Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

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TeamBecca - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 - Page 52 Empty Hiding Becca in the promos

Post by mimitalks Sat Feb 21, 2015 5:31 am

About Becca and screencaps and so on. I noticed her wearing different clothes in two ITM's that she didn't ever seem to be wearing onscreen in one of the first episodes. No one else in that episode's ITM's was wearing different clothes but Becca. I checked, but haven't found screen caps posted to prove it. She was narrator, rather than discussing Chris or feelings for him. Note: Catherine was this as well - in the first episodes.

Point - Even though we didn't get their first conversation, we all knew who Catherine was. Granted, we were rightly spoiled to her as Sean's pick, so we were watching for it. With Becca, we know who she is, we've seen and heard her and 1) know she's drama free before we ever see her interact on screen with Chris.

Another thing very interesting. In one of the first promo videos - themed "Chris is back" and the page I found it on,

she is very hidden and Whitney is to some extent as well. She (Becca) is also not one of the 5 women to watch by Chris Harrison. Whitney is and Jade is. Neither is Kaitlyn, but she is shown in the video kissing Chris where Becca is shown clearly only in a group shot with the words more than 25 women. She is shown subliminally in a parade of women that runs fast of them coming out of the limo, after a slower one of the women coming out of the limo (focusing for a moment on Kaitlyn) is shown. When I tried to slow the parade of women down to screen capture it, all I got was Whitney, (who was one of the 5 to watch). Running it again and again, she is shown night one coming out of the limo but so briefly the pause button won't catch her. Jade seems to be in this same parade, but she is highlighted in the video where Becca is not and neither is she one of the 5 to watch. You really don't see focus on Whitney in the video other than being in the 2nd quicker parade, but you hear someone say "I love him", and it is not Becca. She has got to be the most hidden supposed F2 in the promos.

I'm just thinking aloud here, trying to see it objectively but I think these promos are always calculated, well-thought out. I was one of the spoiled sleuthers convinced Des and Chris would end up together, and the promo of them shadow dancing where you didn't know who it was (later found to be on the Love and Affection date) was a great clue to who she ended up with.

Very interesting discussion about the necklaces and HTD outfit Becca  wears after the taping. I think back to how he reacted when Becca got out of the limo (described by the women and interestingly, this description is heard in the quick preview of episode 1 on the televised first episode), not because of how she introduced herself but a gut reaction to her.

Other things I've noticed - his voice goes up at the end when he questions her about things - a sign of sincerely wanting to know? vulnerability regarding what her answer might be? Does she like the outdoors? (yes.) This was at the picnic people have described as boring. Could she see this working out? (the loft date). She realistically answered she wasn't sure about that - in this setting. Note: Her date for him - outdoors. His first date for her - outdoors. Whitney's date for him - indoors. His date for Whitney? Indoors to start, then the photo shoot (outdoors), meeting the friends (indoors). Kaitlyn's date for him - indoors. His date for Kaitlyn (well, indoors to start), then outdoors but not exactly roughing it and of course Jimmy was there on most of the parts we were shown).

Then there is this. We spoilers know that she was with him at Elan's birthday party (not filmed according to something reported to RS), later kissing him in the parking lot, right? What has Sean emphasized in his book? How they want everything caught on film, so as not to miss anything. Sean fought for those times with Catherine - could Chris have fought for those times with Becca? Something to think about. Speaking of RS, he seemed absolutely certain that her 2nd one-on-one date (never was it brought out onscreen how unprecedented that anyone would have a 1-on-1 again the next week. Why have we never seen the girls question that - or resent it?) wouldn't even be shown. And when it was, he belittled the fact that only 4 minutes was shown. We know how important those 4 minutes were - it gave us the sunset shot we saw in the big promo (talk about hiding who it was!) and the depth of their relationship at that point.

Why, why, why has Becca been so hidden??? Something to think about.

Last edited by mimitalks on Sat Feb 21, 2015 5:35 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : clarification)


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TeamBecca - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 - Page 52 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by Litta123 Sat Feb 21, 2015 6:57 am

Aunties_Love wrote:I have been going through the ITM's for Becca and noticed a few things.  Might not mean anything, but to me it's evidence that the ITM's didn't happen at that time but later on.

TeamBecca - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 - Page 52 2015-02-20_22-22-37_zpse30fbadf
TeamBecca - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 - Page 52 2015-02-20_22-03-20_zps3de76702

I can't seem to find where the ITM may of taken place though.  Is it from a hotel later on or maybe back at the mansion??

My guess is that those ITMs were taken in Des Moines. We have several other SCs with other girls using that background. I'm pretty sure I've seen Carly with that specifically, which would make it an F6 background. I'm on my iPad at the moment so I can't post I keep my caps on my computer.

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TeamBecca - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 - Page 52 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by Aunties_Love Sat Feb 21, 2015 7:16 am

Litta123 wrote:
Aunties_Love wrote:I have been going through the ITM's for Becca and noticed a few things.  Might not mean anything, but to me it's evidence that the ITM's didn't happen at that time but later on.

TeamBecca - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 - Page 52 2015-02-20_22-22-37_zpse30fbadf
TeamBecca - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 - Page 52 2015-02-20_22-03-20_zps3de76702

I can't seem to find where the ITM may of taken place though.  Is it from a hotel later on or maybe back at the mansion??

My guess is that those ITMs were taken in Des Moines. We have several other SCs with other girls using that background. I'm pretty sure I've seen Carly with that specifically, which would make it an F6 background. I'm on my iPad at the moment so I can't post I keep my caps on my computer.
Oh Rats, thought I was onto something with that blemish being there while on the couch and miraciously gone in the ITM's

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TeamBecca - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 - Page 52 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by stuckinsc Sat Feb 21, 2015 7:50 am

I tried to quote a bunch of you but my phone didn't like it, I go to bed early and the Becca thread has a party!

Truelove, your video is awesome and for the first time actually makes me think that Chris might be good enough for Becca.

I wasn't impressed with Chris most of the season, he has played along with TPTB too easily for my taste and like someone else pointed out, his interactions with the spoiled F1 didn't make me excited. Probably because we don't actually see any growth. She wanted him straight out of the limo and in all their interactions I see her attempting to show him that she is the girl for him. I don't see her actually getting to know him and making sure that he is who she thinks he is. Even when she was down right pissed on Epi 6, she completely blamed Britt, when IMO Chris was as much if not more to blame. Did she even bother to tell him how upset she was? I feel like she leads and he follows and it is okay, but to me that would get old. I am not sure from one screen cap if Chris is really pulling away, but it will be interesting to see if he is.

What has stood out to me is the growing interest with Becca. I don't care what RS says we have never ever had anyone get back to back 1:1 dates. It has been said that the later dates are where the lead finally gets some say. You can't tell me for storyline purposes that TPTB wouldn't rather had either Britt or Kaitlyn get that last 1:1 date. Becca getting that date really stands out to me. And the extra time on Becca's HTD was Chris initiated, whereas the activities with the other three women were all things they arranged for him. Sorry I don't see Chris saying to Whitney let's go drink that expensive wine you told me that you want to drink with your future husband. That is not the Chris we have seen at all where it is totally the Whitney we have been shown.

I am still not 100% who Chris picks because to me Whitney is a safer and easier choice and I do think so far Chris has enjoyed his time with Whitney and her meeting his friends does matter.

What I can say is all of the F3 women seem really happy post show, so good for them. And if RS is wrong, I hope that Whit has found love like Chantal did or is the bachelorette.


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TeamBecca - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 - Page 52 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by Guest Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:18 am

Becaa faved my fan vid and responded heartbeat
TeamBecca - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 - Page 52 Syqro2


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TeamBecca - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 - Page 52 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by stuckinsc Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:20 am

truelovealways wrote:Becaa faved my fan vid and responded heartbeat
TeamBecca - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 - Page 52 Syqro2

Congrats TLA! What did she say?

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TeamBecca - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 - Page 52 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by Guest Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:21 am

stuckinsc wrote:
truelovealways wrote:Becaa faved my fan vid and responded heartbeat
TeamBecca - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 - Page 52 Syqro2

Congrats TLA! What did she say?
She said "so cute"


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TeamBecca - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 - Page 52 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by stuckinsc Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:25 am

Oops, that didn't come up on my phone the first time. Congrats again!

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TeamBecca - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 - Page 52 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by Guest Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:28 am

So Becca was at Disneyland yesterday and Chris is also in L.A umm giggling :yes: question

Also it looks like the necklace Chris gave her made another appearance yesterday and she looks very happy in those pics!


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TeamBecca - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 - Page 52 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by Guest Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:52 am

yer cute TLA! . congrats!! you are famous now giggling


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TeamBecca - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 - Page 52 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by Guest Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:57 am

truelovealways wrote:So Becca was at Disneyland yesterday and Chris is also in L.A umm giggling :yes: question

Also it looks like the necklace Chris gave her made another appearance yesterday and she looks very happy in those pics!

suspicious isn't it? giggling


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TeamBecca - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2 - Page 52 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley - #2

Post by Guest Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:02 am

mimitalks hi

so glad you can see what i have seen all along too Smiley.

great points!! i really think we are in for another pleasant surprise ..:yes:. Aka Chres 2.0 is coming... giggling

fun times then and fun times ahead !

i take notes on your posts. perhaps to post in the compilation of F1 thread later. TY 4 sharing!


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