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Post by sanlee088 Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:33 am

I'm with all of you. I just do not like her at all. I don't know if I even want to watch guys pining for her attention. no no

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Post by stuckinsc Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:34 am

GuardianAngel wrote:
chasingpavements wrote:
Diana wrote:Sorry but I agree with Whitney about Becca.

Honestly, I feel like Becca is way more mature than Whitney in a lot of ways. Whitney came to the show, pretty much already in love with Chris and willing to drop everything to have babies with a guy she's know for a couple of weeks. That's what I saw in contestants like AshLee and Chantal and it did not end well for them. Becca is the only person I've seen questioning herself about things that ex-contestants wish they had done, like "Are these feelings real or is it just the show", "Do I love him enough to uproot my life for this guy", etc.

And, the whole virginity thing. It's being over played. Half of the women in the world get married being virgins. It's just a westernized and modern view that sex = maturity

I totally agree with you. For once we have someone who is level headed and is trying to sort the reality of it all. For someone that has no life experiences, I find her very mature and level headed. IMO Chris has falling for Becca. Whatever went on in the FS it appears they were unanswered questions. Becca isn't going to drop everything for him because she wants to be sure, and he expects her to pick up and move to Arlington. She's knocking some sense into him IMO

BTW I really don't care who his F1 is, for me it's all about the sleuthing.

Love this post. I have multiple friends who have saved their virginity for marriage. These were mature, kind and wonderful women, one did it completely for family and cultural reasons and the others felt it was a respect for themselves thing. They wanted a man to love them, not just the sex they had.

I respect Becca for not just parroting the shows lines the whole time. Good for her for having some integrity. Makes me like her even more.

nuts2uiam wrote:Not trying to sound like Ms. Prude here, but if they sleep with a guy given these circumstances, then they have no right to complain.  Becca is proof of that, she may leave heartbroken but she was not ready for a sexual evening so assuming she gets the gate, at least she still has wha she values.  I guess I have a bigger problem with her signing up for the show knowing  what goes on.  I love her, think she is gorgeous, respect her decision, but still scratching my head over why she would have signed up to begin with.

I am sorry, but did Becca complain that he might have sex with the other woman? I didn't hear it, so just interested.

lexforlife wrote:of course he wants Becca; the family always loves the F2 and re sure of the F2 girl. Once I heard his dad say that, I knew she wasn't his final pick.

Dad sees him loving Becca, the sister is giving him a verbal slap to pick the one who wants to be a wife. So no big sell that way. Oh and JPG's family loved Nikki too. FYI and of course Daddy Hy loved, loved the Murray man.

lurker11 wrote:
GuardianAngel wrote:
chasingpavements wrote:

I'm guessing that blueberry is implying that TPTB are trying to get you to think that he's truly in love with Becca, but his family is pressuring him to go with Whitney, but at the end, he'll make the right choice and go with his heart and choose Becca.

I'm not quite so sure. I felt like Whitney got that "overconfident" edit that most F2s get. Chris H even asked him (paraphrased) "I don't see you thinking about eliminating Whitney. Is it safe to say you are in love with her", which again, makes me think that Whitney is just too obvious. TPTB are putting a lot of doubt into viewers' mind whether Becca would even say yes if Chris proposed. They did leave in that line about Becca saying "If you proposed today, I would say no", which seemed like another way to put doubt into viewers' minds about Becca isn't ready for marriage which could lead to the shocker when she says yes.

Re; the bold, to which he replied,  I doesn't feel right saying I'm in love with Whitney

I thought he said, I'm falling in love with her but it doesn't feel right to say I'm completely in love with her. made it sound like what he said to Becca and Kaitlyn IMO

I agree, to me it just stood out that at this point, I don't think Chris has made his choice. JMO.

KB_Mom wrote:
stuckinsc wrote:Nice that Whitney finally let her inner b**** fly with girls who aren't easy targets.  This is what I saw under the surface all season.  She is not 100% nice at all.  And when she is insecure the claws come out.

Totally disagree.

I respect your opinion, hope you can respect mine. yes

tennischick80 wrote:Okay, WELL- this is sort of a strange comparison, but I keep coming back to Chris & Des vs. Brooks & Des...
Des thought she wanted Brooks. Brooks breaks her heart.
I can see Becca in the Brooks role & breaking Chris' heart. Chris chooses Whitney. (SAME exact thing as what happened to Chris and Des...) Remember we all were like, "NO WAY!" Look at Chris & Des now...they had the last laugh.

I'm trying not to be so invested in the show. But I went into the show expecting to see a Chris & Whitney lovefest (such a cute date), and came out of it totally bewildered.

I just don't see Chris getting down on one knee in front of Becca and she accepting. If I were Chris, I would always be questioning if she was settling for me & looking at other guys because she probably wasn't ready and was pressured.

Sorry, but to me this is very much like Brooks and Des, with Whitney being the over confident one, like Des was with Brooks. Chris was her slow developing relationship that even when she said she was in love with Brooks she couldn't resist Chris. I see Becca's storyline to be very similar to Chris. He took the time to get to know Becca and develop the feelings in a real way not a bubble way like Chris and Whitney and what Des had with Brooks. JMO.

Pia1 wrote:
chasingpavements wrote:
Diana wrote:Sorry but I agree with Whitney about Becca.

Honestly, I feel like Becca is way more mature than Whitney in a lot of ways. Whitney came to the show, pretty much already in love with Chris and willing to drop everything to have babies with a guy she's know for a couple of weeks. That's what I saw in contestants like AshLee and Chantal and it did not end well for them. Becca is the only person I've seen questioning herself about things that ex-contestants wish they had done, like "Are these feelings real or is it just the show", "Am I at the point where I can I promise to uproot my life for this guy", etc.

And, the whole virginity thing. It's being over played. Half of the women in the world get married being virgins. It's just a westernized and modern view that sex = maturity[/quote]

Thank you for pointing this out.  I come from another culture and this view that sex=maturity is so foreign to me.  I think Becca is the most mature and realistic of the 3.

I completely agree. Why does having sex make you so mature? Often having sex with people who don't love you is actually a big sign of immaturity and randomly searching for love in the wrong places. Becca the woman has shown herself to be very mature and sweet with all the women. It struck me on HTD, Becca was calm and kind and just happy to take Chris to her family. As soon as something didn't go Whitney's way she got mad and complained like a spoiled child. Even Whitney's sisters reaction made it seem that Whitney throwing a little fit when she didn't get her way is normal. When her sister was making valid points, points that I am all in and in love Whitney, even though I don't know the guy for more than 48 hours in his presence just blows her off. Then she says her sister is overly critical and drives her crazy. I bet spoiled little Whitney drives her crazy too.

KB_Mom wrote:
Diana wrote:Even his family said he wants Becca, she has to be F1 or else that is so messed up to Whitney.

No, Dad said something like Chris says he wants Whitney but Dad thinks he wants Becca.

Mama Soules and the sister didn't seem to be feeling the love for Becca- the sister said you went on the show to find a wife, not a girlfriend.

I agree with the sister- he's a little old to go steady and get excited about the prom. .  

Sorry, but I so whole heartedly disagree with this statement. I chose a marriage because we both wanted to get married, not because it was my heart's true desire and it was a disaster and unfair to him and made both of us miserable.

If he is truly in love with Becca and not Whitney, then he should not chose Whitney just to get married. Now if he feels equally about both then well, still to me that says maybe you aren't ready to marry either one.

But nope, I will never ever agree that someone should chose their second choice because it fills the plan. The plan can change. Biologically Chris's little men will still be going as strong at 38 as they are at 33. Traditionally with age if that is the issue slow downs in amount and motility of swimmers come in the mid to late 40s. If he has swimmer issues the younger more fertile and less abused vagina might actually be better.

BTW, I am the result of a low sperm count. My parents were told about six months before they got pregnant with me that it was unlikely they would. Dad was 48 and his guys had slowed down and thinned out. Well, here I am. Mom had just started a new job and everything because after a total of 9 previous pregnancies it just wasn't going to happen. I think she might have been the most fertile woman in America. She removed the plumbing after me. My sister had those pipes too. She carried one full term pregnancy and a six month miscarriage with a huge outbreak of venereal warts that resulted in a complete hysterectomy. I unfortunately didn't get the family pipes. But, as Josh said God has a plan for all of us.

JBF wrote:
Jeepers wrote:Whitney is VERY familiar with just how this show works

She's watched it since high school!

How many seasons did Nick preview before coming?

livlafluv1 wrote:Whitney just retweeted Andi Dorfman's tweet saying Chris should pick Whitney. And now Whitney is following Andi. (Fwiw in case tptb make her delete it)

Nick watched Des's season I believe and may have seen parts of others. Not really that much. But yeah, Whitney should realize that she is coming off as way over confident.

umngirl wrote:
tennischick80 wrote:

This means nothing probably - Whitney could just be the cog in the Bachelor machine... does anyone remember the obstacles that Sean & Catherine had to overcome? Was his intensity like Chris' is with Becca with his F2, Lindsey(was that her name)?

IMO, not even close. But plenty of people tried to prove the spoiler wrong that season because they thought they were too different to last.

Chris actually seems like he is legit confused on what to do. Last Bachelor who was really like that was Jason.

Andi and Whit following each other does not increase my like for Whitney at all. JMO.

Also agree that Chris is still torn as to what to do. I hope, that like Sean at least at moments of hard decision he will follow his heart. Sean's heart wanted Cat and he just could not let her go.

see2love wrote:I am definitely a big fan of Becca as she has impressed me with her realistic approach to the whole process. She has handled this like one would in real life and not let herself be immersed in the bachelor bubble. Reminds me a lot of April on Bach Can
I honestly i hope Chris chose who is best for him. If Whitney is who he wants as a wife, i hope he goes for her and wish them the best. And same goes for Becca.

I believe Becca is asking the right questions of herself, Chris and the process, questions others ask when the show has wrapped up and which ultimately leads to people breaking up.
It would have been easy for her to say she was in love and would move at the drop of a hat to Arlington but she didnt. I like that she is willing to take her time and set realistic expectations.
At least he knows how she feels and can make an informed decision. Its up to Chris to decide which direction he wants to take.

I just adore that Becca is staying true to who she is. She is going to be fine either way.

Honestly, so is Whitney, she does not look like a sad woman to me.

Now maybe seeing how undecided he was both decided that maybe he wasn't the biggest prize ever? Hugesmile

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Post by atem Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:34 am

Ladybug82 wrote:
chasingpavements wrote:
atem wrote:Wasn't there a pic of Britt and Jillian (The Bachelorette)?  Was that a hint?  

Was there? I saw a picture of her and Jillian, the contestant, but that's it. That would certainly be interesting.

Your right, CP.  It was black box Jillian from this season.  Not Jillian, Jason's F3 turned 'Ette.

ETA:  if it's Britt, I'm taking the season off.  I don't care how many hot guys she has... Not watching.

Oops! Sorry. That's what I get for skimming that pic.

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Post by atem Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:36 am

ElonM wrote:Chris Soules will be on Kimmel tonight. Just saw it.

Is JK still in LA or back in NY?

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Post by Rolly Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:36 am

KB_Mom wrote:
tennischick80 wrote:Diana- we're in the same boat here. Like we were expecting our couple to sail off into the sunset and that's just not happening, at least not yet- a HUGE barrier to overcome - either he picks Becca or he picks Whitney and she now realizes post-show Chris had this unbelievable connection with Becca. I can't for the life of me see how Chris could spin this around.

I can't either.

I still think Whit is F1. People are doubting because that's the way TPTB want it. Whit is still the best match for Chris. If Des can get engaged to Chris after the break up with Brooks surely Chris and Whit can get past this. I also wonder if part of the attraction to Becca is that she has never been in love, is a virgin and wouldn't say yes to a proposal. The real love story is with Whit... JMO.

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Post by california90 Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:38 am

Is there even anyone on this forum that LOVES britt?! like i know people think she's not that bad, but anyone goes as far as having her as their favorite contestant?

i know there were a lot of people who didn't like andi, but there were some people who were really excited that she was the next 'ette.


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Post by Guest Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:38 am

mindless wrote:It's so obvious that he wants Becca! Whether he has the guts to pick her despite all the question marks is another thing altogether. He's such a wuss I can see him picking Whitney just to be sure. And then it'll fizzle due to him not getting over Becca. Wasn't there some rag mag saying he's engaged but in love with another woman? I can see it.

Kaitlyn is so pretty and I hope she'll be the bachelorette. I felt so sorry for her tonight.

:yes: I'm hoping his family would support him in a real ending, not a you've got 2 days, what's it going to be?! gross.

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Post by Guest Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:40 am

I guess I'm in the minority, because I don't think that Chris Harrison's words meant that Britt is going to be the next Bachelorette. I think he was just promoting WTA, because he knows that Britt was, by far, the most talked about contestant this season and most people are going to want to see what she says to Chris and the other girls. It's like when they were promoting Tierra during Sean's season.

I also think that the lack of photos of Britt and the other girls after the WTA suggests that, if Britt did confront Carly, most of the girls took Carly's side. I don't know if they would pick a Bachelorette that doesn't seem to be well-liked by the most of the contestants. The last time they did that it was with Jake, but I don't think he was their first or second choice.

Last edited by chasingpavements on Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:42 am; edited 1 time in total


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Post by atem Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:41 am

california90 wrote:Is there even anyone on this forum that LOVES britt?! like i know people think she's not that bad, but anyone goes as far as having her as their favorite contestant?

i know there were a lot of people who didn't like andi, but there were some people who were really excited that she was the next 'ette.

Nope, I think due to how obvious the show was with wanting people to cheer for her. Them and RS.

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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Post by atem Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:42 am

chasingpavements wrote:I guess I'm in the minority, because I don't think that Chris Harrison's words meant that Britt is going to be the next Bachelorette. I think he was just promoting WTA, because he knows that Britt was, by far, the most talked about contestant this season and most people are going to want to see what she says to Chris and the other girls. It's like when they were promoting Tierra during Sean's season.

I also think that the lack of photos of Britt and the other girls after the WTA suggests that, if Britt did confront Carly, most of the girls took Carly's side. I don't know if they would pick a Bachelorette that doesn't seem to be well-liked by the rest of the contestants. The last time they did that it was with Jake, but I don't think he was their first or second choice.

Isn't the WTA/MTA when the show pimps their next lead?

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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Post by Diana Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:42 am

That story was not true though. no idea

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Post by atem Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:42 am

Diana wrote:That story was not true though. no idea

Which story?

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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