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Post by AllAboutLove Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:20 am

A fantastic blog (with great snark) for pre-finale episodes! (including a plug for this forum) yes

Bachelor Sam – Five Possible Reasons the Final Rose Will Leave us ‘Speechless’

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Well lovers, we promised we’d give you our new Final Three Leaving Order so here it is.  And hell YES we have flip-flopped and backflipped but only because there are people much smarter than we are who we listen to and, well, they haven’t been wrong yet.

In the days since our Heather-loving hearts were ripped out of our chests and stomped on and then spat on and then shat on and then vomited on and then shat on again, we’ve really taken the time to wonder what on earth the Woodchelor was thinking.  Did he really not see what he had right in front of him?  How could a lovely man with a sense of humor and a self-confessed ‘big-kid’ heart not choose a creature who clearly stumbled in from a magical kingdom?

But then we had to think: what if so-called lovely man with a sense of humor is actually boobs-loving-social-media-posing-man in disguise?  What if Sam doesn’t so much want to start a family as a line of Y-fronts with his face on them?  What if ‘finding love’ is code for ‘finding boobs’?  But if man is all about finding boobs, why did he send Nina home?  Or Emily?  Ok, one had a black spot on her tooth and the other had a spiny, black insect masquerading as a personality, but still: BOOOOOOBS!

So. Much. Confusement.

All that aside, though, what we now believe with every fibre of our alcohol infused beings is that Sarah will never meet the genetic material that went into making Sam.  In other words:  Sarah will NOT get a plane ticket to Tasmania for the meet-the-parents Final Two and she will NOT get to walk down a path in an unflattering sparkly dress and wonder if there’s a ‘but’ at the end of it.

What she WILL get to do is go home and buy an island or something because, well, that’s what rich people do when they need cheering up.

Anyhoo, aside from Sarah’s lack of boobs – ok, they’re technically there but without the magic tape and contouring they really wouldn’t be – all the previews and whatnot that we’ve seen from the beginning of this whole spectacle show her in only three more outfits:  one more Rose Ceremony dress, the little strapless number from the infamous Yellow Room scene, and the hat and the poncho which she either filched straight from her mother’s wardrobe or filched straight from her mother’s wardrobe.

Lana and Snez, on the other hand, are shown in another five different outfits apiece – one each of which are clearly worn in much brisker, say, Tasmanian conditions.

All of which means that Sarah is not Anna Heinrich Mark II, but rather that overenthusiastic blonde one who snapped her leg on a group date because one-on-one time in the back of an ambulance.

We’ve said it before but we’ll say it again:  our sleuth friends are awesome and we grovel in the face of their suspected sober genius.

Anyhoo, picking the winner is harder, but Channel 10 have promised us a finale that will leave us ‘speechless’ so we’ve put our trashed heads together and come up with FIVE undeniable possibilities:

1. Sam gives a rose to BOTH girls, suggests they find a share house together in Melbourne that has a bed big enough for a non food-related sandwich and leaves everyone speechless.
2. Sam gives no-one a rose because he’s about to head back to the horse farm and beg for a good Warricking (thanks Jodi Fenn – we heart your filthiness), leaving everyone speechless (and jealous).
3. Sam gives Snez the final rose and tells her he wants to leave Melbourne and move to WA which leaves everyone speechless because Macedonian-inspired eating disorder in the bowels of Perth.
4. Sam offers Snez the final rose first on the condition that she agrees to move to Melbourne, denounce her Macedonian heritage and commit to bi-monthly childless jags to Bali.  If she doesn’t, he says, he will give the final rose to Lana and tell everyone that it wasn’t just Snezana’s name that reminded him of cheese – leaving everyone speechless.
5. Sam gives Lana the final rose and tells her she reminds him of Margery from Game of Thrones and he just wants to be her Tommen or her Joffrey which leaves everyone speechless because even Joffrey poops on him in the looks department.
Varys too according to Rico.

Anyhoo, personally I think Lana will win because she’s got hair, eyes AND A youthful uterus.  Plus the distance is only to NSW and shops don’t close there at 5pm.

Until Wednesday night, lovers!

xo Flawless

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Post by AllAboutLove Tue Sep 15, 2015 1:53 am

Sam likes his skinny jeans!  giggling

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Post by AllAboutLove Tue Sep 15, 2015 2:14 am

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Post by AllAboutLove Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:45 am

Harry the psychic on Channel 10 tomorrow

Harry T ‏@HarryTMedium  2h2 hours ago
On @Studio10au tomorrow morning at 9.50am with these beauties  #studio10 @channelten

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Post by happygolucky Tue Sep 15, 2015 12:28 pm
Popular Bachelorette Heather Maltman was never going to get the final red rose and should have gone home earlier, admits The Bachelor Sam Wood.

Maltman made the final four because Wood said she was such great fun to be with, not because he had developed romantic feelings for her.

However, given that she fell for the fitness instructor, he believes, in hindsight, he should have sent Maltman home earlier to protect her emotions.

"I loved Heather's company but knowing she was never going to be someone I could ever fall in love with, I knew it would only be harder if she was down to the final two or three," Wood told AAP.

"Retrospectively, I should have done it (sent her home) a couple of weeks earlier but you are also thinking I have to go on date after date with these girls.

"I'd like to spend time with girls whose company I thoroughly enjoy."

Wood said the social media and public fall-out following Maltman's departure was understandable and he felt bad about sending her home.

He said she was more into him than any other girl he had rejected and that made it more difficult cutting ties with her although she was never a chance of winning.

"Heather is a fantastic girl but I knew from my side she was never going to be anything more than a friend,"
he said.

The three single women still in search of the final rose are intruder Lana Jeavon-Fellow, sales rep and single mum Snezana Markoski and event manager Sarah Mackay.

Wood will make his final decision on Thursday.

Comfort Zone is just a prison of our own making. / I hope you dance.


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Post by Maddy Wed Sep 16, 2015 12:19 am

THE Bachelor’s Sam Wood says he has indeed found love but it has cost him financially.

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Post by AllAboutLove Wed Sep 16, 2015 5:47 am

Woman's Day @WomansDayAus  4m4 minutes ago
Ouch! #TheBachelorAU Sam Wood delivers the final burn for “broken-hearted” contestant Heather  

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Post by AllAboutLove Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:35 am

Rosie Waterland ‏@RosieWaterland 6m6 minutes ago
The second last Bachie Wood recap for the year IS HERE: #RosieRecaps #TheBachelorAU

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Post by AllAboutLove Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:48 am

The Bachelor Sam Wood suggests he has done 'the deed' with The One after enjoying THREE secret romantic getaways... but insists he doesn't propose on the show

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Post by AllAboutLove Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:49 am

'My family doesn't even know who I chose': Sam Wood remains tight lipped about The Bachelor finale... as he leaves kids gym in tight ripped jeans

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