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Post by Lucas15 Thu Jun 11, 2015 2:17 pm

see2love wrote:IA! And why didn't she explore that relationship with Nick without taking the bachelorette gig? I can't seem to understand that. Nick who claims to like her had her number and SM details to pursue her before she was Bachelorette and she had the same to explore her attraction towards him yet they both wait to play it out on TV. I am sensing they are both lovers of the limelight.

BKay wrote:Or she couldn't turn down the money, and the residuals that should come along, and he completely understood that. If you aren't a trust fund baby, this kind of opportunity changes your world.

IMO both. In the case of Nick IMO it's that he loves the limelight and couldn't pass up an opportunity to be on TV again and have SM fans following his every tweet. I'm sure he had plenty of opportunities to meet women who are far more grounded and sweet that dipping into the Bachelor Nation pool where they are all a bit crazy. In the case of Kaitlyn I think it was more the money and residuals that doing the show can mean, and maybe a touch of adventure seeking. IMO the reason an off-screen relationship was never pursued was because that wasn't the top priority of either of them. If either of them really wanted a relationship they stood a vastly better chance of developing one outside of the producer manipulation that comes with being on the show.


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Post by OnePromise Thu Jun 11, 2015 2:34 pm

I see it a little differently...
IMO, nick did not come right out and say, "I like you and want a relationship with you, Kaitlyn," so she had no real reason not to take the bachelorette gig.  

Why did Nick not say anything? Because who in their right mind would ask a girl to turn down that opportunity for the possibility that they might be able to have a relationship.  Plus, they live in different would he be able to offer her a relationship that could compare?  It's not like he could say, "let's go out on a date". And starting a relationship long distance would be nearly impossible.  

Besides, Nick strikes me as the type of guy that wants Kaitlyn to have every opportunity that life can provide her.  Even if that means he doesn't get to be in a relationship with her. His friend said (in the US Weekly article) that Nick was really hoping that Britt would be chosen and then he wouldn't have to deal with the show at all.  They could just let things develop naturally, slowly, in real time.  But when she was chosen to be the Bachelorette, he couldn't let the infatuation go and chose to go after her.  The show just happened to be in the way.  Plus, if it was me I wouldn't want Kaitlyn to give up the opportunity of being the Bachelorette for me and then have our relationship not work out...I would feel guilty about that and she would probably resent the situation too.


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Post by Alanna Thu Jun 11, 2015 2:37 pm

If Kaitlyn wanted Nick, she would have had him long before the show, whether or not he said anything first is irrelevant. She's not shy.

This is a part of why I don't think he's f1- she would have chosen him before any of this hoopla if that's what she wanted. JMO.

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Post by Guest Thu Jun 11, 2015 2:41 pm

Alanna wrote:If Kaitlyn wanted Nick, she would have had him long before the show, whether or not he said anything first is irrelevant. She's not shy.

This is a part of why I don't think he's f1- she would have chosen him before any of this hoopla if that's what she wanted. JMO.

Kaitlyn could not have nick before the show, chris show was been cast while I am his was been aired.  Then hers was airing when they got in contact they had not met until on her show, why should she give an opportunity just to see let him come if is that interested in her, he did come did he not.  Now it is up to her if he is the final 1 and I do believe he is. If she did not choose him then that is okay too, someday he will meet is one and gods plan will work out. He is as they say SWSNBN now kaitlyn trash but will someone elses treasure.

Last edited by reason on Thu Jun 11, 2015 2:58 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post by agentcurls Thu Jun 11, 2015 2:47 pm

Alanna wrote:If Kaitlyn wanted Nick, she would have had him long before the show, whether or not he said anything first is irrelevant. She's not shy.

This is a part of why I don't think he's f1- she would have chosen him before any of this hoopla if that's what she wanted. JMO.

thats a good point, A Smiley

I think, too, that she might've carried a little torch for him beforehand and built up some expectations about him.....her being the idealist, Nick might not meet those expectations in the end. I kinda feel sorry for Nick in that sense because he has more pressure put on him because of this. This is where the other men have an upper hand.

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Post by Guest Thu Jun 11, 2015 2:54 pm

Alanna wrote:If Kaitlyn wanted Nick, she would have had him long before the show, whether or not he said anything first is irrelevant. She's not shy.

This is a part of why I don't think he's f1- she would have chosen him before any of this hoopla if that's what she wanted. JMO.

Call me cynical, but I think that the fame and money that she got from being the lead was more important than ANY romantic interest. I think that's true for most leads, with people like Chantal and Chris L being the rarity. I mean, IIRC, Emily Maynard said that she met her future husband and he asked her out a couple of months before she went on the Bachelorette. I suppose that you can argue that there was a contract in place and all that, but at the end of the day, it was the love of her life and she was still able to walk away.

They had never met IRL at that point. What if they met and he just wasn't that great in-person? She would probably spend the rest of her life regretting that she gave up an opportunity like the Bachelorette for a guy that she had FT-ed for a couple of weeks.


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Post by Alanna Thu Jun 11, 2015 3:09 pm

chasingpavements wrote:
Alanna wrote:If Kaitlyn wanted Nick, she would have had him long before the show, whether or not he said anything first is irrelevant. She's not shy.

This is a part of why I don't think he's f1- she would have chosen him before any of this hoopla if that's what she wanted. JMO.

Call me cynical, but I think that the fame and money that she got from being the lead was more important than ANY romantic interest. I think that's true for most leads, with people like Chantal and Chris L being the rarity. I mean, IIRC, Emily Maynard said that she met her future husband and he asked her out a couple of months before she went on the Bachelorette. I suppose that you can argue that there was a contract in place and all that, but at the end of the day, it was the love of her life and she was still able to walk away.

They had never met IRL at that point. What if they met and he just wasn't that great in-person? She would probably spend the rest of her life regretting that she gave up an opportunity like the Bachelorette for a guy that she had FT-ed for a couple of weeks.
We'll make a deal, I'll call you cynical if you call me cynical laugh out loud laugh out loud

I just think that Kait talked to and flirted with Nick like she talked to however many others in her rotation of dudes (firefighter, making out with whoever at wta, etc.) and this is just one of her random flirtations coming out of the woodwork as a SURPRISE on this "journey." They have some chemistry, yeah, but that's because everyone else is literally a stranger to her right now. JMO.

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
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Post by nd4reality Thu Jun 11, 2015 3:22 pm

IMO we are hearing too many inconsistencies out of Kaitlyns mouth to be able to make a conclusive judgment call as to what really transpired between her and Nick. And why they individually made it to the show.

It also seems like some Nick fans are defending his and her actions in this regard steadfastly whereas the rest are questioning it (the actions). Bottom line, no one can say what went down with any confidence. Or make excuses for them either way.

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Post by mercieme Thu Jun 11, 2015 3:25 pm

nd4reality wrote:IMO we are hearing too many inconsistencies out of Kaitlyns mouth to be able to make a conclusive judgment call as to what really transpired between her and Nick. And why they individually made it to the show.

It also seems like some Nick fans are defending his and her actions in this regard steadfastly whereas the rest are questioning it (the actions). Bottom line, no one can say what went down with any confidence. Or make excuses for them either way.

Good Post  I agree

Well said, I couldn't agree more.


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Post by remockered Thu Jun 11, 2015 4:03 pm

It is pretty obvious that Kait expected him to show up; the meeting was very staged. Nick had to hold the cup up to his mouth to keep from laughing. I am sure that Kait was waiting for him to show, but just wAs not sure when he would be coming on. That is why she was surprised and thrilled at the same time. Disregarding any love/ lust connection, who would not be thrilled to have a good friend to hang with when surrounded by strangers? Just like they both knew he was coming on the show, they both knew how he would be portrayed. I don't know what deal Nick made with the devil, but I hope he got well compensated. I believe he might have been looking to restore his image and may have even been given assurances, but this is also not his first time at the rodeo. IMHO, he went into this with his eyes wide open and more lighthearted than the previous season. Maybe Kaitlyn choosing no one was the storyboard or maybe Nick was just a diversion from the true love at first sight. Unfortunately, the only person that is actually damaged from the edit is Kaitlyn, as Nick is an established villian and Shawn has " wronged suiter" written all over him.

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Post by OnePromise Thu Jun 11, 2015 4:11 pm

I read Nick and Kaitlyn's first meeting totally differently. I see a genuinely suprised Kaitlyn and an awkward but amused Nick.  His shy but beaming smile when she first sees him looks kind of sneaky.  But I see this related to the fact that he is suprising Kaitlyn, not trying to deceive the audience.  His sole focus is Kaitlyn, not the cameras.  In fact, in all their scenes together from this past episode Nick does not even give the cameras a second glance.  His attention is exactly where it should be...Kaitlyn.

And Kaitlyn...well she is nearly speechless when talking with Nick on the couch. She is trying to wrap her head around the fact that Nick is here...for her...and that he might stay. But who gets to decide if he stays? And then it hits her...she has to decide. Reality hits. Kaitlyn is not a good enough actress to play out all of those things as transparently as it appeared on my screen last Monday night.


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Post by agentcurls Thu Jun 11, 2015 4:22 pm

K is easily excitable...she is kind of a gusher. I think she was truly excited about Nick being there. I'm just not sure how "surprised" she was.

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