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Post by veg_out Tue May 12, 2015 8:32 pm

It's so awesome to see so much buzz in this forum! I PINKHEART this show!

leselihau wrote:
veg_out wrote:Snipped

I think that they will have Derek face-off with Val like season 16, only this time Val will win. Can't wait to watch the next two weeks!

I completely agree that it will be a Derek & Val face off.  For me, Nastia's last dance with Derek/Len was the dance of the night.  I loved seeing Len dance...and this is his last year on DWTS so what a great way for him to go out....I loved it!  Having said that, I'm team Valenrue all the way.  Smiley

We shall see, m'dear! I honestly can't predict tonight. Rumer has impressed me so much this season just by her kind heart and calmness. I'd love for her to take it home for herself--she should hold her head high after the pure torment she's endured. She is simply gorgeous inside and out. And, Val, that man is incredible to watch.

Here's the last I heard about sweet Len (he's my fave judge):
E! Online wrote:But now, executive producer Rob Wade tells E! News Goodman is not exiting the ABC reality hit series after all!

"Len finished last season, did an interview afterwards and I think genuinely he's found it tough. That's why we only had him on for half the season last season. The travel, he's getting on a bit, and his mother, who's 97, is quite sick and needs help. He felt bad about being away," Wade explains. "He was tired and he felt bad about being away, he was exhausted...I had a lot of conversations before the last season about it...When he had the interview, he was like, 'Season 20 is a good place to end,' because I think what Len felt was, since he's such a good guy, he felt like if he went away for a season, we wouldn't [want] him back."

And while Wade is confident Goodman will return beyond the upcoming season, he wouldn't say in what capacity viewers would be seeing him in.

"The truth is there is still a chance that Len will be around for 21, either as a part of, a small part, a big part or a whole part of the season," he spills. "I don't know how we'd use him, but he's very open to it. I spoke to Len two days ago. And then for Season 22, the spring, he's very up for coming back. And if we can come to an agreement, he absolutely wants to come back. "


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Post by chloep Wed May 13, 2015 5:51 am

I have been casually following this season again and the semi-final must have been one of the best ever in the show's history.... yes Loved seeing the judges involvement. (could have done with out the Hough, though.. no )

It's been a while since I liked all 3 finalists( PINKHEART ), they each bring something different to the table that makes me appreciate each one of them. they really have to pimp Rumer this much?... I guess, it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. She is clearly good enough of a dancer and likable enough of a person to win this on her own, (without the blatant pimping). It's a bit ridiculous... all the extra segments on the show, the extra (often times even exclusive)coverage on GMA, E, people, etc. We get it her parents are Demi Moore and Bruce Willis, but still, I don't think she would even need all this. She rocks on her own.... If anything it just kinda makes me root for the other two a bit more.
+ Val has been gradually moving up on the "disk-scale". Some of the comments and the faces he made this week really rubbed me the wrong way. The most graceful winner, he sure wouldn't be... So, go Riker + Noah! (but mostly Riker. Hugesmile )

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Post by blessed66 Wed May 13, 2015 8:47 am

After watching most of the season, in my opinion Noah is the true winner here. Just watching him every Monday pushing the limits and with a smile all the time has been truly a blessing and a challenge for me. Every time when I feel like I cannot do something I just ask myself what is really my excuse, if Noah can do it what more a person like me who is not missing any body part. It has been really encouraging just watching Noah, he is a great inspiration to me. This season all my votes went to Noah sorry Derrick!

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Post by lurker11 Wed May 13, 2015 8:47 am

^^ I was wondering if any of the extra coverage was due to her publicity team. I imagine the people she and her family hired are probably, maybe (i'm assuming), a little better than the publicity teams Riker and Noah have?

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Post by veg_out Wed May 13, 2015 12:17 pm

lurker11 wrote:^^ I was wondering if any of the extra coverage was due to her publicity team.  I imagine the people she and her family hired are probably, maybe (i'm assuming), a little better than the publicity teams Riker and Noah have?

Agreed! In season's past, there's often been an imbalance of publicity. Nature of the beast and demand.

At this point, it's honestly anyone's game. Riker pulls the youth vote and Noah is the sentimental favorite. I actually think that Rumer has the odds stacked against her somewhat given the sheer likability of Riker and Noah. The show isn't really doing Val any favors by including some of his comments in the packages. Based on that editing, I can see Riker winning, or even Noah. There was a LOT of talk on All Access about Noah possibly stealing the show. It's a tremendously heartwarming story if he did!

Any one of them deserves this trophy but for different reasons. The judges scores next Monday will be very revealing as to who they think should win. That being said, they'd do themselves a huge favor by making it a super close race, like two ties, and one person a point below, thus allowing the winner to be chosen by votes. No one can complain of favoritism then.

I can't wait to see the final dances!!

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Post by leselihau Wed May 13, 2015 1:44 pm

I honestly don't know how Rumer or Riker will be able to beat Noah in the finale....but I was wrong about last night too....I thought it would be Nastia vs Rumer aka Hough vs Chmerkovsky finale. I was actually pretty surprised that Riker was the first one safe.

If you're talking technical dance only I think it's Riker or Rumor....but I think Noah's going to pull in enough votes that he just might win this thing.

I want Rumor to win because I think if part of the competition was for them to have to dance without being taught choreo...just gave them a type of dance and said go do it, she'd do very well. I've watched every rehearsal that they've put on all access this year and I just love the way Val approaches it. He's not there to teach Rumor routines...he wants to teach her to dance. He has made some comments that they've shown that seem harsh, but if you hear them in the full context of how he says them many of those comments have been said in jest. And some of them...well, that's just his personality. He's not going to sugar coat the truth to her.

As for Derek...well...he talks to his partners the same way, and he's pretty condescending imo. But of course they'll never show that in a package because he's their poster child. And I get it...people tune in just to see him dance, but the bottom line is, he's no different and no better than Val. Ask any of the pros, they'll tell you (I've seen several interviews where different pros have said this), Val is the most award winning dancer of all of the pros. If he was trying to do broadway and taking a show on tour, he'd do just as well as Derek, imo...difference is, he's not!


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Post by Nonina430 Wed May 13, 2015 2:15 pm

I'm in all the way for Rumer/Val it's the best job he's ever done. 
To say he is as or more talented than Derek is almost Laffable.


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Post by lipsis Wed May 13, 2015 2:17 pm

I just rewatched the elimination to see/hear what words Tom used about the teams in jeopardy. He never said that Rumor and Nastia were the bottom two. He only said that one of them had the lowest combined score. Who knows if Rumor was really in the bottom 2? It could have been Noah or even Riker. It's gonna be an interesting finale.

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Post by leselihau Wed May 13, 2015 2:25 pm

Nonina430 wrote:I'm in all the way for Rumer/Val it's the best job he's ever done. 
To say he is as or more talented than Derek is almost Laffable.

I disagree. I think Val is just as talented of not more talented than Derek. :yes:


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Post by veg_out Wed May 13, 2015 3:57 pm

lipsis, I've noticed that, whenever Rumer's been in jeopardy this season, Tom's never said "these are the bottom two." I think that they are keeping a tight lip on the actual standing of the finalists with voters to support the final outcome. If Rumer, say, wins by a landslide, it might come as a surprise to the audience.

I agree about Val. He is my favorite male pro on the show simply because of his technique. He stayed in competition into his mid-20s, winning two world titles. It's obvious in his performance. The rivalry between Derek and Val largely is perpetuated by their fans. They're both competitive and both talented.

Val's a beast at the AT (Meryl!). I hope that he can get his win!

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Post by GuardianAngel Thu May 14, 2015 9:37 pm

:babies: :babies:

Hey everyone!

Thanks for all your votes and messages!

I know a lot of you are upset we're not in the final, but fourth place is great! Nothing to sneeze at, especially after everything that happened this season. I knew we were going home Monday night. I could tell watching the show, the packages, the way they pieced everything together. It's a feeling, the energy of the room. It was an amazing show, probably one of the best we've ever had with all the judges' dances, and my intuition kicked in. We had a very special week and dance with Len. That last dance was just otherworldly and it just felt like a last dance for us.


To be completely honest, I feel like in a way, we sort of got eliminated last week with that package. Like I said last week, when I saw that, I was like, "Oh wow, that was a complete left field," especially when you know it's so not reality. That was a terrible representation journey of our week. And to see that, it was like, "I see what's going on here." I'm not blaming the show or anyone for our elimination -- we've all had bad packages -- but I've been around here a long time! I know how everything works. I wasn't angry or upset, just disappointed, like I said last week. But, you know, I'm not in control here. All I could do was come up with good dances.


I don't know for sure yet if I'm coming back next season. That's still a few months away and I'm not looking that far ahead yet. I still have two more seasons in my contract, so we'll see.


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Post by mindless Thu May 14, 2015 9:53 pm

Bohoo! Everyone's had packages like that at some point. Feel free to not come back, Derek!

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