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fail - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #3 - Page 21 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #3

Post by mindless Fri Mar 13, 2015 3:34 pm

sara11 wrote:Andi Dorfman
Is there an age cut off for #unfollowing people?! (wink emoji) #justcurious

Well I guess she views Joshs constant following and unfollowing immature too

They're both acting like teenagers IMO. Well Andi did say she loves Josh because he makes her feel young. giggling

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Post by SueSt Fri Mar 13, 2015 8:07 pm

Laudergirl wrote:I think subtweeting is far more immature than unfollowing an ex.  And I don't understand how keeping your feelings private and just wanting to move on with your life is being immature. Josh has never spoken out about this breakup or said one bad word  about Andi. Nor has his circle of  "younger" friends. In fact several of them still follow her on SM and have shown support by favoriting her posts.

Josh has every right to do what he needs to do to get over Andi. If unfollowing her so he doesnt have the constant reminders of her popping up on his phone is what's best for him, then he should be able to do that without being judged.  He's not the one announcing to the world that he has unfollowed her. The fans and SM stalkers are.  And  it's not our business. Why do we even know these things? Why are we monitoring their follows and unfollows and favorites? Is it because it gives us hope as fans that things are good between them or that they may reconcile?  They dont need the burden of trying to please us fans as they try to heal and get over one another.  Maybe we are the immature ones in this situation for expecting that. If Josh needs to unfollow Andi in order to heal, so be it.  He needs to do what is best for him. Andi has left and started fresh in NYC.

I also find it a little hypocritical to say Josh is being immature  and not mention Andis tweet yesterday about age limit for unfollowing. She announced what could be easly considered a slam on Josh to all of her hundreds of thousands of followers before she unfollowed him on IG. How is that acceptable behavior but Josh quietly unfollowing her immature? I just don't get it.

Great post laudergirl.  ITA!  :yes:

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Post by SueSt Fri Mar 13, 2015 8:12 pm

Thought this was interesting....

Andi Dorfman Should Be With Nick Viall and Here's Why

Ever since Andi Dorfman and Nick Viall met up in Chicago recently, fans have been wondering if there's a chance that they'd get back together. While we admit that it seems unlikely — the former Bachelorette and Josh Murray ended their engagement in January and Andi also just moved to New York City — we think these two may want to try things out again. Before you start flipping tables Teresa Giudice-style, just hear us out.

Exhibit A: "The mental connection." Andi had a lot of hotties on her season — cue Marcus's striptease — but the only person she consistently talked about having a "we just get each other" feeling with, was Nick. The duo had real conversations during their dates and were very analytical together. Although that's the very reason why Andi broke up with Nick — she said a life with him would be overanalyzing everything — we think that quality could actually work for them in the long term. It can't always be roses and rainbows, so maybe some thoughtfulness would be a good thing in a relationship for the former assistant district attorney.

Another reason it could work for the ex-couple? All of that lovemaking they did in the Fantasy Suites! Even though Nick probably shouldn't have called out Andi on live TV for "making love with him" and then dumping him, let's focus on what's really important here — the fact that they clearly didn't just hook up, they got their lovin' on. Obviously the reality TV stars are compatible in the boudoir and, thanks to Nick, the entire world knows it!

Andi and Nick's relationship was unique in that their feelings really didn't seem put on for the show. The breakup felt emotional and very real. So much so, that ABC producers went to Wisconsin once Nick left the show, to show fans how he was dealing with the breakup. That is so not typical Bachelorette protocol.

Of course there are reasons why the two should not get back together: They live in different cities, it didn't work before, Nick called her out for having sex in the Fantasy Suites, and so on. But this is The Bachelorette we're talking about. Let's stick to the more romantic stuff, shall we?

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Post by stuckinsc Fri Mar 13, 2015 8:56 pm

Um, no! Run, Nick, run!

And calling out other people for their behavior while not being brave enough to just say the person's name is just as immature.

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Post by aviej Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:43 pm

As was stated before, BOTH are being immature. Not just JOsh or Andi. Both have unfollowed and refollowed. And both have been subtweeting. I really wish that all of their "dirty laundry" wasn't aired out on SM though. All this SM activity just tells me that the breakup was not as amicable or mutual as they let on. But, I wish them both the best moving forward as individuals.

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Post by Guest Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:19 pm

aviej wrote:As was stated before, BOTH are being immature. Not just JOsh or Andi. Both have unfollowed and refollowed. And both have been subtweeting. I really wish that all of their "dirty laundry" wasn't aired out on SM though. All this SM activity just tells me that the breakup was not as amicable or mutual as they let on. But, I wish them both the best moving forward as individuals.

Agreed. VERY high-schoolish, which is embarrassing for two educated almost 30-somethings.


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Post by GuardianAngel Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:59 pm

Laudergirl wrote:snipped..

He's not the one announcing to the world that he has unfollowed her. The fans and SM stalkers are.  And  it's not our business. Why do we even know these things? Why are we monitoring their follows and unfollows and favorites? Is it because it gives us hope as fans that things are good between them or that they may reconcile?  They dont need the burden of trying to please us fans as they try to heal and get over one another.  Maybe we are the immature ones in this situation for expecting that. If Josh needs to unfollow Andi in order to heal, so be it.  He needs to do what is best for him. Andi has left and started fresh in NYC.


Why is it ok to stalk SM when everything is hunky dory with a couple and not when they are split?

If they want to heal, they should both unfollow each other and move on. Andi continues with the digs. It looks like to me, she knew he followed/unfollowed her, and that's why she tweeted that. To let her "fans" know, and that's her way of saying "hey look he's following me, I need to block him".

If anyone feels "burden" to keep their fans happy, they have issues IMO


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Post by luvlady345 Sat Mar 14, 2015 6:23 am

People are different, Josh probably has a problem with seeing Andi's tweets and pictures maybe he thought he would be able to handle it, but evidently not. Andi is different, I can imagine Andi being perplexed at the unfollowing when nothing is taking place, she probably is shaking her head. It's always hard when two people are on different pages, which it's clear to see they are....


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Post by FLChica Sat Mar 14, 2015 10:40 am

GuardianAngel wrote:
Laudergirl wrote:snipped..

He's not the one announcing to the world that he has unfollowed her. The fans and SM stalkers are.  And  it's not our business. Why do we even know these things? Why are we monitoring their follows and unfollows and favorites? Is it because it gives us hope as fans that things are good between them or that they may reconcile?  They dont need the burden of trying to please us fans as they try to heal and get over one another.  Maybe we are the immature ones in this situation for expecting that. If Josh needs to unfollow Andi in order to heal, so be it.  He needs to do what is best for him. Andi has left and started fresh in NYC.


Why is it ok to stalk SM when everything is hunky dory with a couple and not when they are split?

If they want to heal, they should both unfollow each other and move on. Andi continues with the digs. It looks like to me, she knew he followed/unfollowed her, and that's why she tweeted that. To let her "fans" know, and that's her way of saying "hey look he's following me, I need to block him".

If anyone feels "burden" to keep their fans happy, they have issues IMO
The bolded was confusing to me as well. Prior to, during and after the show dozens of their "fans and SM stalkers" were posting every tidbit of info gleaned from SM on this forum. There are threads dedicated to this as well. Most of the current pics of MendI shopping for workout gear, sipping hot chocolate, partying with former contestants, etc. are all from SM. If we like/agree with what's on SM it's ok to post, but if we dislike/disagree it shouldn't be posted?

I've never followed any of the leads or contestants on SM, but that's just me. 

FWIW MeandI seems to deal with "burden" of keeping her fans happy by giving them chances to buy products she schills, asking for moving company advice, etc. You know - inviting them to remain a part of her life. Now THAT must be a heavy burden.

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Post by eliza3 Sat Mar 14, 2015 11:49 am

My opinion ;) I think that both Andi and Josh are in a bit different situation with SM. They both know that their SM is followed by fan and foe alike so when they do something like follow/unfollow their feed is going to blow up with comments - both good and bad. Josh knows that. If you are going to use SM as a marketing tool as both of them do, then they know that they have to read/scan their comments. Since SM is an integral part of their businesses, it's important that they foster their fans so when they do post work/business related things they are read I think it is a balancing act in this situation.

Impulsive Josh either doesn't think or doesn't care that many ugly mean comments will result from following then unfollowing.

Again -this is just my opinion

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Post by whit90 Sat Mar 14, 2015 12:57 pm

eliza3 wrote:My opinion ;)    I think that both Andi and Josh are in a bit different situation with SM.   They both know that their SM is followed by fan and foe alike so when they do something like follow/unfollow their feed is going to blow up with comments - both good and bad.  Josh knows that.   If you are going to use SM as a marketing tool as both of them do, then they know that they have to read/scan their comments.   Since SM is an integral part of their businesses, it's important that they foster their fans so when they do post work/business related things they are read   I think it is a balancing act in this situation.

  Impulsive Josh either doesn't think or doesn't care that many ugly mean comments will result from following then unfollowing.

Again -this is just my opinion

Just curious because I thought that Josh just unfollowed Andi . Did he say something mean in is tweet ?

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Post by Rolly Sat Mar 14, 2015 1:25 pm

mindless wrote:
sara11 wrote:Andi Dorfman
Is there an age cut off for #unfollowing people?! (wink emoji) #justcurious

Well I guess she views Joshs constant following and unfollowing immature too

They're both acting like teenagers IMO. Well Andi did say she loves Josh because he makes her feel young. giggling

Can someone explain what Andi's tweet above even means...I don't get the message she's trying to send. I imagine it must be a sarcastic remark because Josh unfollowed her?

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