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Post by Guest Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:30 am

stuckinsc wrote:
KB_Mom wrote:Would they really make her the 'ette after outing her with the not showering thing?

Or will it be in the contract that she has to shower daily and her handler will make sure she does?

Otherwise all of the men might eliminate themselves after about two weeks. cantstopl

She is also not getting the best edit.  Andi was confronting the evil JPG, but they have Britt confronting Chris about something they chose to not show on the tv.  I don't know that they really love Britt as much as RS thinks.  Why would they be letting all the unflattering stuff out before her season?  They have been waiting to embarrass the lead on their own season.

IrishGal wrote:If they have picked her for next Bette, her edit is truly bizarre.

You both could probably be right, IG and Stuc 7 - Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - Episode 8 - Monday Feb 16 - *Spoilers & Sleuthing* - Discussion - Page 3 813908399

good point, Stuc. Big difference between the Meandi VS 'Its OK' Juan Pablo saga and the coming Britt VS 'Sincere' Corn Pablo giggling


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Post by Guest Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:32 am

Sprite I was just talking with an unspoiled friend today about the show thus far.

She is loving Chris. She thinks he is sweet and overwhelmed by the crazy women who are throwing themselves at him constantly. She can't wait till he gets rid of the crazies. Her thoughts so far:

Jade -- Nice date but no sparks. She thinks she is a nice, boring girl that could go far since she seems more normal than most of the other girls. (It was all I could do to keep a straight face.)

Becca -- "The other virgin" as she dubbed her. (She is still having trouble remembering names). Normal. Hasn't seen much with Chris since they haven't shown anything, but she likes her and hopes she goes far.

Ashleys -- Dislikes both of them. Glad crazy one got sent home and can't wait for the crazy virgin to follow her.

Britt -- Though Chris was really into her at the start, but thinks he is losing interest. Doesn't like her because she thinks she is fake...she laughs too much at stupid stuff.

Whitney -- Really likes her and thought they had a great date. Thought she is normal and a good match with Chris. Felt that Chris acted the most natural around her and loved that he was so excited giving her the rose.

Generally, says that she is having a hard time reading Chris and remembering all of the women, but thinks the show is hilarious. She is not taking much of it seriously. Thinks all the crazy ones are there to distract from F1. She still can't figure out who she thinks that is, but she nailed the front runners.

TY for share, Sprite..i love 'hearing' people's opinion over there on the 'bright side'... Smiley


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Post by Sprite Sun Feb 01, 2015 3:44 pm

murasaki1393 wrote:

TY for share, Sprite..i love 'hearing' people's opinion over there on the 'bright side'... Smiley

I do as well. I pick their brains every chance I get.

It's funny, my friend said she had a hard time reading him and yet she zeroed in on all the ones that made it far. She is better at reading Chris than she thinks....I just can't tell her that.

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Post by Peppermom Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:24 pm

Sprite wrote:
murasaki1393 wrote:

TY for share, Sprite..i love 'hearing' people's opinion over there on the 'bright side'... Smiley

I do as well. I pick their brains every chance I get.

It's funny, my friend said she had a hard time reading him and yet she zeroed in on all the ones that made it far. She is better at reading Chris than she thinks....I just can't tell her that.

My unspoiled sister just says it is boring this season. Nothing more to add. Just boring.

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Post by Diana Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:33 pm

Mu unspoiled friend thinks Britt is going to win and Whitney will be F2 (and the bachelorette).

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Post by MiaHawk Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:59 pm

stuckinsc wrote:
KB_Mom wrote:Would they really make her the 'ette after outing her with the not showering thing?

Or will it be in the contract that she has to shower daily and her handler will make sure she does?

Otherwise all of the men might eliminate themselves after about two weeks. cantstopl

She is also not getting the best edit.  Andi was confronting the evil JPG, but they have Britt confronting Chris about something they chose to not show on the tv.  I don't know that they really love Britt as much as RS thinks.  Why would they be letting all the unflattering stuff out before her season?  They have been waiting to embarrass the lead on their own season.

Just a few thoughts...

I, personally, don't think Britt's edit has been bad thus far. Up until this point (prior to episode 5 tonight) there has been no mention of Britt not showering or any of the other women saying any bad things about her. Tonight we will see the conversation with Carley about Britt not showering, and I will have to see how that gets spun, but imo this showering thing is no big deal at all. She must have her own personal reasons (health, skin type) or prefers to bathe or sponge bath, and she must also be taking care of her hair in the manner in which it needs to be taken care of because it's not as if her hair looks bad, imo. There are so many differences amongst all of us regarding our skin and hair types. Some people would prefer to shampoo and then condition the heck out of their hair, and others would prefer to let more time pass between shampoos. I am not going to judge Britt on this idiosyncrasy. It's not something that means much to me. Unless I see and hear the other women complaining about her body odor, I am assuming that Britt is doing what is best for Britt.

I prefer to watch people's behavior and interactions. Again, I don't think that Britt was edited badly in the scene in which she asks CS why he is rewarding the other girls' bad behaviors. She was calm, cool, collected. She said it all with a smile on her face and no hysterics were had. I don't think it matters too much that the aired footage did not show Kaitlyn going into the tent. I think that what viewers did see (Kaitlyn removing her bathing suit bottoms and Ashley I entering tent for a make out session) were enough for the average viewer to agree with Britt's question, and, therefore, I don't see that as Britt getting a negative edit.

If anything, I would say that Kaitlyn got a more positive edit overall because they did no show her entering CS tent (as some here have sleuthed happened, right?). CS thought he was handling himself "like a man" after Britt's conversation (entering the mansion and announcing that he was truly looking for a wife and if anyone questioned his integrity they could leave), but IMO that whole sequence of events were a negative for CS. First, he could not compose himself enough to put together any type of coherent response to Britt. He stammered and stubbled, basically saying nothing at all. Come on, you're a 32 year old man, and you cannot articulate to someone that you are trying to get to know all of the women and that you assess each girl as an individual who is made up of multiple facets? That you are trying to get to know all sides of these women, and that you don't jump to conclusions over one incident or event? Geez Louise, you'd think that at least something semi-coherent could have come out of his mouth to just placate Britt.

I know, I know, some of you will say that this just shows that CS isn't simply playing the game, that he is a real live man to is trying to get through this weird tv experience. Fine. But I just think that the ability to express one's thoughts and feelings is so important in life. If you cannot express yourself clearly (or ask for clarity when someone else in unclear, ala Ashley I with her virgin confession) then you kind of deserve all of the confusion and chaos that comes next. And I'm not a big fan of those who want to act "like a man" and make declarations like "You can leave" if you question them or try to understand them better. I didn't like it when Andi did it, and I didn't like it when CS did it.

This season is a weird one for me. So many of these women seem to be "out there" when they talk to CS. "Aliens, onions, and virgins! Oh my!" There is so little substance being shown---from the women and from CS---that I feel as if my brain is being pickled when I watch the show. Does he not care that these women are dumb as dirt? Does he not care that he has to resort to kissing them because he has nothing better to add to the conversations? Does he not care that 50% of his children's DNA will come from one of these ditzes? I know, I know, he will eventually weed them down and keep a few "good ones" til the end...supposedly.

But, never in the history of TB have I liked so few contestants. And CS himself is doing nothing to make me like them or even know them. He is just there, with little to say, little to ask, and I think, little to uncover. I think he is just a simple folk. Not saying he is unintelligent. But I don't believe him to be the type with any sort of deep thoughts running through he brain or the type that has the need to dig deeper. He is someone who works hard with his hands and has little to say. He could be a fine brother, son, and spouse, but he is certainly not my cup of tea. I wish him well, but this is certainly a season of little interest or entertainment for me.

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Post by atem Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:24 pm

^^^^ Amen to this post!

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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Post by sbolduc Mon Feb 02, 2015 7:25 pm

Great post Mia!

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Post by lurker11 Thu Feb 12, 2015 7:42 pm

Jade Sneak Peak: Video

Such an Iowa thing for a compliment to be "I'm glad it looks like you haven't lost any weight." giggling

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Post by momoftrips Fri Feb 13, 2015 2:27 pm

EXCLUSIVE! 'The Bachelor' Sneak Peek: Britt is Lying to Chris' Face - And Carly is Pissed!

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Post by GuardianAngel Fri Feb 13, 2015 3:08 pm

Yikes! He clenches his jaw while Carly is talking. I think it's at that moment he realizes he was a fool for falling for Britt.


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Post by Diana Fri Feb 13, 2015 3:17 pm

Isn't that on epi 7?

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