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Post by MVMom39forever Fri Apr 24, 2015 6:58 pm

leselihau wrote:I agree MVMom....I think he's ready to go home.  Doesn't want to look a gift horse in the mouth...but is maybe ready for some peace and quiet!  

Oh totally!! And, he should be so proud of himself as should Robert and Noah who don't have any dance training yet made it this far on sheer will, determination and HARD work!! So impressive. :claphands

Nobody wants to be the first or second person booted off but considering that these three guys made it this far into the season, they can exit with their heads held high.

I think Riker is a cutie but it very much bugs me that he has so much formal dance training and was in a SYTYCD dance troupe so he won't be getting my votes and I am not warming up to Nastia (Derek has won plenty!)

So, once Chris, RObert and Noah exit, I will probably throw my votes to the other dancer with little to no experience (the 14 year old girl with Mark as he is doing amazing choreography) and then to Rumer Willis and Val, in particular, as I'd like to see Val win even though I am pretty sure that Rumer has prior dance training.

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Post by MiniDiva Fri Apr 24, 2015 6:59 pm

Chris really did well this last dance and it was enjoyable to watch.  I would love him to leave on a high note of success rather than feel defeated.  He proved that he has been working hard learn this past week.  He is aware of his competition and the higher scores and must realize it is a matter of time that he will get cut.   Both Witney and he should be proud of how far Chris has come.  Too bad they didn't do that rhythm training technique earlier because it really helped him. JMO.

Their next dance is the Foxtrot and 1940's theme which I look forward to.  Photo shoot below. :Nod:

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Post by Rolly Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:48 pm

MiniDiva wrote:Chris really did well this last dance and it was enjoyable to watch.  I would love him to leave on a high note of success rather than feel defeated.  He proved that he has been working hard learn this past week.  He is aware of his competition and the higher scores and must realize it is a matter of time that he will get cut.   Both Witney and he should be proud of how far Chris has come.  Too bad they didn't do that rhythm training technique earlier because it really helped him. JMO.

Their next dance is the Foxtrot and 1940's theme which I look forward to. :Nod:

Do you ever type this whole message out...and then lose it?!? hissyfit I hate it when that happens. In short, so proud of Chris. Nice to see him happy this past week. :Woah-hoo: Chris, Noah and Robert will be the next to go. I hope Chris survives the double elimination (I think next week) and then he will go. All depends on audience votes who moves on. I think Chris is a better dancer than Robert and Noah but I have a soft spot in my heart for Chris. OK...I admit it.

Riker is getting inflated judge votes because the is not getting audience votes. JMO. I do like Riker though...he gave Chris a hug when he was last to be picked for the team dance. Nice thing for a young'un to do.

Who of the top dancers does not have dance or gymnast experience? That's probably who I'll vote for. I wish Riker wasn't related to the Hough' would make it easier to vote for him.

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Post by Rolly Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:49 pm

MiniDiva wrote:Chris really did well this last dance and it was enjoyable to watch.  I would love him to leave on a high note of success rather than feel defeated.  He proved that he has been working hard learn this past week.  He is aware of his competition and the higher scores and must realize it is a matter of time that he will get cut.   Both Witney and he should be proud of how far Chris has come.  Too bad they didn't do that rhythm training technique earlier because it really helped him. JMO.

Their next dance is the Foxtrot and 1940's theme which I look forward to.  Photo shoot below. :Nod:

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This will be sooooo cute! giggling

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Post by leselihau Mon Apr 27, 2015 11:24 am

I think Riker is probably a pretty nice/down to earth kid and I have a feeling he will go home before Noah. I just don't think he's pulling in the audience votes. I suspect that either Riker or Chris will go tonight and then I think the other one and Robert will go next week for the double elimination. I think the top four are going to be Noah, Willow, Nastia & Rumer. And I think Noah might even make final three...only because I think he can pull more votes than Willow. I think final two will be Nastia and Rumer.


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Post by MVMom39forever Mon Apr 27, 2015 2:36 pm

^^^Wow ... Interesting perspective about Noah making it to final 3. It would have to be due to fans vs. judges as they are not giving him the votes needed.

Riker, Willow, Nastia and Rumer are clearly the best dancers remaining so will be interesting to see if fans pull through for them. And, you have to also consider the fan votes that the dancers such as Mark, Derek, Kimberly, Val and Witney are getting too. Val, in particular, is probably pulling votes as folks might think it's his turn to win the mirror ball and he certainly has the right partner in Rumer to go all the way.

I actually can see Riker being in jeopardy as his dance partner is one of the newer ones (to me anyhow as I missed a couple of seasons).

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Post by sara11 Mon Apr 27, 2015 2:40 pm

I really hope Noah does not make it Riker, Willow, Nastia and Rumer (as MVM stated above, the are the best dancers) because IMO he does not deserve it, I do hope he makes it past Chris though as he seems to have a better attitude towards it than Chris. I think Rumer and Val are gonna win bc unfortunately Riker and Allison don't have the votes and Nastia and Derek (if he recovers) are perfect but don't have that something extra that Rumer and Val have


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Post by MVMom39forever Mon Apr 27, 2015 3:01 pm

sara11 wrote:I really hope Noah does not make it Riker, Willow, Nastia and Rumer (as MVM stated above, the are the best dancers) because IMO he does not deserve it, I do hope he makes it past Chris though as he seems to have a better attitude towards it than Chris. I think Rumer and Val are gonna win bc unfortunately Riker and Allison don't have the votes and Nastia and Derek (if he recovers) are perfect but don't have that something extra that Rumer and Val have

I agree with the bolded!

I appreciate that Nastia is a strong dancer & competitor but she doesn't give me that warm & fuzzy feeling. It appears that both are too busy ... last AfterBuzz recap said Derek&Nastia are practicing just a few hours a week together and she is doing most of her training with Sasha Farber during the season-even before his toe injury. IMO Derek&Nastia as a "couple" don't deserve the win in comparison to the work being done with other couples, and in particular Mark & Willow who has had zero training and his choreography is really something else this season while Derek seems to be dialing in the choreo. AfterBuzz compared their last dance to a re-do of a dance that Max & Meryl performed.  

My other big issue with Nastia & Derek pairing is that Derek is a bigger celebrity than nearly every celebrity who even appeared this season except maybe Patti Labelle and Suzanne Somers (who are both gone)!! The time has come for this Emmy winner to end his run as a "pro" on DWTS and instead take on a new role such as a mentor to the dancers just as Tim Gunn is on Project Runway - or - if that takes up too much time - Derek could be a guest choreographer or guest judge.

But frankly it's just absurd to pair Derek & Nastia, who are both household names, versus Riker & Allison; Keo & the Carl's Jr. Model (Charlotte) or Emma Slater & RedFoo (????).  DWTS audience probably has zero knowledge of these "celebrities."

So ... if it comes down to Nastia vs. Rumer in finals ... I would definitely cast all most votes (and would borrow my kids' phones!!) for Rumer. I'd much rather see Rumer vs. Willow in finals.

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Post by leselihau Mon Apr 27, 2015 3:19 pm

I don't disagree that Riker, Willow, Nastia, and Rumer are all better dancers than Noah, Chris, Robert....I agree completely that they are. Having said that...each of those four possess a quality (or two), imo, that gives them a leg up over Noah, Chris, and Robert. Nastia and Riker have dance training. Rumer and Willow are both actresses. And a certain skill in dancing is being able to act out the role you're playing in each dance as though it's a scene in a movie or on a stage. Even Robert & Chris as past reality tv stars know about editing etc to put on a television show. It was very clear last week when Noah performed that he was at least somewhat unaware of the manipulation of editing.

IMO...that's the reason that "fight" was in Noah's package last week. He's getting a lot of public votes and they needed to "dirty" him up a bit. Hence the reason that I think he "could" make the final 3. I think he's getting a tremendous amount of audience votes.

I would love to see Rumer win as I really think that her and Val have a great partnership and I love Val's teaching style. I appreciate that he says I'm not here to just teach you a routine...I want to teach you to dance. I like Willow but she irritates me when they interview her...I want to say "JUST STOP TALKING!" But that's her age more than anything...and Mark has always just rubbed me the wrong way. I like Derek....but I agree that he gets cream of the crop in pairings every year which is unfair to the rest of the pros.


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Post by MVMom39forever Mon Apr 27, 2015 3:45 pm

^^^yes, I felt bad for Noah about that whole edit. Poor guy seemed blindsided but unfortunately, that's show biz (he can just turn to Chris Soules about the crazy editing done on The Bachelor all in name of ratings/drama!!) And, I was definitely impressed with Noah's hip action so will be interesting to see what happens with his fans ...

Yep, Mark rubbed me the wrong way for years but I think he is maturing and am enjoying him more. He isn't outdancing his partner as much as he used to and doing a better job in teaching.

And, who knows what might happen with Kym and Robert. She is such a doll and the shomance with Robert is really sweet. He is not as talented but a joy to watch because he looks so darn tootin happy out there. Makes me smile.

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Post by albean99 Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:34 pm

I like Noah and really admire him but I do think they need to mark him as they would anyone else.

I think Chris and Robert should be next on the chopping block. I'd like to see Riker, Rumor, & Nastia as the f3 although Noah could easily bump out Riker with a sentimental vote. I hope not because Riker's my favorite because he's fun to watch.

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Post by leselihau Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:34 pm

albean - have you been watching the live stream rehearsals? Him and Allison are absolutely hysterical together. Last week when Riker was stretching...omg....I almost spit coffee all over my computer. He screamed like a little girl when she pushed him. It was very funny!


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