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Post by Alanna Sun Jun 28, 2015 12:10 pm

I don't think they're together, I just don't see them acting like a couple newly in love; I don't think that "maturity" is a valid excuse for not acting like you're in love if you're in love, see Whit and Chris for more deets on this.

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Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


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Post by dedré Sun Jun 28, 2015 12:21 pm

chasingpavements wrote:Hmm, to me that's not really confirmation that they are together. I definitely think that they are still friends, but I'm still thinking that they are broken up. Just a feeling, from their last segment on the Bachelorette and I feel like Kaitlyn would have been like "She's super happy with Brady", when asked about Britt at the AOL thing.

RS usually (or always?) gets it right about couples breaking up, even when the couple themselves are saying otherwise and acting like they aren't on SM.
what did Kaitlyn say about B+B ? But remember when Britt was asked if she knew who Kaitlyn picks at the end Britt was like " yeah I know how it all goes down " and we all thought she said that because Kaitlyn was not engaged


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Post by docnash14 Sun Jun 28, 2015 1:08 pm

Alanna wrote:I don't think they're together, I just don't see them acting like a couple newly in love; I don't think that "maturity" is a valid excuse for not acting like you're in love if you're in love, see Whit and Chris for more deets on this.

I go back and forth about it but think you are likely correct. When Brady was in L. A. last week he documented a lot of time spent with friends and, as far as I know, there were no sightings of them anywhere as a couple. If they were a couple, I would think there would have been more time spent together even if it was done in a SH setting.

Brady has really taken to this periscope thing. He was answering some questions last night from folks, He indicated he couldn't say much about the Bachelorette but did say that Britt was a great girl. Didn't get much of a sense of anything else. He was also asked if he was going to be part of the MTA and he answered that he didn't know yet.

I said weeks ago, it's been clear that Brady was smitten with her; what has been unknown is whether she felt any chemistry with him even at the beginning. I think Britt would have given anyone a chance - all tptb's machinations aside - who was willing to leave the show and see where it might go with her. But at the very least, I think they are friends. Last Monday Britt took to IG to thank Brady for being very inspirational and comforting that particular day as apparently she was struggling with something. And they have been liking each other's photos. In fact, they both almost at the same time posted a picture of themselves as adolescents during the summer in their respective hometowns. Things like that do give me pause.


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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Jun 28, 2015 2:56 pm

They may just be friends or taking it slow? Didn't Britt say she was in a 3 year relationship with no intimacy when she was on CS season? The last snippet we got of them was her mom saying she sees them as friends and Britt says, "so you can tell?"

Nothing wrong with them being just friends and supportive of one another or taking it slow. From the article in the magazine, it doesn't sound like there is any pressure from either of them to rush things and they have their faith in common and Brady said that if it works out great and if not he has a friend for life. So I don't see anything negative coming from this either way.

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Post by MissB Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:57 pm

Just listened to RS spreecast and he is still adamant that these two are done and everyone in the franchise knows.
I hope they bring Britt or Brady not both during MTA or ATFR, preferably Britt.


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Post by Guest Fri Jul 03, 2015 2:47 pm

Does he say anything about the rest of the cast like Kaitlyn, Shawn or Nick?


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Post by MissB Fri Jul 03, 2015 3:18 pm

Yes. The usual.
Kaitlyn and Shawn are still engaged but won't last.
Nick loves attention (the reason he came back). He is very sure because he knows things about Nick that he can't say. His source is someone close to Nick.
It was short and repetitive.


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Post by dedré Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:22 pm

MissB wrote:Just listened to RS spreecast and he is still adamant that these two are done and everyone in the franchise knows.
I hope they bring Britt or Brady not both during MTA or ATFR, preferably Britt.
I will believe it when I hear it from Britt or Brady... I mean if Kaitlyn did not spoil her own ending on snapchat RS would still be adamant that Kaitlyn is single

I will say though it's kinda weird how Brady was gushing about her on SM and just stopped all of a sudden!!! Also one of Britts fan pages on Instagram asked Britts mom if she approves of Brady and she responded by saying "Brady is an amazing man" so if they did break up it was probably the week he went to LA Britt probably broke up with him then! But I don't think it's months ago like RS is suggesting


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Post by MissB Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:47 pm

The last pic Britt posted of them was 5 weeks ago with the caption #teambeanie#fbf didn't even tag him or say nice words. People are on her case everyday asking why she doesn't post pics of Brady but she ignores and doesn't post. IMO she didn't want to lead them on like Brady was doing, then later realize they had already broken up (if they indeed are). Maybe when he went to LA last month Britt told him to stop posting their pics. Most of these pics look like they were taken the same day because they are wearing the same clothes in all of them and its like he was posting one every week to keep the conversation going. Maybe she told him to give her time to think about their relationship and he continued gushing to win her over. Smiley JMO.

Wish them the best.

Last edited by MissB on Sat Jul 04, 2015 3:20 pm; edited 7 times in total


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Post by stuckinsc Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:48 pm

RS is a hateful, creepy man. He still hates Arie, for all those mysterious reasons he can't say. He hates Nick for all the mysterious reasons he can't say. Brooks likes Cougars because he took one pic kissing on woman on the lips, a peck, not tongue or anything.

Now he has it in for Britt and Brady. I don't care if they are together, why does he have to be so mean and negative.

But for a long time he loved Andi, one of the most unlikeable people to come out of this franchise IMO.

I don't take anything this jerk says seriously, so Brady and Britt if you are together good for you. If instead you met a really good friend good for you still. You are still better off than RS will ever be.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Jul 04, 2015 3:34 pm

I liked Brady before and on the show but I don't get why he live-tweets the show and other contestants when he is not on that episode?

Britt doesn't tweet or post about the show yet Brady seems to tweet other contestants and the strange part is that they don't really know each other since he left night one.

I guess I didn't expect him to be tweeting so much about the show since he left to try things with Britt.

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Post by Guest Sat Jul 04, 2015 3:42 pm

^^Brady is trying to extend his bach connection because as a singer any promos help him, and I think that's all it amounts to. imo.


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