Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

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boylondon - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 15 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by Guest Mon May 04, 2015 2:54 pm

I still cant see what the crime is tbh. Self prmotion, product promotion,  its all the same and i cant nderstand why she should be slayed for doing it. Almost everyone in the francise has or is still doing it. Young or old. It is a window and they all try to get the most out of it, some have made careers of it. I cannot and will not slay her for doing what many before her have done. I would think her stupid if she didnt do the self or product promotion to be honest. Unfortunately, thats the world we live in now. IMHO


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boylondon - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 15 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by Guest Mon May 04, 2015 3:14 pm

see2love wrote:I still cant see what the crime is tbh. Self prmotion, product promotion,  its all the same and i cant nderstand why she should be slayed for doing it. Almost everyone in the francise has or is still doing it. Young or old. It is a window and they all try to get the most out of it, some have made careers of it. I cannot and will not slay her for doing what many before her have done. I would think her stupid if she didnt do the self or product promotion to be honest. Unfortunately, thats the world we live in now. IMHO

me too. I see no issue with it and as long as her promo are not hurtful. I am "taken aback" to see this over the top reaction.
we are not at a charity event........

ahem are we still in alysha FAN thread???


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boylondon - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 15 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by emusha Mon May 04, 2015 3:17 pm

see2love wrote:I still cant see what the crime is tbh. Self prmotion, product promotion,  its all the same and i cant nderstand why she should be slayed for doing it. Almost everyone in the francise has or is still doing it. Young or old. It is a window and they all try to get the most out of it, some have made careers of it. I cannot and will not slay her for doing what many before her have done. I would think her stupid if she didnt do the self or product promotion to be honest. Unfortunately, thats the world we live in now. IMHO
ITA - I think those in the american market are doing it with much more finesse cos there are the likes of kardashian etc. that are showing people how to position themselves as a commodity in small and big ways...
if you know a little bit about that lifestyle you'd know the in-your-face 'send me a product' isn't how that works -- there are whole reality (and other) tv shows based on product placement now that show people how and when and in what way to engage their audience...

the NZ market does not seem to be at the same place -- even the aussie one -- and people  (like alysha and sam frost) seem to kind of be winging it and coming across not in the best way IMHO the reason I added the lack of experience as a factor (potentially due to age) is because with more professional growth and experience many people fine tune their approach a bit more in terms of positioning themselves for opportunities -- alysha (and sam frost before her) seem to have only had limited professional experiences after their studies before jumping into this me it was very clear that chantal and laurina were more comfortable "branding" themselves than sam frost was before... and alysha is now...

Last edited by emusha on Mon May 04, 2015 3:27 pm; edited 2 times in total

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boylondon - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 15 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by AllAboutLove Mon May 04, 2015 3:18 pm

This is not a fan thread. The overall topic is "Sleuthing and spoilers".

I for one would like a thread on the contestants where we can discuss negatives as well as positives without having to be fans of anyone. As much as I like Matilda I am not a 'fan' of hers. The definition of 'fan' on this board is one where nothing negative is posted about that person. I have posted in her thread negatives about her (one being that she could just be a producer plant because she works for Media works and that she is perhaps just faking it all).

If all the contestants threads are "fan" threads where do we discuss them individually without having to only post positive things only? As far as I am aware, there are no fan threads made as of yet for any of the contestants, unless I am missing "fan" in the title somewhere? scratch

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boylondon - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 15 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by emusha Mon May 04, 2015 3:22 pm

I am not a fan of Alysha's and I do not really like her -- to me she's just a girl on a tv show who i'm indifferent to -- she's not relatable or very likable... no idea

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boylondon - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 15 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by Guest Mon May 04, 2015 3:35 pm

I,am not a fan of anyone and i still fail to see what she is doing wrong compared to the hundreds before her. We all have differing views and opinions and i am happy to read them all.


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boylondon - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 15 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by AllAboutLove Mon May 04, 2015 3:39 pm

emusha wrote:
see2love wrote:I still cant see what the crime is tbh. Self prmotion, product promotion,  its all the same and i cant nderstand why she should be slayed for doing it. Almost everyone in the francise has or is still doing it. Young or old. It is a window and they all try to get the most out of it, some have made careers of it. I cannot and will not slay her for doing what many before her have done. I would think her stupid if she didnt do the self or product promotion to be honest. Unfortunately, thats the world we live in now. IMHO
ITA - I think those in the american market are doing it with much more finesse cos there are the likes of kardashian etc. that are showing people how to do position themselves as a commodity in small and big ways...
if you know a little bit about that lifestyle you'd know the in-your-face 'send me a product' isn't how that works -- there are whole reality (and other) tv shows based on product placement now that show people how and when and in what way to engage their audience...

the NZ market does not seem to be at the same place -- even the aussie one -- and people  (like alysha and sam frost) seem to kind of be winging it and coming across not in the best way IMHO the reason I added the lack of experience as a factor (potentially due to age) is because with more professional growth and experience many people fine tune their approach a bit more in terms of positioning themselves for opportunities -- alysha (and sam frost before her) seem to have only had limited professional experiences after their studies before jumping into this me it was very clear that chantal and laurina were more comfortable "branding" themselves than sam frost was before... and alysha is now...
Emusha, I can see where you are coming from with a lack of branding and understanding of that and that is definitely evident in comparison to non-US contestants and makes a lot of sense.

However, Sam never posted photos of herself and seeking self-promotion before the show finished. She never promoted herself on her IG while the show was airing, she waited until she was F1 and even then she never was asking for someone to please sponsor her. They all update their email to business enquiries, etc but that is not the same as posting pics of oneself and tagging numerous tea companies in hopes they will sponsor one's daily mint tea drink of the day.

Alysha has been posting photos of herself and seeking promotion and asking for sponsorship/free stuff since the show began and the keyword is asking for it.  

So while there is a case to be made for a lack of branding skills, I beg to differ that they are not the same:
- One is post-show and being dumped (Sam) and the other is during-show and still on it (Alysha).

That is why I have said I have never seen the likes of it before. Because I haven't -- not pre-final episode (and while the person is on the show).

Not so much promotion, but I haven't yet seen a non-F1 post intimate photos of themselves with the lead either and then tag him on posts as well. And I say non-F1 since we have discussed how these can be F1 possibilities already on her thread.

Thus, I am looking at it from a non-F1 perspective and to me, I find it a bit disrespectful if she is not F1 to be posting those types of things on her IG.

It is one thing for fans or fan accounts to do so or friends or family or to like or retweet them, but to upload them oneself? Both Alysha and Dani have done this - uploaded s/caps of themselves with the lead. As much as they all seem to be "friends" I think it would be more friendlike to not do so - certainly more respectful.

But, again, that is my opinion and it would be the same regardless of the show or franchise. It is why I respected Lisa and even Louise for not doing so while the Bach Aussie S2 show was airing and the same for Becca and Kaitlyn not doing so for Chris's season TBUSA. Even Trisha never did for Bach Can. So for me, they have my respect.

I would hope that women would be happy for the F1 and not have to post photos of themselves kissing and having their legs wrapped around a man who never chose them?

There's a line, imo, and Alysha has crossed it. One doesn't need a handler or someone who has PR skills to teach one to just be respectful of the fellow girls and not post intimate shots and tag the lead if you are not F1. Somehow even those in Australia and Canada are able to do this.

That is just my opinion on this board and that is where it stays. I don't care for Andi either but that opinion also stays on this board. Does that mean any ill will to them? No. It just means they don't have my respect and they certainly don't need to. They are just fine without it laugh out loud

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boylondon - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 15 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by emusha Mon May 04, 2015 4:05 pm

I think we see the show differently than the contestants do...they see the incredible increased attention they're getting and aren't sure what to do with it. first of all -- this is a tv show probably one of the most popular shows on TV. Art is a reality tv star at the peak of his fame for this franchise -- his "star" will continue to rise up till the FRC and at the FRC IMHO it will be at it's ultimate peak since the beginning of the franchise... Alysha if she was thinking with a promoting herself cap would align with Art's "brand" to get more and more exposed during the show... I believe several people have posted pics with the lead leading up to their dates -- didn't Andi's guys do this during the show or am I imagining things? 
Alysha sounds like a young high school teacher and student who is now finding herself in the midst of a hit tv show... whether it be to brag or to get something out of her 15mins she would certainly be posting things that showcase her connection with the lead "star" of the tv show and her own involvement in it... I'm not saying it's not in poor taste if she's not F1 - I am saying though that she was in a relationship with this guy that was shown on tv in real time ppl don't think to remember that her relationship with him is over at this moment in time if it is indeed over...  anyways I agree that diff ppl have diff opinions 

I think the BachAusS1 winner Anna used to post pictures of herself and tim while the show was airing correct?

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boylondon - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 15 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by Guest Mon May 04, 2015 4:30 pm

emusha wrote:I think we see the show differently than the contestants do...they see the incredible increased attention they're getting and aren't sure what to do with it. first of all -- this is a tv show probably one of the most popular shows on TV. Art is a reality tv star at the peak of his fame for this franchise -- his "star" will continue to rise up till the FRC and at the FRC IMHO it will be at it's ultimate peak since the beginning of the franchise... Alysha if she was thinking with a promoting herself cap would align with Art's "brand" to get more and more exposed during the show... I believe several people have posted pics with the lead leading up to their dates -- didn't Andi's guys do this during the show or am I imagining things? 
Alysha sounds like a young high school teacher and student who is now finding herself in the midst of a hit tv show... whether it be to brag or to get something out of her 15mins she would certainly be posting things that showcase her connection with the lead "star" of the tv show and her own involvement in it... I'm not saying it's not in poor taste if she's not F1 - I am saying though that she was in a relationship with this guy that was shown on tv in real time ppl don't think to remember that her relationship with him is over at this moment in time if it is indeed over...  anyways I agree that diff ppl have diff opinions 

I think the BachAusS1 winner Anna used to post pictures of herself and tim while the show was airing correct?


I also think that alysha living in the "coutry", far away from Auckland, THE city, THE place to be, she wanted to promote the local products. I think she lives in a small city where everyone know each other and the mentality is way way different from the city (I know I have been in her shoes).

If she was clearly getting $$ for her ads, I would be meh. But I think, besides a gift box (not even proven, I am the one to assume), she did not get much $$. Again... i do not see the horrible huge deal about it. She is not selling anything, she is not promoting anything illegal either. Once the show is over, everyone will be back to normal life. This is not hollywood! duh

Last edited by HEA on Mon May 04, 2015 4:44 pm; edited 1 time in total


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boylondon - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 15 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by AllAboutLove Mon May 04, 2015 4:39 pm

A lot of the F1s (as would be the case with Anna) have and will post intimate shots (kissing close ups, for example) of them with the lead. Whitney is just one recent F1 that did this with Chris.

Non-F1s? Not so much.

It is why SM activity by Alysha was so confusing to me early on and I was the one to post she may be F1 because of TBNZ following her (she had the only public account at the time) and her multiple bachelor-related posts and repeatedly stated that the only reason this could be is because her post-show behavior is typical for a F1 who posts these things. I never thought she was F1 based on the show at all. And still don't. However, I am no longer confused by her SM posts being F1. I see them as the opposite of F1.

On her IG, Alysha also would tag the lead on her posts, and then comment on his posts as well. As you said, it is probably to link her to Art's brand. That makes sense. yes Hitch yourself to the back of rising star and all that (she did that with her ex-partner/husband). What makes even more sense to me is she married a guy who has fame in his own right and wants some of that fame for herself: he is a pro-rugby player and she could get some fame in her own right by going on this show. When she was married to him and living in Japan with her husband she was able to travel and go on exotic vacations with him (she married in secret and then said to the media she had never married, then said she did, etc, etc) and she still has these posts on her IG to show this.

For me, I see it as a way to look "desirable" to men while getting some fame as well. Her IG post of her topless from the back and then another IG post from a "fan" video of a young boy saying he loves Alysha and her posting this on her IG is all just odd to me for someone who is a teacher. But, it makes sense because she is not a teacher and hasn't taught in a school for years. She is 26, which means if she was with her husband for 2 years and only last year they separated then she hasn't taught for 2+ years.

Her saying she is going back to school makes little sense if she could just be a teacher again. Her husband's tweets and Twitter favorites don't cast a good light on her either. He also changed his IG username and she still has him tagged in her pics. The girls in the house that have said who they want to be F1 the majority do not say her at all. I think Art and even the girls just feel sorry for her given her situation.

I don't know why but usually I am sucked into stories of humble beginnings and bad experiences but not with her. The problem is that when one seeks out to get attention and acceptance even through asking for a tea company to sponsor you for tea it only will hurt her more when she faces more rejection. The fact that she even asked on the public IG of the magazine for a photo of just her? She could have privately messaged the people and asked. Yes lack of awareness, but to me, it is more about ensuring not being rejected/ignored.

I think this girl has a lot of issues and lacking self-awareness and mixing that with a bit of fame is never a good idea. Oh well. Best of luck to her. It is actually quite sad when someone has to ask for free chocolates on their public SM. If one has to ask for something, it is probably indicative of where one stands.

It will be interesting to see what happens once the show ends and the spotlight is not on her? Because I don't see her as F1 at all. No doubt as you and ElonM have said, it is final days and counting and she lives in the South Island so not much interaction with those in Auckland where the show and other girls and Art is at. It really is down to the wire so it makes sense why she is full speed ahead trying to get in as much as she can before it all ends.


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boylondon - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 15 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by Guest Mon May 04, 2015 5:05 pm

IMO of course, I doubt that sm activity defines the entirity of a person. The fact that she posts stuff to promote or ask for things cant mean she has issues. Not everyone takes SM that seriously. I also have learned not to define people by their SM activities and i cant take the characters on this shows seriously anymore also. I take it for what it is.....something to entertain me and not the definition of a peorsn's character. But thats me.


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boylondon - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 15 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

Post by Guest Mon May 04, 2015 5:12 pm

see2love wrote:IMO of course, I doubt that sm activity defines the entirity of a person. The fact that she posts stuff to promote or ask for things cant mean she has issues. Not everyone takes SM that seriously. I also have learned not to define people by their SM activities and i cant take the characters on this shows seriously anymore also. I take it for what it is.....something to entertain me and not the definition of a peorsn's character. But thats me.

me too. Smiley


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boylondon - Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha - Page 15 Empty Re: Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

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Bachelor New Zealand - Alysha

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