Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

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dating - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 14 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by AllAboutLove Mon May 04, 2015 12:30 pm

ElonM wrote:

Judging by her IG behaviour she's not  F1. She's capitalizing on her fame while its hot. Smart girl she is.  giggling She should consider a career in marketing and communications .

Say what you want base on your choice for F1 the lead body language is key on this show. Alysha had a good HTD but Art's BL was the key indicator that she wasn't 'it' for him at that time. As you mentioned AAL that goodbye kiss was a great indicator. Btw , Poppy did say that she knew she was friend zoned after her HTD. From what I noticed he had some similar friend zone moments with Dani and Alysha.
IA. They were all friendzoned other than Matilda by HTDs. He never had an open mouth kiss with anyone other than Matilda. And he only smiled at her face to face and looked in her eyes when saying goodbye. The others? He said "see ya" to Dani and to Alysha he said he had to go and that he would kiss her back if she kissed him. laugh out loud Kiss her back. I trust what Poppy and Danielle L said about Matilda being the one from Art from day one. No reason for them to mislead at all. They both have admitted that they wanted to leave and that they believe Matilda will win. If they want to be seen as correct by the public, they certainly would say what is looking quite inevitable based on Art's behavior.

Alysha is probably thanking her lucky stars she got as far as she did. Who knows how much of that was actually Art's choice or the producers? So many girls were already leaving they couldn't have another girl (Poppy) leave.

And in the recent WD article, Alysha says that while she has strong feelings for Art she hasn't fallen for him because she knows he has stronger connections with the other girls.

At least she has her Southern Sapphire wine. Makes me laugh now because it was by "Wither" Hills. Yep, any chances she had were withered away by HTD.

This expression is on Art's face when Alysha's dad says they look great together. He looks pained. It makes me think of his talk with Matilda's dad (who was basically his therapist on the show). He said it was extremely uncomfortable with the "three other girls". He looks so uncomfortable. When Art is very happy he smiles with his teeth! That is what he did with Matilda's dad when saying "shall we shake on it".
dating - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 14 Vlcsna74

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Mon May 04, 2015 1:14 pm; edited 2 times in total

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dating - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 14 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by emusha Mon May 04, 2015 12:40 pm

LOL she sounds like a very young 20 something loving the limelight ....the watch post is kinda hilarious

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dating - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 14 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by Guest Mon May 04, 2015 12:53 pm

If she got dumped bynthe man what is the harm in getting the other benefits from the show? I see nothing wrng in what she is doing. Almost everyone from this francise does the same. IMO


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dating - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 14 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by emusha Mon May 04, 2015 1:03 pm

LOL she sounds like a very young 20 something loving the limelight ....the watch post is kinda hilarious maybe she watches the girls in the US bach and what they do and she thought she'd promote a product without getting paid to do so cos they do it hehehe  giggling
it makes her come across as materialistic...

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dating - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 14 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by AllAboutLove Mon May 04, 2015 1:19 pm

Being sponsored for something is one thing... asking openly on your IG to be a sponsor is another. She posts a photo of her eating a pack/box of chocolates and tags the company asking maybe they can send her a box? Who does that? I've never seen any of the F3 do that for the other shows. Please send me a box of free chocolates... and tea companies please let me try your tea for free. It is that she is asking... so humiliating and embarrassing, imo to have to ask continuously. if you are wanted they will contact you. Or do it via private message.

It is that she is actively seeking out ways to promote herself and get sponsorships/payment. She posts on the magazine's IG and has to ask for a photo of her by herself so that she can post it of just herself. Even though she has already posted three photos of herself from the magazines that is not enough. Just one more please, and of herself only. Rolling Eyes

She has the least followers out of the F3 girls and yet posts the most about herself. She should look to see if there is a correlation there because, as aforementioned, sometimes less is more.

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Mon May 04, 2015 1:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

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dating - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 14 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by Guest Mon May 04, 2015 1:23 pm

she is so manipulative and narcissistic,

WOW considering that few days ago, it was ok if it was either matilda or dani. what an incredible quick 180° no?

I think we forget that they are young girls happy to have this fame, in the new generation of selfies and such and there is nothing manipulative to ask if she could get also her own single picture. They are all between 22 to 26!!

I personally think it was extremely harsh to say that about a young girl who is just happy to have some spotlight. again WOW


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dating - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 14 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by AllAboutLove Mon May 04, 2015 1:31 pm

I have no idea where "it was ok if was either Matilda or Dani" is coming from? What 180 degree? It would not be okay, imo, if it were either Dani or Matilda that were asking for sponsorships: keyword "Asking".

To provide some clarification on my personal stance, and everyone has the right to their own, this is mine - always has been and still is:

Out of the F3 and their IG posts:
1) Dani has highlighted on her IG things that she has been sponsored to do (the coconut milk for one)
2) Matilda has not posted anything she has been sponsored for
3) Alysha has posted both things she has been sponsored for (the chocolates from Southland) and also asking for sponsorships (chocolates, tea, and watch).

These are facts. Not opinions.

My opinion is based off of these facts. IMO, there is nothing wrong with the spotlight or sponsorships. Nothing wrong with fame and getting something from it. But to constantly be asking for the spotlight, and having to constantly ask for tea and chocolates and free watches and photos of only me, please? Yes, that reeks of materialism/narcissism to me. It is not classy, IMO. I have never witnessed any prior F3 girl asking repeatedly on her IG for sponsorships (especially before the show is even over!).

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dating - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 14 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by Guest Mon May 04, 2015 2:08 pm

may I kindly remind everyone that they are between 22 to 26
dani is promoting good healthy food, something that she does for over a year now
alysha is promoting her local shops which is totally great that she wants to use her fame to make sure the local products have some ads (chococate and jewelry)
if matilda does not want to do it, it does not make her a better person IMO. it is her choice.
dani promoted a breast cancer event... so this is also bad and manipulative and narcissitic?
it does not matter who is F1 really as long as everyone is happy and as far as I know, they all look very happy now.


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dating - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 14 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by AllAboutLove Mon May 04, 2015 2:15 pm

This is not about Dani. This is about Alysha and her posts. Dani is asking for support for cancer. Alysha is asking for some maltesers chocolates and tea. Huge difference, imo.

1) Alysha is choosing to post and ask for sponsorships that benefit herself.
2) Alysha is the oldest of the girls.

So, imo, the viewpoint of age is of little consolation in assuaging my opinion on Alysha and her constant selfies and hashtags and self-promotion.

If the girls that are younger than her can somehow refrain from this repeated behavior that seems to be "just something those that age do" (when it is not, based on evidence that only Alysha is asking for sponsorships that are for herself only) then I would think that Alysha could do the same.

That she is not? Again, this plays into what has been posted not only by myself but others on this board when we first started sleuthing a possible F1-status for Alysha because she posts so much about herself.

The fact that Alysha has the least followers on her IG and yet posts the most about herself speaks volumes to me. It is just all "me, me, me" and if people really liked that, she would have more followers, not less.

It is also noticeable that the girls who have left, the majority wish for Matilda or Dani to win. Brigette even went so far as to say that the only girls who had genuine feelings for Art were Matilda and Dani.

They were there. These girls know each other. Sure they are supporting each other, but at the end of the day, who they are wanting to be F1 is not Alysha. Suspect

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Mon May 04, 2015 2:37 pm; edited 5 times in total

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dating - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 14 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by emusha Mon May 04, 2015 2:18 pm

LOL I think sam frost had a similar challenge of having no idea what to do with her fame...are the US girls more "savvy" and the aussie/nz girls just seem a bit overwhelmed with all the attention? there's no real rulebook for what to do if you suddenly have 10Ks of followers and most ppl who watch some tv on certain days knows you...her sm posts make her sound like she's not F1 cos it seems like she's tryna squeeze her fun out of the limelight while she can...would she be posting a lot like this if there was more of the exposure to come? hmmm maybe hard to tell...

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dating - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 14 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by ElonM Mon May 04, 2015 2:21 pm

Whether she is promoting a good cause or not it's still promoting. Most people from this franchise does it.

Given that other bachelorettes (Andi for instance) from this franchise are/were criticized for such similar behaviour I see no reason to exclude Alysha. Her self promotion has gone over board. To say she is young and capitalizing on her 'fame' is ridiculous. IMO

She's the oldest of the group with the most self promotion. How do you explain this?
Is it because she's unemployed, has more free time than the others or is because she's away from Auckland.

I understand you want to help your fellow 'country' men but geez its getting ridiculous.

If she was F1 no way would she squeeze in as much promotion as she is currently doing.

Last edited by ElonM on Mon May 04, 2015 2:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

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dating - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 14 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by AllAboutLove Mon May 04, 2015 2:21 pm

LOL. Emusha, she is squeezing every last drop before this show ends. laugh out loud

I have no problem with sponsorship, etc. That is exactly what they go on this show for - all of them. And why not? Nothing wrong with it all.

It is only that Alysha is actually asking for it - obviously so.

And all her #blessed so #blessed hashtags? I get it.

Alysha is incredibly #blessed to have platform now where she has to ask on her IG for tea and chocolates. Blessed indeed.

Rolling Eyes

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