Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - Episode 4 - *Spoilers & Sleuthing* - Discussion

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Post by atem Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:03 pm

Kashathediva wrote:
cindebugg wrote:
Kashathediva wrote:I think much of the "articulateness" seen in Chris during the 'ette was in response to retakes and cue cards. JMOAA
Both are utilized a lot in this show.

  Yeah, I'm aware the producer's put the she in nanigans.  I just don't buy that TPTB would use the cue cards/retakes for him one season and not use them when he's the lead.  IMO the biggest problem tptb have with Chris is his total inablility to lie or fake it. It's written all over his face and demeanor.
Of course they are using them both seasons, but think about it. 
On the season he is just part of the cast, he is following a storyline. So a card or two or retake is no big deal. He is not the emphasis. As it was he got little screen time.
On the season he is the main, he has to be able to carry the show. If production relies on continuous cue cards, retakes and editing you get what we are getting, a mess in dialogue and flow.  Much of the storyline this season is the ill created female drama.
The only leads I remember hearing that were a mess to work with Emily and Jesse, production would joke they had second grade reading skills and could not follow cues.

I agree. Chris S. had nothing to do with the letters other than reading off whoever wrote it for him.

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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Post by Luvstruck Thu Jan 29, 2015 2:04 pm

I have been enjoying the very romantic side of Chris this season. He is a dreamer which could explain some of his choices. Last season in the secret admirer letters he wrote some romantic things about and to Andi and yes I do believe he wrote them not some producer.

This season first episode he said Britt spoke to his heart after she told him she would be there anytime for him and what guy sits there thinking of unicorns and fairies while a girl is sitting across from him talking? LOL!!! In a way he has a charming innocence to him. He gets flustered by girls like Britt who expect so much from a guy and likes the simplicty of a woman like Kaitlyn who makes him laugh. It is really interesting to see how the personalities of the women sway him from one date to the next....


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Post by Sprite Thu Jan 29, 2015 3:04 pm

Luvstruck wrote:I have been enjoying the very romantic side of Chris this season. He is a dreamer which could explain some of his choices. Last season in the secret admirer letters he wrote some romantic things about and to Andi and yes I do believe he wrote them not some producer.

This season first episode he said Britt spoke to his heart after she told him she would be there anytime for him and what guy sits there thinking of unicorns and fairies while a girl is sitting across from him talking? LOL!!! In a way he has a charming innocence to him. He gets flustered by girls like Britt who expect so much from a guy and likes the simplicty of a woman like Kaitlyn who makes him laugh. It is really interesting to see how the personalities of the women sway him from one date to the next....


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Post by MrPeach Fri Jan 30, 2015 4:34 am

Sprite wrote:
ironcat wrote:

It was clear to me that Chris put the women he was truly interested in as wife material in the group that met his sisters, and of that group, only Whitney was ineligible to be picked for the date since she had just had one (I suspect his sisters were told this).  So to me this was an indication that Chris wanted his sisters to meet her nevertheless (btw, wasn't she a lookalike for one of his sisters?).  I'm not surprised then that his sisters picked Jade for the date, because the impression she gave them was as a fellow mid-western, corn-loving sweet shy young lady, and NOT someone who poses spread eagle nude for cash.

Also not surprising that, despite her raunchy behavior, Kaitlyn got the GDR out of the other group of women (most of whom he's probably already dismissed as future wife material, but he's got to keep SOMEBODY).  He actually enjoys her company, the rest of them are about as interesting as paint drying (and yeah, he's not that much more interesting himself).  But him not having her also meet his sisters indicated to me that he's not quite sold on her as a wife.  I think at this point (and perhaps all the way to F4), his top 2 are Whitney and Jade, (and Becca will take third once he gets to know her better), but Jade will be dismissed once he finds out she's not exactly how she presented herself.

eta, I was surprised that Chris put Jillian in the group that met the sisters, but then he mentioned before their date that he had her in his top 3, based on the little he knew of her.  Obviously that changed quickly once they spent more time together.  She comes across older, but at 25, she is really not ready to settle down and move to Iowa (nor should she be).

I am finding Chris to be far more dull and less articulate (again with the I's :headbanging ) than I had hoped, and he is no doubt following the producers' suggestions to the letter (including the encouragement to kiss as many women as he wants and to drink a lot), but I totally believe he'd like to find a wife out of this.  I don't think he has ever had, or thinks he will have again, the opportunity to meet this many beautiful "hot" women, all of whom claim they want to marry an Iowa farmer, and he'd really like to weed through them and land one who is compatible to his life style, as well as beautiful.

:claphands Well said. You have summed up my thoughts. The only think that surprised me was that Chris said that Jillian was in his top 3. I have no idea where that came from based on what we have seen. It really made me curious as to who else might have been there if she was.

100% all with this post. It was so obvious that only those in the wedding dresses were 'wedding material' the rest were purposely out of the house when the all-important sisters come by. Whitney was hoping for something more looked it, but she had to know there wasn't going to be a second date after one the previous few days. What if Chris knows very early the F4 and has to go through the whole season just waiting to get to those. He looks 'pained' in most of the convo with the others. ABC piled in the extra women for extra drama not serious consideration.


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Post by Luvstruck Fri Jan 30, 2015 3:23 pm

in the season montage at the beginning of the show there was a scene of Chris appologizing to the women. I kept thinking it would be related to tentgate with Kaitlyn & Ashley but it wasn't shown this last episode. Now there is an episode description of Jordan returning and at first he considers it then thinks better of it and sends her on her way, so maybe that is when he appologizes? Or maybe that was just a teaser that does not get shown at all, those tricky editors.......


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Post by stuckinsc Fri Jan 30, 2015 7:15 pm

Luvstruck wrote:I have been enjoying the very romantic side of Chris this season. He is a dreamer which could explain some of his choices. Last season in the secret admirer letters he wrote some romantic things about and to Andi and yes I do believe he wrote them not some producer.

This season first episode he said Britt spoke to his heart after she told him she would be there anytime for him and what guy sits there thinking of unicorns and fairies while a girl is sitting across from him talking? LOL!!! In a way he has a charming innocence to him. He gets flustered by girls like Britt who expect so much from a guy and likes the simplicty of a woman like Kaitlyn who makes him laugh. It is really interesting to see how the personalities of the women sway him from one date to the next....

I actually found him saying that to be incredibly rude. People were all over JPG for not listening to the women, then Chris flat out admits he didn't bother to listen to Jillian. I know she was talking fast, etc because she was nervous, but a real gentleman would have tried to listen and ask questions and pretend he gave a darn instead of day dreaming and making fun of her.

It wasn't charming to me at all. I also highly doubt he wrote Andi's letters, but hey I have been wrong before.

Luvstruck wrote:in the season montage at the beginning of the show there was a scene of Chris appologizing to the women.  I kept thinking it would be related to tentgate with Kaitlyn & Ashley but it wasn't shown this last episode. Now there is an episode description of Jordan returning and at first he considers it then thinks better of it and sends her on her way, so maybe that is when he appologizes? Or maybe that was just a teaser that does not get shown at all, those tricky editors.......

I thought it would be tentgate too, but it could very well be that he tells the women he is letting Jordan come back, they freak out and he has to change his mind and apologize. That is what RS says happens, but he has already been wrong once this season so who knows.

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Post by california90 Sat Jan 31, 2015 2:34 am

watching this episode now..

ashley i. is nuts laugh out loud. they purposely make her jealous for good tv. her corn eating and wine drinking alone on the couch.. priceless. oh and when she's crying at the cocktail party talking about "if he wants a promiscuous girl.." and it pans over to chris and jade, also caught that.

if i didnt know what i know about jade, i would really like jade.

and omg jillian's date with chris.. oh gosh. this is kind of comical. then he holds that rose and has a hard time letting her go.

kaitlyn's ITMs are so comical and great.

chris is so boring IMO. he doesnt articulate his words super well. i feel his whole "im a man and im gonna handle it like a man" and pulling an Andi is all TPTB's doing.

those are my thoughts.


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Post by Idlemess Sat Jan 31, 2015 11:24 pm

"if he wants a promiscuous girl.." and it pans over to chris and jade, also caught that.

if i didnt know what i know about jade, i would really like jade.

I think that Jade might have gone furthered than F4 (if prediction is correct) if not for her "past". Also with Britt "leaving", it is possible that Becca position in the top 2 spots is the result of that.

kaitlyn's ITMs are so comical and great. She is fun and is able to roll with it...

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Post by mtnlvr55 Sun Feb 01, 2015 12:14 am

"in the olden days" the F3 was the one the lead liked more than F2. They kept the one that was least attached and that they were least attached to for F2 and let the one they liked go at F3. I don't know if this is the case this time but they did say they were going "back to their roots." 
I guess at this point, we don't know how attached Chris is/will be to Becca as time goes on.

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