relationship has changed because of the amount of Social Media. If you noticed, Whitney being named as the winner, came out on news and print that the end had been spoiled. More so than I noticed in prior years. So TB had to take another tact in order to mislead. Thus Britt became the diversion by the number of 1 on 1 dates she received. Unless one was savvy, it was Britt all the way.

But, if one is watching closely, it becomes apparent what is happening behind the scenes we are shown. I cannot believe that Whitney and Chris could have pulled off the wedding scene without being much more familiar with each other. They may be talented, but not as relaxed as they were on the wedding date.

Many of the remaining screen shots were quite intimate as were the conversations. You have to read what goes on behind the scenes.


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