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Post by JBF Sat Mar 07, 2015 1:33 pm

After Kaitlyn was dumped, I went back to Guardian Angel's F1 poll and debated whether or not I should cast my vote again for Becca.

Yet I couldn't. I have this itch that is bothering me.

Yes, I am well aware that Kaitlyn's boat has left the dock and it seems like she will be on the live ATFR as a Bachelorette candidate rather than somebody Chris may "date" post-show if he happens to breakup with either Becca or Whitney. Even Mister Harrison has insinuated... sort of... kind of... in interviews and blogs that The Kaitlyn Story is finished.

At least until May if she is chosen.

Yet that itch keeps bothering me. It WILL go away once I see Chris and Becca... or Whitney... happy together on the couch discussing their futures together. However, I hope nobody minds if I get a couple things bothering me out of my system here. You can all ignore this elephant of a post if you like.

Going back to this little gem that keeps giving the gift of giving each time you view it...

momoftrips wrote:

Key quote: "Everyone is divided of the Bachelor's final two"

Everyone? Did Fleiss & Company and ABC bother to ask ME if I am "divided" about the "final two"? This makes me mad... and reminds me of Desiree's Men Tell All show, which like Chris' WTA did not show a "montage" of the remaining contestants' "journeys so far", but instead stuck to the most depressing promo in Bachelor/ette history. (*sniff sniff* I don't deserve to be heart-broken... *sniff sniff*) Over the end credits, people in the audience gave their opinions of how Desiree's season would end. Some were pessimistic. At least two thought there would be a happy ending. Another two (I think, but can't remember exactly) said she would pick Brooks and yet another was "Team Drew". Yet I, as a TV viewer, wasn't asked my opinion... nor was Murasaki, Soccermom and a few others not apart of the show but watching from home. We didn't necessarily agree with the rest of Bachelor Nation that she would pick Brooks, Drew or... nobody. Prince Siegfried was never offered as an option.

Back to this promo, we are given equal evidence that Bachelor Nation is rooting for EITHER Whitney or Becca (and Don't You Dare Suggest Any Other Option To The End Of This Silly Show Or Else You Will Be Banished Outside The Gates Of Bachelor Nation!)

"I love Whitney omg"
"Becca and Chris are cute together!"
"Team Whitney"
"Becca = real deal #TheBachelor #TeamBecca"
"Really really hope Whitney is the one"
"Definitely rooting for Whitney!"
"Becca is my favorite pick for him right now"
"Whitney is the only way to go. It's just the right choice."
"I'm definitely rooting for Becca"
"Whitney you're the cutest thing and my vote is for you."

Hilariously this bombardment of tweets are over shots of sad-sad Becca and Chris rubbing his eyes. They clearly aren't as happy as the twitterers.

Chris voice-overs "I may not propose to anyone".

Then... as he puts down the rose, the Voice of Gawd tells us "after the final rose, the surprise twist no one saw coming... LIVE!"

Well... Chris is in the hot seat and Becca and Whitney look "shocked". Maybe those two will be saying "I didn't see that coming"?

In the previous two promos shown before and after WTA, we get Chris lines like:
"I don't think it is possible to make a choice."
His buddy: "I think Chris is really 50/50 and I think that's highly unfortunate." (Again, the wooden rooster in the background... LOL! Also the 50/50 is over a shot of a ring that he may or may not use... 50/50 chance here.)
"There's a very real option that I may not propose to anyone today"
*Cue a shot of him putting down the rose. He did this before choosing Tara in the premiere, but needed to talk to Harrison first. (As he abruptly left the ladies, Whitney said "OMG" under her breath.)
He repeated the act after eliminating Jillian in episode 3. This was also part of a group date that both Becca and Whitney attended that involved wedding dresses run through mud. Chris' key quote: "Putting on these dresses, these girls think they may be walking down the aisle with me, but... um... there's a surprise in store."
He again, for the third time, put the rose down in Bali before talking to Becca... and then giving both her and Whit the roses. "Oh shoot" as Kaitlyn says in one promo.
Now... will the "rose pendulum" swing in the same direction THIS time as with Tara and Becca/Whit... or will it swing like Jillian's situation?

Chris asks Becca: "What do you want?" She responds: "I don't know! I'm waiting for *it* to happen, but I want to get married and I want to have kids". She is then asked if she can make a decision in two days. In the most recent promo, she just says Chris is "the type" of guy she would marry... but not necessarily The One. At least not yet. She could decide in the last moment and they are now living happily ever after.

Whitney is gung-ho certain she's the future Mrs. Soules, but she too has a "red flag". He told her in Bali that there's nothing to do in Arlington and, even though he likes traveling, he also likes "staying at home" a lot. She, in turn, said she worked very hard in her career to get where she's at... the same saga as equally professional Andi Dorfman, who suggested to Chris when she dumped him that she got "lost" in her visit to Iowa and wasn't thinking rationally. Could she "bend" her Chicago life to Arlington as easily as she thinks while visiting his parents... in Iowa, where even Andi's thoughts got cloudy?

We can also add her sister's concerns at hometown as being "one in four". Of course, she was one in four at THAT stage. Yet it is interesting that the week earlier, Britt was angry about Chris giving Kaitlyn the group rose and told him her future husband would never view her as second, third or fourth.

Even though he dumped Kaitlyn, he never gave her an answer of "closure", stating that he was simply throwing darts in making a decision. Both said they were in love with each other... or, at least, HE was "falling in love" in Bali if not "in love" yet. In Arizona, his rap lyrics read: "Flying down the rapids / my heart was beating fast / I hope I don't fall out / So I can make this love last." Yes, he did choose Becca over her, but did he ever officially "fall out"?

So... *technically*... Kait IS still off the table for our consideration, but.. IF... IF... things don't work out with the other two, she is still available until the moment she signs on The Bachelorette Contract's dotted line. Certainly Jimmy Kimmel gave his approval way back in episode 3, "because you can fly around the world up in a helicopter looking over beautiful vistas, but a real relationship is going to Costco's and buying napkins."

In other words, The Bachelor Show is one "world", but not necessarily the same world you occupy when the cameras go away.

northernviewer wrote:I only have a passing interest in this season, but one impression I did get of Chris is that he's almost afraid to make a decision without getting input from other people.  I don't remember any lead who listens to other contestants and family the way he does.  I find him very insecure about where he lives and that he's basing his choice on which girl will actually move there, more than he's basing it on who he has the best connection to.  If he indeed did choose Whitney, I think it'll more because she's his "failsafe" and that he believes her words more than he trusts his heart.  I honestly believe that if he didn't live in such an isolated place that his choices might have been different throughout the season.  Just my opinion based on what I've seen .... and I couldn't care less how this season ends, but I do have a feeling that it's not going to be a normal ending.  I've mentioned before that I think it's going to be more of a Charlie/Jason/Brad 1.0 kinda ending, and I'm still thinking along those lines.

Keep your post on the back burner, northerviewer, for future reference.

It may NOT apply to Chris' season, but... mark my word... a future bachelor or 'ette may very well repeat any or ALL of the following...

Charlie dated his chosen without an "official" engagement like most leads

Jason asked previously DUMPED Molly if they "could go out for coffee or something"... and eventually married her.

Brad 1.0 eliminated two ladies at his final rose ceremony. (You can also add Jen Schefft being indecisive of Jerry Ferris at FRC and eliminating him at ATFR.)

chasingpavements wrote:He has said that he has picked someone (and his family said that she's a great girl), so he definitely picked SOMEONE. I guess it's just a matter of whether he picked her at the FRC or will make his decision at the AFRC. I honestly don't see that happening, because I don't see how he could date both of them without anyone finding out. I feel like he could have picked someone but will propose at the AFRC. And, if it was a Jason-type ending, I feel like they would hype it a lot more. This just seems like the twist they were promoting for Emily's AFRC, where it just turned out that Arie went to NC/wrote a letter.

One interview that stood out for me was Ellen's, broadcast before the fantasy dates when there were three contestants in the running. Although Ellen was baffled between Whitney (her choice) and Becca, "Firecracker" was still there and she never asked Chris, his sisters and mom if he ONLY selected from those two.

I do agree with your way of thinking here. A lot of scenarios don't make any sense. Then again, after Fleiss decided to include Consummation Station on Sean and Catherine's wedding, I think ANYTHING is possible with this silly show.

Back in January, I did some brain storming here on the "general discussion" thread and posted:

Keep this tidbit on the back burner. Maybe it means nothing at all, but I'll add it here anyway.
Last season, Andi kept saying she came here to find a husband. As it turned out, she didn't...
Likewise Jason talked much the same talk and even proposed to Melissa. Then he dumped her post-show and asked Molly if they could... date.
Backtrack to Andi's Men Tell All show when (was it?) Elan had brought a lady in the audience to "go on a date with" Chris. He was sitting with Harrison in the hot seat and seemed surprised by her arrival. Intriguingly she was from... Canada.

If... IF... and all I am doing is Thinking Outside Of The Box with different scenarios here... there is a pro-Kaitlyn "gotcha" at the end of this, I do NOT believe it was an accident.

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Post by Lucas15 Sat Mar 07, 2015 1:38 pm

Max64 wrote:I wonder if the "surprise twist" at the end is just the fact that he's agreed to living in two cities for the time being.  They've made it like his moving from the farm was nonnegotiable, but in the end, it is.  

That's certainly plausible. IMHO the "surprise twists" promised at the end of a season are usually neither very surprising nor very twisted. It seems from interviews that Chris has done during the airing of the season (but very widely known about) that he has indicated a willingness to alter his previous position that they will live in Arlington to one where he sees how he can live in two different places. IMO this is evidence that he will make compromises for his F1 which I see as a good thing for the couple. Given the show's propensity to make everything appear to be "high drama" that could be construed as a "surprise twist". Catherine and Sean were promoted as having a big surprise at the ending and it turned out to be nothing more than that they had decided to have a televised wedding.


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Post by sparkler Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:10 pm

What a creative, thought provoking post JBF...anything seems possible at this point.


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Post by JBF Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:32 pm

Aww... thanks Sparkler.

I think I found a way to keep my outbursts here under control now. Hope it gets me through Monday.

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Post by sparkler Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:35 pm

JBF wrote:Aww... thanks Sparkler.

I think I found a way to keep my outbursts here under control now. Hope it gets me through Monday.

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But JBF, why do you not see "it" with Becca?


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Post by Fleurdesel Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:41 pm

In this pic of Chris, he seems to be holding the ring box in his hand...he's holding something, and someone must have shouted to him to stop smiling from ear to ear! He looks so serious! giggling
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Post by JBF Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:47 pm

sparkler wrote:But JBF, why do you not see "it" with Becca?

Well... she IS my second choice if there is no boomeranging goin' on this season. Believe me, a few here have TRIED to show me The Light and I may still on Monday.

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Post by mtnlvr55 Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:55 pm

personalmakeupartist - Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - Episode - 11 - LCD - FRC - *Spoilers - Sleuthing*- Discussion - Page 39 B_gRkBwWAAAHNQ2
Notice the ring box?
This picture is shown as being taken at 3:40pm--so should be between girls.
Looks like there will be a proposal. 
Becca or Whitney? We can all have our opinions but in the end what he wants is what matters. I hope we can all get along after the final decision group hug
Ooops Fleurdesel looks like I just repeated you...

Last edited by mtnlvr55 on Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:57 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : .)

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Post by Fleurdesel Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:00 pm

Mtnlvr55, It's OK!  giggling I didn't know when the pic was taken! I know you've noticed it first! So, very interesting! Hugesmile

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Post by GuardianAngel Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:11 pm

notarose wrote:Edit talk 

Are the gambling references significant?
Chris' TV journey began with his 1-1 date with Andi at a racetrack.  They bet on horses.  Chris' didn't win but he said he was just happy to be there. In the latest preview Chris walks his snow covered fields.  Great atmospheric shot - also resembles running lanes. Pair this with the shot of him teary-eyed by the fence with 2 horses on the other side.
Lucky:  Chris told Kaitlyn "I'm the luckiest man in the world when I'm with you" (at the salvage place).  Whitney said "He makes me feel like the luckiest woman alive". (Bali) The term may have been used with Becca as well.  Anyone recall?
At the WTA, Chris refers to the Bali RC as "like shooting darts at a dartboard in the dark" and "a coin toss". Is he still in the dark at the FRC?
In latest preview, his brother-in-law uses the term 50:50 which could mean each are equal or reference a 50:50 draw (where half the winnings go to whoever owns the ticket while the other half goes to the organization...  could the F2 be the next bachelorette?)

Lets not forget Ashley who saw productions accounting area, and thought they were "betting".


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Post by sanlee088 Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:16 pm

Fleurdesel wrote:In this pic of Chris, he seems to be holding the ring box in his hand...he's holding something, and someone must have shouted to him to stop smiling from ear to ear! He looks so serious! giggling
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How can he keep this straight face! His eyes look like he may have been crying though?

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Post by Lucas15 Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:21 pm

GuardianAngel wrote:Lets not forget Ashley who saw productions accounting area, and thought they were "betting".


I have to laugh at the terminology "accounting area" and her comment "Oh - is that what they call it now?"

It's likely she saw the room where all the producers review the camera shots that are being taken or have been recently taken and plan their next scene and how they will orchestrate things to make a TV show. I remember a story about one contestant wandering into a room she described as having pieces of paper taped up on the walls with notes on them - clearly where they were story boarding current and future "events". She was escorted out of there VERY quickly as I recall. I don't believe that they tried to tell her that was accounting though ...


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