Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

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BachTime - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 Empty Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by GuardianAngel Sun Feb 15, 2015 5:22 pm

Thread #2 continues here.

see2love wrote:
Jolena wrote:
notarose wrote:
GuardianAngel wrote:

Excellent points Longhornfan!

I don't know where Chris stands as far as religion. However you're right, I wonder what the topic of discussion was. I would think that if he needed advise on media attention, he could get that from anyone. However the topic of abstaining certainly would be up Sean's alley.

Exactly. This topic came up awhile ago. Why couldn't the F2 be the next 'ette if they are edited in a favourable manner, is a fan favourite, are appreciative of the experience, no crying, no fakeness for something that ended 4 months ago. The F2 on Bach Canada was very sensible and admitted, that it was an obvious connection between TB and his F1. She had a normal funny ATFR sit down which is so much better than watching drama. In most cases they are so over it. Why do they need a broken hearted person to be the next 'ette. It isn't necessary. IMO

About Sean contact: all great reasons above. Adding Sean was on DWTS so that could be in the future AND/OR Sean is the only Bach to have married his F1.

F2 as next Bachelorette: I think if fans like her a lot then it is more possible. Agree, she doesn't have to be seen as heartbroken (or a "victim") and given all the SM contact between the girls this season I think there is a real possibility of F2 being the next lead. Fans are seeing all this Twitter love, especially between Becca, Carly, and Kaitlyn (they seem to have been a close threesome) but Whitney is in there as well. (She was closest with different girls but appeared liked by everyone except perhaps Ashley I). Actually even the "villians" had friends this season which is great.

Has an F2 been the next lead in the past?

I know Trista and Jason were both F2 . I know RS is saying that the schedules have changed and they can't do it , but I don't agree. If they can make Emily the Lead and she was the winner then I'm sure TPTB can figure it out for Becca and same for Josh. jmo

Ben was F2


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BachTime - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by jcrbil Sun Feb 15, 2015 5:26 pm

RS's argument is that the guy F2 can be the lead because it's 6 wks from AFR to beginning of filming. With b-ette, it's a matter of days (regardless of the fact that it's been 4 months at least since "heartbreak". I do think that tptb , in the course of 4 months, can figure out how to get the filming done that they need to do in the time period they have, particularly if the f2 wasn't overly heartbroken- and Becca seems to be level- headed and there's nothing we've seen so far that shows her to be hyper-emotional and likely to have a huge breakdown at AFR. So we will see.


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BachTime - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by Jolena Sun Feb 15, 2015 5:39 pm

Becca is a class act , I'm sure she will remain classy no matter what happens. I just wonder if her being a "virgin" would hinder her chances. I personally don't think it should , but who knows what TPTB think . no idea

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BachTime - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by jcrbil Sun Feb 15, 2015 5:51 pm

IF Becca were to be the b-ette, it would be really interesting, I think. But she would need to draw the line so that certain behaviors wouldn't be implied (for instance, Sean would let them take film of him showering alone (not something any b-ette should do), but he would not let them film him closing a door of a bedroom implying that he would be sleeping with any of the women (unlike Chris in New Mexico). I guess what I'm saying is that she'd have to be really aware of "tricks" they might use to imply something that didn't/wouldn't happen with her. After watching her western/outdoors date with Chris, though, I can see her doing adrenaline sorts of dates which would be a refreshing change from the travelogues that have been the recent staple of the b-ette.


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BachTime - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by Kashathediva Sun Feb 15, 2015 5:51 pm

I think it would hinder her chances and if it wouldn't hopefully she would realize it would not be a good thing. TPTB are not tasteful, think any situation that needs to be handed tastefully or with respect---they make a mockery of it.  As it is, TPTB usually manage to make the lead look ridiculous, so why give them more fuel.

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BachTime - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by notarose Sun Feb 15, 2015 6:11 pm

jcrbil wrote:RS's argument is that the guy F2 can be the lead because it's 6 wks from AFR to beginning of filming. With b-ette, it's a matter of days (regardless of the fact that it's been 4 months at least since "heartbreak". I do think that tptb , in the course of 4 months, can figure out how to get the filming done that they need to do in the time period they have, particularly if the f2 wasn't overly heartbroken- and Becca seems to be level- headed and there's nothing we've seen so far that shows her to be hyper-emotional and likely to have a huge breakdown at AFR. So we will see.

If they film BIP before Bachelorette that extends the timeline for all candidates.

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BachTime - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by albean99 Sun Feb 15, 2015 6:17 pm

I don't think they're seriously considering Becca as lead because of what CH said in his blog about her. We saw how nervous Becca was when thinking about kissing Chris so I find it hard to picture what she's do if she had 25 guys to deal with. I like her but just don't think it would be good for her to be the Bachelorette. 

Becca and Chris had a very romantic date and they really seem to get along well. In all seriousness, I don't like to make a big deal out of the "virgin" thing, but you can tell intimacy is an issue with Becca. This is not good or bad and it's not something to be judged, but as far as her relationship with Chris goes, so far, it's an issue. She's not comfortable with her sexuality and she is nervous and slightly uncomfortable in intimate situations with Chris. She did relax towards the end of the date and gave him a very sweet kiss. Becca is a good girl and Chris seems to really like her.

We can look at pretty much anything and have some of it point to Becca and others Whitney (or sometimes even the same thing) but without further info I don't see how to prove any of it. I'm still leaving towards Whitney being the f1 but that could change.

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BachTime - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by StacyNor Sun Feb 15, 2015 6:21 pm

notarose wrote:
jcrbil wrote:RS's argument is that the guy F2 can be the lead because it's 6 wks from AFR to beginning of filming. With b-ette, it's a matter of days (regardless of the fact that it's been 4 months at least since "heartbreak". I do think that tptb , in the course of 4 months, can figure out how to get the filming done that they need to do in the time period they have, particularly if the f2 wasn't overly heartbroken- and Becca seems to be level- headed and there's nothing we've seen so far that shows her to be hyper-emotional and likely to have a huge breakdown at AFR. So we will see.

If they film BIP before Bachelorette that extends the timeline for all candidates.
Impossible! BIP is meant to be a summer show and The Bacherlotte is before then. They wont change their schedule for Becca.

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BachTime - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by umngirl Sun Feb 15, 2015 6:22 pm

notarose wrote:
jcrbil wrote:RS's argument is that the guy F2 can be the lead because it's 6 wks from AFR to beginning of filming. With b-ette, it's a matter of days (regardless of the fact that it's been 4 months at least since "heartbreak". I do think that tptb , in the course of 4 months, can figure out how to get the filming done that they need to do in the time period they have, particularly if the f2 wasn't overly heartbroken- and Becca seems to be level- headed and there's nothing we've seen so far that shows her to be hyper-emotional and likely to have a huge breakdown at AFR. So we will see.

If they film BIP before Bachelorette that extends the timeline for all candidates.

The final casting is being done for The Bachelorette season and it's filming as usual.

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BachTime - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by StacyNor Sun Feb 15, 2015 6:23 pm

albean99 wrote:I don't think they're seriously considering Becca as lead because of what CH said in his blog about her. We saw how nervous Becca was when thinking about kissing Chris so I find it hard to picture what she's do if she had 25 guys to deal with. I like her but just don't think it would be good for her to be the Bachelorette. 

Becca and Chris had a very romantic date and they really seem to get along well. In all seriousness, I don't like to make a big deal out of the "virgin" thing, but you can tell intimacy is an issue with Becca. This is not good or bad and it's not something to be judged, but as far as her relationship with Chris goes, so far, it's an issue. She's not comfortable with her sexuality and she is nervous and slightly uncomfortable in intimate situations with Chris. She did relax towards the end of the date and gave him a very sweet kiss. Becca is a good girl and Chris seems to really like her.

We can look at pretty much anything and have some of it point to Becca and others Whitney (or sometimes even the same thing) but without further info I don't see how to prove any of it. I'm still leaving towards Whitney being the f1 but that could change.

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BachTime - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by nutty1 Sun Feb 15, 2015 6:45 pm

If they really wanted a F2 as the lead, they could have her come out, talk to the guy, have her say "now i realize you weren't the one for me, yada yada, but it has opened my heart to finding my love". Then at the end, introduce her as the next 'ette.

I still think we'd be seeing a lot more of Becca if she was a serious contender.

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BachTime - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by Kashathediva Sun Feb 15, 2015 6:53 pm

I agree with Nutty. I don't see Becca as a candidate for 'Ette.

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